Monday, April 16, 2018

Blind Item #10

Apparently that attacker in the not too distant past had magical powers because the attacker managed to somehow open an admittedly locked car door before the attack. Huh. Or, you know what? Maybe there was no attack. 


  1. Oh, Corey. What are you doing?

  2. Obviously it was a vampire who flew through the open moonroof before Corey could stake it, duh ;)

  3. Corey is running a scam. His abusers have been paying him to keep quiet. He will not reveal the major players. How else has he been able to keep up with his lifestyle?

  4. Well, if the attacker is sophisticated enough or at least has the cash you can buy the software/hardware to remotely unlock random car locks. You would think they would finish the job though unless scaring him was the whole job. On newer cars hackers can take complete control.

  5. Corey is a scam artist. Not interested in helping victims, or naming names. Just interested in keeping that money coming. He'll never reveal shit.

  6. Feldman's abusers are all either dying off or losing fear of being outed. What does a 75 year old man have to fear, when he's worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars and he's well past the statute of limitations.

    This will end badly for Feldman.

    1. @Jonty30

      Good point. However, I disagree.

      Unless the dirty old farts have no access to kids they are still abusing someone.

      Not only that, pedophiles tend to run in packs. The dirty old farts might give up the names of younger people who may be bigger fish. The younger ones might know this and the older ones might have an "accident" or get suicided.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Corey is a red herring every time

  8. The sympathy train for Feldman has already left the station. Maybe it will come back when he starts naming real names, otherwise he can go flounder in the wilderness. He's made enough money for this go-round.

  9. BOOOORING... *YAWN* Corey is an addict doing the thing that addicts do best: Lie and manipulate for selfish reasons.

  10. @Brayson87:

    "Obviously it was a vampire who flew through the open moonroof before Corey could stake it, duh ;)"

    Remember that you have to invite a vampire in. ;)

  11. @Amy - Word, stopped feeling sorry for his almost 20 years ago.

  12. Corey is Alex Jones. He served his purpose, woke some people up, but has now been compromised and co-opted.

  13. Hah @ Corey is Alex Jones. Strangely accurate, and equally scary.

  14. He's going to end dead in a year or two, very sad!

  15. As I mentioned in one of the previous blinds, I think someone DID open his door. The reason the door was open is because the 'security guy' driver unlocked it, with the car running, to get out in the middle of the road and confront the other car. Press that button and ALL the doors unlock. Just stupid antics all around.

    I doubt Corey pays any trained security, but of course he will say he does because he is asking for money money money!! He has very important information to disclose about child predators. The best way he can think to do that is to raise lots of money to make a movie about it. That's his plan.

    If he really has info and keeps it secret while predators continue to their horrific abuse of young people, that would be infinitely worse than his having these delusions of persecution.

  16. I can’t stand Feldman’s scamming ass - please go away Corey. I wanted to punch my computer screen at work today when your face popped up in my news feed - I almost did. But I stopped myself because I didn’t want to replace it - I feel like in a small way that would have been like donating money to you.

  17. Ya gotta watch out for those car doors that only lock one time when someone tries to open, but opens on the next try. (lol)



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