Sunday, June 10, 2018

Blind Item #13

I would say that if this A- list actor finds out his foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress called the paps to catch them on a date that he would probably break up with her. He doesn't do that and never has. Back in the days when he was cheating on that wife he was married to, he got really good at hiding in plain sight. Then, even after he stopped cheating, he liked the privacy. His current girlfriend would love to be on the cover of every magazine every week.


  1. Josh Duhamel and Eiza Gonzalez

    She was tired of having to keep their relationship a secret I guess

  2. Josh Duhamel and Eiza Gonzalez

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Positively Josh Duhamel and Eiza Gonzalez. A mutual friend told me how once he and Fergie invited Cameron Mathison (his former AMC costar) and his wife out to dinner. It was arranged to be very hidden from the paps. Well somehow within the hour ET, TMZ and etc showed up. JD felt CM had tipped them off and was furious at him. He also loves doing charity work but usually on the downlow, not for publicity. He is a very kindhearted guy too.

    1. Damn that really makes me upset Eiza did that.. he sounds like a good guy besides the cheating

    2. I don’t feel sorry for him ! He’s obviously using her for sex and doesn’t want to be seen as a couple ! He uses women for sex all the time ! Now he met his match !

  5. She's known for calling the paps, she did that with Miley's ex and he dumped her because of it. She's as thirsty as they get.

  6. She looks ecstatic in the DM pics, and he looks 100% HULK SMASH!

  7. He is a good guy and Mathison now hosts one of the tv gossip shows, so he probably did call paps.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why does everyone think he’s such a “good guy”?? Because he’s nice and does charity work? How about how he treats women , like non stop cheating ? He also treated his first fiancée like crap and she had a mental breakdown .

  8. Off The Subject-But Not Really: File Under: Wants To Be Cover Girl For Life I must admit seeing Meghan being relegated to the very back of the line during the Queen's Birthday Celebration Sat. in London surprised me. She stood behind towering Kate and could barely be seen. She was the only Royal not wearing pastel blue. Her dress was not only pinkish but off-the-shoulder and totally inappropriate for the venue. Harry spent virtually no time talking with or to her. She looked miserable only 3 weeks after her wedding. Daily Mail claims he isn't wearing his wedding ring. Already. Forced smiles from Meghan. Cheshire Cat smiles. She better get preggers. Everyone's body language told the true story of how they really feel. Many of you CDANders predicted this weeks ago.Some of you are British, so you knew.

  9. Of course she does. She's a twenty something/thirty something year old woman. They're all bat crazy

  10. @Boo Hearne - The articles I read in Daily Mail tell me a different story.

  11. Someone who cheats is not a good guy.

    Boo, Meghan and Harry were both stood behind Kate and Wills because William, after his father, is next in line to the throne.

  12. Yeah, the ones I saw talked about how Harry picked out her outfit and showed pictures of her talking with the Queen while Kate and the Queen weren't ever seen in conversation.

  13. We're looking at and reading different websites. Daily Mail changes their news every hour on-line. Many times they erase a story or change it. I saw what I saw. I would not have wanted to be a fly on the wall when Meg and Harry got home. Lots of tears in the bathroom. She will quickly learn why Princess Diana became the person she became. In a couple of years you are going to see a completely different Meghan.

  14. @Boo Hearne Jealous much? Good gawd. Get your magnifying glass back out. Harry was wearing his ring. They talked. Meghan will never stand in front of Kate in public, because that's the rules. William will be King. It's all about pecking order. I don't think Harry is anything like Charles. He will never have the thrown. Geez. Are you an actress, because you're really good at drama.

  15. Everyone says Josh is a “good guy “, well maybe when it comes to charity events, but good husbands ,fathers or boyfriends do not screw strippers less than a year into a marriage! He seems to be super immature when it comes to relationships! He seems to think he should have the nice family and wife , and also be able to have his sex on the side! He’s from North Dakota , probably torn between having a wife popping out a lot of kids, and also having a woman he wouldn’t marry on the side ! No mature, intelligent woman is going to put up with his behavior , that is why he has to trade his marriage for a desperate, young , publicity hungry woman who is 90% plastic surgery ! But he will have to deal with her using hiim to get publicity and wanting more than a sexual relationship ! He totally deserves this ! It’s not like she hasn’t done this in the past !

    1. Fergie looks more plastic than Eliza. And Fegie is a known drug user. I dont blame him.

    2. Whatever ! Josh pursued Fergie . Asked him to marry him , married her , had a child with her , and he even renewed vows with her after screwing a stripper less than a year into their marriage! And he continued to cheat on her ! So now she’s the wild one. And he’s the homebody?? Why did he pick a fake whore , plastic from head to toe, known opportunistic woman to replace her if he is so serious about a normal life?

  16. Spanish Style Cottage: I am sure my mother Boo would answer this insipid comment but her physicians have put her into a medically induced coma tonight. Complications. Jessa

  17. @Boo Hearne Apparently, I woke up from my medically induced coma. Here's to stronger meds..!

  18. Josh is VERY good looking
    Women will always chase him
    Give or take 20 years
    Find someone else if you want fidelity

    1. He’s looking rough and no matter or he is good looking, he’s obvious immature and wants to have his cake and eat it too ! Only young women lacking in self esteem would stay with someone like him , or a plastic opportunist who doesn’t care as long as she gets attention !

  19. Eiza had a nose job and probably buccal fat pad removal but then again everyone in showbizz is plastic

    1. She had more than thank ! Different face and body . She was a blind item here a while ago!

    2. You are right, I looked at more pics and she deff got lip fillers and probably had also jaw surgery. plus breast implants, lipo etc. Girl is a who different person!

  20. @Boo Hearne it looks like Megan had her teeth done and something to her face. The outfit was inappropriate. But she isn't going to ever sit on the throne do they even care

  21. *OFF TOPIC*
    (And I may be opening a can of worms here, but....)
    I was watching the Tonys and Matthew Morrison intriduced a segment with MSD Parkland drama club kids. They performed Seasons of Love.
    Also, Morrison and others apparently visited the school previously and performed a benefit concert with them.
    If Morrison is as molesty as this site implies, I wonder why we didn't get a blind about that.

  22. That chick has some serious self esteem and self worth issues. The amount of surgery she has had - she is the mexican version of Kylie Jenner.

    She did it to Liam Hemsworth too which is the biggest way to lose an Aussie guy. No chance in hell

    1. She also is thirsty for fame , and Josh wants a young , slutty girlfriend to play with now! She also obviously called the paparazzi about their date in Sherman Oaks getting pizza !! How would they know about that ! Quite a price to pay for sex on Josh’s part . But he’s so immature , now stable woman would ever deal with him ina relationship!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Weird how male celebs are applauded for being whores, eh?

    1. Exactly ! Or it’s not a big deal if they cheat on their wives, even if they are middle aged dads ! It’s so sexist and such a. Double standard! Sadly, most women take for granted that it’s ok for men to cheat too !

  25. Spanish Cottage: I don't think you actually read my post of last night. My mother is in a coma. I don't believe you will ever hear from her again inasmuch as when she comes out of it and returns to NM, I am not going to allow her to post on this site again. I am not believing what I have read going back a week. The disrespect and ugly posts some of you have posted since she returned to CDAN are shocking. If I had known some of you hated her to this degree, I would have prevented her from commenting. Amazing.

  26. I'm sorry to read that, Boo.

  27. Eiza Gonzalez is stunningly beautiful, he should consider himself lucky.

    1. She’s really quite plain. She has been redone all over her face , boobs and butt ! Shes known for doing older rich producers in Mexico who paid for her extensive surgeries ! Now she gets sloppy seconds from women more famous than her like Miley and Fergie and calls the paps for attention! Now she wants fame and attention in the US. Josh has met his match ! She even called the paps to find them in a pizza parlor out of town ! He’s paying a big price for a clingly sex toy ! Maybe he needs to go back to strippers and long as he pays them to keep quiet!

  28. @Boo: I took a look at the photo of the Queen and family on the balcony and there ladies wearing something other than light blue. I saw emerald green, hot pink, a couple of whites/creams.

  29. People act like he's a saint for staying with and protecting a junkie.

    1. He took vows and married her . He also cheated on her and humiliated her publicly less than a year into their marriage, and how many blind items were here about his cheating ? Maybe she went now back to drugs trying to cope with the marriage . Or, maybe Josh’s publicity machine likes to justify hisnthing for escorts and strippers ! It can’t be easy being married to a man who puts on such a fake show of “love” for you and is all sweet to everyone, but he cheats on you constantly! Look at hisninterview with Fergie and Oprah. He’s very charming and manipulative, and it’s not easy to be married to that .

  30. He should enjoy it while it lasts, paps or no paps. His new girlfriend is only going to stay with him until she can find someone richer and more famous.

  31. This is about Josh Duhamel and Eiza Gonzalez.

    The other day DM showed first photos of these two together. Allegedly have been dating since February by some reports and others say they've been together since Josh and Fergie split last September.

    The paps caught the couple coming out of a pizza place. Josh looked awkward and unlike the relaxed, handsome man from from earlier years. The Fergie years.

    Eiza seemed pleased the paps were there. Body language between them was stiff and distant.

    I don't see this union developing into much. Rebound.

  32. @Michelleher I've read the posts about Fergie and Josh here in CDaN and was surprised that Josh was a serial cheater. I also wasn't aware Fergie had been doing drugs during the marriage. No wonder the marriage ended.

    I've read some things about his new girlfriend and I agree, he's met his match. I wonder if they'll play out their drama in public. Should be explosive.

    I hope it works out for Fergie. I'm sure she wants to stay friends with Josh but he seems so inconsistent in what he wants, he may turn out to be her biggest nightmare. I'm referring to the custody of their child.

  33. Who's Boo "Hearne?" Where's Boo Heame? What's up with this?



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