Monday, May 07, 2018

Today's Blind Items - He's Back

Sensing a return to what made him famous back in the day, this former A+ list "expert" was basically exiled after making millions of dollars from his "expertise." He was the person to call if you were a reporter or writer or producer if you needed an "expert" in this field. Over the last few years, he has slowly begun to come out of hiding and has started speaking in front of people and churches again. He knows there is a movement afoot and he wants to capitalize on it before anyone else can fill those shoes he once had.

For basically an entire decade or even a little longer, this man was considered the go to expert for all things child abuse. The thing is though, he often was the one doing the abusing. Hundreds and hundreds of children across the country that he would meet with to identify if they had been sexually abused, he would then abuse. He would then say the child had been abused and day care workers or parents would be arrested. Our "expert" would then have several followup sessions with the victims where he would abuse them again before moving on to the next town. Even more crazy is that he was usually paid for these interviews where he was abusing children.

His feeling now is that with all of the abuse scandals going on that he can get back to what he was doing before at the height of abuse scandals. There is no way I will ever let him near another child again. 


  1. Replies
    1. "I'm guessing retired FBI agent Jim Clemente

      Clemente was a child abuse "expert" and worked as a consultant and writer for television/film.

      FBI Supervisory Special Agent James T. Clemente (Retired) is....also a Consultant/Writer/Producer for Network Television and Feature Films.

      Before his retirement on October 30, 2009, Clemente had been a Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico since 1998. He is a nationally recognized expert in the fields of Sex Crimes Investigations, Sex Offender Behavior, Child Sexual Victimization, and Child Pornography. Clemente has investigated and consulted on thousands of cases involving the violent and sexual crimes, sexual victimization of children, and he has interviewed hundreds of victims and offenders.

      Morgain McGovern alleges she was molested by actor Ben Stein, and that Jim Clemente failed her.

      Original link:

      "I met/worked Jim Clemente sometime in 2007 when I was a stand in for the character Garcia on Criminal Minds for four years....

      I....emailed a retired FBI agent and former co-worker named Jim Clemente in Nov 2014 about my experiences being groomed and stalked by Ben Stein....

      I came forward to Jim Clemente in 2014 when the Bill Cosby story came out because he was an expert in child sex crimes and dealing with pedophiles.

      Jim Clemente told me he would report Ben Stein to the FBI in 2014. I do not remember him telling me to file a police report in 2014, he may have but I don’t think he did, he told me he would notify the FBI during that phone call.

      A year and a half later, he told me to file a police report in 2016 after I commented on Allison Hope Wiener’s show “Crime Time” did a report on Elijah Wood, child actors & pedophiles. She replied and was adamant that I go to the police ASAP and file a report.

      I feel like Jim Clemente completely failed me after my experiences coming to him as an adult survivor of child sex abuse after what happened from 2014-2017.

      He told me my child rape story was boring in June of 2016 when I called him to read him my statement. I called him to read this to him because I thought he was a friend and advocate; and he interrupted me and told me to leave parts out."


      Clinton connection:

      FBI Agent Jim Clemente was assigned to the Vincent Foster death investigation in Kenneth Starr's Office of Independent Counsel.

      Jim Clemente's official website states: "For over a decade he was an FBI Profiler investigating serial violent and sexual crimes. He is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of Child Sexual Victimization, Sexual Homicide, and Child Abduction."

      Why was Jim Clemente assigned to the Foster investigation?"

    2. Whoa. Good pull.

  2. Good guesses Count. I was thinking it's a NE Catholic priest.

  3. Temi's guess makes the most sense.

  4. The ghost of Jimmy Savile. Someone from the BBC probably anyway. Their all involved or covering up.

  5. The david pelzer quess makes sense, a decade ago his book was every ware. Every other secretary at work was reading it kinda like 50 shades a few years later.

  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Yeah, Pelzer's in the news a month or so ago, speaking about abuse at Fallon.

  7. who the heck are these people? Anyways fucking disgusting and I hope this dude rots in jail and then in hell.


  9. Pelzer's scandal was whether he told the truth in his books. I never saw him as exiled and I doubt he had one on one sessions with victims. He was just doing speaking tours. If anyone knows more, please share. I had to read his first book in therapy so I'd like to know if I'm missing something.

  10. Bruno Bettelheim. Twenty years ago.

  11. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Pelzer's book is becoming a movie- after all the stories about the harm that comes to child actors (like Brad Renfro) I cringe at thinking of a child acting this out for a movie.

  12. "Bruno Bettelheim"

    That one would hurt...if he weren't long dead. I read his books obsessively in highschool. Good intro to therapeutic archetypes in literature, at least, not so much psychology, it turns out.

  13. Have there been any accusations against Pelzer before, anywhere?

  14. Pelzer also was criticized for turning his dysfunction into a cottage industry. I wasn't able to find any accusations against Pelzer, nor did it seem like he disappeared from his work. It does seem like he became less popular (A Child Called It came out in 1995)

    Pistorino (love the name) isn't a great fit either. He quit the public speaking and "expert" industry @2017 after it was revealed he used his position to coerce adult survivors of sexual abuse into having sex with him. It seems like he might have hired one of those online scrubbing companies because there are links about him that don't open.

  15. My assumption is that this has something to do with the "Satanic Panic" ritual child abuse panic/mass hysteria of the 70s/80s, culminating in the McMartin Preschool trials? Was there a particularly notable TV expert during that time?

    I know there were lots of issues stemming from 'suggestive interviewing' of various children victims

    1. While I had that assumption at first, it doesn't make sense to me as the mainstream position on the whole affair is unambiguously that it was all a sham by religious hucksters and over ambitious careerists, and also, said expert would probably be too old at this point.

  16. Seriously Enty, Name Names on this one. Himmmm, can we get some help here?

    Former A+ list expert who was THE "expert" that reporters, writers, producers etc. would go to for all things child abuse - WHO???

  17. Itttt I was thinking similar but could only find David Finkelhor as a expert. Maybe Randy Noblitt.

  18. If he's having "sessions" with these children, then he must have been something other than just a writer.
    Like a professor, therapist, psychic healer, hypnotist... nothing too crazy because it said he went to churches. But If would think he'd have to fit some kind of niche to be so popular.

  19. Sounds like a Doctor Phil type, but i don't know who, speaking at churches is a good clue as well.

  20. The only real psychological expert types I consider A+ are Dr Joyce, Dr Ruth, & Dr Phil. If you ain't on a first name basis with America , you ain't A+, sorry my nik-doctuh

  21. That Rabbi Oprah used to have on her show. Rabbi Schmuley or something like that.

  22. Now that's an interesting guess, Jane.

    Schmuley did the church circuit, disappeared for a while, but never seemed to have an abuse issue attached to him.

    Didn't he mainly counsel on relationships and family dynamics though? I only saw him a couple times and don't know if he handled child abuse.

  23. Not that it proves a damn thing but Schmuley was friends with Michael Jackson and defended him against abuse allegations before they had a falling out.

  24. Yes a few red flags

  25. Not John Walsh, leave that poor man alone. He's got a new show coming out, not exactly creeping back. Plus he was more abductions and murders oriented.

  26. This sounds like Dr. Melvin Levine, but he suicided in 2011.

  27. Dave Pelzer has always made my skin crawl when he showed up on TV, speaking gigs, etc. AlwaysAlwaysAlways.

  28. Donnie McClurkin

  29. I found Dr. Roland Summit, who was the leader of the satanic panic scandal. He went from town to town as well. Not sure of any other connection or anything new with him.

  30. The Satanic Panic guys put the West Memphis 3 in the Hole for a long time

  31. @Phyllis - I couldn't find anything on Roland Summit, other than he was the source of the satanic panic. Kee McFarlane of the Children's Institute used his teachings as the basis for her interviewing techniques. I guess Summit believed that children were incapable of lying about traumatic events, allowing for the aggressive interviewing techniques employed by McFarlane. (She came up with the use anatomical dolls for interviewing kids)

    I've spent too much time on this. Please, someone sleuth it out!

  32. McFarlane's interviews were the basis of the McMartin case.

  33. ". He would then say the child had been abused and day care workers or parents would be arrested. "

    This reminds of a Sean Penn documentary called witch hunt.

    In the 80s there was a widespread mass hysteria of false accusations against parents and day care workers, and the people making accusations were Christians, who thought satan worship was involved. I wonder if this referring to that time period .

  34. The young children in the McMartin case also underwent forensic testing developed by a physician named Bruce Woodling: anal examinations (“wink tests”) in which he swabbed a spot near the patient’s anus that supposedly determined abuse.

    If the child’s anus opened during wink tests, the child had been sodomized; the further the child’s anus opened, the more frequent the abuse.

    Woodling hired an inexperienced assistant, Astrid Heger, to examine young girl’s hymens for microscopic abrasions and variations which, according to Woodling’s (now-discredited) findings, often indicated sexual trauma.

    1. Pardon me while I go scream and/or vomit. That is TERRIBLE.

  35. @gauloise - I believe McFarlane and the Children's Institute hired Astrid Heger and Woodling. These exams sound like sexual abuse to me... BTW, the Children's Institute survived this controversy. Not sure where the players in McMartin are now.

    There was a book that theorized this hysteria (satanic panic and the McMartin case) was a reaction to the "loose morals" of the 1970s. Corruption was seen everywhere - especially where children were concerned. (Which I find interesting because the underlying theme of many, many horror films is: protect the innocence of children.)

    The book drew comparisons with the Salem witch hunts. I think it was called Believe the Children or something like that.

  36. I wouldn’t put this past Boteach or Clemente.

  37. Umm.... Wait. I am just commenting with my first thoughts upon seeing this, before checking other comments, but uh... That last sentence?!
    "There is no way I will ever let him near another child again." ?!?! This makes it sound like Enty unwittingly had a hand in the subject having had access to child victim(s) in the past. If this is the case, then despite Enty's lack of intent, he is still directly tied to someone molesting children. Which means he should be held accountable, if this is the case -- not to say that it is Enty's fault or that he should be punished for an unintentional horrific incident or incidents, but that he should be made to come forth with any information he has that can help stop this person from hurting another child ever again.
    It sounds like the subject of the blind is gearing up to start hurting children on a massive scale, again, and if this is the case and Enty has had unwitting personal experience in the past with this person, he needs to put a stop to it before it can start.
    I'm sorry, I know that Enty is a lawyer, and I know that he didn't do anything intentionally here, but really... How can it make sense that he could personally know of this, and have some kind of eyewitness knowledge from the past, and not try to stop it? Really? Unless that last sentence is totally off-base and poorly thought out. If he wasn't actually an acquantaince of the subject, fine. But the way it was phrased seemed like he was.

  38. Gacey was executed years ago.

  39. He lives on in the hearts and minds of all the children who fear clowns.

    Wayne Williams still alive? How about Uncle Eddie Savitz?

  40. Pelzer guesses either not reading the blind, or never read his book. His stories (which are believed to be at least fictionalized, if not totally made up) are about horrific physical abuse, not sexual abuse. He never toured as a sexual abuse therapist or expert, so the idea of him specifically targeting children as sexual abuse victims doesn't totally fly with me.

  41. Two people came to mind...

    There's a really creepy "expert" who appears on crime tv documentaries, usually explaining how child abuse lead to their outcome (he's not Jim Clemente). His name escapes me... but he has a strong face, slicked back hair, a super creepy voice and speaks really slow to the camera. Gives me the shivers.

    Alternatively, I recall a 1970s child star (possibly Christopher Knight from the Brady Bunch?) who had formed an organization designed to protect child actors? Though I can't see any sign of it now on his Wikipedia. I could be wrong, but it might be something along those lines. A wolf in sheeps clothing.

  42. Xanadu -- you're thinking of Paul Petersen, who was a Mouseketeer and son on "The Donna Reed Show", who founded "A Minor Consideration".

  43. @gauloise Wtf! That is horrendous. Dr’s and assistants further abusing children that are believed to have already suffered possible sexual abuse?? Just when I think I’ve heard it all. I often hope some of these child abuse blinds are false but just that info right there makes me realise that many are most likely true. The bastard in this blind using his status to groom and rape kids already traumatised by abuse is just about as screwed up as it gets. Gut wrenching stuff. I hope he (and all the other pedo’s) burn...slowly.

  44. Dr. J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner is the expert I was thinking of.

  45. Yes you will let him touch another child because you never go to the police eith the information

  46. Yes you will let him touch another child because you never go to the police with the information
