Friday, December 15, 2006

Four For Friday

For the first of the four blind items, we head back to NYC.

What B+ actor who has worked with the brother of our celebrity couple yesterday has a thing for women that look exactly like his sister? When this actor is with his sister or his girlfriend no one can tell the difference at least from the front. Several people have mentioned that the actor’s sister has a little more back. Is that why the girlfriend has been putting on weight?

This actress/ mother in her 30's has always worked as an actress since her arrival in Hollywood. A bit part here and a bit part here, until while working for a notorious Hollywood madam she ran into a big spending, playboy/actor/trick who just could not get enough of her. He changed her life and got her more work allowing her to rise to a comfortable B Lister.

This A list actor and producer loves filming movies outside the US. The reason? He does not like the labor laws in the US. For his latest movie, he made all the extras including the children work for up to 19 hours straight often without any type of meal breaks. If anyone complained, they were fired, sent home without the money they had been promised, and replaced with someone else not as picky about food and working conditions.

NY or LA for the last one? I will let you decide

This actor/actress couple are both solid B listers. They have flirted with the A list in the past, especially her. What makes this relationship so unique is their very special arrangement. They are the perfect couple in front of the cameras. However, when the cameras are off, he goes on his merry way to find his man of the week with her blessing. Her joys include shopping and more shopping. Men and sex are not at the top of the list.

Did I say the last one? Bonus time

On a recent flight from NYC to LA this top tier television host had to do the walk of shame through First Class on the way to the back of the plane. First Class was full and in some of those seats were celebrities who this talk show host had mocked and made fun of in the past. Although they did not utter a peep, the celebrities did manage a snicker or two as the talk show host averted his eyes and pretended something was wrong with his carry on bag. That walk can take forever with all those eyes focused right on you.


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