Monday, April 23, 2018

Blind Item #2

Apparently this foreign born former A+ list performer who was retired was out one night and saw this guy all over a very young teen. Our former performer didn't know it was a child bride situation. He interfered in the pawing and abuse. The next night our performer was dead.


  1. Replies
    1. What a loss-massive talent and a nice guy as well

    2. Clearly who we are meant to think it is.

      That’s why you don’t fuck with somebody’s culture in their country. If that’s happening in New York, you can do that. But in Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or North London keep your (I mean this in the literal sense) provincial beliefs to yourself.

      This guy was probably aghast that the US tried to “impose democracy” on Iraq and didn’t think to apply that lesson to his own life.

    3. He wasn’t retired and he died unfortunately of alcohol related illness, he had his gallbladder previously due to alcoholism, so it is definitely not him. It’s a loss to EDM for sure 😔

    4. Sorry phone not typing my words, I meant gallbladder removed due to alcohol

  2. God, I hope not... Wouldn’t he still be A, rather than former?

  3. Aviici A+ ????

    I had never heard of him till this week

    1. Absolutely A+in his field of celebrity DJ’ing. He had a tremendous following.. it’s not my genre of music per se but used to catch him in Miami where he often did high profile events etc... super nice dude

    2. Ahhh, my ignorance, sorry sounds like you are right. Awful if so.

    3. No,right on... outside of the genre he probably isn’t that known...

    4. His songs have been listened 19 billion (this is not a typo) times on Spotify. I think it qualifies for A+

  4. What is the allure of Oman??

    1. Oman is where the Ibadi retreated to after rejecting the rule of Caliph Uthman, since antiquity and before it has been integral to trade in the Indian Ocean basin.

      Despite predating all Sunni and Shia schools by several decades, the Ibadis and their beliefs remain largely a mystery to outsiders, both non-Muslims and even other Muslims.[5]:3 Ibadis have claimed, with justification, that while they read the works of both Sunnis and Shias, even the learned scholars of those two sects never read Ibadi works and often repeat myths and false information when they address the topic of Ibadism without performing proper research.[5]:4 The isolated nature of Oman granted the Ibadi denomination, secretive by nature, the perfect environment to develop in isolation from the Islamic mainstream.[6] Ibadis were cut off even from the Kharijite sect because of Ibn Ibaḍ's criticism of their excesses and his rejection of their more extreme beliefs.[6] The spread of Ibadism in Oman essentially represents the triumph of theology over tribal feudalism and conflict.[8]

    2. You might want to check another source @B626 lol
      I read up a little and it seems quite the spot to go , especially Muscat. It sounds beautiful and I think it draws the more high profile celebrities because they go relatively unnoticed. Compared to other places.

    3. @rosie
      Like Dubai, Doha, Astana, Baku
      a perfect place to make a shady deal or buy anyone or anything you want

    4. Also, Oman has surf

  5. Was he really retired?

    1. He stopped touring/ performing in 2016 largely due to health issues

    2. Oh. Thanks.

  6. Told you
    Sultan of Oman is a pedophile

    1. Just like muhammad, who married/raped a 6 year old.

    2. More than one, no doubt.

  7. Definitely Aviici.

    He retired from performing in 2016.

    He was in Oman on vacation.

    He was very outspoken against human trafficking.

    The video for "A Better Day" follows two former abused children as they stalk and hunt down the people who trafficked them.

    It ends with them confronting a politician, killing him, and branding "PEDOPHILE" on his skin.


  8. People have got to stop going to "the Muslim world". It is still the f*cking Bronze Age there.

    1. Depends what part. Pakistan as a British imperial thrall is terrible by design.
      Sort of meaningless since these pedo rings are typically run from Bronze Age Europe and are legally permitted by the Bronze Age Talmud😃
      Us goyim are livestock after all

    2. Pakistani muslim grooming gangs tortured and raped thousands of girls in Britain. Girls were raped and beaten while their tormentors quoted passages from ththeir rape and murder manual, aka the koran.

  9. I know, Aviici had a bit of a history with pedophiles one of his videos was 100% about international pedophile rings, no doubt he would have stepped in...I always say, if you're somewhere you're not from, careful what you do, because you have no idea who the person is you're talking to.

  10. Is this suggesting he was murdered?

    1. This is absolutely stating that he was.

  11. I include London when I say "the Muslim world". London is without question an occupied city and the invading forces enslave & rape the children of the native British.

    1. You're quite full of shit innit
      Naming all the right places and asking all the wrong questions.
      What about all those Rothschilds and Montefiores and Sassoons and Saxe-Coburg-Gothas infesting London with their child rape?

    2. That's right, attack the kuffar for telling the truth about your paedophilic death cult.

      Muslim rapists quoted from the koran while torturing English girls:

      Stop being anti-Semitic just because your dead illiterate 7th century terrorist prophet personally beheaded hundreds of Jews because he was a deranged power hungry warlord.

    3. Shem isn't Japheth and you can't use the same tired slander for centuries and expect it to keep working, Shlomo

  12. @ Tricia 13 - I remember the Ultra days when I lived in Miami. It was unavoidable, especially when I worked on SoBe or.."the island" as we used to call it, lol.

    Anyone who has listened to the radio has heard an Aviici song. Not all of his music was edm, even though that's what put him on the map. Definitely A+. Some of his songs have billions of views on YT. Billions.

    Incredibly sad if this is true.

    1. Yeah Ultra was next level madness! Didn’t have to even go to be part of it(I lived at one next to venue -heard it for free lol.
      Big loss-especially considering what he was attempting to do was -noble.

  13. Unknown, I've lived in London for 8 years now and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that's some ignorant bullshit right there.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous7:45 AM

  16. The photos from Oman would suggest he was "yachting" - uncertain whether he was captain or crew

    1. This might be the wrong definition of "yachting"
      He appeared to be on a boat yes.

  17. What about Steve Coogan and Nathaniel Rothschild in London, @Unknown?
    Muslims too?🤣🤣🤣

    1. I mean, when I say Nicky Hilton, I automatically think Muslim. 😂

    2. 35,000+ islamic terrorist attacks worldwide since September 11.

      Oh look, 9 people murdered in Toronto by a muslim terrorist.

      Islam is peace.

  18. If you are 35 and under, you know about Aviici. Saw him in concert a few years ago at Radio City in NYC. Yes he had his own concert at that venue. Aviici was an international superstar and very popular in the U.S.

    He seemed like a great soul and was very well liked by his peers and fans. This is so heartbreaking if this is true.

  19. Why anyone goes to the Middle East is completely confusing.


  20. He was BOATING, SAILING!! Not the term we use "yatching" here for ...

    And he was a VERY DECENT guy for what I heard so if this is true it s DEVASTATING ...

    About autopsy you can fake a natural death, OD or suicide more simple than you guys can imagine ...

  21. RIP Avicii he died so young and was so talented! Back in my EDM music festival days he was my favorite EDM DJ. I will never forget watching his set at Ultra in Miami. Incredible to say the least

  22. @KT

    Yeah, totally a city not besieged by an invading force that is enslaving and raping the children of the British. It's not like your Muslim mayor was the lawyer for 9/11 terrorists or anything... oh wait, my mistake, he was.

    I mean, it isn't like the crime rate in London has skyrocketed or anything or that London has seen a six fold increase in acid attacks over the last 6 years. Oh sorry, I was mistaken again.

    Grow a f*cking pair or you'll lose the rest of your country too just like you've lost London.

    1. You think the Queen brought the Aga Khan's minions to her Kingdom

  23. From CNN:
    "Two postmortems were carried out ... and we can confirm that there is no criminal suspicion in the death," Royal Oman Police told CNN.

    1. Rich was shot several times in the head, at approximately 4:20 a.m., on July 10, 2016. D.C. police have said their working theory is Rich was murdered in a botched robbery. No suspects or witnesses have been identified, according to police spokesman Dustin Sternbeck.


    3. Dustin Sternbeck=778
      Seth Rich=303

  24. This is a distasteful BS blind. The cause of death won't be disclosed to the public, but murder has been ruled out.

  25. So sad - RIP Aviici!

  26. So is the media in coverup mode or was his death coincidental? It did seem odd that with no info regarding his death everyone immediately jumped on natural death due to illness from excessive partying.

    1. It's EDM
      Of course someone would die that way😉

  27. @trufflepig @moose, well the media always receives the truth and the facts. We can all be sure of that. :) Wonder why there needed to be two autopsies. He's an international celebrity, the family may release cause of death.

  28. So sad. Trying to do the "right thing."

    The evil in this world is just getting worse. Instead of having something done about all this bullshit, those with money and power are more corrupt than the next. How does it end?

  29. @trufflepig,are your serious? Even Western nation's aren't forthcoming about mystery deaths. Hopefully he will have an autopsy in Sweden. Does everyone who looks into human trafficking end up dead? Everyone needs to look at the video, regardless of how he died, support for this cause may be the best way to remember him.

  30. I had never heard of him until last week but sad nonetheless.

  31. As it happens, I have been to Oman several times.

    Back in the early 70's there was not a single paved road in the whole country. Most of the wealthy and educated Omanis left and settled in Zanzibar. The current Sultan was exiled. He overthrew his Dad and promised to modernize the country and he asked the Omanis overseas to come home. He did and they did.

    Interestingly,because they grew up in Zanzibar, many of the better off Omanis do not speak Arabic. They speak Swahili.

    At any rate, the Sultan has no truck with extremism and has trouble-makers immediately thrown out of the country.

    He's also wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice, but he also puts a lot of the nation's money back into the hands of his citizens. Oman seems to be less corrupt and a lot more prosperous than a lot of places in the Middle East. I always felt safe there and you would often see single European women walking through the souk in Muscat shopping undisturbed.

    It's a very clean place, hotels are modern, food is good. The water and the beaches are gorgeous and snorkeling is popular in at least a few spots. It's also hot and dry which can be quite appealing in the middle of a European winter.

    It was fairly common knowledge that the Sultan was gay. Never heard anything about any pedophile stuff, but that doesn't really mean anything. I wouldn't be surprised either way.

    1. "why go to the middle East?"
      Turn off your tv

  32. Oh my some of you are as crazy as the other's on Bossip/MOL and such sites! @unknown, check your facts please!...

    1. Those who vehemently disagree with people who literally live there have more than one screw loose.
      It’s inexplicable.

    2. Snopes can't quite be considered factual. Js.

  33. I lived and worked in the Middle East for years: Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Beirut.
    In 2006 I was working on a resort development in Muscat, Oman with the Sultan.
    It's a beautiful place and people are generally friendly.

    Someone asked why anyone would visit the Middle East?
    Holiday, business...

    There are some lovely places.

    I have no desire to go back.
    Not because I didn't like it, but because it's too f+cking far
    and I'm too old to be flying around the world for business anymore.

    Very sad about Aviici.
    Too young.
    Sounds like he was a good soul.

  34. i'd never heard of him before either but i hated to hear of someone so young dying. and if this is true and he was trying to save a young girl at least he died being a REAL MAN unlike some people because he thought she was being molested and attacked and stepped in to help. not much comfort to his family and loved ones but his heart was in the right place for sure especially since so many other people turn away even when an attack is real and don't even try to help. what a horrible thing though. my condolences, thoughts and prayers to his family, loved ones, friends and fans.

  35. Fustian is correct.

    I was just in Muscat, Oman last year. It's very beautiful. What Fustian said about the Sultan overthrowing his father, making the country prosperous and putting wealth back into the hands of his countrymen is fairly observable. As a white woman I felt comfortable (enough) there though I also dressed modestly out of respect.

    The sultan is gay and unmarried. Oman as a country stays out of the political strife of its neighbors and is widely considered the Switzerland of the middle east for this reason. They keep their business to themselves.

    I don't know anything about human trafficking there but if someone powerful took out Avicii and the autopsy was conducted in Oman then of COURSE it wouldn't be considered suspicious.

  36. You people are the gullible ones if you buy into every outlandish conspiracy theory Enty makes up. There's a lot of fucked-up stuff going on in this world, but not every untimely death in the entertainment industry is related to pedophilia, sex trafficking or some other form of organized crime.

    And yes, I actually have more trust in the so-called 'mainstream media' than in some shady guy posting increasingly lurid stories on a gossip site, at least 50% of which set off my bullshit radar. Heck, a few weeks ago, Enty claimed that Beyoncé and Jay-Z were running a factory that sells UTERUSES (uteri?)! How can you take anything written on this site seriously?

    I come here for entertainment, but I find it absolutely distateful to use the tragic death of a talented young performer to generate clicks. The poor guy probably overdosed or commited suicide. The cause of death has not been revealed OUT OF RESPECT FOR HIS FAMILY.

  37. @Geelijre, you'd be surprised what people know here and how educated/experienced/etc readers might be including on geographic locations, cultures, etc. @trufflepig, if you trust mainstream media this much, you should spend some time working in the business. you shouldn't trust any information, period. It's doubtful the guy committed suicide while on vacation with his friends but maybe he O.D.

  38. Avicii was outspoken about child trafficking . Go watch his music video "For a Better Day" and you'll know exactly why the pedos wanted him gone. RIP.

  39. "The Democrats are the real racist party. The party system is very important, please adhere to it. By the way, I've been to Oman countless times, no big deal; hasn't everyone?"

  40. I don't know what happened.

    I do know this much:

    Do whatever it takes to not become an alcoholic and destroy your health. (If you are disposed that way)

    Don't go to foreign countries (especially with non western worldviews/cultures) and interfere in events you are not a principal of. (It will rarely go well for you)


  41. Anonymous3:00 PM

    IF you want to see a tragic loss of a city's identity, read up on Malmo, Sweden. There's a heartbreaking documentary out there, "Failed Mass Immigration in Malmo".
    Meanwhile, the mainstream mediapump out ten stories a day on Prince Harry and the Kardashians.

  42. Avicii was so good RIP man

  43. فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ - 93:9
    "So as for the orphan, do not oppress"
    This is what the Quran, the word of Allah says.
    Did you know Hazrat Prophet Mohammed, subhanahu wa ta'ala, was orphaned?

    “On the day (of the battle) of Uhud when (some) people retreated and left the Prophet, I saw Aisha daughter of Abu Bakr and Umm Sulaim, with their robes tucked up so that the bangles around their ankles were visible hurrying with their water skins (in another narration it is said, ‘carrying the water skins on their backs’). Then they would pour the water in the mouths of the people, and return to fill the water skins again and came back again to pour water in the mouths of the people.”

    Uh oh looks like chronology conflicts with hasbara slander how surprising. Also, props for the audacity of chalking up some Armenian van attack (screams Church) to the dastardly Islams.

    Before I go, let's see what the learned rebbes of the Talmud have to say about children! Compare and contrast then ask yourselves if the Muslims own and control what images and messages are displayed to you via mass media:

    GEMARA. … Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that. What is the basis of their dispute? — Rab maintains that only he who is able to engage in sexual intercourse, may, as the passive subject of pederasty throw guilt [upon the active offender]; whilst he who is unable to engage in sexual intercourse cannot be a passive subject of pederasty [in that respect]. But Samuel maintains: Scripture writes, [And thou shalt not lie with mankind] as with the lyings of a woman.

    It has been taught in accordance with Rab: Pederasty at the age of nine years and a day; [55a] [he] who commits bestiality, whether naturally or unnaturally; or a woman who causes herself to be bestially abused, whether naturally or unnaturally, is liable to punishment.

    Good night CDAN! Good morning Tel Aviv! Play nice or I'll teach the goyim what the the Talmudic Qabbalists do to their non-Talmudic cousins!

    1. Muhammad (piss be upon him) raped Aisha aged 9, kept sex slaves, had sex with his daughter in law and said allah told him to do it, beheaded men and took their wives as his slaves, had sex with the corpse of one of his wives, said it was fine to have sex with goats in the absence of available women, and personally beheaded hundreds of people who refused to convert to his death cult.

      The peaceful koran says "kill the disbelievers, strike terror into their hearts, remove their fingertips and smite them above their necks".

      Allah was the name of a pre existing pagan arab god, hence muhammad's father being called Abdallah, servant of allah.

      "Waaaah, it's all the fault of the joooos! We hate jooos because we're stuck in the 7th century and our countries are all backwards despotic shitholes and most of us are sickly because of over 1000 years of cousin marriage which has poisoned our gene pool, resulting in intellectually sub-normal cretins who rape kuffar children and live on welfare in the lands of the kuffar whilst organizing and carrying out terrorist attacks because our dead paedophile prophet told us to".

      Cognitive dissonance is a prerequisite for muslims, given their death cult explicitly refers to aspects of Judaism and Christianity, which are ideologies unto themselves and cannot be co-opted by another ideology, and at the same time they hate Christians and Jews. Oh, they also hate dogs because their dead paedophile prophet didn't like them. Which, if they had an ounce of intelligence, would make them ponder the implication that allah made a mistake in creating dogs.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Your slanders still mean nothing.
      You have heard the message and still serve Iblis.
      This has all the laziness of a hasbara/jidf/Pam Gellar blog.
      You truly are doomed, as the Quran foretold, subhanallah.

      "The ones who prefer the worldly life over the Hereafter and avert [people] from the way of Allah, seeking to make it (seem) deviant. Those are in extreme error.
      And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise."
      Quran 4:13-4:14

      "over 1000 years of cousin marriage which has poisoned our gene pool,"
      Sounds like an Ashkenazi problem to me

    4. "You truly are doomed, as the Quran foretold, subhanallah"

      There you have the peaceful religion of peace. The peaceful religion of rape, mass murder, terrorism and sticking your backside in the air five times a day for your imaginary friend.

      Funny how allah can create an entire universe but is only able to communicate in one language. Bwahahahahaha!

      Muhammad was a dirty, illiterate, child raping terrorist. Allah shatbar!

    5. Do you expect mercy for lies?
      This is between you and Allah.

    6. Poor kadija, having to use kuffar technology created by Christians, Jews, atheists, Hindus and assorted others, and having to communicate in the language of the kuffar.

      Kadija and pals celebrate every time one of their muslim brothers slaughters the kuffar. It was party time in kadija's household on the night of the London Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Manchester concert massacres. Oh, and September 11, 7/7, Madrid, Berlin, Brussels, Sweden, and the other 35,000+ terrorist attacks by followers of the dead 7th century paedophile. On the bright side, every year, hundreds of the savages get trampled to death during their pilgrimage for their dead paedophile prophet. You'd think allah would protect you jihadists there. Bwahahahaha!

      Kadija also celebrates when her muslim brothers rape kuffar children whilst quoting from the kockran.

      Poor kadija brainwashed into a medieval death cult and has the delusion that they're superior to everyone else whilst needing to rely on technology created by non-terrorists.

      I'm off to wipe my butt with pages from the koran. Allah shatbar!

    7. "Do you expect mercy for lies?
      This is between you and Allah."

      Delusional fuckwit believes allah is real. Delusional fuckwit believes a death cult that plagiarized Christianity, which itself was plagiarized from other religions.

      Delusional fuckwit relishes the idea of kuffars being tortured and murdered because she's been brainwashed into an evil death cult.

  44. You guys, the coroner said there was no foul play. Also, he was drinking alot on that trip and his family was worried as they had noticed an escalation in his drinking. He has pancreatitis.... i dont think he was murdered. he drank himself to death

  45. He had his gallbladder and appendix removed a long time ago and still wasn't able to fully stop drinking. He never hid it or was fake about it. That is why he stopped working to try to remove himself from the scene. And everyone saying they don't know his music....yes you do you just don't know it. Aloe Black wake me up mix was the biggest song the year it came out it was everywhere you couldnt escape it. So many other songs people just don't realize was him

  46. @KT Trusco, Well I live in London and have lived here all my life. You've lived here for 8 years. The difference in your 8 years of living here has been absolutely astonishing. Nice try.

  47. @Genkigirl Anybody who posts a link to snopes website to back up there "facts" is essential advertising to the world that they are a complete and utter fucking moron. Congratulations, you may as well get MONGOLOID tattooed to your forehead.
    Bury your head back in the sand, Muppet

  48. Hmmm, interesting... Anybody who passes away seems to either be murdered, or a pedo...

  49. Muslim = Savage. Period. The end.


      About six weeks ago, on an Educational Television program journalist Gal Gabbay revealed the results of interviews with 35 Ethiopian immigrants. The women’s testimony could help explain the almost 50-percent decline over the past 10 years in the birth rate of Israel’s Ethiopian community. According to the program, while the women were still in transit camps in Ethiopia they were sometimes intimidated or threatened into taking the injection. “They told us they are inoculations,” said one of the women interviewed. “They told us people who frequently give birth suffer. We took it every three months. We said we didn’t want to.”


    2. Told ya'll to play nice😉

    3. Or what, kadija? Will you behead us like your rape and murder manual commands you to?

  50. @trufflepig I agree, this is appallingly low, even for Enty. Like he would know the first thing about what really happened. Shame!

  51. Will miss Avicii so much. he was truly about the music and not the money

  52. Watching his documentary makes you see how hard these guys really work

  53. Allah vs Jesus: Simple exercise

    Make a list of Muslim culture countries.
    Make a second list of historically Christian countries.

    Compare current conditions.

    And just like that, you're enlightened.

    Where do you want to live?
    Where are people trying to get out, vs get in?

    The truth (fact) is that the greatest freedom and prosperity for the greatest number of people FAR AND AWAY came from Protestant Christian cultures and peoples. (We're losing freedom and prosperity now because we're moving AWAY from that tradition and its principles.)

    You will never be taught that in school, or in the media. Because those in control now despise God and the truth and freedom. They want to dominate and enslave us, one way or another. Politically, economically, socially... no difference. As long as they have total control. And they want us ignorant, conditioned debt slave consumers. ("Cattle") That is why you are seeing the relentless, systematic deconstruction of western civilization and culture.

    That process is not an accident.

    "the Truth will set you free..."

    You can take it or leave it, see it or ignore it, agree or disagree. Reality is what it is.

  54. He left a suicide note. BS blind.

  55. Where did you hear about suicide note, those who are referring to that? There has only been a letter from the family, where they are saying "he couldn't go any longer", but nothing about a note.

  56. This religious and Muslim stuff here is too much. Bigots need to piss off.

    Don't know who Aviici is, but TMZ says he was cut with glass and that's how he killed himself. Maybe, but it's possible someone else cut him. I don't know how a person who bleeds to death can be determined to have died with zero foul play.

  57. @Citizen S, maybe you should be the one that pisses off, CUNTFACE....
    Who cut Aviici if he didn't cut himself? Being Oman, then probably a Muslim, right?!

  58. Can I just add my religious assertions here along with the other preachers keen to brandish their beliefs in everyone's faces. I'm really loving the new bigotry angle. Well done. Sterling work. Be proud.



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