Monday, April 09, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Fading Superstar - A Reader Blind Item

Here's a blind about an action star from Old Hollywood, or to be exact - 70's Hollywood.

The real truth of this actor's mysterious demise at a young age is mostly buried due to the ridiculous lies told about the Actors life, and mysterious death.

I know this for fact as I'm working on a film about it.  It's a fascinating tragedy detailing the demise of a fascinating superstar. I'm sure everyone will guess who, but doubt they know the real story. There is a mythical "Christlike" aura spread about this actor. The Biopic film on the actors life twenty years ago was pure BS. There was some truth, and he was dynamic and talented, but the real truth and utter darkness has been sanitized.

This is a story about the relentless pursuit of fame, tremendous talent, and a dangerous man, who was most dangerous to himself.

Kick it back to early seventies. Bronson and McQueen were on the scene and Clint's meteoric rise was just jettisoning into mainstream awareness, but there was one star who was totally unknown to the public who was about to emerge in the biggest Action Smash of the summer. Everyone knows what became of this actor and his name today is legendary, but what most people do not know is what transpired behind the scenes while this actor was pursuing his dream of becoming the #1 Action Star in the world.

Like Clint, this actor emerged out of International films and became a big box office success.  The Actor was a physical fitness fanatic. He believed the mind can subjugate anything, including physical pain. He pushed his body relentlessly and was determined towards achieving his Hollywood goals. 

The actor was a fascinating human being and was faced with tremendous setbacks, including one leg shorter than the other, Cryptorchidism, having ideas for projects stolen, and flat out racism. Some friends he left behind adored him, Some feared him. All told stories of a violent temper that could explode on a dime. He didn't like to be touched - ever. Do not ever lay a hand on him. There was an inner anger deep inside this philosophical dark athletic genius on the level of a Nureyev, or a Jordan. A deceased Oscar Winning Writer tells a story of the Action Star telling him, 'if you cannot hug a man, "you'll never be able to beat him in a street fight."  "You must love him to destroy him, but if you must destroy him, thank him first for allowing you to wreak havoc upon his soul." Without a doubt this actor was a very capable full fledged fighter, although never fought professionally.

Most described the actor as loyal and giving. Dynamic and impatient. Explosive and hot tempered. Renegade and Innovator. Insecure and cocky, while pursuing is dreams. Years of frustration and rejection fueled the actors anger. He was determined to show the world his art, his culture, and the action films audiences were currently being fed, were weak and banal.

After years of frustration and setbacks, and eventually great success in International films, Hollywood finally came calling, but the Actor was already living his life like a spiraling tornado of violence, not only inflicted on himself, but on others. After suffering a severe physical injury (self inflicted) the Actor took to Cortisone shots for pain management. This use of steroids added another layer of rage to the Actor's deep seeded anger. He broke out in acne and began sweating profusely. His hot temper flared. Coupled with the enormous strain and violence he placed on himself, and pressures to succeed, The Actor took to ingesting Nepalese hashish to calm down. To manage tremendous physical pain the Cortisone shots continued. Shot after shot. More sweating. The anger heightened, with no idea of the side affects of Cortisone, The Actor became highly concerned prompting him to remove his sweat glands. Both Apocrine glands under each armpit were removed. Even though the Actor was married, accompanying him to the overseas procedure was his new found mistress.

As the Actor moved into production on his first Hollywood film his weight fluctuated due to non-use and use of Cortisone, diuretics, and odd meals consisting of cows blood smoothies. He had physical outbursts at home. Physical altercations with many on and off set, including on the Hollywood Movie he was filming and even at his own home. He was becoming paranoid to the point of  purchasing a gun, smuggled to him overseas in a jar of protein powder. The Actor was a picture of health, and his physique was part of his dynamic package, but under the surface was another story. With the pressures of a grueling film schedule, all contingent on his success and dreams, an explosive outburst and pulling a knife on an International director.

The physcial abuse he inflicted on himself continued. Regular Cortisone shots, relentless and insane physical fitness routines, such as elctro-shock apparatuses to stimulate 100 push ups while resting, low body weight, diuretics, hash, minimal eating, fasting, and pushing his body to the exhaustive point of telling his wife "not sure how much longer I can keep this up," all led to a collapse on his mistress's bed, never to wake up.

Many mysteries surround the actors death, but there is only one person to blame.

Today, when you watch the legendary film, the opening scene, filmed some eight weeks before his death, a severe physical change is kicking in. Gaunt face and skin, low body weight, and you can almost see, death closing in...


  1. Replies
    1. I agree. Sounds like Bruce Lee.

  2. @Montana, that's what I was going to guess. He fits.

  3. Bruce Lee like Montana guessed btw 70s isn't really Old Hollywood

  4. Also on the Bruce Lee wagon.

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Yep, Bruce Lee. Film being Enter The Dragon.

  6. Make me appreciate Enty the writer, which is saying something.

  7. Yes, definitely Bruce Lee.

  8. +1 Bruce, his son was absolutely stunning, I would love to know the REAL story about his "murder"

  9. Bruce Lee, but this is all known stuff, even his autopsy with traces of Cannbis in his system and the health issues, and the mistress, Betty someting, all common knowledge...

  10. I know people like this. I’ve been wondering lately if it’s part of CTE.

  11. A friend who has the same last name insists he was murdered due to inflated ego and big mouth. Sad story either way and of course he had a mistress...not suprided.

  12. Absolutely Bruce Lee.
    There is a lot of conspiracy theories around his death to this day, and for good reason. He had a lot of trouble around him.

  13. Betty Ting Pei was the mistress who died next to him, she wrote a book about it.

  14. Good point Totaji....CTE wasn't even know of back then. They didn't take concussions seriously with athletes then...he could very well have had that.

  15. "Cryptorchidism"?

    Whats that? Secret balls or something?

  16. Definitely Bruce Lee. He is reported to have suffered from cryptorchidism.

  17. It's about time we got the real story.

  18. @LonelyBastard

    You are close. Undescended testicle.

  19. Everyone is right!

  20. The first couple of sentences I was thinking Keith Carradine, but then, yup, Bruce Lee +1

  21. @IDontKnowHer.

    Ah right. Thats unfortunately pretty common.

  22. The whole blind, I kept telling myself, please not Bruce Lee, but it has to be. Can't come up with anyone else who fits. He was an idol to us kids growing up in the early 70's. We all got into martial arts because of him. He lived in my neighborhood back in the day.

  23. I’m not sure any of this is a blind. An episode of a conspiracy show on Prime last week covered most of it (and more) and the rest I thought was common knowledge?

  24. Gotta be Bruce Lee.

  25. Most of this blind is common knowledge. These reader blinds, aarrghhh!

  26. "Kick it back to early seventies. Bronson and McQueen were on the scene and Clint's meteoric rise was just jettisoning into mainstream awareness"

    JFC. Are you kidding me with this...

  27. Given documented cases like Junior Seau & younger, a lot of subconcussive hits to his head or a concussion or two, yes Bruce Li could have had CTE. Can't know for sure without his brain to examine, but it's very plausible.

  28. Definitely Bruce Lee. If you visit Seattle, make a stop to Lakeview Cemetery. Bruce and Brandon are buried next to each other.

  29. Summary:

    PA on umpteenth movie about Bruce Lee, with access to wikipedia and google, claims action star died from pushing his body too hard. The End.

  30. @brayson87 my thoughts exactly

  31. CTE does make sense,but still there is good reason for the conspiracy theories, considering what was going on there at the time.

  32. I am pretty convinced that this is about Bruce Lee.

  33. I remember some of the more outlandish theories about his death that I was told by my older peers when I was a kid.
    one was he was murdered by other martial experts for teaching non-chinese persons martial arts.
    another involved jealous hollywood "movie makers" whatever that meant, and yet another an "accidental death punch" during a sparring match.

  34. Well, hey, at least no kids in this one.

  35. Still want to submit a few great reader blinds myself but how do we? Does anyone know the email to send it to?

  36. I remember a doc about him and the Chinese mafia or something, that wanted him dead.

    He died loving what he was doing - so that's something not everyone can do.

  37. I gather Bruce Lee, but from what was written, I think it's more about Steroid use, which in this case was not used to pump up muscles, like Arnold, but used for pain. Cortisone issues were not known then. The removal of sweat glands is disturbing on many levels, but a procedure that is done today to treat specific issues.

    Some of the steroids and HGH modern actors are on are also problematic and can result in many problems in the future. Bruce's tale should be a warning to them. I know athletes form the past that are struggling now, some fighting for their lives. Look at Arnold...

  38. Some of us were watching Disney in the seventies, some of us were not even born, some of us do not live in the USA, nor do we read voraciously every piece of fan stuff regurgitated by endless google sites. So I thank the reader blind for this (once again more easily read than the usual stuff), what a sad life and death Bruce Lee had.

  39. I agree, the 1970s aren't Old Hollywood.

    I think the writer made the blind obvious because they wanted to set the record straight.

  40. +1 Bruce Lee

  41. Definitely Bruce Lee! - I even got this one!

  42. T.W I think you're right. If you watch the movie starring Jason Lee, there's so many lies. Think that is the point of CDAN - dispelling myths, lies, deceit, and worse, criminals. The crime in this one though seems like a man committing a crime upon himself.

  43. Ideally this blind should have been written in Chinese.

  44. Brayson summaries FTW!

  45. I'm not sure how I can take this at face value. I've played Falstaff but it did not give me any insight into the live of Henry IV. Sure Lee's drug use is known and I don't doubt that it led to his death but to claim that you know 'for a fact' something decades later is pushing the envelope a little for me.

    Also why the odd reference to 'Nepalese Hashish"? Seriously, hash is hash, it's cannabis resin and it's all pretty much of a muchness. Well it was in the 70's. You got charged more for 'Red Leb' or 'Lebanese Gold'? You were just paying too much for some fudge made not 10 miles from where you bought it.

    Did Bruce Lee kill himself with his lifestyle? Absolutely but to pretend you know all the facts from anecdotes decades later? Well it's a good job you can't libel the dead.

  46. @zerooptions. That's definitely nonsense. I learned Bak Mei ( Pak mei) Kung Fu to competition level in the early 80's. There was no forbidden knowledge. The Chinese were falling over themselves to come west and take your money.

    In fact my Sifu was a Grandmaster in Pak Mei Wu Chi Yun Kung Fu, 7th Dan in Goju Rye Karate and today is one of the pre-eminent referees in international Muay Thai competition. He's British and was trained in China.

  47. @Spider Rico

    Thank you for connecting the dots. Your comment is a big help, especially for people who are new. The CDaN family grows by the day.

    Have a blessed week everyone! May we all receive what we need starting right here, right now. 😇

  48. So ... in the late 80's (post old Hollywood), I was sitting in a cultural anthropology class.

    Some guy (who wasn't in the class - in fact I'd never seen him before) comes into classn gives an upnod to the prof and sits down next to me.

    Long story short: he said some realli bizarre things. One of which was:
    I am good friends with Bruce Lee - we communicate on the astral plane.
    Thank you - and good night.

    1. That is awesome. I want whatever he’s smoking. 🌋🌺👩🏻🥗🍂

  49. Stop with the reader blinds.

    1. SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. I would love to hear more from Fabio’s ex-neighbour.

  50. The line about racism convinced me that this is Bruce Li.

    "totaji said...
    I know people like this. I’ve been wondering lately if it’s part of CTE."

    Very interesting comment. It could be.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Back in the day Albert Goldman wrote an article for Penthouse, putting forth the theory that Bruce Lee was allergic to hash,contributing to his death.

  53. to the reader who submitted this blind: consuming animal blood is not "odd" for Asians who were born/lived in an Asian country.

  54. Anonymous12:34 AM

    André René Roussimoff
    Just kidding, +Lee.

  55. Which of his ideas for projects were stolen?

    *listens to Canto Ostinato* 🎶

    1. Enter The Wardrobe:Masturhanging Into Narnia.



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