Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 4, 2017

I have written about this singer before. I have written about him a few times. He is not foreign born, but many people think he is. He had a number one song all of you know and then it went downhill from there. Below is the experience of one woman at a recent concert when she was assaulted by the singer. He threatened to sue her to try to keep her from sharing her story.

Hey everybody, so this is gonna be a bit of a long post, but I ask you to PLEASE take the time to read the whole thing. This is about an experience I recently had that I think is extremely important to spread awareness about, especially with the #metoo movement and so many brave young women coming forward and sharing their stories. The purpose of this post is not so much to get personal legal justice for myself, but to try to prevent other women from being in a similar situation. So PLEASE take the time to read to the end, and please share it after!

On Monday night (Nov.27), I went to a concert. During the show the performer brought us up on stage, which we were excited about and thought was fun. He then invited us backstage, which again, we thought was fun. Once there, one of his buddies offered us drinks. I know the number one rule is to not accept drinks from strangers, but I was in a group and was with someone whose music I have listened to for years and so for some reason trusted, which I shouldn't have. My friend and I were roofied. From here on my memory is a little hazy, and some of this is what my friends told me and from looking back at my phone the next day. Backstage, the performer was putting his hand down my pants and grabbing me. The other girls in the room said that I just seemed drunk, but that I seemed consensual (because I WAS DRUGGED) so they didn't intervene. He then invited us onto his tour bus. This is where I got separated from my friend, who was also drugged. Speaking to her the next day, she says she has a few vivid memories but other than that, she was blacked out for most of the night. After losing her, some other girlfriends and I ended up on the performer’s tour bus but somehow, luckily, we didn't stay there long. When I left the tour bus, I went to McDonald's with some of my good friends. The performer and one of his people began texting me and then came to McDonald's and tried to get me back onto the tour bus. In those texts, my responses were extremely willing and responsive because I was under the influence of a drug. So, at this point, I was so out of it I would have gone. However my friends noticed I was off and intervened. I feel VERY lucky that my friends knew the difference between drunk and drugged. I think this is a pattern with the performer and his crew, because since Monday I have heard of other girls that think they were also drugged at his other shows. Also I've since seen a bunch of similar allegations against him online. In the first 48 hours after, I think I was still in denial of the whole thing and so didn’t go get tested for drugs in my system. Because of this, there is nothing I can do in terms of legal justice. The cop I spoke to said he believed me, but that there’s no legal action to take as I don't have any real evidence other than my word.

I was sexually assaulted but not raped, thanks to the intervention of my friends. However, some girls at his other shows may not be so lucky. I feel so frustrated and sickened by the idea of him or any man doing this to other girls, I wanted to try to warn other young women. You don’t think this is going to happen to you until it does. So PLEASE share this post and help spread my story to warn other young women who are planning on going to this performer's show, and any performer's show. Don't trust people simply because they're in the public eye.

Sean Kingston


  1. I had to Google him for the song we all know and I still don't know it 😥

  2. Nope, me neither.

  3. Heard the name, can't name a song.

    Not even a one hit wonder, living off his name, and raping women.

  4. He was pretty popular for a while but I couldn't name any songs either, I know who a lot of people are from reading gossip blogs

  5. He was guessed on the original post, that I remember.

  6. Who? How are there people paying money to go see this nobody? This no talent?

  7. Is this the same guy who was in a Jet Ski accident a few years back?

  8. No ones care about him. But i think it is bullshit. White hoes are always trying to frame the black guy. She is probably some BBC lover Trump supporter who invented the story when the boyfriend discovered it.

    1. What makes you think she’s white?

  9. *ignoreignoreignoreignore*

  10. Rafael why do you hate so much?


    Its true.

  12. @Raf-learn how to use Google. This stuff has been out there about him a long time. Or just do us all a favor stay in your mama's basement watching porn hub all day, blaming others for your sh*tting life.

  13. Never heard of him. What a jerk! He should be in prison.

  14. LeeKay: Raph is a troll. He's a boring troll, as well.

  15. Just ignore Blahfael. If focusing his issues on CDaN prevents him from becoming another mass shooter, I'm willing to just skip over his rants.

  16. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Never EVER accept food or drink from someone you don't know in a strange environment

  17. Rafael is doing self parody now.

  18. The reason why he never had another hit was because he was accused of raping women back then when he did have a hit.
    So this is no surprise at all.

  19. Didn’t Kingston tour with Bieber?

  20. @Putz/Rafael: noun. any of several kinds of long-handled hand implement equipped with a light blade and used to till the soil, eradicate weeds, etc. verb hoes, hoeing, hoed. 2. to dig, scrape, weed, or till (surface soil) with or as if with a hoe.

  21. Poor Retardel, his life is so empty he needs attention from strangers on a gossip internet site, and not even positive attention, any attention will do.
    Trying so hard to be controversial and edgy, instead being lame and boring and utterly cretinous.



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