Friday, December 08, 2006

This morning will be some LINKS and then of course this afternoon the Four For Friday Blind Items with a bonus so there will really be Five.

I really read this one wrong. I did not think Wesley Snipes was going to come back to the US to be arrested. From this point forward I am going to stick up for him. I am not sure how many of us would leave a country where we were safe from arrest and come back to the US knowing we could be facing some serious jail time. Free Wesley!!

Is Rosie O'Donnell already leaving The View? The buildup to her being on is shorter than the time actually on the show. I do not actually watch the show, but from what I understand, if she left, then the remaining group would sit around and make everyone yawn.

Not everyone can afford an attorney when they get divorced. California is one of the better states for doing it yourself. However, if you have the funds, and are trying to get about $200M USD don't you think an attorney would be a good idea? Not if you are Heather Mills and know you are better than everyone else.

A wedding between a one hit wonder and a model is sure to last. Right? What, you don't think a guy who was allegedly cheating on a supermodel will have any problems being married to said supermodel for the rest of their life? Ok, well maybe you are right. Naaaah. They will never even make it to the altar. But I am sure it is a pretty ring.

Now, as I promised to Mel. Here is the link to Wolfmother which was nominated for a Grammy yesterday. This is an Australian group that will cause LA to be swarming with chants of Oi, Oi, and Aussie, Aussie, Aussie throughout the month of February. Actually it should be fun and they are really, really good.


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