Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A couple of easy ones to start

This singer is out of his mind. His model girlfriend was not beautiful enough for him or he thought he could do better. Somehow he thought his aging, one hit wonder self could get him someone better. What he got was a lesson in how the grass is not always greener on the other side. After bedding a series of 18 year old girls and acting like the wannabe rock star he thinks he is, his ex was seen in public with a collection of men befitting her beauty. Our singer broke and is begging for her to take him back. So far she just keeps laughing at him.

Seeing this actress and her complexion Monday night reminded me that she had to miss the world premiere of a movie and almost another because her face had turned into one big zit.

Now, one to make you actually think

Yesterday I told you about the married actor getting the phone number of a lovely young thing after his wife thought she had stopped him cold. Well, getting numbers to someone who is not your significant other is easy. Getting the numbers while your significant other is in the room is much harder and doing what this NEXT actor did is the toughest of all.

A few weeks ago, this actor was at a party with his award winning actress wife of a few years. Also at the party was his former girlfriend and co-star now married but solo that night. The two have remained close. Throughout the night our actor and his ex flirted outrageously. Enough so, that the notoriously jealous wife really wanted to leave. Our actor sweet talked his wife like a poet and said there was nothing to worry about. He was just friends with his ex. Twenty minutes later another guest at the party opened a locked bathroom door that had not been completely shut and found our actor and his ex with certain parts exposed. The intruder apologized and left and proceeded to tell all at the party what they had seen. Most couples caught in the act would end it right there. However, our actor continued on until completion. After emerging from the bathroom tryst, our actor was a model husband and never left his wife's side. If she knows, she is not telling.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Is the third item Ashton and Demi?

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    James Blunt for the first one.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    the last one is Ben Afflack


  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    And if it was Ashton, his ex could be Amy Smart, who co-starred with him in The Butterfly Effect, and was in "Just Friends".

  5. Cameron Diaz for the second one. She missed the premiere of "Gangs of New York" due to skin problems.

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    i like Blunt for the 1st BI but he's too new for a one hit wonder title already, right?


  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Camy Diaz is known for having terrible skin...poor girl I feel her pain.

  8. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I wonder why anyone hasn't told her about Proactiv?

    Last one sounds like Warren Beatty & Annette Benning? I could see him acting that way, I don't know though.


  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I doubt the last one is Ben Affleck because I don't think Jennifer Garner has a reputation for being notoriously jealous

  10. James Blunt is a good guess, but I wouldn't consider him "aging" and a "one hit wonder". His album is great. I need to think more on this one.

    Cameron Diaz was first to pop in my mind for the second one. Everyone knows she has skin problems.

    The first person to pop on my mind for the 3rd one was William H Macy, but I think he's been married to Felicity more than a few years, and really wouldn't consider him A List. Oh, and also Ben Affleck- JLO was there, was an ex and a costar, but Mark was there so that leaves that out unless it's another ex and costar (was Gwyneth there?).

    Not so easy IMO. :)

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Well...He was right...People Magazine just put on the website that Josh Hartnett and Sienna Miller were hooking up...Guess that is the first we will see of the hookups from the Globes....

  12. Well, it could be James Blunt. His album Back to Bedlam has the tracks "Out of my Mind" (This singer is out of his mind) and of course "Beautiful" (His model girlfriend was not beautiful enough). But I personally don't consider him an aging one hit wonder, and I have no idea if he is still dating Petra.

  13. Oh, and I am the only one that hates the pop up comment in another window? Or am I the only one this is happening to?

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    James Blunt DUMPED Petra, which seemed ludicrous at the time, but good for her now!

    Affleck sure had something up his ...., but I do not think JLO would go near him now, especially w/Marc around. I never knew what she saw in him (or any of her guys actually----her taste is pretty sucky), but Affleck is just sour and dour. He and Jolie should hook up because she looked like she had the same thing stuck up her .......

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Trying this again as it wouldn't let me comment previously...the last one could also be a nod to Ashton as "model husband" since he was a model when he first started out.

  16. Anonymous1:08 PM

    i love the comments in a new can look at the post and compare.

    and i have no idea

  17. Anonymous1:09 PM

    #3 Ted Danson

  18. Anon @1:08, you could do that the other way too without having to flip back and forth.

    Demi Moore isn't an award winning actress. At least not from what I could find.

  19. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Demi is hardly "award-winning"...unless you count the Razzies.

  20. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Some thoughts -
    James Blunt is hardly "aging" at 32.

    Who is Ashton's married ex?

    What is the significance of the word "poet" in #3?

    Who would care about Ted Danson?

    I thought of Ben and Gynneth, but havent seen anything on her at the GG's


  21. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Gwynneth, sorry.

    And definitely Cameron for the zits.

  22. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I really don't think it's Ben Affleck - since when is Jenn Garner award winning? Am I missing something?

  23. Anonymous1:52 PM

    i believe Jen Garner won a Golden Globe for "Alias"...of course this was back when she was with her first husband...

  24. Anonymous1:53 PM

    James Blunt dumped his long time girlfriend for a model and he's not aging...

  25. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Jennifer Garner won a golden globe foe Alias a few years ago.

  26. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Demi Moore has won several MTV movie awards and a People's CHoice award in addition to the Razzies. She also picked up an ensemble award for the movie Bobby with the rest of the cast (according to IMDB).

  27. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Sounds like Blunt and Petra are still together.

    December 6, 2006:

    Petra Nemcova sets tongues wagging while shooting a Hewlett-Packard commercial in New York on Tuesday. The model was sporting a diamond ring on her left hand – sparking engagement rumors to musician beau James Blunt.

    People Magazine

  28. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Jennifer Garner has won a Golden Globe and a SAG award for her role in Alias.

  29. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Angelina Jolie won an oscar for girl interrupted, and brad pitt used to date gwyneth as well- he doesn't strike me as that kind of guy, but el did say it was tough.

  30. Anonymous2:00 PM

    What about someone from Dead Poet's Society?

    Or the word 'poet' could be a nod to Gwyneth Paltrow who starred in Sylvia - about the poet Sylvia Plath.

    Other movies about poets - Oscar Wilde perhaps?

  31. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The "poet" thing stuck with me...Ben was in "Dead Poet's Society" & of course the ex Gwyneth did the Syvia Plath biopic "Sylvia"

    Or I am totally overthinking?

    I cannot find locate gossip item that she was in the USA the past month. That might nail it.

  32. Brad and Angela aren't married though. I already went that route (in my mind, that is). :)

  33. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Oh sorry anon at 2pm -- you scooped me ;-)

  34. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I take it back -- Ben was NOT in DPS.

    anon at 2:05

  35. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I take it back -- Ben was NOT in DPS.

    anon at 2:05

  36. Anonymous2:12 PM

    #1 is SO James Blunt. Look up James Blunt and aging, there are quite a few references in interviews and such.

    Petra has been seen out and about lately with other men, too.

  37. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Ashton and Demi were married September 2005, so they've been married a year and four months....which is not a few years. I don't think it is them.

  38. Anonymous2:50 PM

    #3 David Arquette?

  39. Anonymous2:51 PM

    How about Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel (won a Tony for Wicked)? I can't find who he was dating prior to her, but it says he initially didn't like Idina because she said something bad about his ex-girlfriend.

  40. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I just read the disclaimer at the bottom. So you just make these up? Oh well, they're still fun.

  41. Anonymous3:01 PM

    For the last one I'm thinking someone who has done Shakespeare..but that doesn't narrow it down much.

  42. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Could BI # 1 be Adam Levine? He seems to like the young ones, and wasn't he engaged to some hot model, or at least dating one? I'd laugh at his short ass too if I was her...


  43. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Why bother guessing when he/she is just making this crap up?
    Got your 15 minutes? Even is entlaw was really trying to cover his/her tail - that disclaimer at the bottom is as non-legalese as it comes so all the buzz about this site being a big old fake is right.
    How lame.

  44. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights.

    why do you only see what you want to see? Read each word.

  45. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Well, Taye Diggs played a character named Winston Shakespeare in "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"

  46. Anonymous3:19 PM

    number one is def James Blunt. Its fairly obvious with the reference to two of his songs. So that one is done!

  47. I, too, can only guess that #2 is C. Diaz. However, I also agree that this new pop-up window is sucky. Guess that's why it's ENT's blog, not mine!

  48. Anonymous4:07 PM

    James Blunt and Cam for #1 and #2.

    I like the Taye/Idina angle - she's supposed to be quite jealous and is award winning. And, he played a character named Winston Shakespeare in "Stella". Could he and Angela have had an off-screen thing at the time? It was quite a few years before he married Idina. And also, wasn't he spotted with Ashlee S or someone like that recently...

  49. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Ok I posted that the last story sounded too much like a Josh Harnett story from a couple of weeks back and now it's gone? Why, that is just weird.

    Maybe I did preview, who knows. Anyway, my point was that there seems to be only 36 plots and they keep getting recycled.


  50. Anonymous4:22 PM

    For number 3, what actress was just recently married? (If this happened a few weeks ago and she is now married but solo that night?)

  51. Anonymous4:42 PM

    OT: LiLo has FINALLY entered rehab

  52. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Why can't I open any of the comments????????

  53. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I love James Blunt for #1. I don't think it's too soon to call him a one hit wonder. I'm all for it! LOL.

  54. #2 Cameron Diaz. Her acne problem is famous.

  55. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Sorry doll- even haggy Perez's disclaimer does not say ("fiction" and "author's imagination") that the author just made SOME stuff up! Commentors here know more than the "entlaw" most of the time. Now I just read for the commentors' take.

  56. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Ted C, is that you? LOL. :P

  57. Anonymous7:16 PM

    how is James Blunt an aging one hit wonder? That's just crazy

  58. Anonymous8:14 PM


    Cheating Husband: Ben Affleck was in Shakespeare in Love
    Jealous Wife: Jen Garner - won GG for Alias
    Ex-Girlfriend: Jen Lopez - Ben's ex and co-star

    You don't see Ben solo... well... ever. Jen G. seems to have a pretty short leash on him. Maybe that is where the jealous comes in? Also, Ben and Jen have been married a two, maybe three, years.

  59. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Idina Menzel sings a song called "Jealous".
    probably an excellent guess

  60. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Ent said the party in BI #3 was "a few weeks ago"-- i know he doesn't always give a correct time frame, but a lot of guesses assume it was a Golden Globes party, and I don't think that's a given.

  61. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I like the Ben and two Jen guess, but I'm trying to find more clues to back it up.

    "Enough so," -- J.Lo was in Enough

    poet-- Ben was in Shakespeare in Love.

    But, I would be surprised if Ben and J.Lo have "remained close." I also thought this was weird:

    "a guest at a party opened a LOCKED door that had not been completely shut."

    I don't know, that just sounds weird/impossible. If a door is locked how could it not be shut? I could be just reading too much into it.

    Other words seem like clues to me, but now sure how they fit in:

    "until completion"
    "flirted outrageous"
    "she is not telling"

    The Tyrees angle could be possible too.

  62. Anonymous11:14 PM

    The Tyress could def. be a possibility. I don't know enough or care enough about him to do some research, but other people's clues seem to make sense. He has also done modeling.

  63. Anonymous1:05 AM

    A locked door CAn be shut if you loock it before it's closed. Happened to me once with the door to my apartment. There was a slit of like 3 or 4 inches but the key had been turned. OMG... this sounds so messed up now that I'm re-reading it. I hope it makes sense.

    #1. James Blunt?
    The hints seem to point at him [bedding/Back to Bedlam - beautiful/You're Beautiful] but I can't overlook the "grass is always greener on the other side" which seems to be a hint too. This points me to a Scottish band called Travis. I love their music but they're not very well-known I guess.

    #2. Cameron Diaz

    #3. Jen Garner isn't known to be "notoriously jealous", but who knows...?! She married Ben in June or July 2005, which isn't "a few years", so I guess it's not them.

    I immediately thought of Melanie Griffith for that one becasue she's probably the most jealous actress I've ever heard of. I can't think of any names though when it comes to Antonio's ex-girlfriends nor is his ex-wife really famous enough to go to such shows. And I doubt that Melanie would've let them remain close either.

    To sum it up: Ashton and Demi seem to be the most fitting guess with the "model husband".

  64. Regarding the disclaimer.

    The author of this blog is a lawyer, and lawyers are the best in the world at providing whatever protective layers are needed to avoid being sued (or, if sued, to avoid being convicted).

    If you've ever watched any of the "Law and Order" franchises, they start with a statement that the characters and story are fictional and not based on any real people living or dead, and yet the storylines are virtually identical to real stories that have made headlines ... with creative embellishments.

    I've always thought that this was what EL was getting at with the disclaimer. He has said in the past that he will embellish and/or rewrite certain facts in a blind item in order to not have them be exact and perhaps reveal a source or information he's not supposed to reveal.

    And, having said all that .... if some of it is made up, a lot of us here sure have a fun time on the scavenger hunt trying to figure things out! I've learned a lot and discovered some other cool sites just by working with his clues.

    The wonderful thing about this activity is that it's voluntary and you're free to move on at any time .....

  65. Anonymous6:15 AM

    #1 is Rod Stewart. He was married to Rachel Hunter.

  66. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I say Seianna Miller for number 2...her skin looked awful at the GG's

  67. Anonymous7:14 AM

    i was thinking Rod Stewart right away for #1.

    I don't know what you're talking about w/ the pop up window.

    Good call Kathy, I second that.

  68. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Question: I've just noticed that all the names are bolded in the GG blogs. Why is that?

  69. Anonymous8:31 AM


    Number #1 is James Blunt. He's only had one song break onto radio play consistently, and another one of his songs is called "Out of My Mind."

    But I don't need no alibi - I'm a puppet on a string.
    I just need this stage to be seen.
    We all need a pantomime to remind us what is real.
    Hold my eye and know what it means.

    I'm out of my mind.

    The rest of the clues fit.

    As EL said, this one was easy. It's James Blunt. Stick a fork in it - it's done.


  70. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I agree with the James Blunt... article link here w/him breaking up w/model girlfriend in October because of HIS wandering eye..

  71. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Further James Blunt info for #1:

    Model Dumps Singer for Cheating

    "The 'You're Beautiful' singer is said to have infuriated the beautiful Czech model after allegedly cheating on her with a string of girls, including Australian TV presenter Tania Zaetta.

    A source told Britain's Mail on Sunday newspaper: "Rumours got back to Petra that James had been partying with loads of gorgeous girls in Ibiza over the summer. They had a huge row during London Fashion Week last month and now it is all over."

    According to close friends, the singer is desperate to work things out with Petra, but the 27-year-old model is unsure whether she can trust him again."



  72. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Remember from the other post - it is a former A-list television actor who has done movies and was shopping himself. Sounds like Ashton to me

  73. Anonymous9:50 AM

    i love the popping up comments window! makes it easy to go back & forth.

  74. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ashton is STILL A list.
    Unless I am defining A list differently from other people.

    And Demi as notoriously jealous? Don't think so.

  75. Anonymous11:12 AM

    just had to say that, duh, rod stewart isn't a one hit wonder. i'm just dingy today.

  76. Anonymous11:19 AM

    This seems weird, but Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott for #3? The clue "notoriously jealous" could refer to her series "So NoTORIous", in which one of the episodes was entitled "Jealous."

    I have no clue about Dean McDermott or who he might have dated before his previous marriage to Tori. But, looking at her these days, I can see why he might want to cheat.


  77. Ummm, this is just my personal opinion, but I would never consider Ashton to be A list. His movies aren't great, his shows have done well, but still, no way is he A-list to me.

  78. Anonymous12:22 PM

    This is what I think:
    1. James Blunt-I have read in other gossip blogs that he is considered to be a "one hit wonder", so the blind item would fit.

    2.Cameron Diaz-I have also read and heard about her ongoing battle with acne. You would think that with all the money she has, she can afford good acne treatment. Jeez!! I have to agree with a previous post-has she ever heard of proactive?

    3. Ben and Jen!!! Come on now guys, you've seen that video of him and JLO, "Jenny on the block" he was bitin on that ass!!! He was lovin it, just not her being so needy and the limelight that that relationship had. Plus, I read in on of those fitness mags that her and Ben still keep in touch via email. That is, unless Skeletor regulates that. By the way ENTL, you do know that Marc was a blind item? Cocaine habit? Might make it hard for him to get it up.

  79. Anonymous12:23 PM

    hmm, i just re-read number 3 and noticed that she's a former girlfriend and co-star. so while that doesn't help me, hopefully it helps the more sleuthy of the readers. whoever his ex was, they were also co-stars.

  80. Anonymous3:58 PM

    ENT refers to James Blunt as a one hit wonder (12/08/06 where he doubts that they'll ever get married). So can we bury #1 then?

  81. Anonymous2:15 AM

    RR, Dean McDermott left his pregnant wife for Tori.
    Rod S. had a baby with and I believe married or is engaged to his new girlfriend.
    Blunt looks like he's aging quickly. Great guess for #1.

  82. Anonymous12:00 PM

    first one is Marilyn Manson!!!

  83. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Tyrese. He was a model too...
