Friday, January 19, 2007

Blind Items Revealed from November and December

Tuesday November 14, 2006
JACKASS - Male rock star..I want to say 5 number ones, but Google says 6..solo act...hotel elevator after a concert..groupies (Band-Aids to my buddy Cameron and to my friend Kate who always makes me smile) pressing items to be signed into the elevator...(1) a woman in her 70's is on the elevator and a hotel guest..(2)me.... (3) singer's manager..the woman in her 70's has no idea what is going on and would rather be anyplace else..(btw I have no idea what she was doing up so late) girls are screaming and trying to claw their way to the elevator..singer grabs his crotch and says, "yeah girls want some of that don't ya?" and then turns to the woman in her 70's and says "I bet you could use some too huh?"..By this time he has accumulated a handful of Sharpies and begins to throw them out the elevator and the girls go scrambling for them, falling down as they do so..The manager hits the close button on the elevator and the singer reaches over and pushed the door open button and says.."not so fast..I love to watch them crawl..right where they belong.."then he lets the elevator door close..
(Bryan Adams)

December 1, 2006
What British actress/model has gone back to her old flame of many years because she cannot stand her husband to be? The only problem...she has not told her husband to be, and the old flame also has someone as well...

(Liz Hurley)

December 13, 2006
What music producer’s wife is afraid of having her secret life with women revealed?

(Kimora Simmons)

December 14, 2006
So imagine if you will a 4-story walk up (for those of you not familiar with the term, think a building with 3 apartments and you have to "walk up" to get to the upper floors) in NYC that is in need of a little repair but that has become the home of celebrities within the three units in the building.
One of the neighbors is a celebrity couple with a new baby. The wife has a brother who is an actor who is friends with a bicyclist who is friends with an actor who loves hanging out shirtless.
Seriously, you should have that part by now.
So anyway, a new celebrity moves into the building. An A-lister as both a producer and actress. This new neighbor wants everyone to call her "Chris." NEVER call her by her real name. There is no such person who lives in the building. The new neighbor is just a normal person named "Chris." Look past the fact that most normal people do not have an assistant living with them 24 hours a day constantly reminding people that only "Chris" lives there. I guess you could look past the fact that the actress sits on her front steps outside typing away on her laptop, smoking, chatting with passerby, but is just "Chris" when she goes back inside.
Actual situation and conversation–
There is a play date with a neighbor and the celebrity couple who live on the 4th floor. Neighbor has a huge stroller and does not want to carry it up four flights of stairs. Knock on door of the first floor apartment of our reclusive celebrity.
Assistant answers the door -
"Excuse me, is there anyway I can leave this stroller down here in the foyer. As you can see it is heavy and I am already carrying this 2 year old. So would you ask _______ if it is ok?"
The assistant replies, "there is no one who lives here by that name. Chris is the person who lives here and would have to make that decision. You will have to ask Chris."
"May I please ask her then?" asked the woman carrying the now screaming 2 year old.
"Chris is not here right now, and I do not know when she will be back."
With that the door slams shut, and our neighbor left the stroller downstairs anyway. Good for her.

(Drew Barrymore)

#2-----------What married female pop star keeps coming back to her same basic hairstyle, look, and appearance because when she changes it, her husband wanders off to find a transsexual who has that look?

(Gwen Stefani)

December 15, 2006
#1------What B+ actor who has worked with the brother of our celebrity couple yesterday has a thing for women that look exactly like his sister? When this actor is with his sister or his girlfriend no one can tell the difference at least from the front. Several people have mentioned that the actor’s sister has a little more back. Is that why the girlfriend has been putting on weight?

(Heath Ledger)

#2-------This actress/ mother in her 30's has always worked as an actress since her arrival in Hollywood. A bit part here and a bit part here, until while working for a notorious Hollywood madam she ran into a big spending, playboy/actor/trick who just could not get enough of her. He changed her life and got her more work allowing her to rise to a comfortable B Lister.

(Denise Richards)

#3--------This A list actor and producer loves filming movies outside the US. The reason? He does not like the labor laws in the US. For his latest movie, he made all the extras including the children work for up to 19 hours straight often without any type of meal breaks. If anyone complained, they were fired, sent home without the money they had been promised, and replaced with someone else not as picky about food and working conditions.

(Mel Gibson)

#4---------This actor/actress couple are both solid B listers. They have flirted with the A list in the past, especially her. What makes this relationship so unique is their very special arrangement. They are the perfect couple in front of the cameras. However, when the cameras are off, he goes on his merry way to find his man of the week with her blessing. Her joys include shopping and more shopping. Men and sex are not at the top of the list.

(This is the one that I decided against revealing)

December 20, 2006
This actor was in the highest grossing film of all time. However that does not seem to be enough magic to get his on again off again long-time girlfriend to the altar. She loves him, BUT is never going to get married to him or any other MAN.

(Billy Zane)

December 28, 2006
This married A++ actress was attached to do a movie but wanted a certain actor to play opposite her. The actor was not interested but our actress thought she could convince him and the studio believed her. The studio chartered a jet and our actress flew 11 hours one way and 12 hours on the return flight. All of this travel for about six hours of alone time with the actor who still did not want to do the movie but had a great deal of fun doing something else. The actress returned home, broke the sad news to the studio, broke off her own involvement in the project and ultimately cost the studio a great deal of money but it was her satisfaction that was most important and so they still do business together.

(Julia Roberts)

December 29, 2006
This actor has always had a hard time remaining faithful. He has really made a name for himself and in the last 5 years has become if not A list then very close. I am sure he has Wheaties for breakfast. Anyway, the relationship he never had but maybe did have with a woman who was married and that ended because of the relationship they never had by maybe did have is already over. On the set of his new movie he has found lust/love with this stunt woman turned actress. Lots of spies trying to get a photo but no luck so far.

(Owen Wilson)


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Wow, thanks for revealing all that!!

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Hometown boy or not, GAWD I hate Bryan Adams! Oh, thank you thank you thank you! Now I feel so good that the one time I ever met him I was terribly rude! What a pig!

    Here comes the server crash...

    I heart Ent.

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Whew... thank god #1 wasn't Robbie Williams

  4. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I'm sorry but I hope your ass gets SUED for this nonsense. You throw names out there for no reason....

    Seriously, I hope you lose everything. JERK.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Thanks Ent - you are the coolest lawyer ever! Please keep giving us the scoop - we really appreciate you!


  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    thank you thank you Ent. phew, thought I'd miss them :)

    I think the "happy couple" is Jada & Will.


  7. Anonymous11:23 AM

    But they still come!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA They are the JERKS!!!!!

  8. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Hmm, was Anonymous @ 11:20 one of those revealed?

    If it was Julia Roberts, I suppose that means it was also George Clooney? I thought he had some personal rules against messing with married women. I'm so disappointed :(

  9. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Bryan Adams - WOW! I feel like an idiot for not figuring this out. His name never came up in my Google searches.

    I hate misogynist jerks who make tons of money off of love songs. =(

  10. Anonymous11:25 AM

    this is the best site ever! thanks for the scoop!

  11. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I think the happy couple is Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker. She has often said they are an odd couple with hardly anything in common. And that there are probably other men that would be a better match for her. But she stays.

  12. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I don't think he "revealed" anything. I think he used the guess with the most answers as his answer.

  13. Anonymous11:27 AM

    So if Julia Roberts is the woman, who was the man?

  14. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I love that fact that Gavin does that to that old ass I still think I'm 18 so I'll dress like it Gwen.

    She sucks!!!!


  15. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I checked the comments yesterday and I didn't see a single person guess Bryan Adams.

  16. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Yay! Bryan Adams was one of my guesses yesterday. :)

    I think at least all the the blind items where guessed by someone. Good work everyone!

  17. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Bryan Adam has such a crater face too! Gross!

  18. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Will Smith said in a recent interview (when asked about scientology) that no, he's not converting to scientology because Jesus is the man. I took this to show that he is into Christianity. Which I also take to mean that he is not running around on his wife, with men or women.

    He strikes me as an upstanding fellow.

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Gwen Stefani is going to leave Gavin eventually. She makes all of the money, gets all of the publicity and does all of the work. I think Gavin just sits around and smokes pot all day after playing tennis. What does she need him for?

  20. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Curse you ENT. I had successfully quit the crazy days and nights habit, and I return today to see the reveals and I am hooked again. WOW. No other gossip sight ever reveals in such a straight forward manner. You rule.

  21. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Anon... Bryan Adams was one of my guesses at 12:43 yesterday.

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Anon @ 11:20, it's the height of douchebaggery to come on to someone's blog just to insult them anonymously. I'd respond to your comment directly, but you are obviously unclear on the concept of this blog.

    On your bike, then. Take the hater attitude over to Isaac Washington's blog...

  23. Anonymous11:33 AM

    shocking, truly shocking...

  24. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The happy couple is so Sarah J. Parker and Matthew Broderick, that's been around for ever.

    LOVE U EL!

  25. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Wow, thanks for those. Best blog ever.

  26. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I guess I missed seeing the Bryan Adam guesses. Congrats, Lily on getting that one. The last time I checked people were guessing Prince and Eminem. I checked several Billboard charts and I never saw his name....but it makes sense now.

  27. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Oh 1120....then dont even come on here to read them if you are just going to get yourself all worked up over it!

  28. Anonymous11:37 AM

    So who did Julia Roberts hook up with???

    My guess is still Hugh Grant.

  29. Anonymous11:40 AM

    A couple of surprises for us. Wow!

  30. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Thanks for making my friday EL, that was good stuff!

  31. Anonymous11:41 AM

    My guess is George Clooney. Julia did not do the latest Oceans. Something went awry there. Maybe she was trying to get him involved in her project instead but he went with Oceans instead without her.

  32. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I guess guess the small fact of not liking her future husband won't stop Liz Hurley from throwing the most crazy, decadent wedding of the decade. Pink and orange clothing, elephants.... TomKat seems like a snooze compared to that. Money can buy love...for a while.

  33. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Wow, thanks for all the reveals...very interesting!!! I thik the one unrevealed BI is SP and Matthew Broderick. He just looks so swish.

  34. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Oops, I meant to type SJP and Matthew Broderick.

  35. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I just did a google search for bryan adams and it seems like they were top 10 hits not # 1s, but then again everyone knows summer of 69. I never would have guessed it but it makes sense considering one of his biggest hits had an illusion to oral sex.

  36. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I LOVE THIS FREAKING STUFF! Thanks for the reads, I check in everyday. I hope that not too many more start posting, it takes me forever to read the guesses now.

  37. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The man in the Julia Roberts is Daniel Day-Lewis. She flew overseas, arrogantly thinking her gaping horse mouth would convice him to work with her talentless ass. He fully denied her. She was married to Lyle Lovett at the time.

  38. Anonymous11:51 AM

    As far as the Drew really wasn't even her that was so was her assistant wasn't it?

    Mrs Mo :)

  39. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The only one that surprised me was Bryan Adams. Wow. What a jerk. That one threw me for a loop--everyone else I pretty much got.

  40. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Drew Barrymore??


  41. Anonymous11:57 AM

    selfishly i dont want this blog to become huge... we'll never see any of this dirt again. luv it!

  42. Valid point about Daniel Day-Lewis. He's quite secretive and has chosen to stay in Europe as much as possible. Else, it could be Johnny Depp, but Day-Lewis would be my pick.

  43. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The Bryan Adams BI made me throw up a little in my mouth!

  44. Anonymous12:06 PM

    What a mind clusterfawk!


  45. Anonymous12:07 PM

    In the words of Gwen S. "This sh*t is bananas!" LOVE IT!

  46. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "...he goes on his merry way"

    Matthew Broderick was in Deck the Halls... maybe I'm reaching but "merry" Merry Xmas...

    I've pretty much assumed it's SJP and Matthew. But thought I'd throw in my little piece of "evidence".

  47. Jeese, it's not George - he doesn't strike me as that stupid. And ENT - you are the bomb! From what I've read about Julia, she's been with a ton of her co-stars. I think the Daniel Day-Lewis guess is up her alley. Oh, and I know someone in the "biz" and asked him about George. My hubby Loves to tell me he's gay because he's not married. I say it's because he's smart and likes to keep his well-earned money. Well, the friend tells me that not only is George not gay, but he's a really nice guy. Good enough for me!!


  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous12:16 PM

    i find it hard to believe that drew is such a bitch.

    i hope its not true, but i guess you never know.

    also i think the "happy couple" is SJP and Matthew Broderick

  50. Anonymous12:17 PM

    im disappointed in julia. and george clooney must be the guy- especially with the references to 11 and 12

    thanks for the still trying to figure out how you dont get in trouble by posting this...i cant believe one of your clients is not reading this and realizing its you

    anyway, thanks for keeping me entertained!!!

  51. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I don't generally comment, but I found this after reading another comment about the guy in the Julia Roberts BI being Daniel Day-Lewis.

    "Worse, in terms of tabloid hounding, there was Julia Roberts, after Pretty Woman the biggest female star in the world. At the time, she was connected to the Shakespeare In Love project and, having the choice of leading man, went after Daniel. He turned it down for In The Name Of The Father, but she persisted, visiting Dublin during the shoot and starting rumours of a fling. Oddly, given the supposed passion of the supposed affair, she married singer Lyle Lovett just 4 weeks later."

    This was from a biography posted on :

  52. Anonymous12:20 PM

    EL never said number one hits or singles. Could include albums. He also never specified on which chart.

    I found these No. 1 singles for Bryan Adams in the US.

    1995 Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman

    1994 All for Love (with Sing and Rod Stewart)

    1991 Everything I do I do for You

    1985 Heaven

    Additionally, he had other songs topping other charts, such as Canada and UK

    His 1984 album, Reckless, also hit number one.

    Summer of 69 never made it to number one on the US singles charts.

  53. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Grrr... my comments aren't always showing up. Maybe my lame comments are the ones being deleted. :oP

    My first concert before I was even a teen was Bryan Adams... I'm actually surprised.

    Drew Barrymore is really that weird? Hmmm... makes me like her more.

    I imdb'ed Billy Zane because I only know him by name. I have never even heard of his ex-g/f.

    Thanks for the reveals EL! :o)

  54. Anonymous12:30 PM

    lol!! can you imagine anyone trolling for bryan adams in the first place? apparently he takes what he can get!


  55. Anonymous12:36 PM


    BRYAN ADAMS??????????????????? OMFG that is too freaking funny, that has made my day!!!!


  56. I'm surprised that Drew would want to be called "Chris" & not "Rainbow Daisy" or "Unicorn Sunshine".

  57. Anonymous12:41 PM

    ....can't stop smiling.

    People are going to think I have lost my mind.

  58. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Now it cuts like a knife...."


  59. Anonymous12:44 PM

    The non-reveal is def. SJP and Broderick: " and sex (and the city) are not at the top of the list..."

  60. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Uhh, zanna, that's MY secret internet boyfriend you're flashing. You might want to keep it covered.

    (Unless you're a dude, in which case, turn and share with the class!)


  61. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Anon 12:18...Good work!

  62. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Of course I love this blog, but even more so I love the people who leave comments! You guys rocked the guesses! I'm usually clueless and love to see the logic and educated guesses people use to figure these out.

  63. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I seriously doubt it is George with Julia. I am also leaning towards DDL. The 11 and 12 but not 13 were referances to the Oceans series, but they were clues about her, not necc. George.

  64. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Be Adequite! says...HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Wow some shockers here...
    Bryan Adams...whaaaaa???

    Hey Anon 11:20 if you're so upset- WHY ARE YOU HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE? Crazy self-obsessed celebs with more $$ than you'll ever comprehend, and you're OFFENDED? Please.

  65. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Be Adequite! says: I forgot- does this mean that LIZ HURLEY is back w/ HUGH GRANT? Whaaaa?

    Thanks EL! You'll keep us coming back for more! Just don't get caught.

  66. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Am I the only person who thought Bryan Adams was playing for the home team. haha!!

  67. i really ♥♥♥ your site! Thanks for the reveals!

  68. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I agree with above... i really hope this blog doesnt become too famous! I like the people who comment!


  69. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Damn, damn, damn!! Man oh man. Drew is Chris? Say it ain't so!!! She acts like that? Miserable. I feel for her though, no family, nothing really. Man.

    I guessed that Julia was the one. She has stated in the past that she develops crushes on her male co-stars. Why stop now becuse she is married?

    Liz I also guessed. Why not just call off the damn thing (wedding)? Hurting someone else that does not deserve it.

    He chose not to to disclose the other blind item about the gay couple. Probably because of legal reasons. The ones he revealed are not that heavy, you know? I will have to rethink about the "happy couple". I don't think that that it is Will and his little brother Jada. They have an "open" relationship, and from what I hear, she has had a lesbian lover for quite some time. Ever see her with her rock band? ENTL, show them some pics of Jada if you can with her rock band. Manly is only the half.

    Bryan Adams? That ugly bastard? What in the world? He should of saved the sharpies he was throwing for his tore up face. Looks like shit exploded.

  70. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Oh jeez!!! Owen and poor Billy Zane!! I am gonna have to google him and find out who is girlfriend is!!!

  71. Anonymous2:56 PM

    And didn't Bryan Adams hookup with LiLo last year? Random ewwww!

  72. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Billy Zane's girlfriend is an English girl called Kelly Brook. She's a model who's done some acting.

    Are Liz Hurley and Arun whathisname supposed to be getting married in India pretty soon?

  73. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I have been a bit of a party pooper at times on this site, but I would like to thank you ENT for revealing these. It is very nice to see.

    BTW, Chris is Drew? Really? Wow, I thought that it was Jodie, either way I'm disappointed.


  74. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The item EL could not reveal says "perfect couple" so I did a search and Matthew Broderick was or is doing "The Odd Couple" on Broadway....with Nathan Lane.

    I like him a lot, but he does run like a girl!

  75. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I still say that Drew/Chris isn't the one who was was the assistant! The assistant even said she wasn't home! Don't hate Chris, hate her meanie assistant.
    Mrs Mo :)

  76. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Thank you Ent!
    Bryan Adams was a jerk when I met him as well.

    It's gotta be Julia and DDL. He was so, so fine when he was younger. Ahhm, not so much now.

  77. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Good point, Mrs. Mo. It sounds like kooky Drew is only really guilty of asking people to call her by another name.

    ... well, that and having a graceless assistant who should know better than to be rude to her boss' NEIGHBOURS, for cripesakes.

    Anon @ 2:43 - just because Bryan Adams pings the 'dar, doesn't mean he's not still capable of being a raging misogynist. Pitiful, but possible. What a creep.

  78. Anonymous3:48 PM

    EL, I absolutely love this blog. It rocks and so do you. Thanks.

    Also love the "commenters". You guys are polite and open to correction. A decent bunch. Keep it up.

  79. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The Julia and Daniel Day Lewis picks do make sense now.

    Hmmm, remember when she and Benjamin Bratt broke up - didn't America's Sweethearts some out around then? Everyone blamed George, but maybe she hooked up with her co-star - John Cusack.

    I think maybe Hugh might've rejected her as well during Knotting Hill. He made a great remark on Oprah one time about how enormous her mouth is. Hilarious!

  80. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I hate misogynist jerks who make tons of money off of love songs. =(
    11:24 AM

    Well put. I totally agree. And there are a lot of them! I'd glad it was revealed.

  81. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I don't believe the one where Gavin is after trannies. I think that's just a rumor.

  82. Anonymous5:59 PM

    So basically Denise Richards was a whore? Is that we he is telling us? Can't you get sued for slander or something like that? This means she was working with Heidi Fleiss? (Spelling please!) This one seems a little to out there to be true! Sorry, but I did love reading it!

    Lisa B

  83. Anonymous6:02 PM

    The one about Denise working for Heidi is an old one. I've heard that rumor before this blog even existed.

  84. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Glad to see the reveals. You're awesome ENT. Also, the same one person keeps writing in SJP and Matthew as guesses on this board for like every blind item, even when it doesn't make sense. And now you're posting it over and over. What do you have against them?

  85. Anonymous7:52 PM

    yay! more reason to hate bryan adams! whatta jerk!! and horseface julia is a slut, why am I not surprised?lol

    EL you rule! Your site is the pwnage! Keep it up!

    More revelations plz!

  86. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Thanks for the reveals. I love all the guesses. Ya'll rule!

  87. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Thanks, ENT!


  88. Anonymous9:06 PM

    thx EL! Hope you don't get in trouble, although no one is suppose to know who you are.

    Bryan Adams:
    .."not so fast..I love to watch them crawl..right where they belong.

    was to disgusting.

    Love how ppl are not rude here to each other, well except for 11:20am.

  89. This site rules, becasue guessign is so much more fun.

    So if Liz is back with her ex, does that make him Hugh G., and if Julia Roberts flew to see some guy, does that make it Hugh G, too...wouldn't that be great?

    Does it take 11 or 12 hours from LA to London, vs. Italy where GCl has his place???

    (I doubt it's GC.)

    This is like a parlor game of sorts...or a game show....It could be called: Secrets, Rumors, and Videotape

  90. Anonymous9:18 PM

    There was a blind item about an actress that was getting a little older and couldn't make up her mind which team to play on.........I believe that is the OTHER Drew Barrymore reference that ENT L. made yesterday about withholding one that would hurt her.........I believe her 'assistant' is her girlfriend on the sly.........she has said she has played both sides in the past.......

  91. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I think the other Drew BI that EL doesnt want to post is the Angel/producer that cant keep away from the coke... Thanks EL you have no idea how exciting/mindblowing this day has been for me...
    i am still suspended in mid air over the Gwen/Gavin BI... so blown away... blindsided... the others were believable but this is a real challenge... did. not. see. it. comin.

  92. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Wow- I read "Bryan Adams" and thought:

    a) who would even recognize his old ass these days?
    b) really, Bryan Adams has groupies???
    c) if I were that old lady, I would have kicked him in the nuts.

    And here I was under the delusion that all Cannucks were supposed to be nice as pie. Damn you, Bryan Adams, for being such a douchy Canadian export.

  93. Anonymous6:36 AM

    ENT!! I love your work :)
    I am addicted to you like Water and Strawberry QWIK ;)

  94. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Great sleuthing anon 12:18! It amazes me how you all find this stuff!!!

  95. Anonymous11:43 AM

    To those who can't believe Gavin goes for trannies - before he met Gwen, he was the boyfriend of "Marilyn" the guy (who looked like a girl) who also ran around with Boy George, IIRC. Marilyn was beautiful in his day. Don't know his real name. However, Gavin denies this, but photos exist and were published many times. This must have been late 80's to very early 90's.

  96. Anonymous12:40 PM

    oh thanx anonymous 11:43...
    i looked on imdb and here is the imdb blurb:

    "I'm not in any way homophobic, but I just hung around that whole scene. I grew up in the center of London, and the best clubs were always the gay clubs." Quoted after rumors sparked that he was gay after an insinuation in Boy George's 1995 autobiography.

  97. Anonymous12:56 PM

    ethically: since you have revealed these does that mean we can reveal YOUR identity?

    mulling this over - interesting arguments on both sides.

  98. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I KNEW Chris WASN'T Jodie!

    I know her personally, and there is no way she's ever pull a stunt like that. She has 2 kids, so certainly understands the stroller "issue". She's also just fucking COOL and MELLOW.

    Drew? I'm disappointed.

  99. Anonymous2:49 PM

    wouldnt that be akin to throwing out the baby with the bath water???ruining it for all of us??? dilute his ability to offer juicy BI's???

    Do you have an ulterior motive??? Are you making this a pissing contest? Is this blog competing with your's?

    Are you just not that into BI's and don't really get off on them? and you don't care if your jeopardize our fun?

    Are you a party anchor? Don't play well with others? Get off on pissing on other people's cornflakes?

    Look... This is a fun past time... We all really looked forward to finally seeing some reveals after years of Ted C, Page 6, NYDN, Lainey with no reveals. But maybe you are into that particular brand of self torture... no?

    Whatevs... why dont you just take your shovel and pail and go to another sandbox?

  100. Anonymous3:50 PM

    ooh man that was juicy! i love u ent! i think ted c read ur shit and post dum ass comments

  101. ok, i'm gonna leave my two cents worth even though i'm probably too late but i will anyway if only for sh*ts and giggles.

    So, my question to those of you who think EL should be sued is: well, what exactly should he be sued for? if in fact these are true (and i tend to believe that they are, if only for my own amusement)then NONE of these celebs will EVER take him to court, and it's not like he's doing anything illegal to get the information. Now, if he was to reveal the "MV" blind item then they could successfully sue his arse off (and probably should) because that would be a breach of contract. But the biggest irony of all is that if he could actually prove any of this and these celebs took him to court then he could sue them for calling him a liar-bring it on, i say!!

    Also, the bryan adams one floored me. And the married couple is SO sjp and matthew broderick! Even my hubby guessed that one (with a few prompts from me!)

    i thoroughly enjoy this site and also selfishly wish to keep it to ourselves :)

  102. Anonymous4:48 PM

    At least as far as the Bryan Adams BI, Ent can't be sued. It happened in a public place, he's relating a first-hand encounter that he had, and Bryan Adams made no effort to hide his behaviour in front of other people.

    Im-f*cking-punity. I love it.

    He's so hot...

  103. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Gavin at 16 with Marilyn

  104. thank you
    thank you
    thank you

    you rule EL

  105. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Even if Gavin did have a relationship with a tranny years ago, which I already heard about, the fact is, he's married now. I don't think Gwen would put up with him cheating on her, especially not with other men! Just because it's been printed doesn't make it true.

  106. Anonymous7:52 PM

    anon 6:57. . . I don't think celebrity marriages necessarily play by the same rules as the minivan majority. Maybe for Gwen, the odd tranny is better than a pile of groupies. At least she wouldn't have to worry about any more lost lost children turning up!

    (would Gav even have groupies anymore?)
    re: Bryan Adams. . . not every gay is a girl's best friend.

  107. Anonymous9:34 PM

    anon 2:49: your ability to read would give your post more credibility.

    i simply raised a question, and obviously - since i didn't reveal who i believe him to be and my "evidence" i am on your side. get over yourself.

  108. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Be Adequite! says Narc why do you even care??? Why are YOU here?
    Just raising a question, don't worry we're all on your side!

  109. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anon 7:52: If Bryan Adams can still have groupies, Gavin can for sure still have a stray groupie here or there!!! :-D

    Best weekend ever for gossip and giggles!

  110. Anonymous8:30 AM

    oh yeah, and 16 year old Gavin looks like a beautiful Gilligan!

  111. Anonymous6:09 PM

  112. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Love you ENT L.

    The only one that shocked me was
    Bryan Adams. I thought he was a
    sweet,sort of shy Canuck. HA.
    I can't believe he still has
    groupies screaming and chasing
    after him. He was popular when I
    was in high school and college..
    shouldn't his 'original fans' be
    over the crazed lunatic stage by

    Miss Helen Crump
