I know you all want Part Two and it will be out at about 1230pm PST. Now for the LINKS.
I know there are some big stories out there this morning like Vince and J
en breaking up, but that just is not news. Their publicists confirmed their breakup, but everyone saw this coming a LONG time ago. I know I have spoken about publicists before but there are very few people who either use their publicists correctly or have good publicists. Say what you will about Ms. Hilton but she has one of the best publicists in Hollywood. Everything is managed to perfection.

Tom Cruise had one of the best publicists in Hollywood and he replaced her with his sister. The Oprah incident would have never happened with his old publicist around. There are no requirements to be a publicist and no licenses to obtain or tests to pass. All of the readers of this Blog could be publicists starting today.
Now it is not all the publicists fault when the celebrity looks bad. The publicist will always deny anything until they have a chance to speak to the celebrity. This can be bad if the celebrity has said something on tape (Eddie Murphy) and then gone out and denied it ever happened. The other problem is that in many cases the publicists are not in the inner circle of the celebrity and often do not get their calls returned so the publicist is left hanging out on a tree limb with the denial they issued before and make themselves look bad and further damage the celebrity. It is my guess that Jen and Vince finally called their publicists back this week and said, "oh yeah, we have been broken up for awhile." Then the publicists called everyone they knew and said it is over and we are supposed to think this is fresh news. Okay I am done with my rant.

Ronnie Lippin who was without a doubt one of the best publicists in the music world died the other day of a rare form of breast cancer. That woman could convince anyone that the worst album in the world was incredible and her results proved how good she was. My sympathies go out to her husband and daughter.
As you know I link to stories that others for the most part do not link to. I also omit several that are interesting because I really would feel uncomfortable commenting on some of them either because they are my friends or for other professional reasons.

That exclusion does not hold true for Heather Mills. For some reason I just do not like her and she is very unsympathetic. If I were her publicist I would advise her to stay away from a show like Desperate Housewives and instead go on SNL or find some outlet where she could make fun of herself and show people she has a different side other than diva.
So Jenny McCarthy does not want to marry Jim Carrey. My guess is that he sai
d he would not marry her, at least without a pre-nup so now she is saying she has always loved the Kurt Russell Goldie Hawn type relationship. Now, I love Jenny and she always cracks me up in person or when I watch her in something, but I also know she is a hopeless romantic and so we need to watch this and see what develops.

So do you think Pete Doherty will take the drugs or Kate Moss? My guess is the drugs. This guy has been given a million chances and has the most supportive girlfriend of all time. I also think that this is not the first ultimatum she has given him and I also do not think it will be the last. Even if he kicks the drugs which I hope he does, I just do not see them together five years from now.
"It is my guess that Jen and Vince finally called their publicists back this week and said, "oh yeah, we have been broken up for awhile." Then the publicists called everyone they knew and said it is over and we are supposed to think this is fresh news."
ReplyDeleteI think you are COMPLETELY off here.....you don't think Jen and her publicist, Stephen Huvane, are in CONSTANT contact? Her life, personal and work, is managed to a tee. Everything that is put out by her team is purposeful. This came out just because of the suppossed 'fling' Vince just had in Budapest, and they didn't want it to look like she was cheated on....AGAIN. So they finally released the info that the publicists had known about for some time..... damage contral......no need to tell the public until damage control needs to be done.
^It was only a "guess" as he said.
ReplyDeleteKate Moss "sympathetic"? Fuck off - she does just as much drugs as Pete. She just has more at stake (and thus is forced to break off the relationship).