Saturday, March 24, 2018

Mr. X Blind Item

Which former tweeners turned successful adult singers hate each other so much that at that big political event tomorrow their PR people were ordered not to make them do any photo ops together? They have hated each other ever since their tweener days when they both worked for the same network. Even if they end up doing photo ops together, it will look very forced and staged


  1. No this is Demi and Miley. Both are in DC today

  2. There’s a picture of Demi and Miley, together today, at the March. All smiles.

  3. Anonymous11:42 AM

    What about Ariana? She's at the march too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The march is the place to be! I actually have a good friend whose daughter is an 11th grader at Parkland MSD High. Says Cameron Kasky (one of the styudent leaders) a great guy.

    She didn't say anything about Hogg but I find his act wearing very thin. He is as annoying as fuck! And I support repeal of the 2nd Amendment. The only thing I hate more than guns are self-appointed messiahs.

    I like the look of Delaney Tarr (the one with cool glasses)

    The real issues is which of these kids will leverage theri 15 minutesd into something more fame wise.

    P.S. Yeah, I am a cynic. I think Hogg is trying to get a late admission to Harvard.

    1. @Zmed, he turns me off, all the cursing is unnecessary.. And it lowers my opinion of him and his message.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Second amendment defends the first one Zmed. Maybe you’d be happier in communist China.

    3. The second amendment was made at a time when we didn’t have full police forces and the guns were single shot, single load inaccurate weapons. As written, the 2nd amendment is obsolete.

    4. Anonymous8:00 PM

      @Adrian Zmed yeah, it turns out almost 700 kids die each year from gun homicide, for many many years running. I mean, but how would cnn know this?

      Yeah, their article. But most of the 700 ish aren’t suburban and white. It’s harder to get white middle to upper class to show up to a march for 700 dead minority children than 17 dead mostly white kids. So let’s focus on the Parkland tragedy, which is a horrific tragedy, but the 7,000 kids killed the last 10 years has also been a tragedy CNN has failed to emphasis despite knowing about it. (Key word emphasis.)

    5. no one gives a shit if any of you keyboard big mouths don't like the second amendment, or any of the other amendments for that matter! They are here to stay! We are a constitutional republic so if you don't like it feel free to leave and find another country that better aligned with you "feelings"!

    6. The 2nd amendment was in response to the British government taking away the firearms of the colonial citizens. Remember that.

  6. What the F @Adrian Zmed.. Are you seriously trolling the kids at MSD high school? Who gives a flying fudge what YOU think of them, the are working on change and saving lives. Take your baseless ignorant judgement somewhere else. These are not celebrities being all shady and vile, these are children working on doing good. Which is more then I can say for you hiding behind your computer judging CHILDREN

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Do you ever back off, and leave these young women alone?
    I'm not the only one saying this. People are tired of hearing about the 'former tweens'

    1. Oh please if this was a bieber blind you'd be all over it. Theyre not kids anymore theyre GROWN which means they are not off limits. What do you want? A bunch of kardashian blinds??? You guys come to these truther pages but then want to tell the owners how to run them. This is a HOLLYWOOD blind item page, guess who is a part of hollywood.. CURRENT AND FORMER TWEENERS so deal with it or quit clicking on these post. He addresses that they're tweeners instantly so if you see the term tweener click away, but you wont because you too are intrigued ;) fake outrage

  8. Give me a break. If these kids wanted to REALLY make change, then they would FOCUS on the actual cause of the majority of school shootings, which is that the majority of shooters are outcasts and bullies. if they REALLY wanted to make change, they should march their asses back into the cafeteria's and sit with the students that are not like them.
    They wont though.
    As for the 2nd amendment. no thank you. I prefer to keep my rights thanks, so repealing that right would only be good for the government, which of course is the main reason its talked about.
    I will keep my handgun locked in its box in my home for protection, and my husband can keep his rifles, he served this country for over 10 years and has the damn right to go hunting when and if he wants to, or even to just go to the shooting range with his boys. I also refuse to stand by and allow myself and my future generations to be repressed.

    1. No one wants to take away your right to hunt or target shoot. I don’t have a fetish for guns, but I don’t think safe gun ownership should be attacked, but that isn’t what gun control is about. Stop being paranoid.

    2. Loved your post, 😊 thank you.

    3. Yes, the 2nd amendment was in response to the British government taking away the firearms of the citizens. They felt that the citizens should be armed in the case of an overbearing government. If people think that it is obsolete today, fine, work for an amendment. But I can assure you it won't be obsolete once it is gone.

      The U.S. having that amendment may well be a godsend for the entire world. If we had not have had it, I believe the world today would have totally been ran by an oligarchy of despots, such as Hitler and Stalin.

  9. No one is trying to take away hunting rifles, please quit listening to Fox News and the NRA. Tighter regulations, stop selling guns that are weapons of war, better licensing - at least to the same level that a drivers license is held, that's what people are fighting for.

    And I agree, these kids are stepping up and leading and I'm proud as hell of them, even if each and every one of them isn't my cup of tea personality-wise.

    1. "Shall not be infringed". Period! Bye now

  10. "If these kids wanted to REALLY make change, then they would FOCUS on the actual cause of the majority of school shootings, which is that the majority of shooters are outcasts and bullies. if they REALLY wanted to make change, they should march their asses back into the cafeteria's and sit with the students that are not like them.
    They wont though."

    Something tells me you were one of those people in high school cause congrats on saying the stupidest comment I have ever read regarding this subject matter.

  11. Clear backpacks and photo ID in all US schools. Anything to keep kids safe!

  12. And bullshit on all the shooters are bullied outcasts. I worked in a school for years. Schools are filled with outcasts who are bullied and they don't go out and shoot everything up. The world is filled with mental health problems and outcasts, and NOWHERE on earth sees the routine gun violence the US does. Wake up.

  13. Britney & Christina

  14. If people understood what it takes to repeal a constitutional amendment, nobody would worry about changing gun control laws. It's nearly impossible. However thanks to bottom feeders like ding a ling right wing talk radio and Fox News, the idiots and morons who actually listen to and believe them to be credible, think they are in danger of losing their rights because of the evil socialist leftwingers who are trying to destroy democracy and religion in America. Unfortunately these people are stupid enough to buy that crock of shit bleated out by these people who understand how stupid the minions who listen to and watch them are and as a result you see what's going on in this country now. It's not really left vs. right it's educated vs. uneducated. Right now uneducated is winning, because the educated didn't give a fuck but that's changed too.

    1. I don't think they are worried about a repeal of the amendment (remarkedly being one of the Bill of Rights). They are more worried about the courts and restrictions, and they believe those decisions to be against the Bill of Rights.

      For example, make a law that a felon can't get a gun. Then make a law that a dui is a felon. Make more laws. Soon, over half the people can not own a gun.

      Make a law that crazy people can't own guns. The problem there is that the definition changes. Gay people and nymphos were once thought to be crazy. Conspiracy theorists may be crazy in that they may believe something that is not true. But I bet everyone is in this boat.

      With regard to assault weapons, I agree that they are not for hunting. But neither is a pistol. They could still be for sport just the same as a pistol. And they fit in for the reasoning behind the 2nd amendment, which is to deter the government from becoming despotic.

      Now take away paintball guns, and I'm all for that, and they may well not be covered under the 2nd amendment.

  15. What tipsytess13 said. Spot on.

  16. @ TipsyTess

    So you David Hogg's cursing and insulting anyone who doesn't agree with him is productive because he is a well-meaing kid.

    I am judging David Hogg. And I am judging his approach to be lacking and counter productive. Compare his approach to that of the bald girl, who doesn't tell people to fuck off if they disagree.

    Gonzalez, Caskey and others aren't adopting the asinine tactics of Hogg. He does have an alternative agenda. His tweets and attacks have never been limited to gun law reform. While he's ingratiating himself to the progressive left, he's losing his focus on advancing the ball on gun law reform. And he continues to trash the FL legislature even after they passed reforms over the objections of the NRA. He doesn't udnerstand the politics of progress (something even Liberal Lion Teddy Kennedy understood). Which again suggests an alternative agenda.

    1. I'm all for protest and David Hogg should go out and do what he believes. I simply believes he's a poster child for the media and the people who are against the 2nd amendment.

      It's interesting that the 2nd is the only bill of rights that I hear peple being against and want to overturn. Granted, many want to overrun the 1st too, they just don't proclaim it.

      And with regard to the press, unfortunately they just sold out, which is a logical outcome of human concupiscence. But they are still protected fortunately.

  17. Christina Aguilera and Demi Lovato

  18. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Issue: Whether the main problem with gun violence in this country is due to AR-15 style rifles.
    Conclusion The problem with guns in this country is related to handguns. The focus on AR-15 style rifles is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.

    I have so many thoughts but like almost every forum on the internet everyone has made up their minds on this issue and no one is listening to each other. If you read no further I totally get it. Let me throw this out anecdotally. I am in a white collar profession. I legally own an AR-15 style rifle, .223/556, the same type of rifle that everyone is concerned about. I chose that weapon over a tactical shotgun because it is the most effective weapon for home defense given the layout of my house, on the advice of a law enforcement friend. I am not in the NRA and don't care about them. I live in a semi-rural area but work in a downtown urban environment. (It's a long commute thus my reading this site in the mornings).

    I don't care if they raise the age to 21 to own certain semi-auto rifles with high capacity magazines or make it super difficult for anyone with any type of mental health issues to own one. But until schools are secured schools, theaters, etc will continue to be targets for terrorists and crazy people. Whether it is by gun, bomb, knife, car or whatever. I walk through at least one metal detector if not FOUR everyday depending on who I have to go see because the owners of these buildings determined that business professionals and government employees need bullet proof glass and metal detectors to secure the location. If you open the wrong door an alarm goes off and armed guards approach you.

    Here are the facts for all of the educated and uneducated people:
    In 2014, there were approximately 12,000 murders by gun. Of those that were identifiable about 5500 were by handgun. 262 were by shotgun. Hands and fists and feet accounted for 660 murders. Knives or cutting instruments accounted for about 1500 and hammers and clubs accounted for 435 deaths. 248 were by rifle (which includes AR-15 style rifles).

    So if you were murdered in 2014 you were 22x more likely to die by handgun than rifle, 2.5 times more likely to have been killed by hands and fists and feet than rifle, 6 times more likely to die by knives and cutting instruments, slightly less than 2 times more likely to be killed by clubs and hammers than rifles, and more likely to be killed by a shotgun than a rifle.

    Let's start with where and how and why and how handgun violence is occurring when trying to solve homicide by gun.

    1. Just because someone has a little weiner, doesn’t mean they should own a military grade rifle.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      @lunchpaillefty brought to you by Carl’s junior not toilet water

    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      @one_eye_bob Obviously it should say there were approximately 12,000 homicides in 2014 omitting “by gun”....i admit I’m fallible sometimes

    4. Anonymous1:03 PM

      How many of these kids have taken history or world politics or even know what is included in the bill of rights or the constitution? The problem with their solution, it won’t work, and it erodes the constitution. They are being used as props for a different agenda, in return they get Instagram/Twitter followers and publicity. No one talks about the FBI who did nothing, or the sheriffs deputies who did nothing. The bottom line is, THE PROPOSED GUN CONTROL WILL NO MORE PROTECT KIDS IN SCHOOL then passing a “big gulp” law will keep them from being fat as fuc! . Only ignorant ppl believe gun control does anything but erode the 2nd amendment.

    5. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Thank you. Finally a comment that is acurate

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. With regard to changing the age limit to 21, I'm all for the debate and may not be opposed. However, I think a lot of the serious issues souls have the same age limit. If guns and alcohol are 21 because we can't trust our 18 year olds, then why the hell did we pass an amendment to give them the vote? Granted it was passed when it was generally legal to drink at 18, but should that be revisited?

      Lately I wonder how we are so inconsistent with age limits. I think maybe all the major limits should be the same (marriage, voting, drinking, legal age for contracts), whether that's 16, 18, 21 is debatable, and my opinion would change according to the times, as children are much more coddled nowadays and it would be a higher limit.

    8. Amen. I'm sick of a group of people which have been trying to erode the Bill of Rights. The two they always go after are the first and second. Universities having no free speech zones would be against the 1st amendment, and yet they love to tout themselves as the bastion of liberal free speech. I'm all for liberal free speech, but the universities have twisted what that means.

    9. "Just because someone has a little weiner, doesn’t mean they should own a military grade rifle."

      It doesn't mean they shouldn't own one either, according to the 2nd. So what's your point?

  19. Anonymous5:17 PM

    @lunchpaillefty thank you for demonstrating the overwhelming intellectual superiority of the left

  20. people have been talking and debating the gun issue for 50 years. lets let the gun freaks buy into a compromise solution: outlaw all semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols. they can have their fun with 3 round blind magazine bolt action rifles, double and twin stacked shotguns, i prefer the outlawing of all pistols but it is a comprise argument so let them have 6 round cylinder pistols and when they're empty they can continue to shout "pew,pew,pew" for sport.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      @timc so suppose you live in an area where the standard law enforcement response time to a home break in is ten minutes and you are responsible for a wife and three daughters and there are enough meth and opioid adicts in your area where a break in is a real possibility. Is your and your superiority educated liberal friends response really going to be saying “pew pew pew “ for sport?

  21. That's very interesting one_eyed_bob, thank you for those stats. As a supporter of handguns and hunting rifles I find those stats quite interesting.

    And I agree with whomever stated that lots of kids are bullied by assholes and never kill anyone. Plus the bald girl SAID "you didn't know him!" making it clear the shooter was a psycho freak nobody wanted to hang out with because he socially ostracized himself and made others uncomfortable.

    A handful of kids are ostracized for good reason and the others are just terribly unlucky.

    1. "A handful of kids are ostracized for food reason."

      Some may be, but by far the people ostracized are for no good reason. And they don't ostracize themselves. You evidently have no grasp on human psychology.

      And since this is crazy days and crazy nights, I'll add that some kids are ostracized on purpose for nefarious reasons, such as having been abducted, and the abductors would want that person to feel isolated and alone so that the abduction is not found out.

  22. Morrissey and Johnny Marr

  23. how many celebs at these marches have armed security either with them there or at every other time?

  24. Gun grabbers are sanctimonious assholes. Why don't u stop the 300K killing of babies by Planned Parenthood first before the 18K deaths by guns in this country if u give a shit about life. Otherwise shut the f--k up.


  25. Wow, this thread got heavy really quickly!

    I'm not weighing into the gun debate because I like all of you and want us all to get along. ("Can't we all just get along?"). :)

    That said, I do have a personal theory about how these very troubled kids seem to fall through the cracks more these days. It's called "Who Is Feeding the Bird?"

    When I was a child, we had a small, darling pet bird, a finch named "Peaches." We had a complicated, rotating schedule about feeding the bird. It was't written down, but I was supposed to feed Peaches for two days, then my sister for two days, then my mom for two days, then it rotated again.

    Of course, life happens and there are distractions. One week, none of us remembered the schedule right, and dear Peaches ended up dead from starvation. We each were sure it had been the other person's turn to feed the bird and pointed fingers at each other.

    That is what happens when more than one party has a care-taking responsibility, but no one is sure of or can remember the rules.

    I believe both parents and teachers used to feel responsible for the well-being of troubled kids. Each party would step in when the bird wasn't being fed. Now the responsibilities are confusing for both parents and teachers. Some parents expect the teachers to raise their kids. Other parents cut off teachers' agency by being overly involved and pushy. So who is feeding the bird?

  26. Removing guns are scary. The police will still have them and Drumpf will be a step closer to dictatorship.

  27. "Give me a break. If these kids wanted to REALLY make change, then they would FOCUS on the actual cause of the majority of school shootings, which is that the majority of shooters are outcasts and bullies. if they REALLY wanted to make change, they should march their asses back into the cafeteria's and sit with the students that are not like them."

    This is a really dumb take. Unless you think the first-graders at Sandy Hook should have - somehow? - been nicer to the 19-year-old maniac that shot up their school, your theory doesn't hold water.

    Plus, there are *tons* of kids who are bullied. It sucks and it's important to teach and practice kindness so no one feels singled out or left behind. But the majority of those kids don't freak out, grab an automatic weapon and shoot places up.

    The problem is these war-level weapons and how easy they are for people to access - end of story. Because put any other weapon in this kid's hand - knife, handgun, bow and arrow, whatever - and he has much, much less power that an AR-15 gives him.

  28. The twat and the tramp can suck it.

  29. Sinead O'Taco and Co can march all they want, our guns aren't going anywhere.

  30. @ bob..,a couple of choices. 1). Go back to school and then get a better job, with more money you can live in a better neighborhood. 2). Shoot the intruders with your rifle, shotgun, or pistol. The gun violence continues to grow worst not better. Think of the future and start now.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      @timc Here we go again. When the liberal is presented with facts that are unfavorable to them they respond by claiming the one providing the facts is uneducated. But ultimately you and those around you have to live with your ignorance and your assumptions.

  31. Hey, RichNeal, interesting point but you should know, sir, your gun doesn't make your dick look bigger it just makes you look like a bigger dick.

  32. Wow. Maybe you all should stick to solving blinds and educate yourself before believing KIDS. These kids are ACTORS, and hardly any of you see that? YES! Blindly follow kids! Take our guns away! Ugh. David Hogg is 22 not 17! WAKE UP! Do some research! Proud of these paid actors trying to take away your rights? Shameful!!!

    1. I can tell that Gonzales girl is a fraud, they boosted her and gin too quickly. They're both a sham

  33. Anonymous6:25 AM

    A 'protest' in the US today, is paid protesters. Learned this when I was visiting Portland OR, during the 'pussy marches'. What a production.People were bused in by the hundreds, all wearing identical 'pussy hats'. There were staging areas everywhere. You could watch them de-bus, collect their signs, march, de-sign, and re-load onto the buses.My daughters and I were in different parts of the city, and compared notes on what we saw. I thought it must be my imagination, but they witnessed the same thing. My younger daughter wanted to march;she was in tears by the end of the day. She was on her phone, upset and unable to move because these A Hole paid protesters and their buses completely took over the city. Here and there were actual marchers, but most were paid. That's MoveOn.Org for you. March and collect a check. (Sort of like our crisis actors, from All the world is a stage; nothing is real anymore.

  34. Just a little perspective: Mexico, Jamaica and Honduras have all super strict gun laws, yet horrendously high homicide and murder statistics.

    Meanwhile over 30% of the population in Switzerland own guns, rifles, etc...and have some of the lowest.
    Finland too has lax gun laws and barely any violent crime.

    And finally: Chicago and Detroit have some of the strictest gun laws in the entire US, and most 'gun free' zones.....yeah Americans. Even us Brits here know what scary shitholes those two dumps are.

  35. Btw, obama had the house and a super majority in the senate when he began his presidency. He passed zero gun control legislation. The last bill to pass was in 2007 under President Bush. Trump just outlawed bump stocks Friday. Yeah, dems are so pro gun control. Won’t change this time around either. Dems terrified of losing dem seats in red states or so called blue dog democrats. Nothing is changing. And the kids, for the most part, don’t even know what they’re talking about. Can’t even define what they want.

  36. I see the Russian bot farm "regular " folk commentators are here . Sigh. Just like they infiltrated tumblr, twitter, and Facebook. A very very concentrated and concerning propaganda by Putin:Trump to gain power by turning every comment on every social media platform for the billionaire boys club. And they stole the election for him. It's frightening, it's real and it's turning us into brainwashed, paranoid sheep who believe in conspiracy theories that aren't real. You dare call brave kids asking not to be murdered at school actors?? This is what these Russian bots have done. People better wake up before putin/trump have us all in an authoritarian trance as they massacre civil liberties to gain more power and money. The nra is a terrorist organization and these white men murdering kids are terrorists who are radicalized by right wing trump/putin bot farm websites. Hold onto your civil liberties peeps they may be gone soon. The Russian bots farms are on this website. They turn everything back to Clinton, liberals, anyone in Hollywood who has ever spoken out against herr Trumpinski. It's real and it's happening as we laugh and gossip. Something truly evil is afoot. Pray for our world.

  37. You're more likely to die from visiting a sick friend in a hospital than gun violence. @sandybrook Educated people understand statistics - fuck you and your emotional bullshit.

  38. Halloweenie - that is just about the dumbest comment i ever read here and i enjoy living in a country where there are no guns.

  39. @Halloweenie Hitler banned jews from having guns; see if you can guess who didn't have any means to protect themselves when the government came for them? People who don't study history keep repeating their cycles of stupidity. With all the "trump is hitler" bullshit going on, it's dumbfounding citizens are lining up to give their guns to hitler, again.

  40. Halloweenie has the IQ of an empty pumpkin. Always screeching about 'bots' and other bullshit. It's funny.
    Sandybrook is some sad lonely self important, pompous little twat who lives his entire life through this little gossip site. He thinks he's the king of cdan LOL such emptiness is kinda sad..

  41. Anonymous11:52 AM

    @halloweenie It sounds like anyone who reports what they saw in Portland....and you don't like those immediately label them, 'a bot'? Is that correct?
    I would assure you that I'm an American mother..... but you aren't worth my time

  42. I don't agree with everything TruthSeeker says but the reality is social media etx has given the mean kids even more ways to be mean. And we are all guilty of it.

    When I see kids who commit suicide because they are bullied on Facebook I would say why don't they just get off Facebook or block out the creeps, of course I didn't care about being in the in crowd at high school either.

    I rode the middle group, not the popular kids but not the picked on kids. In retrospect I am glad. And I am really glad I went to high school before social media reared its ugly head. It can be a force for good a force for bad or just fun or maybe not so fun.

    The other issue is you got more f-ed up people raising kids or more accurately not raising their kids. Letting devices babysit them. In Japan they are worried that the younger generation can't connect on a face to face personal level anymore so many live in a cyberworld of video games etc. Which isn't helping the low birth rate.

  43. Oh and you people ranting about taking away the second amendment are not paying attention Go find some articles about the March from sites that are do not have NRA in the title and educate yourself.

    Most people don't want to take away your, hand guns and rifles - no real man or no real hunter needs a military assault rifle to hunt with you destroy the animal to the point you don't have a lot of meat which a real hunter hunts for, the meat of the animal. One big deer will give you venison for a whole winter.

    They don't want people having access to military grade weapons like assault weapons and they want all gun buyers to have thorough background checks first. If you are a responsible gun owner you should want to make sure no nut cases or criminals are getting guns for YOUR OWN PROTECTION.

    By the way the 360 million guns already estimated to be out there in the US are owned by a small percentage of people. Curious isn't it?

  44. Yes the bots seem to be infiltrating everywhere. The NRA is worried.

    Oh and ranters, many Republican gun owners agree with what the marchers are saying.

    I don't care if mass shootings are considered by you a rare event - so is terrorism but you don't see Homeland Security disbanding do ya?

    So are airline crashes do you want to dismantle the safety regulations for airplanes? Get rid of the traffic controllers?

    Think with some common sense. One person one child killed in a mass shooting or any shooting is a tragedy that can be avoided.

  45. This is what they do. Same old thing. We are discussing gossip but they are trying to have a fake debate. They aren't scary they are obvious. Ignore them.
    It is Miley and Selena. The Blind said they didn't want to be photographed together not that they weren't. They have been feuding for years.



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