Friday, December 22, 2006

Today we will start with the airing of grievances. No, not really, but if you need a festivus pole, this company sells lots of them. Remember, it is a festivus for the rest of us.

So we all know what happened the first time Jessica Simpson sang 9 to 5 at the Dolly Parton Tribute and how she will have to live that down. Maybe not to the extent of the Ashlee Simpson SNL shuffle, but close. However, after the show, Jessica had the opportunity to redo the song and everyone at the time said she nailed it. Now comes the news that Jessica does not want the song to be aired and so it will not be on the program when it is aired in the near future. The people at the Kennedy Center Honors said all the right things, but inside they must have been pissed. People were going to actually watch the show for once and now they most likely will not. My guess is the performance was far from perfect and did not want the television audience to see that and make fun of it.

When you see that Anna Nicole Smith has to have her daughter take a paternity test, it just gets you to thinking. No, not if Anna's daughter is already strung out or if Howard K Stern is really a man. No, it gets you to wondering what would happen if someone ordered a DNA test on Suri Cruise? That would make a great Maury.

See, DJ AM is going about this the wrong way. He is asking his friends to set him up with someone famous. What he should do that would be fun for everyone is give a certain Miss Hilary Duff a phone call and say, "I have an idea." See, what would happen is you would have the four way fight with Joel and Nicole on one side and then Hilary and Adam on the other. Basically a standoff, until Nicole tags Paris, and Hilary is forced to tag Haylie. See, that is where Paris is going to lose. Paris does have the man hands, but I think Haylie fights dirty. Of course Paris and Haylie could end up falling in love, but really that is for another time.

Hmmmm. Angelina Jolie did not say she would be doing less films, she said "we will be doing less films." I guess she speaks for both of them. Where was that whip again?


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    aww EL lost some respect for're obviously a Maniston stan. BOO!!!

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Boooooo is right. what is going on here this blog is totally changed. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! we want our old controversial EL back

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    thanks for all the scoop.. happy holidays, Ent L... =)

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I love this blog. It has replaced all my other celebrity gossip addictions. Merry Christmas, EL and team!

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    i agree that this blog has lost its luster. What happened?? Ent L, we miss you dearly....

  6. I am here and put this on several different comments sections today.

    I am also wondering where JeeezeLouise is, although she does have her own blogs. I did respond yesterday in the afternoon post, but realized people who did not read the comments had no idea what I was referring to.

    I have never done something like this before and so I find my writing is influenced by my mood that day or if I think something is funny or if I have more time than not. Also, as far as blind items go, I am trying to use very specific words and to do that it is easier if you do not start every paragraph with What actor____

    I am not going anywhere. I would love to have buzzcock write something sometimes and jeeeze is more than welcome to as well. People e-mail me things all the time and I use them.

    but where is Jeeeze seriously?

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Too bad it's a fake. Couldn't you've waited at least until April 1st?

  8. I do not know who wrote that comment that this was fake, but it has made me really consider moderating the comments or making everyone register. It is not funny at all and I do not appreciate someone using my screen name either.

  9. OK, this is going to sound weird, but I logged into comments at 11:42 AM and there was something on there from ent lawyer that basically said, "OK, the time has come to come clean. This blog is fake. Sorry." I tried to figure out the joke and then I went to the last post before this, to see if he'd posted it there (since he'd posted the jeezlouise post twice). Not there. Then I came back to these comments and his comment was GONE--and the new post for the day was up. So something freaky is going on. Don't know if he was going to come clean for Christmas and then changed his mind or what. I don't even know if this comment will stay on the board or whether he can erase it. I just wanted to kind of tell everyone what I saw. Too bad---I was enjoying this blog. Now I think someone's playing mind games. Jane

  10. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "Of course Paris and Haylie could end up falling in love, but really that is for another time."

    now we especially know its tru about the lesbo blind item that its paris for sure.

  11. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Ehh forget the haters, EL. Your blog is awesome. Keep it up. We love you.

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, Ent honey.

  13. Anonymous4:24 PM

    You know, I was really hoping that the media would have put Cruise to trial so he would own up about Suri.

    People came so close to blowing that one wide open.


    P.S. Happy Holidays Ent Lawyer! Hugs and kisses, be safe.

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    it will never happen...Chris Klein was paid off to NEVER sue/inquire about Suri's closed!

  15. Anonymous4:52 PM

    P.S. love your blog...Hapy Holidays!

  16. Anonymous4:53 PM

    ooops...Happy Holidays!

  17. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Ent must be an ugly chick like Maniston.

  18. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I agree with you ENTL 100%!!!! Make folks register if they continue to use your screen name. That is not right.

    Jessica Simpson is a mess. CD tanked, cannot remember her lines, ENTL, where do you see her within the next year? Honestly......

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hi EL, I'm around, thanks for asking! :)

    It's that time of year, you know. I have two employees stranded in Colorado, and you know who covers shifts when employees can't make it in ... yup, the boss!

    Also, I have a friend who is a disabled vet who lost his home a couple weeks ago (it was owned by a slumlord, the place was condemned - the bastage!)

    He could have gone to a motel temporarily, but once you do that, you can't ever get together the necessary funds to rent a permanent place, and of course the VA will help him, but not in a timely manner and certainly not at this time of year. Sooooooo, I moved him into my guesthouse and since he's Jewish I had to give myself a crash course in Jewish traditions so I could properly observe Hanukkah.

    In short, very very busy BUT of course I am reading your feed daily :)

    Thanks for asking, and happy holidays to you!

  20. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Angie needs to learn proper English. They (or she) will be doing FEWER films.

    Fewer. Not less. Fewer.
