Saturday, June 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 26, 2018

The biggest money maker of the night was two fold. There was the auctioning off of the trip that everyone saw, although, the winner was kept anonymous. Then, there was the behind the scenes, auction. The way it worked was there were maybe a dozen couples or so that were invited to a pre-auction auction before the regular millionaires showed up. Kind of like pregaming a cocktail party. Yes, I know that isn't a real word. Anyway, a trip to the same place was auctioned but this trip came with female extras all provided by the owner of the island. There is some buzz that the ultimate destination of the trip is the island, but I don't know that for sure for now. The winning bid on the trip with extras was close to $1M.

Trip to the Caribbean with Bill Clinton/Clinton Foundation/Jeffrey Epstein


  1. The Clintons are extremely vile.

  2. Trump blows.

    But thank God Hillary Clinton isn't president.

    By the way, how come she's still allowed after she mistreated that female staffer who was being sexually harassed? Can't take stupid time's up movement seriously when it lets her off the hook.

    1. Record low black unemployment and ending threat of nuclear war = “blows”

  3. +1 Pokey Blow. I am quite thankful Hillary Clinton isn't president either. I am indifferent to Trump however. He says/does a lot of stupid things, but I agree with his stance on certain topics, like immigration for example.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. all of the shitheads of the world will eventually get theirs, in some way, shape, or form. at least that's what i tell myself. you can only use and abuse universal energy for so long before it comes back around. like maybe they'll all be re-incarnated into ants who just get stepped on over and over.

  6. Not only do the Clintons have to maintain their nouveau riche lifestyles, they have a useless and seemingly retarded offspring to support. Since the crime family is out of power, all they have left is retreading old blackmail material. Many of those the Clintons attempt to shake down now just laugh in their sallow faces, but not all criminal evidence has an expiration date, either statutorily or reputation-wise.

  7. Cheney gets a new heart at such an old age. Actually, he was beyond the acceptable age limit. Guess money/power buys everything...

    Didn't it seem strange to everyone during the election the Clinton's never said a word about tRUmp's entire life background that was whitewashed? I figured cuz the Clinton's are just as dirty as he is.

  8. Jeffrey Epstein is the Venn Diagram of Clinton and Trump.

  9. Paging @plot
    Tell us how it didn't or how it was Uncle Donny

  10. @PoliticallyIncorrect71 He only "blows" because he's not politically correct. I think that's the main reason he was voted in office. The silent majority spoke with their vote.

  11. Actually, morons spoke with their vote. It's not often they have someone as benighted and intellectually sub-par as themselves running for office, so they were out in droves this time.

    1. I have a masters and am perfectly fine intellectually, thank you. Name calling definitely shows your intelligence.

    2. I had to explain the difference between salt watef and fresh water to an MBA last week. Those who thìnk that a university is an indicator of a robust intellect are woefully misguided, and if you voted for Trump you are, in actual fact, a half-wit.

    3. Trump's gonna keep tapping into vets, 1st responders, silent majority bypassing media on Twitter and twist and fuck with you the libtards until they leave or blow their brains out... grab some popcorn as SJW's heads begin exploding. I absolutely LOVE seeing the absolute terror in the beady lil eyes of the far left idiots....


  12. The irony of your comment is positively breathtaking.

    1. Given that you don't consider Trump to be the unutterably horrific sociopath he actually is, it is not at all surprising that you don't understand a complicated concept like irony.

    2. He's flushing out the real cancer in our society from behind their safety zones... for all the world the bask in the glory of their EPIC MELTDOWN!!!

  13. "ending threat of nuclear war"

    How is that? Kim Jong Un is playing Trump so viciously it would be amusing if it weren't so dangerous. NK is never, ever, going to give up his nuclear bombs or materials. Kim is having a lot of fun pretending will he/won't he though to the idiots in the Trump administration.

    Moving on, we now have no way to monitor Iran for nukes and no agreement to keep them in line. But we have pushed Iran into the arms of Russia who controls their oil now. Go Donny!

  14. Hilary has been seen around town wearing coats on 90 degree days marching in parades. She is covering a back brace. Why is she hiding it? Most women get humps at her age, or curvature of the spine. She is all smoke & mirrors, all the time. Not an honest bone in her body.

  15. Hey Boo Hearne - I actually think it is a bulletproof vest she is wearing, not a back brace. Not joking.

    1. Bullet proof vest fit under a shirt with no protruding top. Its a back brace...not that matters, back issues suck.

  16. @Magnolia

    " It's not often they have someone as benighted and intellectually sub-par as themselves running for office"

    Bush 2 was an idiot, too, let's not forget. The US Americans who want a president "just like them" put him in office twice.

    I think it would be amusing for those same US Americans to demand surgeons "just like them", meaning mentally deficient idiots, or lawyers "just like them" or contractors "just like them" or accountants "just like them". The societal fallout would be the as destructive and demeaning as Steve Bannon desires, in Trump's name.


    What strange grammar is this?

  18. Many bullet proof vests have back pieces that extend up to the neck, sometimes to the lower head.

    I don't think you know much about them.

  19. Hang them all until dead.

  20. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are friends with Jeffrey Epstein. The both like them very Young. Lock them up!

  21. Actually, people with Parkinson’s (not saying she has that) use back brace as it helps posture and makes them feel more secure so they want fall down. Seeing as she has issues remaining upright, she could be using for that purpose. Geez, she had 2 men on either side of her holding her and she still fell down anyway.

  22. Won’t fall down not want!

  23. Here is a link to the auction/action

  24. Sting had a very strange concert on 9/11/01. Just saying.

    Trump remains an ambiguous and vulger mystery, but anybody who thinks he's an idiot is making a big mistake. You don't defeat the Bush crime family, the Clinton crime syndicate and the NFL by being an idiot. You just play one on TV.

    1. The Holy Codpiece of Arrakis crumbs before the might of my tinfoil

    2. Shouldn't smart people be able to spell though? Honered v. Honored, councel v. Counsel, unpresidented v. Unprecedented. These are spelling bee level words that your "not an idiot" President can't spell. He may be manipulative but he's not smart. Not even close.

    3. * aren't spelling bee level words

  25. I'm only interested if this reveal is a signal that some public movement against the cabal is coming soon. I understand that they had a lot of moles to clean out of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies first, and you have to dot all the I's and cross all the T's so their lawyers can't wiggle them out of anything. But a lot of the pieces have been in place for 6-18 months now, and the clock is ticking.

  26. Simon: I think you're right. I remember the rumors during the presidential campaign that she had Parkinson's. Remember her fainting at the 9-11 Memorial? Falling down stairs in India and blaming it on the flip flops she was wearing. There is definitely something off with her health. I call it the Freddie Mercury Syndrome. We will only learn the truth a couple of hours before she dies. I love the bullet proof vest answer. If this was true, they wouldn't let her march in parades. Right?

  27. I was at that same parade and it wasn't anywhere near 90 degrees. I wore a jacket.

    1. I was there too. It was a lil steamy.. even in my man thong

  28. When she disappeared for 5 days during the campaign, there were pictures of her in the DMwith one having a close up of her neck. There was definitely a fresh, horizontal surgery scar at the base of her throat. It was remarked upon and both the picture and comment disappeared shortly thereafter. She also began to wear necklaces that hid the incision. This may also explain the scarves.

    Plot always insults and harangues anyone with a different opinion. A sign of the intellectually weak and immature. I know it’s wrong but I have to laugh at her lack of self-awareness. She is so easy to trigger. I would bet money she is one of those virtue signaling, screaming at the sky white girls. She must be the most exhausting buzz-killer at any party outside of a DNC event.

  29. @Weak

    When have I ever insulted anyone to the extent that you are trying to insult me in the above?

    When have I spent so much energy inventing a misfire of an excoriation like you have?

    You are welcome to search for it.

    1. Plot. You certainly dont want to ask someone to search for something that's easily found?
      I mean, I wouldnt waste my time, but if I did the for sure place to find a few would be around one of the church/PEdo blinds a couple months ago.
      Anyway, just unsolicited advice. (I dont typically listen to it either) but in case you choose to, ill just leave this right here and back out...

    2. Google my username "schneiderisnext" for examples of what a dishonest jerk @plot is

      Plot refuses to engage me after a 300+ comment chain. I debated her shit.

      I repeatedly showed how she changed her arguments and used EMOTIONAL RHETORIC, INSULTS, and CHANGING GOALPOSTS.

      She repeatedly defends ROMAN Polanski


    4. How about the time @plot called me an
      "Oily creep and a control freak".


      This is the 317 comment post where plot and I spar. She refuses to talk to me now.

      She pretends to be "civil" but if you press her, she'll accuse you of being a pedophile/having masturbatory fantasies.

      She is a real piece of work. VERY HATEFUL.

      Start reading @the bottom of the comments

    6. There you go, my dear Schneider.
      I knew someone would find it, and quickly, but YOU! Even better!
      Where have you been? Ive missed reading your posts here. My fave xo

      Anyway, here you go @weekittylass. This is a good one to give "plot" for "proof"
      Theres been a lot of entertaining posts- but this was so bad, so so SO terrible when "plot" went so low and accused @schneiderisnext of getting off on the terrible things that hes actually TRYING TO HELP.
      It was so fucking gross and mean.

  30. Plot is thrift store Lena Dunham
    Yeah I said it

  31. @rosie

    Excuse me? Are you saying this proof is easily found or not? Are you saying you are too lazy to look for it or merely can't find it?

    If you make a statement as inflammatory as suggesting another defends pedophiles, YOU should be prepared to produce something backing up your claim.

    Now, I wouldn't expect someone steeped in Pizzagate and Sandy Hook is fake to be able to understand the above. It fucks with their little fantasies.

    "just unsolicited advice"

    Which was that? What is this advice you claim to have given.

  32. (1)"Yes, its easily found"
    (2)"I'm too lazy"
    (3)"dont ask someone to search for
    something when it can easily be

    1. And stupid, probably. I don't know what "pizzagate" is, nor "Sandy hook"
      I don't concern myself with politics.
      I can spot a fool a mile away tho.
      And people who argue politics with strangers, in my ignorant humble opinion- are fools.

  33. You idiots, are idiots!

  34. "(1)"Yes, its easily found""

    Yet you cannot. Neither can anyone else who makes the same claim. Funny that.

    "(3)"dont ask someone to search for
    something when it can easily be

    Why not?

  35. Leave plot alone, she's severely mentally ill and lives in an alternate reality. She's not coherent, so stop shooting at ambulances.

    Having said that, I just L-O-V-E the never-ending hissy fits of the unhinged snowflakes who still can not accept their loss. I absolutely adore how they actually believe that those who don't agree with them are sub-educated, ignorant, stupid or whatnot, while not understanding that if they had had such overwhelming intellectual capacity, foresight and academic accuracy, they should have seem this coming miles away. Yet they chose to believe that Hillarity was going to win by a landslide. Ha haha!
    The shock they got, only goes to show how mentally slow and detached from reality, these morons truly are. Truly and utterly stupid like nothing else. They actually thought she was going to win!
    And they still to this day, believe they have some sort of cerebral high ground, while the 'other' side just smiles and nods, and quietly shakes their collective head, because this is exactly how you treat the mentally disturbed:

    'there there kiddo, yes you're a very clever boy/girl, yes you are. Look a shiny object!'

    To all of you losers: Trump is YOUR President !

    p.s.: keep those hissy fits going, because you're the ones pushing for Trump 2020, you're just too dumb to realise

    1. I don't live in the US, that idiot is not my president, and I am befuddled as to why you dullards keep yammering on about the Clintons while at the same time insisting the Democrats can't get over their loss. I know that education is considered to be an activity indulged in by the "elites" to you lot, but surely the concept of cognitive dissonance has lit a tiny pinpoint of light in your almost entirely calcified brains.

    2. Yeah and that idiot and that idiot's admirals and generals is about to tell you what it do, son.

  36. Americans just astound the world at the moment. The rest of the world is just watching you like 'What ARE you doing?' It's like watching a car crash, ghastly but you can't look away. The 'Clinton Crime Syndicate', 'Pizzagate', if you believe any of that is true you are truly buying into everything that Putin, Trump and Cambridge Analytica have feed you and want you to believe to distract you from that fact that they are ripping you all off for everything they can get their dirty little hands on. TRump is making BILLIONS from this presidency - why do you think he and his cronies STILL go on about Hillary? She has certainly moved on, but he still keeps on going on about her because he knows it's dog-whistle for all his followers that will keep them from looking at what he and his family are doing too closely. If you don't start to pay attention to what's actually happening in your country, all this squabbling is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

    1. Shut the fuck up you tribal shill

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @skitty +1,000,000.

  37. @bored darling!

    How are you?

    Are you criticizing others for incoherency? Oh babydoll, you are so droll!

  38. schneiderisnext - thanks again for all your hard work exposing these scumbags. Trump is a regular level entitled celebrity asshole . The clinton's are next level evil abusers with very dodgy friends.

  39. @rosie

    "This is a good one to give "plot" for "proof""

    Proof that I defend pedophiles? Or maybe hurt someone's delicate fee-fees?

    Rosie, you spend a lot of time here. Show me defending any pedo, since you can't quit talking about it.

  40. Anonymous11:14 AM

    With all of the talented snipers in this country smh
    @schneiderisnext missed your posts

  41. Plot, I dont have a ton of time to research. And truthfully, I'm not the genius you believe I am, and so wouldnt even know HOW TO find back posts.. I even had to look up "excoriation" for shitsake.

    You asked "when have you ever insulted someone?" and THAT is my reply-you have.

    As far as supporting those pederasses, its my OPINION that the argument could be made that by saying anything positive about them/their films and supporting them by always asking for "PROOF" because "We really don't KNOW" you are supporting them.
    I don't need "proof"-
    Lots of reasonable people dont need "proof"-
    I bet theres tons of children who've been devestated and ruined while waiting for this fucking "proof" you want.
    Fuck them. I say hang them now. Yesterday even better.
    I dont have any tolerance for it, zero, at all.
    These men have ruined lives, those kids will never be the same.

    Anyway. Ive probably missed out on that mother of the year award by wasting my time with this

  42. " dont have a ton of time to research."

    Yet you have a ton of time to keep accusing me of defending pedophilia.

    "my OPINION that the argument could be made that by saying anything positive about them/their films and supporting them"

    I would never begrudge anyone their opinion. If you feel that supporting the films of Polanski is supporting the man, that is totally valid and I would NEVER attack anyone for having that view or condemn them for such. That would be abhorrent to me, especially because I DO understand that POV and think it is better than my own in some ways, on some days.

    BUT just because I don't join you in your condemnation does NOT mean I support any pedophile or defend them. Accusing me of such steps over the line into Thought Police and Virtue Signaling.

    Personally, I find it interesting to hash out very emotional situations like this to make myself a better person and to make my ideas more clear. But I'm going to push back if I'm accused of doing something I certainly did not.

    1. You are a lying sack of shit @plot

      This is a quote from @plot on April 30, 2018



      Remember that the next time you hear someone praise a Roman Polanski or Woody Allen film. That person is just as much a facilitator of child rape as the film company execs trying to defend revenue streams and valuable i.p. "


      Hogwash. Enjoying a movie is NOT the same as rape of child abuse. What, not enough child rapists around for you to condemn? Gotta lash out at others now who might offend you with their viewing choices?

      Screw you. I'm going to love The Pianist no matter what and consider it ours now, not Polanski's, to enjoy. He lost all connection to it after it was released. Same with Woody Allen or any other director. Leni Riefenstahl you mean? Yeah, a propagandist for sure but have you seen her films? No other woman has been so influential on the composition of the moving form in cinema. So, are you going to call out all the directors who have used her techniques as well?

      If Polanski or Woody Allen ultimately end up vilified or incarcerated, I'm okay with that. But I'm not going to be denied the enjoyment of their work."

      What the fuck are you @plot?

      Clearly you are trying to control the narrative.

      But you can't keep your statements straight.

      How many people operate your account @plot?

    2. @plot:

      I would never begrudge anyone their opinion. If you feel that supporting the films of Polanski is supporting the man, that is totally valid and I would NEVER attack anyone for having that view or condemn them for such. That would be abhorrent to me, especially because I DO understand that POV and think it is better than my own in some ways, on some days.

      Vs @plot 35 days ago:

      Hogwash. Enjoying a movie is NOT the same as rape of child abuse. What, not enough child rapists around for you to condemn? Gotta lash out at others now who might offend you with their viewing choices?

      Screw you. I'm going to love The Pianist no matter what and consider it ours now, not Polanski's, to enjoy. He lost all connection to it after it was released. Same with Woody Allen or any other director."

      This is why @plot never replies to me.

      Too bad I'm not going to stop.

  43. IF I had to choose between either Plot or Amazing Quotes - to make either Plot or Amazing Quotes disappear for all time, I would gladly read those annoying fucking quotes every other post in every single Blind Item...

  44. @ltttt

    Thankfully you have the choice not to read anything you don't want to!
