Thursday, December 14, 2006

See, this is the kind of story I love. Girl rises up from literally nothing to become an incredibly popular singer that all America falls in love with. Grandfather raises the girl and spends his life savings to witness her ascenion to fame. Dad gets out of jail in time to see his daughter at the height of her fame. Dad becomes desperate for money and sells daughter's stuff on E-Bay. Sounds like the movies, but actually it is Kellie Pickler from American Idol. When did she cut her hair. Why does she look 35 now? Why does it look like her dad is used to holding her like that? I bet Kellie could write a book that would make heads spin.

So, I thought the Kellie picture with her dad was the grossest story of the day, but it turns out I was waaaay wrong. No, the story that makes me shudder the most today is this. It seems Rod Stewart who has a lovely fiancee has trouble making love to her and needs to concentrate. However, if given the chance to take a shot at Camilla Parker Bowles he would not need to concentrate at all. Now, I am not one for rumors, but could this be because Camilla looks more like a man?

This just in!! Beyonce just wants to be normal. Did you know Beyonce walks in the park to be normal? Of course if you come within 50 feet of her, then a swarm of bodyguards will beat the living hell out of you, but she wants to be normal. P.S. She is not a diva either. I was going to post a pic of Beyonce, but honestly, I am tired of seeing her everywhere lately. I think Jay Z might be getting tired of her also because he does not want to commit to marrying her. Jay Z, please keep thinking along those lines.
Oh, is that Jennifer Hudson's pic instead of Beyonce? Is that because even though both got nominated for Golden Globes, everyone is using Jen's photo? Think Beyonce might be a little miffed today? But remember, she is normal.


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Well yes but before you take potshots at Camilla just remember who showed more willing to actually turn up and visit folks in New Orleans after Katrina when your President could barely (yet again) get off his arse.

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    OK. Now I know there is more than one person working on this blog! This writing style is more along the lines of a female.

    Funny though! :)

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    ha, i love sarcasm. geez does Rod want yet another kid or something? how much younger is that woman? Nice man/woman shot.I've never heard of Hudson before this movie, she's cute. Apparently the director/producer/somebody thought Beyonce couldn't play the role Hudson played or even the role she ended up getting. Guess she's gonna have to prove herself as an actress a while longer. I don't really get why JZ doesn't want to marry her, though. Aside from normal reasons why people may not want to marry one another, my unknowing eye thinks they seem to get on well, she's hot, they have stuff in common, etc. But really, what do I know? = )
    Happy Thurs, ENT

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    9:59, good call. But the Pres can't get off his arse cause he's got his head stuck in it.

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Poor Kellie Pickler. Her mother abandoned her, too.

  6. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Jay-Z doesn't want to marry Beyonce because they have a business arrangement.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I think Rod's wife Penny IS preggers! right?

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I'm so sick of Bitchyonce or Bouncy as many call her. She's too full of herself, now she and her manager dad are doing a good job trying to spin back around on Dreamgirls and her role.
    Originally for months upon months straight from B's mouth was "my movie", "my breakout role", "I was meant for it", "I've been groomed for it since 15" etc, IT WAS HER MOVIE! then canne's came and she and her dad found out that that Effie/J-Hud was the movie, was the main role it was her movie.... since then B has been on the defensive and came off not so well at times.... I'd like to think there's really no beef but its hard not to think so. Her face while they were on Oprah gave her away... her comments to People magazine where she proclaims herself to be a "STAR" saying "everyone knows I'm a star, I have 9 grammies, everyone knows I can sing", I wish I gained 20 pounds to play Effie... just did it for me... she got a backlash kinda while all the critics were laying down redroses for Jen Hud so they had to change strategy for the last week B has been going all over accepting her role as "2nd" to J-Huds and tyring to praise J-Hud etc but its clear there must be some envy from B.

    I totally believe J-Hud will get nomited for best actress for the oscars even though she got a supporting nom (and she'll win) for the globes...

    many who've seen the movie say B tried really hard but still plays "beyonce" anyway....

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Awe! You can't blame Bush - he just didn't know that New Orleans was actually in the US!

    (However have to admit to being no fan of the Horsey One)

    Your Blind Posts must be getting easier coz even I think I managed to work out who the couple was/is....

  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Thank you for not kissing Beyonce's ass and for suggesting that you too are sick-and-tired of seeing her.

    She is so fake and I am rooting for Jennifer Hudson. I am all for the under-dog winning and Beyonce needs a taste of her own medicine.

    I only have one question for her, how can she claim to be a "Christian" if she is posing half-naked in the newest promotional ads for her clothing line? (See the pics on

    That girl is so over and she needs to find another niche.

    The problem with her acting is that SHE CAN'T ACT!!! As an actor, you are suppose to become the role but her celebrity overshadows her portrayl of Deena in Dreamgirls.

    I can't stand her and the standard "vanilla" comments/demeanor she always seems to have during interviews so she doesn't offend anyone...she needs to get over herself. And she needs a new "lace front wig" because her weave is looking like a hot mess!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Am I really the only one who thought the Kellie Pickler insinuation was deeply disturbing?

  12. Anonymous9:13 PM

    No,I thought it was weird and gross
    and probably true,too Anon 3:51.

    Poor Pickler. And..yes! When DID
    she cut off all of her hair? She
    doesn't look too well..

  13. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I am really amused by Beyonce right now. With every word, she only digs her grave deeper...

    Eurgh, that picture of Kellie and her dad is disturbing.

  14. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Anon 3:26, I thought that being a hypocrate was what being a christian is all about.

  15. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Anon 3:26, I thought that being a hypocrate was what being a christian is all about...



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