Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #38

May 22, 2018

I really wanted to call this one full circle, but think I have used that name before.This involves three women and a few men, but it is the way this all came to be which is the most interesting thing. The first woman we will call A. You all know her and she ended up with the job. She was not the first or even the second choice, but in the long run, she has worked out well and looking back, probably the best choice.

A (former A- list mostly television actress) was chosen by a guy named M. M is one of those guys who has a ton of money and throws enough in the air until women close their eyes and shut out all thought until the sexual act is over. A always seems to need money and has openly admitted in the past to exchanging sex for money. Meanwhile M has kind of collection of one type of woman he wants to sleep with and keeps a running total of them. He has told friends he is up to almost 100. It is a special kind of celebrity.

Anyway, the first choice was kind of unusual. The first choice was B. The reason they wanted B is because she spends a great deal of time in the country where she was needed and famous enough, but not too famous where it would work. Finally, she too is known to accept money for arrangements, but here was the sticking point. Usually, even though she is a permanent A list singer in that country, she is the one bearding for lesser known people and never actually has sex with them. They pay to be seen with her and she will live with them, but there is no sex. According to the demands of the ultimate employer, he wanted to be able to have sex with the woman chosen.

The second choice was an interesting choice. We will call her C. She is an interesting choice. She lives in the country where she was needed. C also fit the bill of famous, but not too famous. She was perfectly willing to have sex when needed and had done that frequently to land many of her reality jobs/singing gigs. What ultimately disqualified her was N. Apparently N had been instructed by his employers that C was being claimed, yes that was the word used, by someone who she had yachted with in the past and he wanted her available to him when needed. N and M are best buddies.

So, in the end, A was chosen and has been doing it for several years at this point. She has made over $1M for her work. Will she end up going to jail? I think it is more likely she will end up killed rather than jailed.

A: Pamela Anderson
B: Kylie Minogue
C: Nicole Scherzinger
M: George Soros
N: Julian Assange


  1. Wooh, just read through 38 reveals. Glad we’re still going, I thought I missed all the fun.

  2. Ooh I was hoping this one would get revealed, seems like we're getting to the real juice again towards the end wow. I don't quite get why she would be killed but still very interesting.

  3. Nobody guessed Soros for this.

  4. What job is she doing?

  5. She would get killed because she is aiding a criminal and that's how espionage gets dealt with.

  6. I think Pammie will either end up found in a hotel/apartment "OD" or a car/plane "accident".

  7. Also who are Julian assange's employers????
    How is he "employed" by anyone?
    @sandy I see

  8. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Same question: WHAT job was she chosen for????

  9. Not even closing my eyes could ever help me through sex with Soros. He looks like melting ghost.

  10. Is Enty gonna reveal the "mothers are the worst pimps" blind from June 8?

  11. 😎
    There you go
    The money behind Wikileaks

    1. What is Soros plan?? Civil war by stoking both sides? This is very disconcerting.

  12. She has been grossly underpaid.


  14. Pam is laundering money & spying.

  15. This one sent a chill up my spine

  16. How can soros and assange be best friends and yet the whole DNC e-mail leak. I am confused and obviously missing some background.

    1. @Unknown

      All the elites are friends with each other. Shoot, the Clinton's partied with Trump.

      The elites think the joke is in us. It is if one is taking Soma instead of The Red Pill.

      BTW some of these Truths are knowingly spreading lies. Be careful if you are into conspiracies, red pills and such.

  17. Soros bankrolls Assange
    Assange collects dirt from "whistle blowers"
    Media dog and pony show
    This is called a network

    See also: Pierre Omidyar and Glenn Greenwald

  18. She actually went on Tucker Carlson recently and was a jumbled mess

  19. Me too. Why would Soros be BFF with Assange? Is Soros getting Assange rescued from the ecuadorian embassy in London?

  20. This is like the grand finale of a fireworks show! What a bombshell! I would have never guessed Soros as being Pamela's patron!
    What is Soros hoping to achieve??

  21. Soros and Rio Tinto intentionally spread the Ebola virus in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

  22. She has visited Assange more than once in London. He must get lonely in the embassy. Good to have company.

  23. Ha! Please let this be true. MAGA heads would assplode!
    Soros owes me some $ by the way. He better get on it, or I'm skipping the Second Civil War

    1. @Thorne

      I'm still waiting on them slave reparations...

  24. Scream theatre at the fire. I have gotten to the point where if I see it in the media (print, internet, network, whatever) I know it is part of the show. When I squint, it looks like a comedy. A dark comedy.

  25. Gotta credit this one for imagination. No one on either side is going to buy the idea of Soros and Assange as best buddies.

  26. Remember how John and Paul were buttfucking yet in public "hated each other?"

    Like that.

  27. Makes total sense for oozing Sore and Ass to be bff's.

  28. "Nobody guessed Soros for this."

    Because it's bullshit.

    Vlad has been supporting Wikileaks and Assange. Soros has nothing to do with either.

  29. "How can soros and assange be best friends and yet the whole DNC e-mail leak."

    They can't. The BI is Gabe Hoffman cow manure.

    1. Actually, idiot, if you know anything about the way Soros operates, it shouldn’t surprise you in the least that GS/JA are bedfellows.

  30. There's no way Soros and Assange are best buds. It counters all levels of this deep state rabbit hole. No way.

    I'm beginning to believe that the biggest asshole commenter here much be right. Enty is full of bullshit. (Commenter is still an asshole.)

  31. Plot came to say "nuh uh"
    Means that it's totally true
    Good night CDAN!

  32. So Assange's employers meaning The Kremlin?

  33. I call total bull shit.. These blinds are getting ridiculous.

  34. No Maggie, that would be Vlad's plan - anything to make the USA and NATO weaker is what drives him.

    1. Again, idiot, Soros has loved destabilizing civilizations for financial gain and hedonistic pleasure. Once again, you prove yourself to be dumb as a fucking bag of rocks. DURRR RUSSIA

  35. Assange and Soros best buddies? Well, this to a certain extent explains the existence of Wikileaks, as a disruptive, possibly blackmailing tool in the hands of Soros or rather the entities that use him as a front. It also suggests that the supposed anti-establishment coming of Trump might in fact have been designed and piloted or at least enabled by that same establishment... I suppose for a long term plan which we cannot immediately decipher. Disconcerting indeed, sad, but obviously not impossible. I am not taking this at face value neither I am discarding it.

  36. Soros has nothing, ZERO, to do with Assange.

    Assange has been controlled by Vlad since 2010 to weaken Vlad's enemies. Assange better watch it because his usefulness is nil at this point and his internet access is now spotty.

    For a real eye opener, read some of the articles about people who used to work at Wikileaks or who were personal friends of Assange...and now are not.

  37. Soros defending Assange in 2012, under the guise of "free speech":

    Assange denying Soros connection to Wikileaks:

    China maintains Wikileaks is really Soros and Mossad:

    So Enty might be right... The question is, then, does Assange still control Wikileaks? Or has it been seized by the other side? A while back? In 2016?

  38. Assange is a libertarian true believer who has exposed countless crimes by nefarious govt types. Wikileaks has a 100% record of exposing factual information. The idea that either soros or the russian's are behind his actions is nonsense peddled by those upset with his revelations. Plenty want to believe he can't have a principled reason for his actions.

  39. Yikes, might have to remove Nicole Scherzinger from my yachters hall of fame.

  40. Some background on Soros.

    Soros made all his money through insider trading of one sort or another. Not traditional insider trading but trading positions using very detailed private information not know to the general market. Usual bought information or straight out industrial espionage.

    His first billion was made back in 1992 during the lead up to Black Wednesday when UK Sterling was ejected from the ERM. Soros had discovered that one of the Big Four British banks, Midland Bank, had acquired a trading position in Sterling futures that meant if the Bank of England did not intervene the Midland Bank would lose many billions at the next collateral call and be insolvent. And a full blown baking crisis would ensue. In the lead up to the crisis the authorities tried to defuse the situation but Soros was having none of it. He had by far the biggest position on the other side of the trades and was the only big position holder who would not cooperate with an unwind. A bit like Bear Stearns in the LTCM unwind in 1998. So the whole thing blew up and the final bill for the UK taxpayers was about 6 billion pounds. So Soros's first billion was courtesy of the UK taxpayer.

    Soros's most recent massive inside information trade was when the Swiss Central Bank unexpectedly broke the Swiss Franc/Euro peg. Soros had built up a huge position based on the CHF/EURO currency peg remaining and when the peg was unexpectedly broken he should have lost billions and would have been completely insolvent overnight. But it turned out he had liquidated all his positions or hedged neutral right before the surprise announcement by the Swiss Central Bank. Of course Soros's complete reversal of his trades had nothing at all to do with the fact that he had a very close "friendship" with one of the members of Swiss Central Banks governing board.

    Soros is just another sleazy financial operator. Nothing very special about him and how he operates. A conman, a crook and a fraud.

  41. Soros and Assange- nope

  42. @longtimereader

    " Wikileaks has a 100% record of exposing factual information"

    Except for editing the Manning information and videos, denying it, then admitting it, then submitting re-edited information and that?

    Except for saying in their founding statements that they would redact names of individuals and their personal information...and they doing exactly the opposite of that with the excuse that innocent Turks and Saudis and Afghanis were "compromised" therefore worthy of their horrible fates according to the judgement of the piece of shit that?

    Except for the heavy suggestions that Seth Rich was killed by...drum roll...HILARY!...So it must be TRUE!...and the utter lie that Rich gave them the DNC emails...yeah, like that.

    More? Or is would it make you cry to think your sources fucking lie all the time?

  43. +1 Plot.
    Also can anyone tell me how I can mute this "Amazing Quotes" jagoff?

  44. @Plot you are correct, sorry peeps to burst your alt right bubble, oh hell no I am not! Julian Assange has been an agent of Russia for years. He is bankrolled by the same Oligarchs attached to the Kremlin and the very same people that have been paying Flynn, Carter Paige and Manafort.

  45. Plot - Oh my that's embarrassing. I said not a single document released was not 100% genuine and all you came up with is a couple of smears from bitter no marks with no credibility. Wikileaks are fully aware where the DNC info came from and they are sure as hell 'aint Russian. Funny how the dems blocked the FBI from looking at the servers to confirm their story and that mueller doesn't appear interested in interviewing who know where the leak came from isn't it? Now go back to your #resistance rachael maddow comfort blanket and blame susan sarandon for why mother isn't in the white house.


  46. "I said not a single document released was not 100% genuine"

    Assange doctored the Manning documents. He even admitted it. Then he claimed he released the clean documents. They were doctored, too.

    There is some suggestion I've been chasing down that the editing by Assange (not really Jules but his minders who feed him) goes far deeper than that. So far, nothing concrete so I will spare you and call it a rumor.

    "Wikileaks are fully aware where the DNC info came from"

    Yes they are. Read some interviews or articles written by people who quit working for WL or supporting Assange. They will tell you all about it.

    "Funny how the dems blocked the FBI from looking at the servers to confirm their story"

    What? Which dems are you talking about and what servers?

    "that mueller doesn't appear interested in interviewing who know where the leak came from isn't it?"

    Mueller knows better than you or I where the leak came from, with multiple witnesses to back it up. Why do you want to think you have more information than Mueller?

  47. I said not a single document released was not 100% genuine

    Yeah, sorry @Plot. Your numerous factual examples were not good enough for the "longtimereader", whose account was created in September. S/He asked for a single document not multiples. But don't feel bad. If you'd answered that one correctly s/he'd have moved the goal-posts somewhere else.

  48. No EFFING way are Assange and Soros "friends". They are on opposite ends of the spectrum. This is blatant disinfo.

  49. @plot AKA Maryscott_Oconnor is contractually bound to say "...but russia" with absolute certainty despite zero evidence otherwise, and in spite of the real paper/money trail indicating the exact opposite. It's not like @plot AKA Maryscott_Oconnor doesn't copy and paste all their brilliant insights in the complex web they weave.
    One of the oldest tricks in the book is being behind the scenes on both sides of the conflict; why would now be any different.

  50. @Pickle

    What is wrong with copy/paste exactly? I didn't, because I was taught to be able to write things cogently in my own words...or to's a skill like being a mechanic (SERIOUSLY! It's really nothing more than that.) But if the source of the copy/paste is good, then what's the issue?

    If you imagine another identity behind these words, that's beside the point, no? What is wrong with the words themselves?

    And would the person you know here pick such a pedestrian name as an alt?

    Here's some new evidence for you on the Russian connection:

    Mueller's team, for the first time today, released a statement that the trial of Paul Manafort will include connections between Russia and the GOP campaigns of 2016.

    Also -

    Eight Republican lawmakers spent July 4th in Russia, begging for an audience with Vlad. Denied! The Russian press had a field day with them. Where is the Outrage! Where is the connect between that and your vast Hilary! conspiracies? Surely if those reps had been Dems, or even Evil Podesta, you'd be on the case right now.


  51. plot - Yup still can't provide a single example of wikileaks publishing false documents. Manning Has absolutely no problem with the release of what he found by them, despite being tortured for years by Obama. Who funnily enough never went after those committing the crimes she exposed, inc. child trafficking. If you haven't heard of Ukrainian firm crowdstrike and their involvement with the DNC in pushing the Russiagate b.s. agenda then you are ignorant or lying. The mueller investigation is a humiliating damp squib,apprently facebook troll farms decided the election. The McCarthyite attitude of the current Dem party is globally embarrassing. Desperately wishing for WW3 because mother lost. Having constructive engagement with N Korea and Russia is a GOOD thing that defuses tensions and prevents war, instead you go into Maddow like hysterics over republicans on a diplomatic mission in Moscow.

  52. "Soros has loved destabilizing civilizations for financial gain"

    What capitalist doesn't? That's how money is made since the onset of Milton Friedman's economic bonanza off tragedy became the game. Wanna know why the USA prefers to destabilize governments and rubs it's hands together during natural disasters? Because of everything Milton Friedman taught us.

    Tell me one extremely wealthy individual who doesn't react to calamity by immediately calling his stock researchers.

    Jesus, you are naive.

  53. Apparently N had been instructed by his employers that C was being claimed, yes that was the word used, by someone who she had yachted with in the past and he wanted her available to him when needed.

    Simon Cowell?
