Hints for the holidays all relate to yesterday. I know it was 11 hours one way and 12 the other, but also know it was definitely not 13. --Even if people pay now, he didn't have to; I wonder if he does now. --not animated show, nothing more than that because the clues are very obvious--
Four For Friday
I hate to call this actress A-List so lets not. She has been on one hit television show and another modest hit. During her time spent out of the limelight, our actress had a bit of a drinking problem and it led to one of the most interesting days of all-time and very lucky she was not a dead girl. At 10am, actress leaves a new car dealer with a lovely Mercedes convertible. Price tag was about $85,000. Actress goes to lunch and has a few drinks. Leaves lunch and totals brand new car in a one car accident. Just under the legal limit for drinking, the police give her a warning after she says she has a fever and that is why she crashed. Actress decides the last car was bad luck and wants a different company. So, at 2:30pm is out the door in a brand new BMW. Price tag about $70,000. Afternoon quickie (married at the time) with drinks. Shortly after departing her lover, she totals her car in another one car accident. Again avoids being cited for drunk driving. Unable to secure financing for an additional vehicle, our actress rents a car. Shortly after midnight, actress heads home and of course on the way totals the car. No drunk driving ticket, but police drive her home. Three at fault accidents in one day and three totaled cars.
This actor has always had a hard time remaining faithful. He has really made a name for himself and in the last 5 years has become if not A list then very close. I am sure he has Wheaties for breakfast. Anyway, the relationship he never had but maybe did have with a woman who was married and that ended because of the relationship they never had by maybe did have is already over. On the set of his new movie he has found lust/love with this stunt woman turned actress. Lots of spies trying to get a photo but no luck so far.
This singer/reality star had a relationship with that waxy woman. Although he does enjoy the ladies, more than one relationship has ended because of his love of the men as well. Every time he is caught or confronted he always says it is the last time, but it seems he just cannot get enough. It has got to the point now that he is hollow inside and just goes through the motions with women until he can find one who is willing to let him explore or even join in.
This actress was on television forever and then got married. Prior to her marriage she was always working and always playing. She always had to party a little harder and be a little wilder for the tabloids to notice and finally grew tired of the game and settled down. Or did she? It seems that her wholesome image would be shaken if everyone knew that she has developed a little habit. Not drugs, but sex. She cannot hardly wait for her new hubby to leave everyday. While he is out and about she has been having "meetings" to find that just right project. Her meetings always start innocently enough but for some reason always end up at a condo she bought just for these trysts. For those who think she has found a new love, hold on, there is more. It is actually several new loves and sometimes they are there together.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Happy Friday everyone. Of course that means later today will be Four For Friday and as a bonus I will either find an extra item to give you or perhaps some hints on some previous blind items. I just have not quite decided yet. I will say this though. Every word is a possible clue and I am very careful about the words I use.
Now, on with the links.
Lindsay Lohan has only had two regular boyfriends and one of them was Jared Leto. She wanted him despite the fact that he was ashamed to be dating her and did not want to be seen in public with her. He also did not want anyone to know he was dating her. The only thing he wanted from her was for her to come over to his house alone in the middle of the night. Hmmmmm doesn't that sound like a booty call? And this was a regular boyfriend? Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay. Oh, and her other "regular" boyfriend was of course Wilmer Valderrama who is this generation's Scott Baio. So what is Lindsay doing this weekend? Well she is down in Miami, and guess who is there. That is right, Wilmer. (and mom and sister - hmmmm. No, I should not be thinking those thoughts. It is still the holidays and there is no way Lindsay's mom would ever do anything unmotherly.)
The television show Big Brother has never been a huge hit here, but in other countries it is extremely popular. In the UK they even have a celebrity version. I have been following who is going to be on the show in the UK but it literally changes everyday. As far as I know K-Fed is going to be on, Lil Kim, Marilyn, Gavin Rossdale, and now Tara Reid. Oh, I want to watch. How long will it be before Tara Reid and K-Fed hook up? Will it be within the first 24 hours? I think Tara has too much class to hook up with him, but I could be wrong. Now this show is also supposed to include Whitney Houston but it has not been revealed whether she will or will not be on the show. This just gets better and better. My biggest peeve is next time they throw all this money around would they please take Paris Hilton. Oh, what if she was on this show, locked up for a month with Tara Reid and K-Fed. That is must see tv.
Well I refuse to show the shower pics of Paris Hilton in Australia, but I am happy to show this video of her showing all her bruises which is either from really bad surfing or it could be the way Stavros or whichever guy she is engaged to this week shows affection. Maybe they play wrestle. Right. Anyway, this video was shot in Hawaii and there are some pics also. No more Paris Hilton for two weeks.
I am not one for year in review type things, but this one is done really well and it is exhaustive in the amount of news it covers pertaining to all things music and the people, divorces, and drugs of the year.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:46 AM
Labels: Gavin Rossdale , Jared Leto , K-Fed , Lil Kim , Lindsay Lohan , Marilyn , Paris Hilton , Scott Baio , Tara Reid , Whitney Houston , Wilmer Valderrama
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Because of my absence, I know I owe all the blind item addicts something special. I was going to save this for a rainy day or for the day Paris Hilton could go one week away from the cameras. But alas, it is not to be so I give to you something very special, and then some others thrown in just because. Actually, I went to quite a few holiday parties early last week and got enough info to make everyone happy for a week or ten days. If you e-mailed me and are expecting something back, check your bulk folder. For some reason, Christmas has made everything spam. I think there is a lesson there.
This married A++ actress was attached to do a movie but wanted a certain actor to play opposite her. The actor was not interested but our actress thought she could convince him and the studio believed her. The studio chartered a jet and our actress flew 11 hours one way and 12 hours on the return flight. All of this travel for about six hours of alone time with the actor who still did not want to do the movie but had a great deal of fun doing something else. The actress returned home, broke the sad news to the studio, broke off her own involvement in the project and ultimately cost the studio a great deal of money but it was her satisfaction that was most important and so they still do business together.
This fading so fast cable reality star just does not want to let go. Not content to sit on the beach or watch OC reruns on Fox, he instead likes to go to places where he knows teenagers flock and where he will still be recognized and adored. His latest trick is to go to fast food restaurants in the mall and channeling Eric Roberts in Star 80 convinces the barely legal females that he can make them a star. Invariably, he invites them back to his place, has his way with them and has them pose for photos he promises to submit to Playboy. The girls never hear from him again, but have heard from his friends who also want a personal show after viewing the photos.
This actor is the star of a hit television show for one of the networks, but you probably would not know him if you met him. There are plenty of others who have their eye on him though and so our actor has two cell phones. One he carries with him everywhere and that is the phone his girlfriend knows about. His other cell phone is where every other girl calls and his long-time girlfriend did not know about. Well now she does. Seems this actor got the two cell phones at the same time and they look identical. A few weeks ago he ended up confused on which was which and his girlfriend got to spend all day fielding calls from other women, looking at photos on the phone and reading saved text messages. After getting over her initial shock, the girlfriend forwarded all of the incriminating evidence to everyone she could think of including his mother and his employers. Do you think they exchanged Christmas presents?
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:27 AM
Labels: blind item

Harry Potter dead??? Well if you want to lay a bet in the UK, the bookmakers say Harry Potter is only a 6 to 1 shot to live. It is better than the 10 to 1 odds where the betting opened but the people actually wagering money, think Harry is a goner for sure. What I would like to see some wagering on is whether or not, there will ever be another Harry Potter book. Ms. Rowling is very young and to give up on a money making character forever will take tons of willpower, especially when she is still talking about him 30 years from now. She will want to read from her new book on exotic coffees of the world and someone will say, but what is a Horcrux exactly?
I don't know if this classifies as a Horcrux, but Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro just got more bizarre. You always knew Carmen had a little kink in her to go with the business smarts. (Prince, Dennis Rodman, you get the idea. And for those of you who do not think she has business smarts, you need to take a close look at what she owns a piece of and then get back to me) The trouble with a little kink is that sometimes it just goes full out. So now Carmen is hooking up with Joan Jett who would be about my third choice from her Runaway days and those are looooong gone. And what can you say about Dave? I can' think of anything right now except....Nah, was going to say something about Perry Farrell, Dave and some farm tools, but this is the holiday season.
When you do not actually care about the celebrity involved doesn't a sex tape scandal just kind of turn into home movies? If you want to see Kim Kardashian on video doing the dirty deed, then stay tuned. Does anyone really even care? Me either, but I am just waiting for someone to say there is one with she and Paris Hilton together. I don't care about that combination either, but I know someone will say it. I think a great idea would be for someone to come up with every sex tape rumor of 2006 and then I will post it.
Hey, I found someone for Dave Navarro. Pete Doherty and Shane Macgowan posed nude together for a recent photoshoot. No one mentioned where Kate Moss was or if she was in fact finally coming to her senses. Aren't they supposed to be getting married this weekend for like the 85th time this year?
You know I was going to say something sarcastic about Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman but instead I am going to be gracious and just see where this all heads. Besides, the headline says it all in a way.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:47 AM
Labels: Carmen Electra , Dave Navarro , Harry Potter , JK Rowling , Joan Jett , Kate Moss , Keith Urban , Kim Kardashian , Nicole Kidman , Paris Hilton , Pete Doherty , Right Said Fred , Shane Macgowan
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My brother swore to me that there was internet access where we were skiing. Of course as you have guessed by now, he was wrong. I hope everyone had a great holiday. It was my plan to post yesterday and today, but technology just let me down, and my brother. So, tomorrow I will make it up to you.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:32 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
On this blog I have always let everyone trash me in the comments and say what they want and I think I have deleted two comments in total which were directed at other posters rather than me. I posted comments today three different times and they were roughly all the same message. For some reason, only known to them, someone is using my screen name in the comments section and saying things which are untrue. If you wish to say something nasty to me or have an opinion on the blog, you can use any name you want except mine. From now on I will not post anything in the comments and will just use the main page. I think it is distracting to use the main page and takes away from the blog, but it is either that or make some other changes to the comments system. I really enjoy all the comments good or bad and they are what makes the blog fun to write. What I dislike is someone using my name and taking away what was a pretty good day.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:54 AM
Christmas Spirit
I know everyone thinks most lawyers are jerks, greedy, arrogant, narcissistic, etc.. Well many of us are and I was no exception when I first started. Because of what I have seen and experienced, many of the stereotypical character traits of attorneys are not really me anymore. I am no saint, but have tried over the last few years to see what is really important and to try and focus on the really few close friends I have and also my family. One of the things I also forced myself to do is to do some volunteer legal work. I am not going to say I love doing it because I really don’t like dragging myself down to the closest legal services center, but I do it. I do it because I think it is right and I do it because I see how happy people are to be there talking to someone who actually is taking an interest in their problem and is not interested in personal gain. Sometimes they have been just fighting and fighting and cannot make any headway and it is extremely gratifying to help those people and to take a little weight off their shoulders. Most of the people who show up for these sessions are homeless or close to it, or they are on disability and have very little income. Each day is a struggle to just survive, let alone having to worry about some legal issue. California is a state that it sucks to be poor in because it is so expensive, but at the same time it is a great state because they do their very best to actually help people with things such as Medi-Cal or making it easier to use the courts.
I sign up to help once a month and never cancel no matter how easy it would be to do. If I cancel once, I will cancel every time. Generally someone from Legal Services will call me a few days before I go to tell me how many people are signed up and the general nature of the legal problem they have. For the most part there will be 5 or 6 people scheduled for the 2-3 hours I am there. Their issues are primarily eviction or debt problems. Sometimes it will be a restraining order or something similar. Every once in awhile though there is something you really never expected. This story is about one of those times.
On this particular day there were 6 appointments scheduled but I think only about four people actually turned up for their appointment. The first two were really quick and I was already thinking that I was not going to go back to the office and just enjoy the remainder of the day. The third appointment was classified on the intake sheet as family law but nothing else. The office manager showed them into the back office I was using. It was a couple in their late 60's maybe early 70's. I invited them to sit down and explain exactly what they needed. Here is what they told me.
In 2003, their daughter and her husband got divorced leaving the daughter to raise three children all by herself on a very limited income. The kids ranged in age from 7 to 12 at that time. Even though the parents were divorcing they remained very good friends and the children loved both of their parents dearly. In early 2004, the father of the three children was killed in an auto accident by a drunk driver. The children were devastated, but at least had their mom and of course the wonderful grandparents who came to see me.
Literally within weeks of the death of their father, the mother of the three children went to her doctor because she had not been feeling well at all. She thought it was just the fact that she had started a new job or possibly the stress of the death of her ex-husband. After several tests and several doctors, it was determined the mother had leukemia. Throughout the next year, the kids were shuffled between aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends as their mom went through chemo and other treatments to fight off this leukemia which was extremely aggressive. The mother lasted only a year and then passed away in early 2005 almost to the day her ex-husband had been killed.
The children were crushed. The entire year had been one big nightmare. From the death of their father to the death of their mother and being shuttled from one home to the next as well as different schools and friends. Sometimes they were together, but for the most part they were not. The problem was that even the extended family was fairly poor and so no one could afford to have three kids at the same time. Therefore the kids were scattered amongst relatives and friends and were not being kept together at a time where it would probably be best for them to do so. There were even some noises from the state because some of the homes and people were not really suitable to be raising children.
The grandparents had come to see if anything could be done and if they could raise the children themselves. Well as it turns out, they could of course apply for guardianship of the children. They applied and the investigators came out and looked around and interviewed the older children about where they wanted to live. In the interim, the children did move in with the grandparents on a temporary basis. A few days before Christmas last year, we finally went to court and the judge granted them permanent guardianship of the three children. Raising the three children was costing the grandparents a great deal of money and they were really struggling. In fact, there was really very little Christmas planned for the family.
My office which knew this tale all too well made sure that the children’s first Christmas under their grandparent’s roof was going to be special and so a Christmas tree was bought as well as countless presents for the children. Food was bought and prepared so the grandparents did not have to worry about it. We even arranged for Santa (actually a jolly actor who used to be on the #1 TV show in America and now usually works for some brothers) to come to their house for a little pre-Christmas visit. All of us were happy to do it and it made Christmas more meaningful for all of us, but something was still missing. It was going to be a great Christmas, but the long term money problems were not going away. The grandparents income was about $2000 a month and it was fixed. They were too old really to go work and they did not have much, if any savings. Something had to be done but they were too proud to really accept charity. They understood about Christmas, but nothing more than that.
So I and some other people started making calls. We called our friends and yes those friends include celebrities. We called and called and at the same time fibbed a bit to grandma and grandpa. I called them to say that the new job their daughter had started right before being diagnosed with leukemia had offered complimentary life insurance and their daughter had signed up. We told them the amount of the policy was $200,000. We had actually raised more but set some aside because of tax concerns.
When we gave them the check three days before Christmas you should have seen how happy they were. They were so proud of their daughter for getting "life insurance" and so happy that they would be able to take better care of the children and to provide more things for the kids. When we came to see them we also brought them a brand new mini-van that friend had donated. They did not want to accept the van but we told them that it was impossible to return something like that and that it would be safer for the children then the vehicle they were using. They finally relented and accepted the mini-van.
It was such a special feeling that all of us had last Christmas and it is funny how over the course of a year that magical feeling kind of leaves you. You move onto other things, other cases and it just kind of fades.
This last week though, was their report back to court date which happens every year until the kids turn 18. This is done to just make sure that everything is going fine, etc. Well as soon as they saw me they started talking about last Christmas and the mini-van and what the money had done for them and just were completely different people than the ones I had seen one year earlier. Seeing them brought back the memories from the year before and just raised the Christmas spirit exponentially. All of a sudden I felt Christmas again and so did everyone who saw them again last week from the office. And the great thing about is that I will be reminded what the Christmas spirit is all about for the next eight or so years until the youngest turns 18.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and has the chance to experience the same kind of feeling as I was lucky enough to feel. Take care of yourselves and your family and I will see you back here next week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:31 AM
Labels: Christmas , long blind item

Posted by
ent lawyer
8:42 AM
Labels: Angelina Jolie , Anna Nicole Smith , DJ AM , Festivus , Haylie Duff , Hilary Duff , Jessica Simpson , Nicole Richie , Paris Hilton , Suri Cruise
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Four For Friday (ahem Thursday)
This A list TV actor has a hit show. Our star is no rookie when it comes to meeting women, but perhaps next time he will learn from his mistakes. Last week our A-lister was at a very nice LA eatery with a few of his friends. Drinks were consumed and then more drinks and yet even more. Our star became more and more obnoxious as the drinking continued. He spent the last hour of his evening going from one table to another hitting on women and inviting them back to his place. He kept repeating, "Don’t you know who I am?" over and over as he would attempt to grope and otherwise harass the women in the establishment. As more and more people complained, our A-lister was finally tossed. Usually money talks in these situations, but not this time. The eatery was not going to be bribed. They just wanted him gone and did not even charge him for the meal or drinks just to be rid of him sooner.
This former late night television actor was one of the biggest stars of the 80's and early 90's. Now he has to keep moving from one part of the country to another just to find work. He used to have groupies everywhere he went, but now they are no more. Our actor still has plenty of cash from his days gone by and so hires escorts to pretend they are groupies and that they just cannot get enough of him. He even makes them ask for autographs.
Talk about freaky. This young actress just cannot get an invitation to anyone’s house. If she wants to party, it has to be at her place. The reason? Whenever she visits other people’s homes, she just cannot leave the valuables alone. More than once she has been confronted by her hosts or other guests as she takes whatever items will fit into her purse. If it were just little things, no one would mind because she does bring the supplies for the party. However, she has a bit more expensive taste than just the odd knick knack. She has a fondness for diamonds and other fine jewelry.
This actress has been on and off the A list for years. Now and then you think she is going to give it up and just be a wife, but she just keeps fighting. A few weeks ago, it looked like she had got into a fight and had to stay home for a week. A huge black eye started everyone whispering about abuse, but it turns out her plastic surgeon missed just slightly when injecting our heroine with Botox.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
There is just not much going on today so forgive me if it does not give you enough of a gossip fix. Later today will be the Four For Friday moved to Thursday. The reason for that is I have another item tomorrow which is in the vein of L which seemed more appropriate before the long holiday weekend.
I talk about punisherz quite often and it is simply because I think they are incredible. (also they love this blog which helps) They have come up with a style that is really unique. It is 3 women and one guy (who is the Ryan Seacrest for Australian Idol) who formed a band although none can play an instrument. Through word of mouth and self-promotion that would make Angelina Jolie proud they have manged to achieve a great deal of fame in Australia. On New Years Eve they will be the band playing as the clock strikes midnight at one of the largest music festivals in Australia.
Reading between the lines in this article, it appears that guys no longer have sex with Jessica Simpson in person. Instead, they have phone sex. What I would be wondering if I was the guy on the other end is whether Papa Joe was listening in and then critiquing afterwards.
So, if you have an imagination then the News of the World is prepared to pay you $15,000 for your story. It is a plus if your imagination can come up with a story that says you are the love child of Mel Gibson. I know this story is a few days old, but the money part is new. I think we should all call this paper and say we are the love child of so and so. I am not a fan of Mel Gibson, but I think the mom just told the daughter the story because either she did not know who the father was or was ashamed. Let's look at a pic of Mel, his "love child" (why do they call it a love child anyway? Seems like it would be a lust child or one night stand child.) and Mel's grandchild.
Posh Spice says she cut off her hair so she could have better sex with her husband. I think it either fell out from all the changes, because she is a fembot, or because she really is an alien and not just portraying one in a Tom Cruise movie.
Hilary Duff thinks Nicole Richie is a "skank." Be nice everyone, it is the holidays.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:16 AM
Labels: Hilary Duff , Jessica Simpson , Mel Gibson , Nicole Richie , punisherz , Victoria Beckham
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
This actor was in the highest grossing film of all time. However that does not seem to be enough magic to get his on again off again long-time girlfriend to the altar. She loves him, BUT is never going to get married to him or any other MAN.
This A list long-time married actor with kids decided to enjoy some of the first snow of the year. Of course no weekend in the snow would be fun if he were alone or with his wife, so he brought his girlfriend. They thought they had slipped the paps back in LA, but whoops, they had been spotted. Thinking fast, our beloved A-lister called his wife who volunteered to come out to the cabin in the middle of the night and acted as if she expected the girlfriend to be there all along.
Usually this gay (dropping quickly to B) actor is suspected of being gay but has never come out to the general public. The reason for this confidential item though is that lately his many boy toys have reported drugs strewn around his LA house and that more often that not, the actor is not up for the task at hand. Looks like his career is not the only thing not rising to where it was.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:03 AM
Labels: blind item
I think the time has come for us to learn the truth. No more comments like," a friend said Jennifer Aniston has a broken heart or she thinks Angelina Jolie is a witch." I think Ms. Aniston herself or her publicist should e-mail me and let me know exactly what is what so we can stop talking about what she may or may not be feeling or thinking or what the timeline was when Angelina "loved going to work."
See, when I hear the truth, I can report the truth. So, I can tell you for a fact that Britney Spears did NOT cheat on K-Fed with "piano around neck guy aka PANG" or JR Rotten or whatever his name is. Britney knew JR, but nothing happened until AFTER the infamous text. It is also my understanding that Britney got a little drunk the other night when she was bumping and grinding with JR and that will not happen again. (not the drinking part, but the bumping and grinding with JR) Speaking of the piano around the neck guy, it looks like the 17 year old was not enough for the week so he decided to take a shot at Bai Ling. After I was so complimentary to Bai about her diversity award she went and did this.
In the relationships that are either plain disturbing or just will not last department. On one side we have Hilary Swank dating her agent. (I smell a lawsuit down the road and definitely a switch in agents.) The other side brings us Sharon Stone and Christian Slater. The latter coupling is specifically why the terms OMG and WTF? were invented. I really hope Sharon enjoys strip clubs and that Christian enjoys writing songs and attending charity events.
Random hypothetical thought - "If you get me pregnant again or at least let me tell the world how much I love my baby and how I want another one, I will let you go live with your male ex-lover for a few weeks. I will keep the focus on me while you go do your tranny thing."
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:56 AM
Labels: Angelina Jolie , Bai Ling , blind item , Britney Spears , Christian Slater , Hilary Swank , Jennifer Aniston , JR Rotem , Sharon Stone , updates
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Thank you all for the comments and e-mails about Little Britain. I get BBC America, but have yet to watch the show. Lately on BBC I just have been watching Gordon Ramsay's two shows. I checked the schedule for Little Britain and it appears I miss it because it comes on in the middle of the night. So, I will set my DVR and make sure I do not miss any future episodes. Now, someone send me some photos or a YouTube link from the reception. I am sorry Hugh Grant did not get into the festive mood of the wedding. Maybe his blind item romance is not going well?
So, it seems as if the tranny lover from last Friday is going to be reunited with his original crush in the very near future. Will K-Fed be the man in the middle? Perhaps Whitney Houston will be the man in the middle. Did I say that?
When this A-List couple got divorced (were they really ever married?) he wanted to keep all the lingerie and other intimate apparel he had purchased for her. It took weeks to go through all the store receipts and bookkeeping records to find out who had purchased what. Some thought he wanted the lingerie out of spite because of her rumored cheating, and others think it is because he enjoys wearing it, even if it is too big.
What high-profile, huge wedding, marriage of convenience (not last Friday’s) is coming apart because he started sleeping with her boy toys instead of finding his own and is doing so in an unprotected way?
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:34 AM
Labels: blind item , Gordon Ramsay , Hugh Grant , K-Fed , Little Britain , updates , Whitney Houston
Monday, December 18, 2006
When an actress says "you'll be seeing a lot more of me" it really does have different connotations than it used to. I would hope that Reese Witherspoon does not mean she is going to go the upskirt route.
I think I really need to worry about my taste in movies because I actually liked most of the worst Christmas movies ever. I will admit to liking the worst of the bunch because I always loved Phil Hartman. Bad Santa is on the list? That is just not right. I don't think these people actually saw the movies. Bad Santa just screams Christmas miracle along with warm and fuzzy. (Plus Lauren would kick my ass if I ever said anything bad about it) Also, what is Christmas without Christmas Vacation or Home Alone? What is not to like about those movies? In fact, here is a website totally devoted to Christmas Vacation. I am glad to see the list makers at least refrained from adding The Ref which is in my top 3 or 4 Christmas films.
I have always admired Richard Branson and think the way he conducts his business and his life are incredible. So what on earth is he doing inviting Paris Hilton to his secret New Years Eve party in Sydney? There are so many things wrong with this. First that Paris Hilton would be invited across the world to sing is unsettling. Second, that this Richard Branson party is secret, yet everyone knows about it means it is not really a secret. Maybe he is inviting her to contrast his company Virgin with someone who is not. (although she does think sex is sacred) The only good thing is that Paris will be out of the country for the New Year. (Are you going to go Mel? Please tell me the punisherz are opening for Silverchair and not Paris)
Gay marriage is really going to have a tough time gaining a foothold if Elton John makes it a habit to attend said gay weddings dressed as Captain Hook and Courtney Love as the Queen of Hearts. I want details of what happened at the pantomime themed reception. The picture to the left is one groom dressed as Aladdin and the other as Prince Charming. There must have been a mix-up with costumes because Sir Elton's boyfriend also came dressed as Prince Charming.
Miss USA gets to stay which I personally think is the right move. I think the Donald just wanted to stretch this out to try and get some publicity for the pageant which does not really make the splash it used to. What bothers me is that every article yesterday and for the preceding few days all said she was going to be forced out, and kept talking about Miss USA being dumped because she allegedly is out of control, abusing cocaine, regularly hooks up with Miss Teen USA (btw, next week someone will say there is a sex tape of the two together), sneaks men into her apartment, blah blah blah. You know what? Tara Conner is a name you will remember just like Vanessa Williams. Quick, name any other Miss America or Miss USA winners. Tough isn't it? First Project Runway, now, the world baby. I don't think she planned this of course. But, she has a much better chance of making it in the entertainment business now than she did before. In addition, she will not be forced to attend chili cook-offs for the rest of her life to remind herself of past glory. Instead she can go on Howard Stern or make cameos in Brett Ratner movies. Seriously. Vanessa Williams did ok for herself and I think Tara will also. Happy Birthday Tara!!!
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:11 PM
Labels: Elton John , Lauren Graham , Mel , Paris Hilton , Phil Hartman , punisherz , Reese Witherspoon , Richard Branson , Tara Conner , Vanessa Williams
This one took me awhile to write because of its sensitive nature. You will discover that for yourself when you read it. I also want to say in advance that nothing has been proved and at this point the investigation continues.
A woman came into the office for her first appointment. I guessed she was in her 40's but it is always hard to tell in LA. I did not recognize her last name because she was using her maiden name. When she said her ex-husband’s name, I did a double take. I honestly did not know he had been married prior to his current marriage, let alone had other children. He (singer/actor B lister on a very good day and is currently on a hit tv show, lets call him "M.")
They had been divorced for quite some time when she came into the office. You could tell by looking at her that she had once been attractive, but she was not going to age well. She looked like the years since the divorce were taking their toll on her. She came into the office because she wanted to change the custody and visitation agreement she currently had with M.
The reason for the change was their daughter. For many years M and his daughter ("D") had a very close relationship. That relationship changed somewhat as his children that he lived with grew older. For some reason, the relationship with D was turning into something less father/daughter and more into something less innocent.

When things did not get any better and D was becoming more and more popular with boys, mom tried to get D to see a psychiatrist. This did not work out. D did not want to open up to

Then, one night out of the blue before D was scheduled to see her dad for the weekend, she confided to her mom that she did not want to see her dad then or ever again. D broke down and told her mom that about a year ago she woke up during the night and found M looking at her and touching himself while she was sleeping. He had pulled off her covers and was staring at her. M apologized and left the room quickly. Nothing more was said about it until the next time D visited. That weekend, M spent time with D alone and explained to her how he felt about her and that he just could not help himself. He thought of her as a woman and not his daughter. At first D was flattered because her dad had been spending more time with his other kids. She was special to dad. M wanted to show D how special she was and so over the next few months he proceeded to not only do what he had done the first night she awakened, but also made her perform sexual acts on him and he had sex with her.
D had not told anyone because she enjoyed the extra attention she was getting. She wanted to be the best for her dad so she started having sex with other boys so she could practice with them. The problem was, she did not like the person she was becoming, and so one day, she just stopped. At that point her dad became violent and tried to force himself on her. She ran away from him and feigned illness so that her step-mom would take her home. She had not been back, and this upcoming weekend would have been her first time back since the episode. She just decided she was not going to take it anymore.
Mom did not let her go over to M’s house that weekend and then came into the office to make sure D never had to go back. D is old enough to where she never has to go back if she does not want to and she has no intention to do so. M has actually gone to court to try and convince the court that he should be able to spend time with his daughter even if it is supervised. The full allegations made by D were never in the court filings. Only the first episode is mentioned, and it was made more PG in the filing. D and her mom want to handle this themselves and do not want the attention thrust on them that a full investigation would produce. However, they also wanted to make sure the other children were safe that were still living in the house. Therefore mom made an anony

M has always denied everything that happened and promises to sue if anything is ever released publicly. He said anything that did happen was just a misunderstanding. It must be said that Mom and D did not get anything out of this. There is no extra child support coming or spousal support. D just wanted to get away from her dad.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:40 AM
Labels: blind item , father-daughter , long blind item , M
Even serial killers have Myspace pages. Here is the Myspace page of the man being questioned for the serial killings of prostitutes in the UK. His picture has been removed from the page, but the rest is still up as of noon PST.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:17 AM
The problem is

I do not know which article I believe less. Cameron Diaz having a girl crush on Pam Anderson or Moby actually having a crush on a woman. Honestly, when I saw the headline that Moby had a crus

Paris is protective of her men? Ummm, how many guys has she been with? Takes a lot of effort to watch that many guys.
I have nothing to base this on except that you know Christina Aguilera is never goi

Hi, I am 31 years old, and dress like I am 17 so I might as well date a 17 year old. "I am the only person on earth who could

Posted by
ent lawyer
8:35 AM
Labels: Cameron Diaz , Christie Brinkley , Christina Aguilera , Hayden Panettiere , Moby , Nick Lachey , Pamela Anderson , Paris Hilton
Friday, December 15, 2006
Four For Friday
For the first of the four blind items, we head back to NYC.
What B+ actor who has worked with the brother of our celebrity couple yesterday has a thing for women that look exactly like his sister? When this actor is with his sister or his girlfriend no one can tell the difference at least from the front. Several people have mentioned that the actor’s sister has a little more back. Is that why the girlfriend has been putting on weight?
This actress/ mother in her 30's has always worked as an actress since her arrival in Hollywood. A bit part here and a bit part here, until while working for a notorious Hollywood madam she ran into a big spending, playboy/actor/trick who just could not get enough of her. He changed her life and got her more work allowing her to rise to a comfortable B Lister.
This A list actor and producer loves filming movies outside the US. The reason? He does not like the labor laws in the US. For his latest movie, he made all the extras including the children work for up to 19 hours straight often without any type of meal breaks. If anyone complained, they were fired, sent home without the money they had been promised, and replaced with someone else not as picky about food and working conditions.
NY or LA for the last one? I will let you decide
This actor/actress couple are both solid B listers. They have flirted with the A list in the past, especially her. What makes this relationship so unique is their very special arrangement. They are the perfect couple in front of the cameras. However, when the cameras are off, he goes on his merry way to find his man of the week with her blessing. Her joys include shopping and more shopping. Men and sex are not at the top of the list.
Did I say the last one? Bonus time
On a recent flight from NYC to LA this top tier television host had to do the walk of shame through First Class on the way to the back of the plane. First Class was full and in some of those seats were celebrities who this talk show host had mocked and made fun of in the past. Although they did not utter a peep, the celebrities did manage a snicker or two as the talk show host averted his eyes and pretended something was wrong with his carry on bag. That walk can take forever with all those eyes focused right on you.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:43 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday

Angelina Jolie loves Brad Pitt. "We met and it was blah blah blah."

"We are going to have twenty more kids and blah blah blah."
"I am the disciplinarian."
"The UN is doing great things all over blah blah blah."
What? Wait a second go back. She is the what? The disciplinarian? Does that mean that she dresses up in latex and makes Brad her bitch? Oh, wait she is talking about raising the kids. Well, you never know. It could extend further.

Posted by
ent lawyer
8:42 AM
Labels: Angelina Jolie , Brad Pitt , Courtney Love , Jessica Simpson , John Mayer , Laura Mallory Lane , Laura Malory , Marcia Cross , Paris Hilton , Pete Doherty
Thursday, December 14, 2006
So imagine if you will a 4-story walk up (for those of you not familiar with the term, think a building with 3 apartments and you have to "walk up" to get to the upper floors) in NYC that is in need of a little repair but that has become the home of celebrities within the three units in the building.
Actual situation and conversation–
There is a play date with a neighbor and the celebrity couple who live on the 4th floor. Neighbor has a huge stroller and does not want to carry it up four flights of stairs. Knock on door of the first floor apartment of our reclusive celebrity.
Assistant answers the door -
"Excuse me, is there anyway I can leave this stroller down here in the foyer. As you can see it is heavy and I am already carrying this 2 year old. So would you ask _______ if it is ok?"
The assistant replies, "there is no one who lives here by that name. Chris is the person who lives here and would have to make that decision. You will have to ask Chris."
"May I please ask her then?" asked the woman carrying the now screaming 2 year old.
"Chris is not here right now, and I do not know when she will be back."
With that the door slams shut, and our neighbor left the stroller downstairs anyway. Good for her.
I was going to save this second one tomorrow, but I am feeling festive, even though I know you are going to spend all day reading the Top 40. I am too, so don't worry.
What married female pop star keeps coming back to her same basic hairstyle, look, and appearance because when she changes it, her husband wanders off to find a transsexual who has that look?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:57 AM
Labels: 40 Best Rumors , blind item
So, I thought the Kellie picture with her dad was the grossest story of the day, but it turns out I was

Posted by
ent lawyer
8:55 AM
Labels: American Idol , Beyonce , Jay-Z , Jennifer Hudson , Kellie Pickler , Rod Stewart
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
So this afternoon some more updates, hints and two new blind items. One of the blind items will be easy, and the other more difficult. I am hoping that tomorrow’s blind item will be a long one. Then of course on Friday there will be the usual Four For Friday group.
I spoke about L’s Trust before and the process is going to stretch out for awhile, but I think after the first of the year I will give out her name. There is no real reason to not reveal it except for the wrath of J, but I am willing to live with that. So look for that around Christmas. I have another really nice item for Christmas which does not involve a celebrity but is just a really holiday-ish story I think everyone will like.
Both celebrities who also escort were on the same cable channel but not the same show. I will tell you their shows were not on VH1 or Bravo. Now when I say that, I realize VH1 has highlight shows and Best Week Ever and such, and I really do not know if they have been on that. I know Bravo did something with Battle of the Reality Stars and maybe they did something else as well, and I do not know if they have been on that. All I am saying is their actual shows were NOT on either of those cable networks.
The A-list actor with the video cameras throughout his house is in a Top 25 grossing film for 2006.
The A-list producer who is the boy-toy slave also had a movie that is a Top 25 grossing film for 2006.
The New Zealand couple having sex in public you should be able to figure out and I am kind of disappointed you have not yet.
The actress with the sex and pre-nup has had a very long career and is over 40. (Regardless of the age she claims)
I really cannot say anything right now about W & B which is the HIV infected woman by her cheating husband.
The NBC couple is another that I am disappointed you have not guessed.
The Vegas swinger club item revolves around a network show. Everyone tends to let that word slip by.
The A-list actress taking it all off story will reveal itself (no pun intended) in the next few weeks.
The latest Jackass has guest starred on several shows over the past two years and is rumored to be getting a new starring role on a show next year.
OK Here are the new blind items for today.
The easy one.
What music producer’s wife is afraid of having her secret life with women revealed?
The difficult one
This former A-list actor has not had a hit move in almost a decade. It turns out he is not a very good landlord either. This slumlord/actor has several apartment complexes that his corporation owns. At least 50 tenants throughout his properties have filed suit against him in small claims court over the past two years. The reasons for the suit range from uninhabitable living conditions (no heat in the winter, no running water at time, and sewage backups are just a small list) to evictions without the proper notice. This slumlord has kept his identity a secret for the most part in these actions by hiding behind his corporate veil. Now as his tenants are catching on who is the man behind the living conditions, our slumlord is afraid of bad publicity which will derail the slightest chance he had to relive his former glory as an A lister.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:44 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday , HIV , Jackass , L , pregnant
Things have been really quiet on the gossip front the past few days. It seems like there are 10 stories in the world and they are just getting recycled over and over. We can read about Angelina and her love of Brad or Rosie and the Asians or Nicole Richie for the 25th time. But, I search and search and search and will stop at nothing to find you something you hopefully have not read yet.
Do you think maybe Johnathan (who spells Jonathon like that?) Schaech went out with Heather Locklear to get some publicity? I think so, although Heather Locklear has gone from Tommy Lee and Richie Sambora to David Spade and now Mr. Schaech. Not quite the same type of guys. BTW, the headline says Hot new couple. That is really taking things a little too far.
Peter Boyle who played Ray's dad on Everybody Loves Raymond died on Tuesday. I watched Ray, but for me Peter Doyle will always be remembered for his movie roles. Over the last few seasons of Ray, he really was showing his age. You never really realize all the work of an actor until they pass and their credits are listed. He was in so many good movies and had so many good roles. He will be missed.
Did Mel Gibson plagiarize Apocalypto? A Mexican filmmaker seems to think so. He also says he was paid about $10USD for his work as an expert on the Mel Gibson film which was the #1 movie over the weekend. Most of these kind of stories never pan out, but you never know when someone will actually win. Also, probably no one though this guy would ever say anything to anyone and that $10 was enough to buy him off. $10? Are you kidding me? I do not care if he worked an hour on the movie. $10?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon is working hard to get his new Wonder Woman film off the ground. He's been through just about every casting agency in town looking for his lead -- Julianna Margulies was long thought to be the frontrunner -- and is now rumoured to be looking in Bollywood. Indian actress Priyanka Chopra (who is a hottie and former Miss World) is being pressed by media in London, where she lives, to talk about the film, but she's being as coy as possible. "Until something happens," she told one reporter, "I don't want to talk about it. I'm not confirming the news or denying it right now." All of which, naturally, is taken by most to mean she's landed the role for the highly anticipated adventure flick -- which is almost guaranteed to make an international star out of its lead.
Pete Doherty is always in trouble but never has anything happen to him. Granted, this seems kind of harsh, but still. The point is, he always gets away with it and one of these days someone other than himself is going to get hurt.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:03 AM
Labels: Heather Locklear , Johnathan Schaech , Mel Gibson , Pete Doherty , Peter Boyle , Priyanka Chopra
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