This one took me awhile to write because of its sensitive nature. You will discover that for yourself when you read it. I also want to say in advance that nothing has been proved and at this point the investigation continues.
A woman came into the office for her first appointment. I guessed she was in her 40's but it is always hard to tell in LA. I did not recognize her last name because she was using her maiden name. When she said her ex-husband’s name, I did a double take. I honestly did not know he had been married prior to his current marriage, let alone had other children. He (singer/actor B lister on a very good day and is currently on a hit tv show, lets call him "M.")
They had been divorced for quite some time when she came into the office. You could tell by looking at her that she had once been attractive, but she was not going to age well. She looked like the years since the divorce were taking their toll on her. She came into the office because she wanted to change the custody and visitation agreement she currently had with M.
The reason for the change was their daughter. For many years M and his daughter ("D") had a very close relationship. That relationship changed somewhat as his children that he lived with grew older. For some reason, the relationship with D was turning into something less father/daughter and more into something less innocent.

When things did not get any better and D was becoming more and more popular with boys, mom tried to get D to see a psychiatrist. This did not work out. D did not want to open up to

Then, one night out of the blue before D was scheduled to see her dad for the weekend, she confided to her mom that she did not want to see her dad then or ever again. D broke down and told her mom that about a year ago she woke up during the night and found M looking at her and touching himself while she was sleeping. He had pulled off her covers and was staring at her. M apologized and left the room quickly. Nothing more was said about it until the next time D visited. That weekend, M spent time with D alone and explained to her how he felt about her and that he just could not help himself. He thought of her as a woman and not his daughter. At first D was flattered because her dad had been spending more time with his other kids. She was special to dad. M wanted to show D how special she was and so over the next few months he proceeded to not only do what he had done the first night she awakened, but also made her perform sexual acts on him and he had sex with her.
D had not told anyone because she enjoyed the extra attention she was getting. She wanted to be the best for her dad so she started having sex with other boys so she could practice with them. The problem was, she did not like the person she was becoming, and so one day, she just stopped. At that point her dad became violent and tried to force himself on her. She ran away from him and feigned illness so that her step-mom would take her home. She had not been back, and this upcoming weekend would have been her first time back since the episode. She just decided she was not going to take it anymore.
Mom did not let her go over to M’s house that weekend and then came into the office to make sure D never had to go back. D is old enough to where she never has to go back if she does not want to and she has no intention to do so. M has actually gone to court to try and convince the court that he should be able to spend time with his daughter even if it is supervised. The full allegations made by D were never in the court filings. Only the first episode is mentioned, and it was made more PG in the filing. D and her mom want to handle this themselves and do not want the attention thrust on them that a full investigation would produce. However, they also wanted to make sure the other children were safe that were still living in the house. Therefore mom made an anony

M has always denied everything that happened and promises to sue if anything is ever released publicly. He said anything that did happen was just a misunderstanding. It must be said that Mom and D did not get anything out of this. There is no extra child support coming or spousal support. D just wanted to get away from her dad.
Oh wow. I hope this son of a bitch is found out. Creeps like this disgust me.
ReplyDeleteDavid Hasselhoff?
ReplyDeleteOk, I have just turned to the dark side. I think that this is fake. you don't go to an entertainment lawyer for visitation rights.
ReplyDeleteidiot!!!he -represents- celebrities,pseudo-celebrities....not entertainment issues!!!duh!
ReplyDeleteI really think it's Hasselhoff...
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple of links to check out..
This one gives a couple of reasons why him and his 2nd wife recently got divorced... mentions some strange sexual behaviors
Wikipedia here does mention he was married brieftly from 84-89, which would now put the daughter at 18+ if she were born in that time frame.
I really think it's Hasselhoff...
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple of links to check out..
This one gives a couple of reasons why him and his 2nd wife recently got divorced... mentions some strange sexual behaviors
Wikipedia here does mention he was married brieftly from 84-89, which would now put the daughter at 18+ if she were born in that time frame.
Hit TV show would be America's Got Talent..
I would think of hASS too
ReplyDeleteSick, sick, sick. If I even suspected abuse toward any child, there would be so much bloodshed.
ReplyDeleteSituations like these are horrible, because you don't want to expose the kids to shame, but at the same time it seems wrong to hide the molester's crimes.
Anon 12:15: It also does not say here that EL was the attorney handling the case.
ReplyDeletethat is fucking HORRIBLE.
ReplyDeleteAll molesters should die a cruel, slow death.
Randy Jackson's marriage to Elizabeth Jackson ended in divorce in 1990. They have one child together. Since 1995, he has been married to Erika Riker, with whom he has two children.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust to throw something in to the mix - are you aware that a lot of abusers have themselve been abused? They are displaying learnt behaviours.
ReplyDeleteThe way to break the cycle is not the violence commited on the abuser but by helping the abused.
i don't think the hoff would make a c-list on a good day. but would make sense since he recent behavior on the booze & considering how much his 2nd wife hates him.
ReplyDeleteI do not watch much TV, but The Hoff is not "on a cirrent hit TV show" is he?
ReplyDeleteI'm not assuming this is Hasselhoff, but a search of "hasselhoff daughter" brings up this insane story:
And the guy is clearly blazing drunk through his America's Got Talent tapings. Being an alcoholic asshole does not always a child molester make--but there may be some correlation between those traits.
It also brings up the fact that he likes younger women:
(anyone find any evidence of a daughter with Catherine Hickland has a daughter with him? no daughter = not him, obvs)
how can you in good conscience let this person be "unnamed." This person preyed on a child. It's sick.
ReplyDeletewas the Hoff not on that train wreck talent show that everyone loved for about 3 mins???
ReplyDeletehe is a creep,that would explain the drunkiness of late and odd bahavior...sound slike his world is falling apart and now that his two other daughters are getting older..the demon is coming back.
sick and depraved but its sounds almost clinical.
cant be the hoff. his kids are to his second wife. i was seriously thinking it was him though. unless ETL has mixed things up so we dont guess it for sure.
ReplyDeleteIt can't be David Hasselhoff because 1) he is currently divorced (and the blind item says "current marriage" and 2)he didn't have any children with his first wife, Catherine Hickland. He only has two children and they are from his second marriage.
ReplyDeleteUK Reader said...
ReplyDeleteJust to throw something in to the mix - are you aware that a lot of abusers have themselve been abused? They are displaying learnt behaviours.
The way to break the cycle is not the violence commited on the abuser but by helping the abused.
-- Yes, yes and we should go hug everyone in the taliban. If they knew that we loved them, they would stop the violence.
John Stamos?????
ReplyDeleteKiefer Sutherland
ReplyDeleteDanny Bonaduce?
ReplyDeleteit said singer/actor...can't you people read
ReplyDeletewatch for Jennifer Lopez/Marc Anthony marriage to end shorty after February.
ReplyDeleteAt first I was thinking Rick Springfield but I think he is too old. It sounds like somebody younger with small children at home. The daughter is teenaged now. Rick has teenage boys.
ReplyDeleteThis one has me stumped and it actually should be easy to figure out.
As an attorney, I can't believe a fellow attorney would publish such things even "blindly." If were a client and read this blog and identified my personal situation as the subject of a blind item written by my attorney, I would be absolutely horrified. If ent lawyer is not the attorney, it better be someone in his office. If ent lawyer or his firm is not representing this ex-wife, it would be a shame if a friend of his betrayed his client's confidence to reveal this story. It's not ethical. However, I do not believe half of this blog is true. I do not believe this blogger is an attorney either.
ReplyDeleteJim Belushi is a guess...
ReplyDeleteHit tv show, sings, had several divorces, has 3 children (two are with his current wife, Jennifer. Picture-- )
I haven't found information on the other child yet...
It's a boy--Robert. not belushi
ReplyDelete^aah, found out: nope. Belushi's oldest is a boy.
ReplyDeleteBobby Brown?
Narc- The post was removed by the comment author, ie YOU. If it had been removed by ENTL it would say removed by administrator or blog owner. Don't cast blame where there is none. Either it was your post and you deleted it, or it was someone else's post and you're claiming it was deleted by ENTL to start some crap and probably drive traffic away from this site to another.
ReplyDeleteEither way you're the liar, not the blog author. for the second posting
ReplyDeleteTyrese is only in his twenties so "IF" he had a teenaage daughter, he would've had to been like 3 years old to conceive her.
Get with the program you retard!
wow this is really horrible. It was pretty shocking that he would in the first place admit he considers his own daughter sexually but to *actually* act on it?!
ReplyDeletePedophilia is already so wrong but to add incest, it's just purelly discusting. I can't understand how ppl like this manage to live knowing they do this.
This is pretty creepy if true. It should also be a fairly easy one to figure out given the facts (assuming they’re true) and what we might infer from them so I decided to put a bit of time into it. What I’ve written is long but I did it mostly to outline my thinking to help me figure it out.
ReplyDelete(I’ve generally been in the camp that believes that EL’s stories are true. This story is the first that really makes me think maybe I might be wrong. I say that because EL, if real, seems interested in keeping his/her identity secret. This story, however, stands a decent chance of becoming real news. Big news. And that means it’s likely that EL would be outed very quickly at that point.)
What we know:
1) Two marriages, at least one daughter by first marriage, at least two children by second at least one of which is a girl. Also, Mom went to the authorities to “make sure the other *children* were safe.” Since most molesters are boy/girl specific, this implies that there are at least two daughters by the second wife. Also, marriage is probably well known given EL’s reaction.
2) Daughter, D, in mid-teens at time of story. She is also “old enough that she never has to go back if she doesn’t want to” which sounds like a statutory issue. I don’t feel like researching California family law but that could give the exact/minimum age of the daughter. I’m guessing 16.
3) Father is actor and singer. Unclear which is main occupation or first occupation, however it’s more likely that he was a singer first since that’s the way it goes.
4) Father currently “on” a hit TV show and is a B actor at best. Based on the word “on” and B-/C status, he’s probably not the star/lead.
5) Divorced “for quite some time.” I’m thinking 10-ish years.
6) Wife uses maiden name. Unclear what the daughter uses.
7) Father currently married. Father also probably in at least his 40s since his ex looks that age and men – especially the famous variety – rarely marry up in age.
8) Lives in or around LA if has visitation/shared custody with a woman who went to an LA lawyer.
9) Was actually married to the Mom.
Things we don’t know and shouldn’t assume:
1) That this happened recently. EL says the investigation continues. I imagine, however, that it couldn’t have happened more than a couple years ago since one would think (hope?) that allegations of molestation and rape by a parent wouldn’t take years and years to investigate by CPS. Also, EL – despite protestations otherwise – usually doesn’t seem to be too careful with his/her language. Without a lot of care, a writer can often unintentionally divulge information and this story uses a lot of present tense with lots of the events/processes in the story. On the flip side, at the very end, EL says, “It must be said that Mom and D did not get anything out of this.” That seems to indicate that the whole family court side of this has been resolved. That would probably mean it happened at least 6 months or more ago unless that’s just bad tense usage.
2) That the molested/raped daughter is the only child by that mother. In fact, EL says of the father that he/she didn’t know the father had “other children,” plural.
3) That the father is white. This is a trap I always fall into.
4) That his singing career means he was a recording artist.
Possible men using singer/actor/current hit show criteria:
- Ice T – Probably not. Former rapper and current cast member on Law & Order: SVU. Fits current hit show, he’s not the lead, he had at least two children – including a daughter Letesha – by a woman prior to his current wife but I can’t find any mention of children by his current wife and he married her in 2004. Casting doubt is also that he only broke up with his children’s mother in 2002.
- Mandy Patinkin – Probably not. Most famous for being Inigo Montoya, currently on Criminal Minds. Did Broadway musicals in the 80s. According to Imdb has only two sons and has been married since 1980.
- John Stamos – Probably not. Certainly fits my definition of “wishes he was B-list.” Currently on ER. Toured as drummer with Beach Boys, acted in musicals. Had prominent wife (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) until just last year that would be well known to EL and others as his wife. But, Imdb says that was his first marriage and lists no children.
- Randy Jackson – Maybe. Host of American Idol, not really a singer but certainly can sing and was in Journey and is a well known musician. Was married to a woman Elizabeth until 1990 (though wikipedia calls her Elizabeth Jackson, not her maiden name presumably) and according to wikipedia, they have a child which could be just about the right age depending on when he/she was born. Currently married with two children according to imdb.
- Harry Hamlin – Probably not. I didn’t watch the last season of Veronica Mars, but he was in at least some of the episodes and it’s a hit. He’s not known as a singer but imdb trivia says he’s done some singing. He played a super f#$king creepy child molester on Veronica Mars and now thoroughly creeps me out. Has two daughters with current wife. Previously married to Nicolette Sheridan (91-93) but she doesn’t have any kids. Was married to a woman named Laura Johnson from 85-89 and if they had a daughter at the end of that time period, it could work with the timing of this story (imdb lists no kids for her and neither does wikipedia).
- John O’Hurley (aka J. Peterman) – Probably not. According to imdb he’s a classically trained vocalist. He was married to Eva LaRue Callahan from 92-94, the right time frame, but imdb indicates they didn’t have kids. He was recently on Dancing with the Stars. Definitely a B list or lower, I’d think.
- Bobby Brown – Maybe. A first wife would be a surprise to many. Singer and actor. Has his own reality show though I wouldn’t call it a hit. Not much higher than B list. Has one daughter with Whitney and three others by at least one other woman. One of those three is a daughter. The daughter with Whitney was born in ‘93 – if this story is within the last couple years and if the father raped his daughter in her mid teens, the daughter with Whitney would be coming up on his target age and hence the fear of a repeat. I don’t think he lives in LA, though (Jersey?) and it isn’t clear if he was married prior to Whitney.
- David Hasselhoff – Probably not. Fits singer/B- actor description. He’s not currently married and research above seems to indicate that his kids are from his second marriage only. Is he currently on a show? says no. I mention him only because he’s listed above by others.
- Mike Rowe – Probably not. He’s the guy on Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel. He was an opera singer before he got into TV/acting. But, he lives in San Francisco and it’s unclear whether he’s married to his current significant other or has any children.
I also thought about Gene Simmons, but he’s not nor has he ever been married.
After all that...nothing sounds particularly compelling except Randy Jackson. But one thing I keep thinking is that if EL was surprised by the maiden name/married name thing, it seems likely that the father has an easily identifiable name. That doesn’t work for most of the guys on the list though it does make me like John Stamos. I feel like I’m missing something obvious.
I know that it's probably not The Hoff but I went ahead and looked at his former wife's profile on and guess what her third husband's name is: Michael Knight! This is killing me!!! LOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteI thought of Will Smith but it can't be him because the child from his first marriage is a boy.
Anyone else think of Mildred Pierce meets Chinatown with this one?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this one should be obvious, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I'm too tired to think straight, however. Maybe it'll come to me in a dream.
Would The Hoff really qualify as a B-lister? I was thinking the D-list for him, as he's such a joke.
I'm thinking Flavor Flav. He has a hit show "Flavor of Love" and he is a B list rapper.
ReplyDeleteIn his bio on IMDB it says he has six kids, but it doesn't say if he has been married or how many times.
Preface w/: I'm not a lawyer and no nothing about CA law but: I just wanted to comment that, last I knew and this may vary from state to state, 13 is the legal age that a child can decide on his/her own that he/she does not want to live w/, perhaps go to, a parent's place. Also I think statutory rape would just be w/ a minor, they don't have to be of a minimum age, only less than the maximum age-17 or 18.
ReplyDeleteI am starting to sway towards Randy Jackson....
ReplyDeleteDefinitely fits the mold.. and I am not sure if ENT L ment to put this in his blog or if I am looking waaay into it but....
"Therefore mom made an anonymous call to CPS and that investigation is continuing but as far as I know has not produced anything or it would have DEFINITELY come out."
I took note to how the investiagation hasn't PRODUCED anything...
Jackson is a producer... does this tie in too? A subtle hint perhaps?
My best guess would be Charlie Sheen because I know he has a teenage daughter from a previous relationship (although I'm not sure if it was a marriage) and he has 2 daughters with Denise Richards. Of course they aren't currently married anymore and he's not an actor/singer just an actor so I suppose it's not a very good guess.
ReplyDeleteAnd NARC, your alleged comment is in the comments section of a separate post, not this one. It wasn't deleted, you're just looking in the wrong place. Aren't you a wee bit paranoid?
Okay.. let me get this right..
ReplyDelete- The daughter is CURRENTLY in her mid-teens. I'm guessing 15-16. She was therefore born in the early '90s.
- The "events" went on for about a year AND began about a year ago.
- M is (or at least once was) a singer/actor and NOW has a hit tv show.
We have to think of a singer/actor with a CURRENT his tv show that was married in the late 80s early 90s. Right?
Another thing - it would have to be someone who has a family we are familiar with - I have no idea about Randy Jackson and his personal life. Who has put their family out there in public?
ReplyDeleteBilly Ray Cyrus is a possibility since he was married once before w/one child. He has 2 children now and is in Hannah Montana.
ReplyDeleteNo, not Billy Ray because he has a son from a previous marriage.
ReplyDeleteAs much as it pains me to say this...we have to consider that blogger changes some things. So what if actor/singer is actually a current film actor. And has a SON. Has been in music, Tv and film. He is currently in a high profile marriage. I am gonna leave my guess at that. It is just too disgusting for me to name names. But you all can speculate. I just prefer to sit back and observe.
ReplyDeleteCharlie Sheen's daughter was born in 1985, so that makes her 21 now.
It's possible that the story dates from a few years back but Sheen and Richard only married in 2002 (that would make the first daughter 17 by then) and their kids are still babies...
I like the possibility of a son instead of a daughter, but if it's true, then all bets are off and it would be nearly impossible to find.
ReplyDeletebtw Lizz, I don't remember that Charlie Sheen ever had a singing career/experience?
I just checked Sheen IMDb and it doesn't seem he was ever married to his first daugther's mother.
ReplyDeleteHow about Don Johnson? He has a teenage daughter by Melanie Griffin and is remarried and has children with his present wife.
ReplyDeleteThis blind item is something!! I love to read the posts and see what the responses are. I have no clue. I am just amazed that and ENTL had enough time between clients and other things to actually write and create this gossip blog.
ReplyDeletePeople.. according to the blind item, we know nothing about the wife. She isn't an actress or singer. Remember, EL was surprised when he not only found out who she was married to, but that he had been married before his current marriage.
ReplyDeleteVincent D'Onofrio
ReplyDeleteI love Flavor Flave's show so I honestly hope it is not him, but... he does have some macho views on women (if you watch the show carefully, some of the comments he makes are really hurtful to women.) And I mean, the calier of femals on the show leaves a lot to be desired, although I know it doesn't make him some sick rapist. His children actually seemed very down to earth and sensible when they were on an episode. You never know what goes on behind closed doors... but I'm pulling for Flave!
ReplyDeleteSomeone also commented on this - if any of these stories actually get out, can it harm ENTL?? I actually think that once something becomes common knowledge it will be impossible to trace. Unless someone was outed because of this exact blog, how would anyone know who was telling the stories?
ReplyDeletekiefer sutherland
ReplyDeleteTo the people suggesting Randy Jackson: He is not an actor, nor has he ever been one. I do believe this makes this guess null and void.
ReplyDeleteI like the Don Johnson guess for this. He released two albums in the 80s, so the singer/actor fits. The B list status is iffy, though. Plus, it looks as though he's only been in cameo/bit roles in any shows as of late. Not sure if that qualifies.
He began a relationship with Melanie Griffith when he was 22 and she was 14. To me, this is sort of the nail in the coffin. His marital history is confusing at best, so it is very possible I'm missing some pivotal information that may dismiss him as an appropriate guess.
Billy Bob Thorton? He's not on tv right?
ReplyDeleteNvm his daughter from his first marriage was born in '72.