Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Jessica Simpson Sex Tape Update - Last night I spoke to two people, both of whom would ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY know if such a tape existed and they both stated it does not exist. Their guess was that someone thought Britney was getting just a little too much publicity and that Miss Simpson's camp wanted her to have some as well.

HYPOTHETICAL discussion in the Simpson camp -

Publicist - "Well we could have Jessica go out and help serve the homeless for Thanksgiving or hand out early Christmas presents or do one of those Kathy Griffin type holiday/charity parties.

Joe- "Nope. What we are going to do is to have them think Jessica made a sex tape. If a sex tape is good enough for Britney, it is definitely good enough for Jess, and hell she hasn't even had any babies. And if that doesn't work we will just have her flash the world a few times. That should do it."

Australian LINK of the Day from a NZ website- I was going to show a photo of someone who got kicked off their reality show that is going on now, but since no one watches it over there, and we have no idea who the celebrity is over here, we will just go with this


and be thankful you did not have to actually witness it. So after you read about chundering, then you might want to check this out and guess whether or not the writer actually did. I love Australia, but honestly I have never heard of a person not being able to eat an entire Krispy Kreme donut.


And now for the first time we present the Canada LINK of the day. It could very well be the last unless someone can explain to me how Pam Anderson until recently was the most powerful Canadian celebrity. See here for yourself.


Expanded Blind Item - The couple who the police caught having sex in public was discovered by me, when the man came to my office and asked if he needed to register as a sex offender here in California because of this. I see that he also made another appointment for next week to see me, so I am guessing maybe his wife found out.

Be back later with a much more uplifting blind item than yesterday. Not all of the items I post are going to be happy and uplifiting. I wish they were, but I do not control the people or the situations that come into my office and my life and make possible these stories.


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Please PLEASE do not judge my country by this. This list is ridiculous. Even I don't get it.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Pam's camp probably bribed them or maybe it's just because the list makers equate big tits with big influence. To be honest, I don't even think of Pam as being Canadian anymore. We have so much better talent and more presence than her that we could focus on. UGH! My country sometimes...

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Jessica Simpson fired her publist, she said she do her own publicity or her father , who also does her photos takes care of that. I would'nt doubt he leaked this story and the pictures of Jessica eating out with John Mayer

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I so want this SHIRT!! ANyone know where I can find one like it????

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Maybe they (the Canadians) should call it an exposure rating (no pun intended!) rather than a power rating seeing as it's based on "estimated salary, press clippings, number hits on Google.com and TV mentions".

    Pammy is going to be right back up there seeing as the Pammy/Kid Rock marriage has ended up being the P/KR Divorce.....

    Also - is it me or is their defenition of Canadian quite loose? You can be born there, or raised there or both....

  6. Anonymous1:38 PM

    From what I know (and sure, that ain't much) I think Keifer is the only that's a little sketchy as he was born in London but did spend some time growing up here. His grandpappy was a big fish in Canadian politcs. I think everyone else was born AND raised here. Either way, it's a silly list. But then, what do you expect from CTV.

  7. Anonymous1:51 PM

    RE: Top Canadian Celebrity

    Two words: Media Whore
    Pamela Anderson is, Jim Carrey is not... so much.
