Thursday, December 28, 2006

Because of my absence, I know I owe all the blind item addicts something special. I was going to save this for a rainy day or for the day Paris Hilton could go one week away from the cameras. But alas, it is not to be so I give to you something very special, and then some others thrown in just because. Actually, I went to quite a few holiday parties early last week and got enough info to make everyone happy for a week or ten days. If you e-mailed me and are expecting something back, check your bulk folder. For some reason, Christmas has made everything spam. I think there is a lesson there.

This married A++ actress was attached to do a movie but wanted a certain actor to play opposite her. The actor was not interested but our actress thought she could convince him and the studio believed her. The studio chartered a jet and our actress flew 11 hours one way and 12 hours on the return flight. All of this travel for about six hours of alone time with the actor who still did not want to do the movie but had a great deal of fun doing something else. The actress returned home, broke the sad news to the studio, broke off her own involvement in the project and ultimately cost the studio a great deal of money but it was her satisfaction that was most important and so they still do business together.

This fading so fast cable reality star just does not want to let go. Not content to sit on the beach or watch OC reruns on Fox, he instead likes to go to places where he knows teenagers flock and where he will still be recognized and adored. His latest trick is to go to fast food restaurants in the mall and channeling Eric Roberts in Star 80 convinces the barely legal females that he can make them a star. Invariably, he invites them back to his place, has his way with them and has them pose for photos he promises to submit to Playboy. The girls never hear from him again, but have heard from his friends who also want a personal show after viewing the photos.

This actor is the star of a hit television show for one of the networks, but you probably would not know him if you met him. There are plenty of others who have their eye on him though and so our actor has two cell phones. One he carries with him everywhere and that is the phone his girlfriend knows about. His other cell phone is where every other girl calls and his long-time girlfriend did not know about. Well now she does. Seems this actor got the two cell phones at the same time and they look identical. A few weeks ago he ended up confused on which was which and his girlfriend got to spend all day fielding calls from other women, looking at photos on the phone and reading saved text messages. After getting over her initial shock, the girlfriend forwarded all of the incriminating evidence to everyone she could think of including his mother and his employers. Do you think they exchanged Christmas presents?


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