Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ahhhh. When you are a couple, and the subject of a blind item, what is the first thing that runs through your mind? No, not suing Ted C. We are talking about one of my blind items. Obviously, the first thing you want to do is go get married. Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams allegedly have married. According to this article in the NY Post, they were spotted wearing wedding rings. Well, a photo would be nice. How come, we have to go to a UK newspaper (until they give me a license to use their photos, I am not going to say their name) to get a photo of the two wearing wedding bands? Perhaps the NY Post would like to spend a few bucks and pay Splash for the photos? What is the difference between photographing underage girls and kiddy porn? Well if you are Joe Francis, you probably will want to make that difference clear. Being convicted of laws designed to prevent the sexual exploitation of minors and only getting probation and community service seems like a slap on the wrist. Unlike what the tabloids are saying, I think this is the guy that drove Lindsay into rehab not James Franco.


MnGddess said...

Good morning! My comment is about Lindsay. I don't think it was James Franco or scumbag Joe Francis that drove her into rehab. I think it was dear old Mom.

Anonymous said...

3 years of Non Stop DRUGS is what drove Lilo to collapse.

However,I do not think she's serious about rehab. She's out and about, and giving phone interviews....something's fishy here.

Anonymous said...

I am not really interested in Heath getting married.

I have read in other gossip blogs that the paps will not give Lindsay a rest, even in rehab. I read that the paps surrounded a AA meeting she was attending and all. I think her privacy should be respected at this time. Let her heal or whatever she is doing.

Speaking of Joe Francis, he has been convicted? Wow, I did not know that.

Anonymous said...

What blind item were Heath and Michele in?

Anonymous said...

I think the whole LiLo rehab thing is a publicity stunt. Just like when she admitted that she was going to AA meetings, and then packed a water bottle for a month straight. She has admitted in the past that she likes to mess with the media, and that she thinks it is all funny. I saw a picture of her on another site at her apartment. If she were serious she would be at Betty Ford.

Anonymous said...

I agree that she is using this rehab as a publicity thing - like pictures of her going to AA meetings - rehab facilities have AA meetings inside - no need to leave to attend one ... and I completely disagree w/the 1st commenter saying that wacky mom got her into rehab - wacky mom just keeps on saying Lindsay if 'fine', etc. I personally think that the mom has alot of the same problems as the kid and should herself probably be in rehab. I say all this and I want to qualify that part of me just feels bad for Lindsay - I think she is one confused 20 year old who has access to the wrong people too easily and no 'good' support people and really is a tragedy waiting to happen unless something changes. But my god, I remember 20 and UNDERSTAND how easy it is to fall into that trap - too bad she doesn't have a responsible parent around to REALLY help her. Just my 2 (or 3) cents...

Anonymous said...

I second the question asked by anon 9:47am: What blind item were Heath & Michelle in? Enquiring minds wanna know!

Anonymous said...

December 15, 2006
#1------What B+ actor who has worked with the brother of our celebrity couple yesterday has a thing for women that look exactly like his sister? When this actor is with his sister or his girlfriend no one can tell the difference at least from the front. Several people have mentioned that the actor’s sister has a little more back. Is that why the girlfriend has been putting on weight?

(Heath Ledger)

Anonymous said...

Hohan is in rehab kinda like she was in AA. Maybe there but not participating. She lives for the paps and publicity.

Anonymous said...

I really don't care if Heath Ledger gets married or not. He and his midget girlfriend bore me.

I wish the paps would leave Lindsay alone. Let her recover and heal in peace.

Anonymous said...

Read somewhere it was Scott Storch that finally got Lindsay to go to rehab - when she was found passed out after Franco knocked her back. Apparently they made a pact with Brandon Davies but he pulled out at the last minute. Makes more sense coz Storch is so in love with her. When was the last time she even PRETENDED to listen to her mother?


Anonymous said...

Joe Francis is awful. I think anyone associated with him is in for some bad karma at some point.


Anonymous said...

What was the deal with Lohan and Franco anyway? It seems like I've heard bits and pieces but never the whole story - can someone fill me in?

Anonymous said...

Lindsay's a big girl. She knows right from wrong. She just chooses wrong at this time.

Anonymous said...

What#s the Lilo and Franco deal? - none. Tabloid gossip fodder.

There is no way on earth anybody can turn round and even start to ponder if Franco is the cause of all Lindsay's ills/woes. It's a no-brainer. The girl is her own worst enemy and the only person at fault is Lindsay.


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