Friday, May 04, 2018

Blind Item #6

I haven't thought about this in a long time and then someone reminded me of it. See, if you remember it or if you can figure it out. Back in the day this actor was an A list tween on a hit network show. Later, he became an A- list television actor who progressed into made for tv movie acting. Anyway, back when he was still a tween on that show of his, he hooked up with this permanent A list singer, who at the time no one had heard of. It is crazy if you think about them hooking up.


  1. Doogie Howser. Neil Patrick has prison gay written all over him. Being bent over as a kid has made him think homo sex is normal, poor thing.

  2. Ricky Schroeder and Whitney Houston

    1. Omg that could be it—/or Madonna?Mariah- this is too funny

    2. And I mean this with complete sincerity. She guest starred on Silver Spoons in 1985. Whitney was 22, Ricky 15. I remember watching the episode it was just before her career exploded.

    3. Exactly who I was thinking

    4. This is classic Ricky S man😂😂😂😂😉

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Ricky Schroder and?????

  4. NPH doesn't really do made for TV movies at least recently.

    What permanent A-list singer was on a hit show before they became famous as a singer?

  5. Was the permanent A list singer also a teen? If not, that isn’t “hooking up.” But as a legitimate question, I think that might narrow things down a bit.

  6. Not NPH. He is stage and mostly TV and was and is still higher than A-. Plus, he was always gay.
    Your phrasing is pretty disgusting.

  7. NPH and Ricky Martin.
    @Vessimede Barstool your the one who's not normal you hateful cunt. I miss the day of trolls living under bridge's rather than in their basement spewing hate.

    1. "Hateful cunt"? Sure sounds like you're spewing some hate yourself. You should publically apologize before your SJW friends see what you wrote and shame you relentlessly on social media 😂

    2. You're the only person spewing hate that I see, LeeAnn. What you're suffering from is hurt feelings, and nobody gives a damn.

  8. Menudo . Ricky Martin

  9. Sara nailed it:

  10. Schroder and Whitney Houston. She appeared on one episode of "Silver Spoons"

  11. Miyam Bialik made a guest appearance on an episode of Doogie Howser MD back in the day. If I'd had to Bialik her pussy it for sure would have turned me gay. Let's just put it down to childhood trauma of some sort and leave it at that.

  12. can we start banning the ip's of all these right-wing trolls so they crawl back under their rocks

    1. If you want to feel safe in an echo chamber then start your own blog. Otherwise shove it! Most people still value free speech!

  13. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Wow. I actually had an answer that was possibly half right and it came in seconds after Sara. And...... we both answered before the goddess Tricia.
    My day is done. This is about as good as it gets now. It's all downhill from here.

    1. You totally got it! Rickster has some game-who knew?

  14. +1 Sara and Someone, great work

  15. But the big question is, did Ricky Schroder go back? ;)

  16. Enty get out of my head. I just finished listening to Rick on Rogans podcast from 2015, he was promoting his Afghanistan documentary.

  17. Alt Left Wingers are always pushing censorship.

  18. Random 80s trivia is kind of my wheelhouse.

    1. Amazing. I was going to guess Jason Priestley and someone...

  19. Wasn't whitney with robyn at the time? sounds like b.s. to me.

  20. Maybe it was a 19 yr old Whitney who realized 15 yr old Ricky had a crush on her and gave him a quick smooch. Nothing sexual, just a make the kid's day type of thing.
    And an older Ricky remembering the story 15 yr old Ricky formed around that amazing experience, and not completely accurate with the events. Not lying, just remembering the way he experienced it.

  21. Anonymous9:43 AM

    My greatest claim to fame was I once dated the first cousin of a back in the day A-/B+ actress from an iconic 80's teen movie who is famous for a very memorable scene.

  22. Yeah Ricky and Whitney is most likely but that Fox article citing Ricky's visit to Andy Cohen's set is from 2013. I kind of hate these blinds that basically are already articles/out there but then again until this blind popped up I had never heard this crazy story!

  23. @Someone Else: Phoebe Cates? On another note, some of you are the very trolls you deride. Have to wonder if you touch your mothers with those disgusting fingers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Didn't mean to delete my comment. Lol
      Was just +1ing the Phoebe Cates guess.

  24. Joey Lawrence and Beyonce.

    Both were "making music" in the 1990s, just sayin...

  25. Silver Spoons 'n chocolate poons

  26. Anonymous11:51 AM

    @Conde & @Sara,
    You guys are good at this!

  27. banning an ip address just because you don't agree with them is just flat out childish. people are free to state their opinions even if you don't like them.

  28. hahaha Itttt so wrong

  29. Late in the day for me.

    Agree with the Rick Schroeder guesses. The man was handsome. He became religious when he got older, although his "religious" Mormon ex-wife had already given birth...

    She was on a reality competition show years ago and she came across as a b***h.

  30. There is a difference between free speech and anti-gay slurs.

  31. @MicHael LaNce I love that the people that are triggered by the word cunt quite happily read posts from with homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs in them from this person and say nothing as well as the other racist, sexist and islamaphobic comments that go unchallenged.

    @Remie Ross I stand by my post 100%, that's why I post under my own name unlike them. I wouldn't be embarrassed for anyone I know to see it, If people stand by and stay quite about these comments they become normalised and furthers their agenda and bolsters their confidence, which I'm sure you'd love.

    1. @Leanne Norman

      I applaud your bravery to post under your own name. However a lot of employers will search for your social media & other online presence. You can guarantee they are looking if you are applying for a job that requires a security clearance or if your clearance needs to be renewed.



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