Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blind Item #14

Our favorite former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort went on an epic rant and racist tirade as she accused a maid of stealing her coke. The former actress was in a rage. The coke was later found in a bag of the former actress but she still blamed the maid and then went on another racist rant.


  1. Replies
    1. You know-that “humanitarian “😏

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Lindsay Lohan

  3. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Damnit, a minute too slow! :D

  4. Oh, Blohan. You so cray.

    No, seriously. You're suffering from some mental health issues and need help.

  5. Gee who could this possible be former A list actress turned escort? I've NEVER seen that description here before about anybody.😥

  6. Haha reminds me of her having coke in her pants after road raging in a car.. then saying ‘those aren’t my pants I’m wearing’

  7. Why would a maid steal drugs? Some people make it almost impossible for us to love them. Sometimes you gotta get love from Jesus and love others with that.

    1. What makes you think a maid wouldn’t want party favors?

    2. Why would anyone snag someone else’s drugs? It can’t be because drugs are expensive. I mean, maids make so much money & never do or sell drugs for extra money. I bet Jesus loves maids enough to make sure they have all the money & drugs they need.

  8. How does Enty find out about this?

  9. How the hell she afford cocaine, much less a maid?

  10. I was rooting for you Lindsey!

  11. The maid was probably related to the drug dealer...doh!

  12. Yikes, steal coke from LiLo, I'm rather pull steak out of a lion's mouth.

  13. @ Sandy the description is close to Helen Mirren but she has always been an escort, even before acting

  14. Lindsay is lucky she even has a maid.

  15. This is why this whore is always by her damn self. She needs to stick another d!$& in her mouth and stfu.

  16. Why is she "A-" enty?
    I think "machete" effectively lowered all the cast down a letter or two.

    1. @zerooptions She's not A-. It says she was "almost A-" meaning she never made it to that level. At least that's how I'm reading it.

  17. LURKY!!!! The Commonwealth has just decried a war on your Manhattan abode for defaming the Queen!!

  18. my drunk step-mom.

  19. Part of me feels sorry for our girl Lindsay.The other part of me wants to slap her til my hand hurts and then slap her some more for making my hand hurt. And I'm willing to bet the maid would love some of that action, too.

  20. Poor Lindsay. She has problems, but at least her job pays more than most. Too bad most of it goes up her nose. Maybe, it could be Tara whatshrrname. Are they not coworkers?

  21. This girl is trash is this even a blind? Hollywood has given up on her. No one believes she is stable.

  22. Those damn maids....

  23. She does not have any mental health issues, she is simply a narcissistic asshole. One day she is gonna fuck with the wrong people

  24. My sympathy for LiLo ran out about 10 years ago. I remember going with my hipster friends to see the Herbie movie--and recording her first SNL special--just because we had such great promise, a camp talent that comes around only a few times in a lifetime. I know this is really shallow, but I think the most pathetic thing is that she's neither developed a true sense of style nor tended to her looks. With her parents, the odds weren't great. But her scratchy little voice and bodacious ta-tas held such promise. I expected more!

    OK, being generous: I still give her a chance for a comeback when she's in her mid-40's. She's looked like a cougar since her 20's, maybe she'll really age into it.

  25. This can't be Lohan.... isn't she too busy designing an island in Dubai lol



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