Monday, December 11, 2006

A little background.

In Korea there is an all-girl group which is extremely popular not only in Korea but all over Asia. The girls are all teenagers ranging in age from 15-17 and the image they portray is sexy and their lyrics are as suggestive as lyrics can be in Korea, while at the same time being the innocent virgins they are all supposed to be and the public demands.. All over Asia people, especially teenage boys and girls love this group. They are one of the highest selling groups for 2 or 3 years in a row. The girl who is the subject of our story is 17 at the time. Lets call her "BB."

In the US, you have a singer who is going on tour throughout Asia. He is a rock/rapper and has a reputation for not being innocent and for being an ass. His group is talented and they do very well for themselves. This guy is the typical "rock star" with the attitude and stereotypes to match. He is about 30 at the time this all happens. Lets call him "RR."

It turns out BB is a fan of the music of RR and so at an event in Korea they meet and she is fawning over him as a teenager would when meeting someone she admires or has a crush on. RR is used to having his way with his fans and does not realize that maybe things in Korea are just a little bit different. He just thinks she is another groupie he is trying to get in bed and does not realize that this will be her first time and she considers it much more serious than he does. To him it is one night, to her, she is thinking marriage. One night of sex and he never will think of her again. She will think of him all the time and wonders why he has not returned her calls.

About two months go by and she realizes she is pregnant. This is a BIG problem (no pun intended) Although not reality, the stereotype is that young women remain virgins until they marry. This is even more true of someone who is a celebrity of the stature of BB. She is on posters in every teenagers bedroom in the country and most of Asia. She cannot be pregnant. However, she is and she knows who the father is. BB is part of a huge group and cannot just disappear. She only tells her family and the group’s manager. Not even the rest of the group know exactly what is wrong with her. The only thing they know is there will not be many tv appearances or concerts for the next year. Abortion was never really an option. Adoption is the only option and the adoption must be done outside the country.

BB’s manager finally discovers who the father is and tracks down the management team of the father. Of course RR’s management team has had this problem from other fans. However an abortion is usually the answer given and funds dispersed for this purpose. With BB they have someone who is underage and a huge star in parts of the world and is believable and needs to hide the situation as much as RR"s team wants to. RR agrees to pay for BB to stay in the US to hide at a hotel and to pay the costs for the birth and adoption and anything else that is necessary.

During the pregnancy, BB and RR rarely see each other. BB still wants to be with RR and RR does not have the guts to say he does not want to be with her and so strings BB along for the ride. He gets so caught up in the game that he starts talking about marriage and even adopting the baby himself when it is born. This game goes on until about a month prior to delivery.

At that point in time RR meets someone he wants to be with and totally blows off BB. He does not tell his new flame about BB or the situation being played out. BB tries to get in contact with RR but RR refuses to speak to her. BB is crushed and feels like RR has lied to her and made her even more ashamed to be in a foreign country, hiding out from fans and delivering a baby that no one wants. She feels abandoned and betrayed and alone and attempts suicide. She is rushed to the hospital. She and the baby are saved. She tries to call RR and tell him about the baby, but again he refuses to speak to her. He has someone in his life. He tells the management team to stop paying the bills, but they ignore him because they do not want this to get out. In an interview with a magazine he is quoted as saying he has no kids and no plans on having any. He is just having a good time and enjoying life.

The baby is put up for adoption. BB goes back to Korea where the group breaks up and many of the girls try a solo career. BB steps away from the spotlight even more and remains in seclusion for another year. She is just now trying to reestablish her music career.

RR continues on and becomes even more of an ass. He finds someone else and then someone else and so on. I would tell you what happens in more detail to RR but it would give it away who he is. Needless to say I am not a big fan.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Kid Rock?

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    fred durst!

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Kid Rock has a son. RR has no children that he claims.

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    this is great cuz I lived in korea for many many years ..this has got to be about the group FINKL. there were 4 members, very very popular and now 2 of them have single careers, others have acting.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Word to Fred Durst!

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    and. they have been broken up for about 4 years now, so I'm guessing this is from around 2000. the other very famous korean girl group was SES, but there were only 3 members. Other groups were never as popular as this one.

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    HAHA, I pulled Fred Durst up on wikipedia. He has a son by the way. But I thought this was funny. The Blind Item mentions how RR found a new girl then another then another and so on. This is a quote from Wikipedia:

    He has also been linked to celebrities such as Alyssa Milano, Geri Halliwell, Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Naomi Campbell, Pamela Anderson, Halle Berry, Paris Hilton, Carmen Electra and Thora Birch.

    Sure sounds like "then another then another..." to me.

  8. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Limp Bizkit toured Asia in 2003

  9. Anonymous12:41 PM

    EL: Why can't you tell us who it is? 'Priviledge' is obviously not an issue. What's your excuse this time????? No body knows your identity in case you work with them in the future, so why can't you tell?????

    This blog may be entertaining but you are coming off more and more like a liar. If you represent yourself to have first hand knowlegde of actual facts, like you are doing, than I have every right to disbelieve you. Especially when you blame priviledge on your secrecy but really have no business relationship with these celebs....

    If you are making these fables up, it's not right to misrepresent yourself, and imply things that are untrue about others, as you have been doing. We then speculae and in essence you are libel for this stream of inaccurate gossip....thoughts?

  10. Anonymous1:01 PM

    If the girl was in the group FINKL, then this had to take place 10 years ago b/c those girls are now 25-27 years old. The question now is - what rock star toured through Asia 10 yrs ago?


  11. Anonymous1:01 PM

    You do have a point. Why can't you tell us who this one is?

  12. Nevermind, it couldn't be FINKL b/c their firt album came out in 1998 - 8 yrs ago. Their age doesn't match up.

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    But Ent lawyer may have changed the time frame so he can't get into trouble

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    We don't know how old RR is now, do we? Or when this took place?

    Could it be Johnny Pop, lead singer of the Bloodhound Gang?

    Fred Durst fits the bill, but has a daughter.

  15. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I meant Jimmy Pop.

  16. does r kelly have any children....?
    he likes younger ladies, doesn't he?

  17. Anonymous2:04 PM

    R Kelly has kids and isn't really a rap/rocker.

  18. Anonymous2:06 PM

    libelouslawyer said " essence you are libel for this stream of inaccurate gossip"

    To prevail in any action alleging defamation (libel and slander are just legal terms that define the method of defamation) you first have to prove (a) that the defamatory statements were about you AND that anyone reading or hearing those statements would have reasonably known they were about you AND (b) that those statements are false.

    Now, since you are asking EL to name names, clearly his blind items do not meet the first test of defamation.

    EL really needs to write up a layman's definition of defamation, libel and slander and make it a permalink on his page.

  19. Anonymous2:08 PM

    why can't he tell us who it is? I don't get it.

    That way we aren't assuming it is someone else by his implications and therefore spreading lies about an innocent party....

  20. Anonymous2:15 PM

    dani said...
    why can't he tell us who it is? I don't get it.


    Just a wild guess here, but maybe he cares about his job more than he cares about this blog and the people who read it.

    Go figure!

  21. Anonymous2:19 PM

    First of all Jeezelouise: There is no business relationship here. So that doesn't apply.
    since nobody knows his identity, the person involved wouldn't know who wrote this..... unless he made this up too and there's nothing to tell.

  22. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Dani, if you are a lawyer, everyone is a potential client.

  23. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Besides the defamation etc, why does everybody want to know who the subjects of the BI are?!
    There is no fun if he tells us right away!!
    And if ppl just harrass him like that, I doubt he'll want to give us some hints anyway! :S

  24. Anonymous2:29 PM

    About the BI itself, what if the BI concern another Asian country besides Korea?

  25. Anonymous2:55 PM

    change the colors of this blog, I love it but it kills my eyes!

  26. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Why can't ET tell us who it is?

    Because of the damage the people involved could suffer. The girl was from a very socially conservative country, and being known to be the mother of an illegitimate baby could ruin both her career and her marriage, if she's now married.

    If she was under-age, the guy could be prosecuted if he goes back to her country (which may or may not be Korea). If the story was out, he would have to avoid going back there, with loss of earnings through not touring.

    That's why it's a blind item and not a guessing game where ET will spill if you get it right.

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    JeezeLouise, what are you naughty kids up to? You are coming off more and more and more like EL's publicist. Definitions pages? Jumping to his every defense? This is the best gossip on the market today, but why do i keep feeling like you guys are about to announce Nick Denton is buying Crazy Days? i love EL and his fabulously opaque blind items, but i'm starting to feel used - but not in the fun way.

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    in this blind item, it's really the actual circumstances and the fact that there is such a douche that is interesting. no need for names. it's enjoyable as it is.

    love the site.

    and please don't change the colors :) I love how the black background gives it more of a night time kind of feel..

    I also love the spelling of libelous lawyer. "priviledge".

  29. Anonymous4:12 PM

    im working on the Korean end of this
    could it be the group Baby Vox? They had 5 members, but thi could be a mistake. Their lyrics, songs were pretty racy as far as Korea went. I think they also were popular in China and maybe Thailand.
    The only other girl Korean group that was popular im Asia was SES, but then again there were 3 members and their lyrics were pretty "cutesy"

  30. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Jeeze: I understand everyone is a potential client, but what YOU are forgetting is forgeting, no body knows who EL is! So it wouldn't matter if they became a client, they wouldn't know HE wrote the blog!!!!

    anyway, I didn't mean to get sippy, I am just trying tmake a point.

  31. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Dani, it's all irrelevant, anyway, since EL is just not going to reveal names no matter what any of us say.

    Truce? ;)

  32. Anonymous5:19 PM

    But why? why won't he tell if it's the truth? his only excuse this far has been priviledge, but this doesn't apply. so if it's a true story, why the need for secrecy? unless it's not true.... who would know?

    Yes jeeze: truce:-)
    just tryin to get some answers!!!!

  33. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Just a guess: might be someone from Linkin Park. The dj and one of the singers are Asian and they are fascinated with that culture. Their album came out in 2000. They are known for their rap/rock style. Other guesses: Korn, Papa Roach.

  34. Anonymous6:48 PM

    It's really easy to find out who owns a blog. If a celebrity saw something on here that was or wasn't true, their lawyer could easily find out who is writing this stuff. If it's true, then EL wouldn't be guilty of libel, but he would be guilty of breaking trust and the juicy info would DRY UP. We certainly don't want that.

  35. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Could the girl be Shim Eun Jin, she was in Baby V.O.X. She left the group and disappeared for a while.

  36. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Is it common practice when writing Blind Items to change information? I would rather dates or locations be left out all together than a fake one being included.

  37. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Nothing is Anonymous on the internet. RR in a interesting choice.

  38. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I vote that we allow ENT L to do
    what he wishes with his own damn

    Spelling Word For The Day:

    Miss Helen Crump

  39. I was going to say Fred Durst at first.. but he isn't really successful at all right now. Of course he WAS, when Limp Bizkit were together.. The only young popular group I know of from Korea are BOA. Aren't they super famous?

  40. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Am I the only one who noticed that the band Incubus has a song called "privilege"?

    Just a thought.

  41. Anonymous8:55 PM

    How long ago did this happen?!

  42. Anonymous10:54 PM

    BOA is a singer.. not part of a group

  43. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I think its Baby VOX as well... Its hard to explain, but if you read up on how they FINALLY officially disbanded, you can see that members were on and off for a while. Their lyrics were racy, they were really young when famous, etc. It kinda matches up. Whereas when SES broke up because their later records weren't selling that well. And afterwards, they still stayed around trying successfully or unsucessfully in the entertainment business. So I don't think its SES.

  44. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Boy... go away to Mexico for ONE weekend with the guys, and people start calling you gay...


    Hope you had a great time, Ent.

  45. Anonymous2:40 PM

    boy people get pissed when you don't do what they want, don't they?The whole point of a blind item is that they're BLIND. Does Ted whatshisname give you point blank answers? not that I've ever noticed. and that's just one example. Although it really does drive me nuts trying to figure out who these people are. When it comes down to it, though, we'll never know any of it for sure; it's all just gossip. Oh and for the person who's afraid of spreading lies~ if you don't know that it's true, simply don't spread it. It's not hard to not yap, if you try. Blaming someone else for you feeling guilty about talking about someone is quite selfish.
    end of rant.
    And yes, I'm aware that half my sentences don't start w/ caps, Miss Crump = ) hehe (j/k). My pinky finger gets tired by the end of the day!

  46. You guys are all saying that EL could tell because no one knows who he is..
    HELLO. There are ways of finding that out. Don't be so ignorant!

  47. Anonymous6:17 AM

    it doesn't say the group had four girls, or what year.
    so its very unclear.

    atleast i didn't see it.

    "Through the years, the members have gone through various style and image changes, from cute to sexy to mature, without losing their strong fanbase. S.E.S. broke up at the end of 2002, and its members have gone solo to varying degrees of success." - SES , wikipedia

    BABY V.O.X broke up because group was not too successful and members did not agree.

    Fin.K.L doesn't fit the story at all.

    i spent 5 hours researching every member in every group.

    none of them have been inactive.

    i think... this guy doesn't know all the facts.



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