Friday, December 15, 2006

So you know what I hate? I hate the fact that this girl who spent the night with Vince Vaughn is actually named Laura Mallory Lane instead of Laura Malory as she was previously known. Now I need to go back and change everything. Ms. Lane knew exactly what she was doing from the moment she saw Vince. From her "I only have a headshot to give" to her wanting the media to go away and leave her alone, by telling the media through countless interviews, go away and leave me alone. "But before you go you can take some more photos and does anyone know a good agent?"

Angelina Jolie loves Brad Pitt. "We met and it was blah blah blah."

"We are going to have twenty more kids and blah blah blah."

"I am the disciplinarian."

"The UN is doing great things all over blah blah blah."

What? Wait a second go back. She is the what? The disciplinarian? Does that mean that she dresses up in latex and makes Brad her bitch? Oh, wait she is talking about raising the kids. Well, you never know. It could extend further.

Paris Hilton insists she has been celibate for the last seven months just as she said she would. First, does doing it with another woman count? Second, wasn't there a scene outside her car one night about a month ago where she was screaming for some guy to come out or she wasn't going to f_ _ _ him that night? The only statement of hers I believe is that she likes kissing and making out more than sex. She has said repeatedly she does not enjoy sex with men which only leaves the ladies.

Courtney Love is helping Pete Doherty quit drugs. Does anything else really need to be said?

When Jessica Simpson says she "wants to get John Mayer in the studio" does that mean what I think it means or am I just being a guy?

I do not know if this is Marcia Cross with her girlfriend or just some random redhead or someone from her family, but this website is convinced it her girlfriend.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Do two people work on this blog?

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    you're running out of steam, bubba. Get some hott blind items up here NOW!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I'm glad to see that other people are sick of Angelina Jolie the homewrecker too.


  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    It's funny how the woman, or other woman is always labled as the homewrecker. I myself, think Brad is much more of a homewrecker than Angelina. And one day.. maybe years down the road he'll get sick of Angelina and leave her too! /rant

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM

    How could anyone "let" their husbands go off to another country to make a movie with Angelina. . . besides for her undeniable beauty and sex appeal, she has a history of hooking up with her co-stars, and even marrying them. She has no boundries when it comes to who she sinks her teeth into and although I like Brad and Angelina together now, she totally had no qualms 'stealing' Brad away. I feel like it was a challege, a conquest to add to her many, and I don't even think she fell for him. I feel like he was a challenge and THAT was what she was attracted to. Even now, I feel like she has him whipped, wrapped around her finger, and I wonder what she does to him to make him so weak around her.

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Paris slept with Matt Lienart over the summer. However, she did make him wait 3 months before sleeping with him.

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Team Aniston!

  8. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Agreed with Anon at 11:16~I think that Brad is p-whipped. I used to love Brad Pitt, but after the separation with Jen, and immediately hooking up with Angelina, I lost all respect for the man. I thought he was one of the good ones. I'm sure that he and Jen were having problems (IMO anyone with a solid marriage would not turn to someone else), but I agree with Jen when she says he's missing a sensitivity chip. How he acted with Angelina so soon after they separated was a dick move. I don't care to read any stories about them, and am waiting for the day when one of them cheats. True or not, they must know that what goes around comes around. Unfortch, it's probably going to be Angelina to cheat on Brad, because as I said, he's whipped.

    Team Aniston as well!

  9. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Aniston never wanted kids, Brad did. Team Aniston yr looking old n desperate. If Jennifer hooked up wid someone hot noone wld feel sorry for her now. Instead she gives losers like fed-ex the time of day...

    Team Jolie!

  10. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Oh I blame Brad too, don't get me wrong. He's a serial monogamist and you are correct. He will tire of her too and she will get what she deserves. The reason I blame her more is that she has a history of stealing men - Billy Bob from Laura Dern.


  11. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I love how people "know" that Jen didn't want kids, like they're her best friend or something.

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Even if Brad dumps Angie tomorrow somehow I don't picture her pining long for him. Whoever he moves on to will develop such an inferiority complex though....I mean compete wid sexy ex Saint Angie?! And Shiloh?!

    Luckily they truly seem like soul mates. Good luck to them I say esp if they truly put their kids before themselves.

  13. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Its well publicised she didnt want kids and wanted to concentrate on her career. While he repeatedly mentioned he wanted to start family.

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Yes, I know it was well publicized that people speculated she didn't want kids, but it never came from her mouth. There was never an interview where she said she never wanted kids.

  15. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Angelina Jolie can go to hell. Billy Bob said she was a lousy, boring fuck anyway. And I believe him.

  16. As far as Angelina "stealing" men, if she's able to steal someone's man, then he wasn't really into the first chic in the first place. It's their job to remain faithful to their women, if they aren't, that's their downfall, not Angelina's. I hate to see the "other woman" get all the blame when it's the GUY that cheated.

  17. Anonymous2:14 PM

    "I hate to see the "other woman" get all the blame when it's the GUY that cheated."

    You're a very lucky person to have never met a floozy! Women will stop at nothing to get a man. Angie is a slut and you are being naive.

  18. Anonymous2:21 PM

    God, if i had to fuck Billy Bob i wouldn't put much effort into it either....

  19. Anonymous2:52 PM

    @Anon 12.38 Is that you Jennifer?! Thought you only read Perez! lol

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I think you get some help with this blog ENT...the style of yr latest posts varies.... becomes...dare I say feminine?

  21. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Paris - Celibate
    Ok, she has remained "celibate" in the sense that she has remained unmarried; however another meaning for celibate means "refraining from sexual intercourse". Oh? She's American? Oh, that's right your president decreed that anything leading up to actual intercourse doesn't count....

    Celibate was also to do with remaining pure and abstinence... not "fooling around" but not actually having sex - oh, yeah and sex with girls STILL count!

  22. Anonymous4:39 PM

    You bitches are stone cold misoygnists!

    No woman, I repeat: NO WOMAN can 'steal' a man who doesn't want to be stolen.
    Meaning: Brad was sick of Jenn and vice vs.

    p.s. this blog ROCKS and if you don't like it oh well - Perez awaits your asses!!!!

    -Art Chic

  23. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Definitely Marcia Cross and her girlfriend. Her 'husband' is her purse and the lovely little redheaded girl is her sweetie.

  24. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I doubt if Paris Hilton even knows the meaning of celibate. She must think it means not going down on a man five seconds after she meets him.

    Angelina Jolie I ditto the blah blah blah. She is turning into her own parody.

    Brad Pitt, blah blah blah. He is turning into Angelina Jolie.

    Marcia Cross, you know she married her beard to squash a major story that was going to out her. Elton John took the same cover when he married his first wife Renata. That woman she is with is most def her other hair, fug footwear and all!

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    MERKIN. She married her merkin!

    Miss Helen Crump,
    Mayberry N.C.

  26. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Angelina has more past issues than National Geographic. The whole thing is a smoke screen to hide the fact that she is boring. She is gigantic bore. I wouldn't let her near my man without a taser gun at the ready. She is a dirty thief. I would kick her boney ass, if I was Aniston. She needs a beatdown. Whiney stupid bitches say it was the man's fault. Um Ladies please! Do you know where your man is right now?

  27. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Team Jolie-Pitt for life!

    Maniston wanted a career instead of family but forgot she couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. No man, no job and a chin like Jay Leno. I enjoy watching the bitch suffer.



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