Saturday, April 21, 2018

Blind Item #15

Interesting, and will probably kill them, but this former acting duo who still have a member of the family doing some acting have been known to have a cigarette smoke off. One day or one week contests to see who can smoke the most and eat the least. Sounds like a crowd pleaser.


  1. Smoking has been over-demonized. Every day they find another few thousand chemicals in a cigarette. Also I think they are now on sixth hand smoke.


  2. This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

  3. Surely there is also a contest to see who can wear the most layers of oversized clothing without falling over?

  4. Death wish much? Wonder why. Haunted by Heath?

  5. no wonder they look so horrible all of the time
    elizabeth is the better looking sister of the three

  6. That ought to make their chests hurt. Dang. I've been smoking too much lately and my chest hurts badly enough already!

  7. Smoking is FUCKING GROSS. It has not be "over demonized". I;d have to struggle to think of anything I loathe more than breathing in cigarette smoke. It is the fucking WORST. And to the assholes who leave butts anywhere? Throw them out the car window? Fuck you.


  8. I've never smoked and I think it's pretty disgusting. But yeah, it's been over-demonized. It probably reduces your actuarial potential somewhat, but no more than lots of other things that we aren't banning or taxing or shaming.

    People need vices to look down on others for, and we got rid of most of the old ones, so smoking replaced them. And smokers are a safe group to pick on, because they're predominately male (ding), poorly educated (ding), Midwestern or Southern (ding), and whites smoke a little more than blacks (ding), so you won't be accused of any isms for doing it.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I feel for them. Stuck on some soundstage at toddler age, supporting adults financially when they were two years old.

    They both carry a blank stare.Probably anhedonia, unable to even connect with 'happiness'.

  10. This is also a vice that leaves you smelling like shit, your breath stinks like shit, your clothes stink like shit and it leaves you coughing up gobs of brown shit. Plus it eventually gives you emphazima (yeah I know that's not the right spelling) and\or lung cancer and could confine you to an oxygen mask to stay alive. So smoke your lungs out Oksen trolls.
    And yes RIP mini-me.😥

  11. Maybe you should all care more about what really harmful they put to your everyday meals and unfortunately "bio" is one of the biggest contemporary fraud. Cigarettes are less carcinogenic than 50 % of food you can buy in the shops. But something has to be a scapegoat.

  12. Love going to the beach and enjoying the trash/shit/butts smokers leave EVERYWHERE. Pigs. Fools. Selfish. Disgusting and pathetic.

    Your rights end where mine begin.

  13. Lung cancer is a horrible way to die!

  14. Gross. Who wants to make out with an ash tray? Oh yeah a 65 year old French man and random dudes for Ashley. Those 2 will be wrinkly old hags in no time

  15. Well yikes.. I loved them in so little time. I thought since stepping more into the background they would have gotten their shit together a bit more but I guess business now is as stressful as the acting career back in the day :/

  16. Will they have a contest to see who can vomit the most food without rupturing the esophagus?

  17. Anorexia is a one hell of a disease. No matter what games and puzzles you set up for yourself and those around you, there is no such thing as 'WIN' The end result is Karen Carpenter.

  18. The ashtray breath twins

  19. Female smokers die about age 72. Not from lung cancer, but from hearts that can't take it.

  20. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Sounds like they're constantly anxious and slave to the tobacco, not a fun way to live

  21. emphysema... couldn't control myself. Quit smoking about 25 years ago. Don't miss it at all.

  22. they look like spirit cookers

  23. The ashtray breath twins

  24. Where in the world do they smoke? It is banned EVERYWHERE. I moved to the South a few years ago and while more people smoke here it is not as many as you might think.

    I quit years ago but still miss it. Read an article that says the radiation from a cell phone is more likely to cause cancer than cigarettes.

  25. I'll never understand why these two were handed fame again as adults... and they're associated with Heath Ledger's demise. I thought that would be the end of their careers (what do they do again?), but nope.

  26. FORMER acting duo? Say it ain't so!

  27. Remember now, non-smokers never die or get sick.

  28. Progressive nirvana - smoking prohibited, spreading herpes, no problem. Such an ugly movement, everything they touch is SHIT.

  29. I never see a photo of these two smiling.

  30. Their clothing line The Row is glorious. But it is for the very few who can afford it. Initially, no one believed they could pull it off, entering high fashion is a one-in-a-million shot (ask Kantye), but they did it and are extremely successful at it, and the clothes are beautifully made. They gained acceptance into the difficult world of high fashion. They've always dressed like silent film stars, funky and bohemian, like the downtown Manhattan girls they are. But mainstream society rejects their quirkiness, interesting how conformist and conservative people still are when presented with non-conforming artistic-leaning individuals. I'm always surprised at the vitriol thrown at them. Of all the people to carry on about with venom, they are the last two that come to mind. They keep a very low profile and clearly deliberately avoided riding that celeb train until the wheels fell off. Maybe because they sort of turned their backs on the public, former fans feel betrayed. They just seem so benign and low profile, if we made a list of all the actors and actresses who were smokers, we'd be here a while, plus a lot more vices that cigarettes. You know, like being pedos, rapists, liars, backstabbers, cheaters, psychotics, junkies, crackheads, prostitutes, etc.

  31. "But mainstream society rejects their quirkiness, interesting how conformist and conservative people still are when presented with non-conforming artistic-leaning individuals. ."

    This is an actual sentence being typed about Michelle Tanner. Let that sink in.



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