Thursday, December 07, 2006

This morning will be the usual with some links and commentary although there is really not much out there to look at. The afternoon post will be another Jackass v Kindness post because it has been awhile since I did one of those.

Last night I called a really good friend of mine to get a phone number to thank someone which relates to the kindness portion of the afternoon post. It was just going to be a one minute call and it turned into an hour. This friend is on a tv show and has been for some time and he does movies also. I have asked him before if he considers himself A list and his answer is usually something sarcastic or self-deprecating. See, he is A list and all of you would know his name, but he would not be the first person you would think of when A list is mentioned. Unless someone is constantly self-promoting then you just hear about the star when they want you to hear from them.

For example, this friend of mine does not have a publicist. He just relies on the network's publicist or the production company of the show and when he does a movie, follows the same type of formula. He also gave me the jackass story for this afternoon and it is pretty entertaining so be nice in the comments section because he will be reading them.

I know I have been talking about publicists frequently and so you probably want me to shut up about it, but think about Gwyneth Paltrow. Is her publicist good? Absolutely. Is there anything the publicist could do to fix the mess Gwyneth got into when speaking about America? They tried, and got a response in the press two days running, and made up a really bad explanation which is good, but this is a case where the star should have called the publicist before the interview and not waited until after when not much could be done.

I have had some e-mails from people who want the colors reversed on the blog because it hurts their eyes. They would prefer a white background and dark writing. I would like to know if this is the case for everyone before I make any kind of switch.

I have also had some e-mails about defamation and I can go into a long spiel about it like I did when discussing Perez's case, but I do not know if anyone would be interested. What it really comes down to is if you are a public figure is that you have to prove that the offending party did so knowing what they were reporting was untrue and did it anyway. That is a very tough burden for the celebrity/public figure.

Without Tim Gunn, no one will watch Project Runway so they better fix this problem quick before next season begins. Could you imagine if they had a Ryan Seacrest type style instead of Tim Gunn? Tim Gunn is in about 10% of the show max, but he is what brings it all together.

Get on a plane thinking you are still with your baby's daddy. Get off the plane and he is dating someone else.

You guys always are asking for inside information. I believe I told you all this a week ago, and the Sun is just now reporting it. Hmmmm. How did I know?


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The color of your background seems just fine to me. I actually prefer it the way it is.

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    ENT, seriously - i love your blog, i love your stories and your own unique voice. don't let anyone change your colors (real or metaphorical). if people don't like the site, they can bugger off elsewhere, to less entertaining and less thoughful blogs. keep it real.

    your biggest fan

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Love the format. Don't change.

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The format is fine.

    I don't really understand the Britney thing? Are you referring to the story about her doing it on purpose?

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    My god people have boring lives if they compalin about the color scheme. It's fine the way it is.

  6. The format looks fine to me! I think the other way is harder to read.

    Regarding Brit-are you referring to Lindsay's inside info when you met her at the GQ awards? Why does Lindsay have that info if they are not friends? And if they are friends, I don't get that either..

    What's your take on that email Lindsay sent to her friends and lawyers about Al Gore and the Clintons helping her image?

  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I could never "carry on" watching Project Runway without Tim. And I agree with the other comments. Leave the color of the site alone.

  8. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Watch it, publicityiscandy...[brandishes broken bottle] Don't make me fight you for the "biggest fan" title! (LOL)

    Actually, that seems like it might turn into quite a cage match. Nice to see people giving our Ent the props he deserves.

    Girls, raise your hands if you've got a wee bit of a crush! [hand goes up]

  9. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I like the color as it is!

  10. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Hand up! :D

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Several years ago, Mark Cohodes and Rocker Partners (a big hedge fund) wanted to sue an anonymous message board poster for defamation. First, they needed the courts to order Yahoo to turn over the poster's name, so they filed a motion for that. The anonmymous guy's lawyers, of course, filed a motion to quash - and that has to be one of the funniest court documents I've ever read.

    The argument was, that in order to justify the invasion of privacy, the plaintiffs needed to show substantial evidence that an offense had occured. Since the complaint was defamation, that meant they had to show that what was posted was "provably false". So therefore, the motion asked, could Cohodes prove that he was not, in fact, "a big skank" or "full of shit"?

    I may have that pleading on my computer somewhere. If I find it, I'll send it to you :)

  12. Anonymous10:37 AM

    You are awesome! I just started reading you, and I love your posts and taking all the "clues" to make guesses! Keep up the great work- you definitely have a new "regular" reader!!!

    (PS- I think the white on black is fine as is, personally)

    (PSS- without investigation, the first person that came to my mind for your A-Lister was Ray Romano. Just not sure if he has a publicist or not)

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Oops- scratch Ray Romano. He's not on a TV show bad.

  14. Anonymous10:47 AM

    My god--let's hope Vince Vaughn doesn't get an endorsement deal with Hanes for coming out of his relationship.

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I'll read your blog either way, but it is a bit more difficult for some of us to read the white on black background. I did not email you and I'm not complaining so I don't think I need to bugger off. People, can you possibly be kind and understand that for some of us the white font on black background is as difficult/blurry to read as it is when people type in all caps? As I said, I'll read either way; I just can't read an entire day of posts at one sitting with this color scheme.

  16. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I think as far as Britney, he's referring to having said that the no panties thing was over, etc.

  17. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Yes, please swap the colors. It's painful to read, and then all I see it white lines when I look up.

  18. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I prefer the color scheme as it is - it's a refreshing change - thanks!!

  19. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Leave the white on black, but perhaps the font could be a little bigger? It's fine for me, but some people may have difficulty reading the smaller font. Just my opinion.

    And I would not watch PR without Tim Gunn. It wouldn't be "Make it work time" without him.

  20. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I vote for changing the color. I'll read your blog either way but I find I do get a bit of a headache with the white on black.

    If Timm Gunn leaves PR I don't think I would watch.

  21. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The reason the white on black hurts your eyes? Hyperopia. Seriously. Look into it - or a pair of $6 reading glasses from the mega discount store nearest you. And don't screw with the color format, it's very LA-noir.

  22. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I love your blog, but please, please please go to white with black letters my eyes are killing me and i'm blind by the time i get done reading. I am a big fan--love the stories...the one on K was great --hilarious!

  23. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I like the colors as they are, like others have said, its a nice change from other blogs as well. But i could also see how it could mess w/ people's eyes, other color combos can do that to me. Well, staring at a computer can do that to me, esp w/ florescent lites overhead! I would suggest trying a larger font size or simply a different font instead of the color change and see how that goes... ? I don't blog myself, so I'm not sure of the options you have w/ Blogger.
    Also, for those that have difficulty reading it as is, click and drag over the text and it will (or should) reverse the colors to black on white, maybe then it'll be less of a headache?

  24. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I like your current background as it is.

    I also wanted to say that I love reading your posts. Lately I find myself visiting daily :)

  25. Anonymous12:32 PM

    no reason to change the coloring imho...

    keep on writing, no matter what the fools tell you to change. stay as you are and keep me addicted to this blog.

  26. Anonymous12:40 PM

    My guess on the male A lister is Alec Baldwin.

  27. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Leave it the way it is. It's a good change of pace.


  28. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Aesthetically I like the white on black, but I do agree it screws with my eyes. If I'm reading for more than two or three minutes it takes several minutes of readjusting time.

    Enjoying the stories! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Anonymous12:50 PM

    If you can't read the page in white & black, when you get to this page click on "show original post" at the top of this page - and - hey presto - it's all black & white!!!!

  30. Anonymous12:58 PM


    don't go changing to try to please them...

    I love you just the way you are!

    paraphrasing good ol' drunk driving Billy Joel!

  31. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Naah, leave the colour scheme as it is, it's classy & understated. If people have trouble with the font size, then they can just ctrl + to make the font bigger :)

  32. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    My god--let's hope Vince Vaughn doesn't get an endorsement deal with Hanes for coming out of his relationship.

    Hey - Anon!
    I think you got your negatives & positives mixed up here..... Let's hope he does!

  33. To all those asking about he Britney reference, I believe Ent L was referring to the fact that last week he commented on the Britney flashing episodes, and that he knew 'first hand' it was not going to be happeneing anymore. That her team was putting an end to her showing the whole world her business..... Now it is being reported in sun

  34. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Ok, here's the "Full of shit" Motion ;)

    The whole thing is very funny, but that specific argument is on page 11:

    "Were this case someday to proceed to trial, how would Cohodes go about proving that he is not 'full of shit'?"

    Another document from the same case, also very funny, which addresses Cohodes' displeasure with people posting under screen names such as "marc_cohodes_ate_a_turd_sandwich".

    I honestly don't know how the judge was able to hear this case with a straight face.

  35. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I like the format just the way it is. I don't recall how I found this blog, but it's entered my daily rotation.

  36. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Oh, and the Court agreed with the Motion to Quash, so Cohodes and Rocker Partners were not able to get the real names of the anonymous posters from Yahoo, and the case ended there.

  37. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Thanks for clearing that up Rebecca!

  38. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Hi. It was me who sent an email (I don't know if I was the only one or if there were others) about the colors--I didn't know I could click on comments and then see it in the "Show Original Post". Thank you to the person who pointed that out--I've had to cut and paste the posts into Word to read them. Didn't mean to cause any problems--I just know that white on black gives me problems and thought that maybe others might be in the same predicament. I agree it does look great though and will gladly shut up if I'm the only one with issues (going into comments and reading it there helps a ton!)

  39. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I like the color scheme. The comments scheme of black on white is boring. But regardless, I'll still be here reading you.

    Poor Mel... not only does she end up getting pregnant by someone who has to pay for sex but he left her pregnant. I much prefer Eddie's brother, Charlie. He's friggin funny!

  40. Anonymous2:39 PM

    YES PLEASE (on changing the color scheme). i dont read your entries off your blog - i copy and paste them into a word document. My eyes hurt too much with the white writing on the black background. The otherway around would be appreciated :) i dont want to go blind!

  41. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Yes please change the format. I super have to strain to read the writing. I feel it's easer to read reversed.

  42. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I wouldn't mind the next larger font size.

  43. Anonymous4:26 PM

    whatever style or color you want it's your blog lol stop being so nice and do something for yourself. You seem like one of those people that truly cares about everyone around them and let's them choose or decide what to do give yourself stuff too like your blog. :D So look forward to reading your stories every day.

  44. NooooooooooooooooooooooooI just clicked on the Tim Gunn link because i watch project runway religiously here in Australia, and the Article SPOILED THE WINNER FOR ME!!! We are only half way through the series. FUCK.

  45. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It makes me laugh that people choose to read this blog and then complain about it! Seriously, if you dislike something soo much, do you continue to go back to it and even waste your time commenting on it? NO. You go elsewhere, and assume that if it sucks that bad, sooner or later it will go away on its own. People are freaks when they try to tell you how to do it better/different/their way. Do it your own way, and enjoy...the rest of you all need to go away or shut it :)

  46. Anonymous6:02 PM

    this white on black is very difficult to read... juicy stories, thank you

  47. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Love your blog!! It would be easier on my eyes if it was black text on white background but I can carry on just copy/pasting your entries into a Word document and reading it from there.

  48. Anonymous1:14 PM

    How many complaints do you need? Do you want to take a poll? Is the fact that people comment & email not enough for you?

    Here's some tips based on my research, sorry I don't have time to list my references...

    Value & Color

    Type set white on black is 15% more difficult to read than type set black on white.

    3/4 of all readers prefer black on white

    If reversed type or white type on a solid background (color or black and white) is specified, it should be no smaller than 12 points.
