Monday, November 13, 2006

That Vegas trip really did me in for the weekend..It is tough to do something like that and then try and do work which has any chance of making sense later..All I wanted to do for the rest of the weekend was to just lay around and do nothing..One of the cool things about living in downtown LA as opposed to other parts is that it is really kind of quiet here on the weekends and many of the people living here know each other or are at least used to seeing each other..It is more like the small neighborhood kind of feel you get on the East Coast and I just really like it when I take the time to appreciate it like this weekend..

The only "celebrity" thing of note that happened since I last wrote was attending the Deck The Halls premiere which was cool because many of my friends, clients, and business partners were there and it was very low key which is what I needed..

So, this next story is not going to be very specific but I think you will definitely get the idea..Another middle of the night call..this one was like at 2am ish...Former A lister from late 80's early 90's who was all over tv and movies..Since I have known her she has been using crack a call from her that morning because she had my # memorized..she would have called her publicist but could not remember his number..(thank goodness for small favors) It seems she had been with a "friend" she met at a bar and did not know his name or other details except he called himself "Andy" and they went to go score some crack because they both wanted to party and he was paying so she was all for that..So they end up in a neighborhood where (a) this car is out of place and the (b) people do not belong and therefore, after they have made their purchase the cops pull them over about 15 seconds a little back story may be in order here..Our 80's A lister is on probation for possession and other various infractions stemming from her prolific drug abuse over the past 5-10 years and so she is looking at jail that night and quite likely for an additional three to six months or so as well for violating probation..Cops pull over the couple and "Andy" has the crack on him and it is his car..My client has nothing on her and for some reason which is unclear, neither cop asks her for identification or her name..I am guessing that each thought the other had because "Andy" was causing a bit of a disturbance and therefore she was not really on their mind..I can maybe see that happening...MAYBE..but then she stated that they looked through her purse to see if she was carrying and she was not (according to her)..This is where her story gets fishy cuz a cop is going to ask for i.d or see it in your purse while checking for drugs and so I am guessing she did a "favor" for one of the cops who either (a) recognized her or (b) just thought she was hot in that crack whore kind of might say I have no reason to think she would offer a "favor" to the cops except she has not always paid her bills on time and more than once has offered me a "favor" to offset or pay her bill..I declined..but know she is not above that..

So.."Andy's" car is towed, "Andy" is off to jail, and my client is on the side of the street where she has no reason to be and so what does she think to do first? call a friend? a taxi? no..she decides she should call her publicist, but cannot find his number so calls me instead so I can give her the #..I ask her why she needs it at 2am ish and she explains..

This situation just shows how messed up this town is and how desperate people are for publicity and to get their name back where it was and to be an A lister again..She is thinking to herself that she will get her name in the news and no doubt it would be and maybe her publicist can get her a nice little story in People about her trying to get her life straight after a stint in rehab..That is all possible..BUT in REALITY, what would have happened is there would have been a police investigation why she was let off and not arrested for violating probation..and the cops would have been in trouble and pissed..she would have ended up in jail for the violation of probation and everyone would know she uses crack and is not the innocent angel she once portrayed..the I am going to rehab for prescription drugs routine would not have worked..

Also..if she had got hold of the Killer P(ublicist) her defense would have been a lot harder for me because god only knows what he would say to make her sound pathetic, inspirational, or whatever his mood came up with at the time..Now some of you may be saying to yourself..hey, but wouldn't a publicist (a) keep her out of the news in this situation (b) want to keep the client out of jail?....a good publicist would do that..99% of them however would do whatever it took to get pub for their client and for themselves....the pub is saying to themselves, I want to land another A lister for myself, and how will they know about me if I hush this one up..I cannot go tell everyone I hushed it therefore I need to come up with a story that gets me and my client in the news..Everyone needs to know my name also...just one vicious circle baby..

Oh..I got out of bed...went and picked her up..dropped her off at her place..declined the offer of a "favor" and told her she needed to go to rehab again without tipping off the of Thursday she was still thinking of a way to work rehab to her advantage before going.....


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