Friday, September 06, 2024

Four For Friday - North Of The Border

#1 - This back-in-the day North of the border A++ lister lived a life worthy of a Shakespearian epic. Born into crushing poverty in a rural backwater, he clawed his way to the very top of the political ladder over the course of decades through a mixture of ruthless cunning and sheer force of will, ruining anyone who was stupid enough to underestimate him. He dominated the political scene, took advice from at least one overseas dictator, and ruled his party like a feudal baron. His eventual downfall was something straight out of "Succession." Love him or hate him, he was unapologetically himself, right to the bitter end. 

He was never known for his collegiality. One particular day, as his entourage was loading his luggage into a limo ahead of a trip, some poor guy slammed the trunk on the sleeve of one of our antihero's suits, ruining it. He frantically apologized, promising to buy a replacement. The A++ lister responded: "Hey moron, I make five time as much as you do. I go out tomorrow and buy twenty suits. Get in the fucking car and forget about it, lets go."

He is still alive and kicking, and still influential. Word on the street is that he's quite disappointed in the guy who does his job today, who he helped to get elected in the first place. 

#2 - This back-in-the-day North of the border wannabe A++ lister had the top job for about seven seconds. Allegedly, he was a real philanderer who liked to slap secretaries on the butt. Allegedly. 

#3 - This North of the border politician never reached the top job, but was one level down for a while. His marriage was a total sham and he kept a series of boyfriends, all of whom were between 20-40 years his junior. He got older and older but they supposedly stayed the same age - 20-35 or so. His wife knew all about it and went along with the act. 

#4 - This North of the border sports hero wasn't a politician, but he could have gotten elected mayor-for-life of his adopted city if he wanted to. He's not well known to the mass public in America but was A list in Canada and is a permanent A+ lister in his sport. 

Supposedly he once publicly cheated on his wife by screwing a stripper on a pool table at a party. I hope it was consensual. The depravity of professional sports in the pre-internet age knew no bounds. 

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