Sunday, August 05, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Kindness

This B+ list character actor all of you would know by sight finally hit it kind of big in that fairly hit network show where he plays a neighbor. He has not had that kind of fame since the quirky show back in the day. Our actor is a regular comedy club goer and has been known to take pictures with almost every single person in the audience who wants one. He buys drinks for people and drops hundreds of dollars every time into a donation bucket for the club's charity. Just a great guy and someone you hope everyone in Hollywood would be.


  1. Replies
    1. He's on Big Bang Theory now, previous quirky show was Mr Show. Or possibly Just Shoot Me.

      And this is 1000% true because I met him once after a Mr Show live show and he was the absolute nicest, sweetest guy. Odenkirk was an asshole though, sorry to say.

    2. God damn! I was hoping Odenkirk was one of the good ones...dissapointed.

    3. @AlleyKat,
      Yeah. It was disappointing. Brian was very gracious and happy to talk to all fans, he took pictures, signed autographs, gave big bear hugs to everyone. David Cross did too but not to the same extent. Bob Odenkirk acted put upon the whole time. I didn't bother talking to him after seeing the way he treated the other fans.
      This was before Breaking Bad. I don't know if he's changed at all, or if he just had a bad night. But he certainly didn't leave a good impression.

  2. Ray Wise from "Fresh Off the Boat". (He was Laura Palmer's father on "Twin Peaks".)

    1. That's a good guess. He was creepy AF on Twin Peaks. But I'd probably flip my shit if I ever met him. If this is him, I'm glad to hear it .

    2. Great guess!! Definitely know the face but not the name.

  3. I like the Ray Wise guess he's been on a zillion things and I wouldn't recognize him except by name

  4. Twin Peaks wasn't a "fairly hit show" though.

    It was the biggest show on TV for that season and is one of most important TV shows of all time. Also he's not a neighbor, but the dad.

  5. Kevin Nealon on Man With a Plan

  6. Someone off of Northern Exposure?

  7. gauloise: FOTB is the "fairly hit show" in which he plays a neighbor and Twin Peaks is the "quirky" one from back in the day.

    1. Which is why I think it's this instead of my guess; FOTB is fairly hit, but BBT is very hit.

  8. Hope it's Stephen Root! Love that guy.

  9. The neighbor on Home Improvement?

  10. Even if Bob Odenkirk is a dick to fans, I still love him. I don't have to live with him.

  11. Brian Posehn is an accomplished stand-up comedian, it would be weird to describe him as a regular comedy club "goer".

  12. Do not think it is Stephen Root...he is currently on Amazon Prime The Man In The High Castle (and is the same)

    Sounds more like Earl Hindman (Wilson from Home Improvement) to me.

  13. Except Earl Hindman is dead?

  14. Brian Callen? I have been one of those people he has taken a picture with. Him and Joe Rogan have gone on stand up tours together and afterwards they will take a picture with every single person in the audience who wait in line, really, really good guys.

  15. Shoot I guess it's spelled Bryan Callen...I don't know if this blind is about him though lol, just a personal story of mine I guess.

  16. Max Greenfield- just landed new show called The Neighbors

  17. Anonymous8:45 PM

    2nding the Ray Wise guesses

    I think one of his kids is a comedian so it would make sense that hed be out seeing shows and stuff

  18. Bobby Lee from Splitting Up Together?



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