Monday, July 02, 2018

Blind Item #17

This famous and horrific crime has an anniversary next year and is due to be the subject of yet another movie, this one a big budget production by an A list director.  The facts are well known except for one niggling detail that a couple of the original investigators who are still alive are hoping will one day be cleared up.  The complete list of who was present did not include this significant other of one of the victims. He was supposed to be on set in Europe.  However, a source who was present reports seeing him at the crime scene that night.  Considering all the awful but unrelated things reported about this person over the years, this at least warrants an investigation.


  1. Manson Murders/Quentin

    1. And Polanski(Tates husband)

    2. @Tricia13 he probably ran out the sude entrance when he heard the first scream. Instead of defending/protecting his wife and their unborn baby. I wouldn't be surprised at all

    3. Did Manson choose the Polanski home deliberately due to some connection?

    4. @OB yeah rumored he didn’t Want the baby either.... he’s a sadistic fuck

  2. @kate K, yes, he knew the house because it once belonged to Doris day’s son terry melcher, a record producer who dismissed manson’s Attempts to get a contract deal

  3. Maybe it's worse than any of that. Maybe he set them up.

  4. 'A source who was present' saw him at the crime scene????

    Manson is dead, as is Susan Atkins. One of Van Houten or Krenwinkel was not there that night, but both are still alive. Is Watson still alive? The only other person it could be is the guy living in the guest house, the fellow Steven Parent was visiting....and he saw/heard nothing that night. Perhaps Linda Kasabian, but she was a prosecution witness and never mentioned anything.

    1. Maybe he means several hours before the crime took place, but yeah, still hard to believe.

    2. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Officially the list of people present at the crime scene on the night of August 8-69 are Tate, frykowski, Folger, Sebring and Parent (all murdered that night.) The last one was visiting the home’s caretaker- Garretson (who recently died). The group of killers at the Cielo Drive home are: Patricia Krenwinkel, Charles “Tex” Watson, Susan “Sadie” Atkins (dead) and their “watch dog” Linda Kasabian, who served as star witness for the murders... Who else was up there at the Cielo House that night who is still alive and kicking that might assure Roman Polanski was present and not in London directing “the day of the dolphin”???? There are silent films of Roman arriving from London to LA heavily sedated... possibly it was staged... as many many things that happen in Hollyweird... but this blind make little to no sense...

  5. I believe it. I dislike anyone who signed that petition for him

  6. The source saw this person at the scene that night. Since everyone at the scene died that night except the murderers, the source has to be one of them.

  7. Can't be Roman. How did he get back to London to be told of the murders? Surely someone would have seen him boarding a plane back to Europe.

  8. Maybe someone saw him when police arrived in the background somewhere? Though it's very strange it wasn't mentioned then. Weren't there photos of him leaving Rome to fly to LA? [Not defending him, just thought that there were photos of him in Rome.]

  9. I dunno where he was in Europe, I thought Rome.

  10. Sharon Tate - Roman Polanski.

  11. One man survived. He lived in a guest house and did work around the estate. It is possible he saw someone earlier in the day.

  12. It's such bullshit. Because Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old, he must have had something to do with his wife's murder? Come on already. Fan fiction again.

    And I've read a good bit about the Manson murders and nowhere is there ever a squeak about Polanski being there.

  13. yea right! Polanski was at the scene of one of the widely reported and investigated crimes of the century but no one has ever written about it before and all because THIS blind says someone spotted him there that night. At the very best this is some Tarantino bullshit planted to stir up a little more pre-release in a movie which seems to be in trouble.

    1. Why are you people so bad at this & so smug about it? Why not take a few seconds to run a search? Is it really something to be afraid of, having your guesswork turn out to be wrong? Polanski was photographed at the scene shortly afterward. It’s not a secret.

  14. I won't watch that movie because Q makes me sick. When I read the story about what he did to Uma with the car, etc. that was IT. I already thought his shit was way too violent.

  15. Maybe Polanski showed up earlier, saw there were no 13 year olds to drug and rape, got bored and flew to Europe.

    1. Yeah people of consenting age are a definite buzzkill. As is the law.
      And morality of any kind.
      Maybe he and woody ducked into an arcade or ice cream parlor on his way back to Europe

  16. What is it with these over-the-top BS blinds lately?

    1. @trufflepig

      If you visit this site using mobile you can't see the disclaimer which says this site is a total work of fiction.

  17. Roman Polanski raped a lot more than one 13-year old.

  18. Donna is most certainly right- this creepy fucker didn't just touch the one or two we all heard about. The odds of those being the ONLY times would be statistically impossible.
    This guy is sick

  19. @Kate K. If I recall correctly, the Polanskis were, in fact, renting the home. And, I think the reason it was chosen was because the owner was some sort of music producer with whom Charles Manson had been introduced via one of the Beach Boys. The producer didn't like the music...

  20. Manson was a patsy
    Read Dave McGowan

  21. Guess he had to run off to drug and rape a minor.

  22. 50th anniversary of (Manson killings) Helter Skelter.
    Tarantino movie.
    Roman (POS) Polanski

  23. Someone who was an invited guest that night but begged off was famous Iranian photographer Hatami. (Shahrokh was his first name but he was known as Hatami. I was living & working in London when this happened and almost fainted when I saw the headlines in the newspapers that day. A few weeks after the murders Hatami returned to London, where he was living at the time, and took me to dinner to tell me about what had happened and how he so easily could have been murdered as well. He mentioned nothing about Roman being at the home. He would have if this was true. I think the deaths of his friends haunted him for decades. Every time I see a photo of Sharon Tate I feel sick to my stomach. I knew a lot of her London friends and they were beyond devastated. They were also scared their names were on a list. Can't believe it was 50 years ago next year.

    1. I agree @Boo-Sharon was sensationally beautiful and a tragic victim(she and her unborn and all there that night).
      Glad to see you are better(out of the coma). Your “daughter “ posted on your behalf under your name that you were leaving the site and because you were so gravely ill

    2. And angry at so many posters here.....
      Congrats on the recovery👍

    3. Lol you're so full of it Boo get lost you haven't been missed

  24. Thank you, Tricia. So sweet of you. Yes, when you don't follow your doctors orders after major surgery you almost die. Yes, my daughter Jessa did post under my name as she knew I love this site and wanted people to know. I was in a coma for three days until the fever subsided. I am still in NYC recuperating. I have been reading the comments for a week now but did not feel like commenting as you have it covered. I will only comment when I have personal knowledge of the subject, like this one. Jessa still doesn't understand why I read the blinds and posts. It's addictive. Hope you and your Island brood are well and happy. You're a Rock Star!

    1. @Boo I love reading ur stories!! You don't know me at all but I'm glad you are doing better!

    2. @Boo I love reading ur stories!! You don't know me at all but I'm glad you are doing better!

  25. I can see that child molesting fuck bolting with his tail between his legs in order to preserve himself. I'm not one for conspiracy theories but thus one would not surprise me. Polanski doesn't deserve to call himself a man.

  26. Wasn’t Angela Lansbury’s kid involved with the Family?

  27. Pancakes - the photo and article put Mr. Polanski at the scene AFTER the discovery of the murders. The blind implies he was there WHILE the murders were happening. Two very different things.

    Boo - I don't know you at all, but I wish you good health and a complete recovery. I think your friend Hatami was even quoted in 'Helter Skelter' by Bugliosi, was he not? He said in less-than-perfect English that he loved Sharon Tate, and by that he meant one person who loves the qualities of another person.

  28. For cripe’s sake it is not Polanski. I have followed this case extensively. I wonder about these blinds. Let’s just throw any ole thing out there and the conspiracists will grab hold.

  29. Neil-Thank you for your kind wishes. I did not read Helter Skelter so I don't know if Hatami was mentioned. He spoke fluent English with me so I don't know about his less than perfect English or if he was in love with Sharon Tate or not. What man didn't love her? Hatami was too traumatized about the murders the night we met for dinner to discuss this with me. He had aged 10 years from the few months since I had last seen him. It was senseless in it's cruelty. There was not a murder of this magnitude in the US before the event and, god help us, hopefully never again. 1968 and 1969 were years of rage. No one, regardless of wealth or fame, was immune to the violence. Strangely, when I saw Sicario 2 this weekend it affected me a little too much. My first venture out after being so ill. I can sum the film up in one word; Brutal. I insisted on seeing it because I am a huge fan of Benicio del Toro. His performance was luminous. Be prepared for incredible violence, but go see it.

  30. One more person here who wonders why the Manson gang chose that particular house. Yes I’m familiar with the Terry Melcher not liking Charlie’s music theory but not sure I buy it. Could Polanski have molested somebody known to Manson? just putting it out there.

  31. Why are there two different set of images of Polanski visiting the crime scene with two different looks (even different haircuts) both referring as to him visiting the scene for the first time?

  32. Yeah P for sure. Scenes from Laurel Canyon anyone?

  33. @Guest777 you mean Dave McGowan's book?

  34. Even though Polanski is an absolute complete POS, he was not there. I've talked to experts about this case. He was sedated and flown back to LA.

  35. Great book @Guest777

  36. A member of the Manson Family knows he was there and has kept it hidden because of their well known discretion and rational thinking?! Sure.

  37. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Sensationalist crap. If you want to nurture your ugly side, buy a ticket to see Glop like this .

  38. "Could Polanski have molested somebody known to Manson".... wrong trail to follow entirely, since Manson himself was screwing anything old enough to walk. According to everything I've read, he didn't care how old anyone was. He had a cult going.
    Polanski was not in the country that night, so it had to be someone else. If anyone thinks all the witnesses who saw him in Europe are lying... why would they?

  39. Most of the posters on CDAN weren't even born in 1969! Roman was NOT in LA and NOT in the house when everyone was murdered. Conspiracies abound about this tragedy and always will. Even 49 years later, we can't wrap our brains around what actually happened that night.

    As an aside, I was looking at a photo of Drita D'Avanzo today on TMZ and it immediately reminded me of the photo Tricia13 uses! Could it be? Is Tricia really Drita!? That would totally be a trip! Come clean, Trish! Inquiring minds want to know!

  40. Vincent Bugliosi, the LA County District Attorney prosecutor who won the case for the state, wrote the book Helter Skelter, after the trial.
    He knows who was there & who wasn't.
    He said Polanski wasn't there!
    This is total BS!

    1. I read the book when I was 14.
      It's horseshit.

  41. I could see it being Polanski. He might not have wanted a wife and kid.

  42. Just one shot of Polanski leaving Heathrow after hearing of SHaron's murder, there are more, but I am not looking for them.
    I was young when I became obsessed with this story, maybe 11 when I first read the Helter Skelter Book. He was not at the home that night or in the country.


  44. Thank you, Muckie: I love sharing my stories because I have had such a wonderful life and feel so blessed to have experienced so much in my 76 years. By the way, we are DYING here in Manhattan! A week long heat wave that never seems to end. We're holding our breath we don't have a power outage! Don't use my AC (conserving energy) but my fan is gasping it's last gasp. Wish I knew what each of you posters do for a living. I'd like to figure out the demographics of the audience. Four years ago this site was so, so different. Many incredibly creative and talented men and women with the most hysterical and camp comments. Where did they all go? Just between you and me, I wish I had never agreed to the surgery. It has just about ruined my health. I am never going to be myself again. Get a third and fourth opinion before you undertake major surgery. I feel 110 years old and have aged 50. Thank you so much for your good wishes. I really need a little encouragement right now. Thanks again.


  46. Such fucking morons in the comments section that believe this utter shit. You people are complete losers if you believe this easily made up, zero grounding in realty garbage - but your pathetic hate drives you on.
    Ask Don Henley...

  47. This is why reading CDAN sometimes drives me crazy. This is obviously Roman Polanski and the Manson Murders. Enty hates Polanski (for good reason) and piles up whatever accusations he can get no matter how outside the truth they are. The witnesses could only possibly be linda kasabian and/or bill garretson. Don't you think one or the other would have said something to the press before this? Don't you think Vince Bugiousi would have been salivating to indict Polanski if this were the case? How could Polanski have been there that night and then made it all the way back to Europe to take the phone about his wife's death? (To fake that would have involved a wide conspiracy of people). Polanski has acted like a shit in the intervening years but that does not mean you can throw any wild accusation around about him or somehow take away his grief when his wife died? It is blinds like this that take away Enty's credibility.

  48. So glad to see you back, Boo!!

  49. So Manson just picked a random house and killed ROSEMARY LoBianco? When will the real reason for the Tate murders be revealed? Manson must have had more influential enemies than a producer who "brushed" him off.

    Manson was smart enough not to be at the crime scene and had it all planned out. What was the real reason he chose that house? And then when he chose another random house the lady's name was Rosemary?

    If you know something, here is the place to reveal it.

  50. The caretaker William Garretson was walked out across the lawn the morning after the murders and identified Voytek Frykowski as “the young Polanski.” But Roman Polanski was definitely in London—he had people around him he was working with, he called Sharon a few hours before the murders, and he was notified of her death by a phone call to where he was in London. There’s literally no way he could’ve been at the crime scene (murders after midnight, bodies discovered early the next morning).

  51. Yes, this is one blind item that must be clarified. The poster should be banned or come up with another explanation.
    Oh, and is it really a coincidence that the next evening the Family stopped by a house where the lady’s name was “Rosemary”?

    We are not to say anything bad about the dead, except Hitler and Judas, but what about the stories about the star privilege of the Tate/Polanski Group? Manson always hinted that the real reasons would never be told, but at the end, why didn’t he enlighten us? Or, since reading all this blind stuff, was his closed mouth the reason he stayed happy and content in prison?

    But the last days? He might have told someone something, like his young wife so she could live a nice life? With the 50th anniversary coming up, will those who hold the Natalie Wood-type secrets come forward? The Vincent B. Book has overtaken the best, free from edit expose by Ed Sanders. But V.B. Is the authority on the case and has wiped everyone else’s input away. But Sanders knew the scene better than a lawyer could.

    This could be a good venue for the truth to get posted, but this fantasy post about Polanski being at the crime scene really puts a black stain on uncovering the why of the crime.



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