Monday, February 19, 2018

Blind Item #11

That meth use has doubled or even tripled for that alliterate rocker in the past week. This is going to lead to a death or spectacular breakdown. I wonder if he will bring down that A+/A list mostly movie actor with him or spill some dirt on that former A- list mostly movie actress to whom he was once close.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Marilyn Manson for the rocker?

    1. If it's Manson then the actor is probably Johnny Depp

  2. And Johnny Depp
    And Evan Rachael Wood
    Or Rose McGowan
    Take your pick

  3. I can agree with Marilyn Manson & Johnny Depp, but if the actress IS one of the aforementioned ladies, I question the "mostly movie" description. But I don't know other actresses that might fit the bill(?).

  4. Manson, had a meltdown on stage in the past few days. Plus Charlyne Yi slammed him for being a creep when he came to visit the set of House. Depp sounds right, but ERW is on Westworld most recently, so I'm not sure if she's considered mostly movie any longer.

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Marilyn Manson
    Johnny Depp
    Rose McGowan or Evan Rachel Wood

  6. Didn't he have an onstage accident?

    Some people are complaining about Manson's behavior being ugly. I guess they didn't know he is a practicing Satanist.

    1. @TW Do you even know what practicing Satanists believe? I mean, it’s not even close to the Satanism you find in the movies or talk show television.

      I’m not a Satanist myself but I’ve known a few. Most were reasonably-to-very intelligent disenchanted former Christians (kind of a necessity to believe in a Satan in the first place) who embraced the philosophy to reject the hypocrisy endemic in so many churches.

      That said, they were all professional button-pushers but mostly intelligent and incredibly irritated by the little punks running around in their smeared greasepaint claiming to be Satanists to be shocking.

    2. Prolly seen him a dozen times back in his not a satanist and i dont like satanism at all but i loved his crowd, intelligent, cool, calm and wierd as he is, i believe he is a true artist and quintessential rockstar...many good times at his shows...this is marilyn being marilyn, not necessarily a good thing...i think he should marry lady gaga, before he kicks.

    3. @TW practicing satanist here. I’m a pretty compassionate and empathetic human being.

    4. Also most of us are actually atheist and don’t believe in Satan or God.

    5. Why would an atheist who doesn't believe in Satan call himself/herself a Satanist? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity. What does it mean to be an atheistic Satanist? Are there rituals or rites involved, and if not why are you not just a garden variety atheist?

    6. Elizabeth, I was wondering the same thing. "Practicing satanist/ doesn't believe in Satan or God" is extremely interesting.
      I've not met any satanists, but ive sure met a lot of atheists. They're super happy to announce it any chance they get. Or, for no reason at all.
      That's the way it is over here in the west coast college town I live in

    7. Satan is symbolic- it represents rebellion of normal supernatural beliefs. Satanists have tenets they follow (similar to 10 commandments)
      Tenet is a guiding principle, that will hopefully inspire nobility in action & thought. Compassion, wisdom & justice should always prevail.
      Show compassion & empathy towards all living creatures, your body is your own to control, one must not violate anothers personal freedoms, critical thinking based on scientific evidence, never twist scientific evidence to fit a narrative,remain open-midned as science advances it could change how one believes, understand we're human & make mistakes. Basically, they're humanists, but embrace being "outcast" by society & poke fun at religion.
      Satanism is not what you see in the movies.
      I studied many religions to see what did/didn't fit me spiritually & intellectually. Satanism is an ideology I can support. I may not practice but do support true Satanists.

    8. @ladylegg Nicely summed up.

      Satan is also the chosen symbolism because Christianity teaches that we need to “endure” this world to be rewarded in the next.

      Actual Satanism (at least the branches I’ve known people in) encourages its followers to enjoy THIS world fully. There’s no promise of a next world. I also recall that early proponents, especially, came out of Christianity with a view that Satan had gotten a bum rap just for doing his job or something like that.

      Hopefully that sufficiently explains the semi-ironic, mostly symbolic use of the name Satan in Satanism.

  7. Def Manson and Depp, and probably McGowan makes more sense. She's more "former" anything than Evan Rachel Wood, and has more film than TV credits. ERW is a top billed cast member on Westworld and has had more prominent TV than film credits.

  8. But bring them down for what?? Also doing meth??

  9. Manson's Stern interview was a mess, he was absolutely on something.

  10. His concert at The Paramount was a bigger mess

    I honestly used to think he was a good artist and the appearance and demonic stuff just for his character. I know he is(was) very smart, but this makes me rethink how I view him as an artist.

  11. Former actress? Must be Rose as ERW is still an actress.

  12. Maybe Rose will be called to testify. It will be her first callback in years. (if I have to click on images to post this horribly distasteful joke, just know I'll feel extra shame)

    (Dammit! I did and it was click on sidewalks. WTF? Blogger is telling me to take a hike)

  13. He seems a bit of a mess right now, probably drug use. (Although that doesn't look like meth use in the video.)

    Last I saw him was in concert about 8 months ago, and he was incredible. On time, sounded great, very energetic and coherent. I hope he pulls it together soon.

    And I've met him in the past a few times. He treated me with respect. He does look/act strangely, which seems to spook some people, but I've never seen him do anything disrespectful.

  14. Manson for sure. He spent a lot of time living in Depps house last year. Rose for the actress. He will have a lot of dirt on her and there is something really strange about her. Cant put my finger on why I am not a fan of Rose. Anyway, Manson had a breakdown on stage the other night. I am just shocked Meth has become his drug of choice. Always thought he was a coke head. Pretty sure he said he hates all other drugs but....meh..who knows.

    1. @filmfanb I put Rose’s strangeness down to growing up in a cult. I get the same thing from Joaquin Phoenix, Jenna Elfman, and Juliette Lewis.

    2. "I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me."

  15. +9999999 @Don Kieballs!! The best thing I've read all day haha.

  16. Englebert Humperdinck

  17. Ramone Love said...
    Englebert Humperdinck

    1:03 PM



  18. I like Angelina Jolie for the former actress. She's now into directing and UN duties and activities. McGowen was never A plus He was once close friends with Jolie and did several paintings of her.

  19. Though Manson and Depp were more into heroin. Meth heads talk nonstop and look wierd. Never cared for depp and Manson. Minimally talented freaks

  20. @Elisabeth: The official, present-day Church of Satan actually has been doing god's work for years. That whole La Vey deal was over by the 70s.

    In fact, the Church has been in the headlines since at least the Obama era. Do a search on CoS with regard to free speech, reproductive rights, religious freedom, etc.*

    If you are good enough, you can even join and become a card-carrying member ;).

    * Not intended as a statement of support for Marilyn Manson. He's a try-hard, a coke-head, kinda misogynist, and -- worst of all -- is a guy who makes music I do not enjoy.

  21. ETA: "CoS" was a poor choice on my part. Let's call them CoSA!

  22. about ten years ago word around was that marilyn manson was a really nice dude. if he's gotten fucked up on meth, sadly addiction can completely change a person. :/ i was never really into him but i always respected his work, kinda

  23. Manson, Depp, and Winona.

  24. Church of Satan from decades ago and Satanic Temple are different things.
    The Satanic Temple are the atheists who use the 'religion' to sue for church/state things by insisting they be equally included. (like religious materials at schools, prayers at city meetings, and statues at courthouses, etc...) None of them believes in a supernatural creature called Satan. It's an atheistic philosophy.
    The name works on some level for publicity and highlighting privilege & hypocrisy, but also discredits them as being the parody religion with a 'gotcha' name.

    1. @Sher I disagree that their choice of name discredits them. They have valid reasons for choosing that name in a primarily Christian society.

  25. satanism. L O fucking L.

  26. I've seen manson live a few times and he always put on a good show. Troubling.

  27. There are several different branches of satanism just like there are in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. Some focus on a spiritual entity, others (allegedly) do not. I personally recommend staying away from all of them.

    1. Nothing alleged about it. Lots of Satanists are straight up altheists.

      I personally recommend a working knowledge of all world religions, regardless of your personal beliefs, including Satanism.

  28. Manson doesn’t do meth. Know this for a fact.

  29. I love MM, so I really hope everyone is wrong or he works it out.

  30. I wonder if it is actually meth. The accident he had could have easily made him turn to prescription drugs though.



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