Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blind Item #6

There was some speculation that the behavior of this head of an international organization a couple of weeks ago at a public event was due to drunkenness.  Only partially correct.  The leader in question was also high.  He is supplied with drugs by the same people who supply him and other leaders in his organization with child pornography. The country he is originally from is a hotbed for its manufacture and as a distribution point.


  1. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the EU, from Luxembourg.

  2. Clinton Foundation.

  3. Juncker. He's fucking gross. Liberal, leftie pedo drunken Islamophile.

  4. Luxembourg is a tier 1 human trafficking destination

  5. Fuck the EU and all its lickspittles. Everyone of them.

    1. Don’t worry, we’ll all be speaking Russian soon, since Trump is going to let Putin build a new IronCurtain.

  6. Lunchpaillelefty - you moron must have missed how Russia liberated Europe from the Nazis last time. Europe will be speaking arabic soon. Destroying the old continent, one pedo worshipping mosque at a time.

    1. Успокойся, товарищ. Да, Сталин был таким миротворцем. Ваш любимый Путин скоро уничтожит все.

    2. You must’ve missed Stalin’s and Hitler’s relationship before the war, and missed what the Soviets did to Eastern Europe after the war. And there were no Russians storming the beaches of Normandy.

  7. You poor libtards. Swallowing this hysterical anti Russian propaganda, because you don't want to open your eyes to the real enemy of the west: Islam.
    At least Russians aren't going to throw your gays off roofs, or hang them in public, cut the clits of your daughters, mass rape them afterwards and then behead you.
    Liberalism is truly a mental illness. Funny how much it loves islamofascism.

    1. You poor, right-wing traitor. It’s possible to be anti Russia and anti Islam at the same time. If you support that kleptocracy, you’d have probably thought John Gotti would’ve made a good president.

  8. Juncker. Elitist scum of the lowest order.

  9. The primary enemy of the West is China. Fundamentalist Islam is a problem, but not all Muslims should be lumped in that pile, any more than all Jews should be lumped in with zionists or all Christians should be lumped in with exclusionary fundamentalists.

    The primary enemy is China. China.

    1. One thing in commen with those other groups: religion. Maybe that’s the enemy.

    2. +100000. Ddonna well said!

  10. Who is smarter? Putin or Trump? If it's Putin, we are in a shitload of trouble. Putin can play a long game you wouldn't believe and it's much easier to destroy a country by installing and manipulating the idiot at the helm than invading.

  11. Looks like this site has paid for alt right, conspiracy spewing trolls.

    I miss the old arguing about real gossip.

  12. @alliebabycat, this site has been plagued by trolls of various sorts since about 2010-11, all unpaid, and from both ends of the spectrum.

  13. We'll find out who is who and what is what when the declassified IG report is released. Plus a lot of the other crap will be revealed. I'm thinking October surprise.
    alliecat, the Trump/Russia collusion that started all the bullshit we've had to listen to and read about for the past 2 years was started by the conspiracy spewing alt left.

  14. @Depeche

    "At least Russians aren't going to throw your gays off roofs, or hang them in public"

    No, Russians just torture them in prison where they disappear. Homosexuality is illegal in Russia, Becky.

    "cut the clits of your daughters, mass rape them afterwards and then behead you. "

    What country does this?


    "The primary enemy is China. "

    Tell that to Donny Moscow. He keeps sending jobs over there so his daughter can win trademarks in Asia.

    Maybe we shouldn't hand our markets over the China but refusing to subsidize things like green energy (that's the GOP's doing btw?) China subsidizes it's markets that they see growing as an international concerns, stuff like green energy. Oh we had the chance to be world leaders in that market, but thank the GOP for cutting off that angle for their oil besties.

    China is taking care of it's people. China is being smart. Guess we should learn a lesson there and not elect clowns.


    "Putin can play a long game you wouldn't believe"

    No really he can't. No matter what he does to the USA or Europe, Russia is a shitting place to live with a terrible economy and infrastructure. Fucking with The West isn't going to change that. As long as Vlad is the lap dog to the Kleptocrats, and allows them to steal everything valuable in Russia, from it's citizens, and park all that wealth in foreign countries, Russia will continue to be a shitty place to be. They can't even replace their population with a decent birth rate. It's a dying culture (well, if you consider rad prison tattoos to be a culture) and a dying language...especially with Vlad in charge.

  15. "shitty" place to live.

  16. If Trump released his taxes and got interviewed by Mueller this would all be cleared up. If nothing is illegal he's okay. Just like Clinton and the Ken starr whitewater investigation, that eventually led to a blowjob and impeachment. But no proof of crooked land deal.

  17. Really not surprised at these comments after all Hitlernhad people who followed him blindly too.

  18. Homosexuality may be illegal in Russia but unlike Obama, President Trump did not send Russia 1.3 billion on palettes like Obama did with Iran where homosexuality is also illegal.

    Just for the record, I am not anti-homosexuality. Our daughter is a lesbian. She and her wife are lovely people. I also had 3 gay brothers-in-law. Loved them all. One died of AIDS. The other 2 are more like brothers.

    The only type of sex I have a problem with is pedophilia. I think bestiality is weird, but if no animals are harmed in the process...

  19. Jake, when Obama and Michelle release their records, I would personally push for President Trump to release his tax records.

  20. @Abby

    "President Trump did not send Russia 1.3 billion on palettes like Obama did with Iran where homosexuality is also illegal."

    You DO know that was Iran's money that had been frozen since 1980? It wasn't our money, it didn't come from our government or your taxes. So you OUTRAGE! is misapplied.

    Who cares what your record is.

  21. The biggest enemy of all? The elite with millions in their bank accounts. We could go on but for us little people, who governs our own country, every country is the enemy. Who do you think funds the weapons of all extreme groups? Look on your own doorstep.

  22. These comments look like a suicide bombing

  23. Yes, I do know,plot. I did not say that the money came from our taxes. You brought up homosexuality and I merely replied with facts.

  24. @Abby

    So whatchabitchin about if it was Iran's money in the first place? How is THAT worse than Donny selling our country out to Vlad and ruining anything good about our government?

    It makes no sense.

    I didn't bring up homosexuality. Read the comments again.

  25. @Amy

    The biggest enemy of all? The elite with millions in their bank accounts."

    You mean the guys who pay no taxes but who are paid off for their financial losses by our government (with our taxes?)

    You mean the guys who can break laws and some government official will step in and make sure they don't do time, or even see the inside of a courtroom?

    You mean the guys, like Donny, who can get away with never paying their debts and who the banks will cover for so they can have more enormous loans to default on?

    The guys like Mitt Romney who destroy companies so they can steal the pension funds of the workers?

    Those guys?

    I can see it.

  26. "Donny Moscow" isn't going to catch on, ever. Give it up already, lady.

  27. Better Russian than brain-dead and Muslim!

  28. Why isn't Luxembourg taking in more refugees and asylum seekers? Their European makeup disgusts me. Open the gates and share the wealth :*

  29. I love it when leftists like plot defend the worthless and corrupt Iran deal by saying: "it was Iran's money." Somehow, that reasoning never seems to apply when they advocate for higher taxes. Apparently taking money from law-abiding Americans is a great idea, but taking money from foreign terrorists who hate and attack us is just plain wrong.

  30. I apologize, plot, about posting that you brought up homosexuality.

    Iran hates the US and has for at least 40 years. They would nuke us out of existence if they could. Obama should not have given the money. There should have been no agreement to allow Iran to beef up their nuclear capabilities. It was probably the dumbest and perhaps the most dangerous move made during Obama's 2 terms.

    Glad to see that many Iranian citizens are revolting. Hoping they get their country back from the theocracy that has been ruling for decades.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Giving billions to a country whose leader calls for the destruction of the US, that chants 'death to America' , that burns American flags and calls the US 'big Satan', is such a patriotic thing to do.

  33. @Depeche Model
    You are so fucking stupid. Google treatment of gays in Russia, you complete moron. Lick Trump's asshole somewhere else.

  34. @Paul

    "Better Russian than brain-dead and Muslim!"

    Thankfully, the decision is not either/or.


    WTF are you trying to say?


    Hate us or not, it was their money and no skin off our nose.

    Shit, if we started stealing from every country who contains anyone who says "Death to the USA" that makes us OG I guess.

    Suddenly Iran is mentioned in the comments. Wonder why....

  35. @Lunchpaillefty
    I like you.

  36. @Depeche

    "Giving billions to a country..."

    RETURNING billions, not giving. Get it straight.

  37. mary lamb - you don't give a flying fuck about gays so don't act like you do. Because it's still better to be gay in Russia, than in Iran, where they dangle from cranes by their necks in public squares. You motherfucking hypocrite cunt.

    plot - I will follow the lead of the many, even the ones I disagree with strongly and not engage with you, as reading your comments in enough proof that we're dealing with a mentally disturbed individual. You will never realise that the lowest common denominator of many cdan commenters who hurl insults at each other, is they all avoid plot like the plague. Even the crazies think you're too much.

  38. @Depeche

    "it's still better to be gay in Russia, than in Iran"

    By a few inches, perhaps, but Iran has a thriving underground gay culture as rich as Russia's. Both will get one killed for being open about it, whether through torture or public stoning. Dead is dead, last time I checked.

    "You will never realise that the lowest common denominator of many cdan commenters who hurl insults at each other, is they all avoid plot like the plague"

    So this is a highschool contest about who wants to talk to whom. Mind if I ignore it?

    The other possibility is that I don't play Outrage! games or let the Qanon shit pass unnoticed, so the "lowest" as you call them (gosh, I bet they love that) have nothing to offer me. So they don't respond.

  39. yup, junker and his corrupt EU and tax-dodging principality. Amusing to see two sets of right wing americans argue over which country they fear the most, thanks for the jollies.

  40. Is any country safe to live in?

    Some of us want to leave US. No joke.

  41. After reading these comments I can't even remember what the damn blind was about. Jesus people, could we stay on point?

    Oh and just remember, every time you use the word 'libtard' an angel has a late-term abortion.

  42. @T. W.

    For the most part, every country is pretty dang safe. We are living in the most peaceful time in human history, comparatively. Now there are people trying to change that, who think that a lot of destruction would be good for us common folk (while they watch from high above in Moscow or Miami.) Nonetheless, we are living in a golden age where famine, disease, wars and destruction are not visited upon us.

    Don't let the Outrage! get to you. Don't let those who wish to cash in on your fears fool you into thinking we're living in chaos. We have no real experience in truly horrible times, and that is good.

  43. Where have you been hiding for the last 30 years? Did you miss the wars in the Balkans, Iraq, Syria, Congo, etc.?

  44. I'm saying that we are RELATIVELY more peaceful now than at any time in history. That doesn't mean wars don't exist and that horrible things are not happening. It means that less are happening now then at any other time - less plagues, natural disasters take fewer lives, fewer continent ravaging wars.

  45. Trump is a traitor.

    The kek trolls on here are killing all the fun of the site.

  46. Thank you to all who answered my question.

  47. Donald Trump and Gop

  48. First you drug the future blackmail victim, then you take a pictute of him with a child. It's the oldest trick on the book. Do we have a deal The Art of the Deal.
    Not saying that's how it happened. It's a possibility.
