Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blind Item #1 - He Made Millions From Raping Young Girls - Himmmm

Because I was an idiot yesterday, I didn't scroll down and see the full length blind. I only posted the summary. Here is Himmmm in all of his glory.

Every Thanksgiving as families and friends gather together to enjoy a meal, while others get ready for shopping, and others help out with meals at homeless shelters and charities, some people recall another Thanksgiving from decades past.  A November that one rock legend spent drugging and raping young girls.

Set the DeLorean time machine back to November 21, 1980.

#1 was coming to the end of his legendary run with a group. They had made tons of money, and would go on to make more and more. But the fame, money, and adoration was not enough for this rocker. Fueled by drugs and unquenchable appetites, his disgusting lifestyle (and the victims left in his wake) was horrible in its day, and would land him in prison if he did it today.

#1 had developed many nasty habits and lifestyle choices that made Roman Polanski look normal.  But the Rocker was always protected.  His past girlfriend #4 was always there to support him, as was her then-boyfriend #5.  Both were always at the forefront of Feminist causes, and possibly the most powerful couple on the California or even national scene. It also helped to have the most powerful people in show business to protect you too. His manager #2 who had lawyers, media contacts, and investigators on speed-dial. Also #3 who, although they had a love-hate relationship that would eventually turn to all hate, was glad to protect his money machine.   Even when they would later sue each other for millions, they came together for political events. Thus, the Rocker never really cared about consequences.

That November, holed up in his California mansion a week before Thanksgiving, the Rocker made his usual call to his usual madam, #6 and he requested "the usual" for dinner. The usual for him meant young girls and he had done this many times both at home and on the road.  He made Jimmy Page look like a gentleman.  The Madam routinely searched for new talent at bus stops and runaway shelters.  She had just found a new 16 year-old girl who looked young and liked to party.  She was also very desperate and very scared. When the Madam made the offer to her for a night's work, it seemed safe enough with such a huge star.  The Madam promised no sex involved, that the Rocker just liked to hang out and smoke dope and drink. Still, the Runaway asked if she could bring a friend. And yes, the Madam sent two underage girls to the Rocker's palace that night. The "friend" accompanying the 16 year-old runaway was another homeless girl, who had just turned 15 years-old that week.  She had just run away from a violently abusive home, and was still a virgin. The Madam got to double bill the Rocker for that visit.

On arrival, the girls were fed cocaine to get them excited, and Quaaludes to keep them calm.  They smoked a lot of pot, and after a dip in the Jacuzzi with the rocker, they all three headed to the bedroom.  The entire time the Rocker kept asking the girls to do things to each other, which neither had done before.  They figured maybe if they did each other – he wouldn't do them. They were hesitant and scared, and the Rocker got more and more violent.  He kept taking Polaroid pictures of them all, doing everything, which embarrassed the girls. The 16 y.o. asked to leave.  The Rocker told them they couldn't because they'd be arrested and it was too late to call a cab.  He pushed more and more drugs on them both.

After the 15 year-old passed out, he began raping her.  Then he began raping the 16 year-old.  When the younger girl woke up, she was scared to death, and saw her friend was having convulsions.  The Rocker was ignoring her, yelling on the phone, talking to someone later revealed to be #2.  Then the Paramedics arrived.  They walked into a scene they described as "Sodom and Gomorrah" with drugs, vomit, and booze everywhere.  Both underage girls were totally naked, although the younger of the two began trying to dress.

The Paramedics did CPR on the girl as she was unresponsive, then she went back into seizures. The 15 year-old said it was like a nightmare, and she tried to sneak away out of the room.  The whole time, the Rocker was freaking out, talking to people on the phone, until guys in suits showed up.  They threatened the Paramedics to stay silent. The men in suits told the younger runaway they would "take care of her" and stay with them.  The older runaway was put in an ambulance, and the younger one begged Paramedics to take her too. When one of the Suits tried to interfere, a Paramedic shoved him and threatened to kick his ass.  Off to the hospital they went.  The rocker, his manager, and the other men in suits stayed behind.

What none of them knew at the time, was that the 15 year-old had managed to grab several of the Polaroids and stuff them into her clothes.  At the time, she was petrified of the cops or her parents finding out, and the proof of her activity was all there in those Polaroids.  So she grabbed them when the others were distracted, to destroy them later.

At the hospital, the older girl was given medication to save her. Uniformed cops arrived, and took statements from both girls.  Hours later, one of the men in suits also showed up, with a bus ticket and envelope of cash for the 15 year-old. They told her to leave town and not testify or talk to anyone, or else she'd be arrested – or worse.  She left town that day.  #2 and #3 wound up spending a lot of cash that Thanksgiving. To lawyers, to pay off cops, Paramedics, and even a judge.  Several reporters were paid thousands to kill the story.

Since so many people knew about it, the cops had little choice but to do something.  So they handed the case over to a Detective who was a friend of theirs, an elite golden boy in LAPD.  He was friends with the Madam too, and became head of the LAPD "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" in Vice.  Mostly his time was spent taking bribes from executives and covering up cases.

The Detective made sure the case got downgraded and the evidence was lost.  With the Judge's help, the entire nightmare for the Rocker wound up far different than that of Roman Polanski years before.  So it was then that the Rocker was convicted of "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor", given a $2,500 fine, and put on probation. No mention of rape, soliciting, or abuse of the girls.  No word on what happened to the 22 GRAMS of cocaine, 5 oz. of marijuana or 160 Quaaludes found in the rocker's bedroom strewn all over the bed.  It was booked into evidence, but later became worthless as evidence.

The 16 year-old runaway got out of the hospital, and was found dead near the 101 freeway a year later.  Allegedly an overdose.  Friends of hers and workers at a local shelter said she'd cleaned up, gone straight, and was trying to turn her life around.  Her death was ruled an accidental overdose.  Many never believed it.

One news anchor who didn't believe it was the one who didn't get bribed.  She didn't like what was happening, and didn't like the corruption, or the rape and drugging of young girls.  So she went public, running her stories.  She got pushback from bosses, owners, and even fans of the Rocker.  She was hounded from her job several years later. Her attempt to uncover the truth in the case gave way to the Rocker feeling like HE was the victim.  Like HE was the one being maligned and unfairly punished. Yeah, like HE was the victim.

Since he split from the band, his new solo career was taking off.  He turned HIS "hurt feelings" into a song, which became a global hit.  Sure, he said it was about the media coverage of #7 and others, but he later admitted it was about his "unfair" abuse at the hands of a "mean" reporter  A song that was spawned by his abuse, rape, and drugging of two children who nearly died due to his perversions.

The Rocker spent much of the next 20 years rehabilitating his image, becoming a big political supporter and environmental activist.  Became big pals with two big politicians, #8 and #9 whom he met at events at #3's house.  He played fundraisers for them both. He never was asked again in the media about that November, and it faded away mostly.  Funny enough? You can still find it online, and yet nobody compares him to Polanski or these other monsters. Meanwhile, he became filthy rich, as did his powerful manager, and the powerful record label executive.  Their images all bought and paid for. 

What they didn't know, however, and still don't know – is what became of the other girl. That 15 year-old runaway, who took the bus ticket, cash, and blew town.  She too turned her life around, got straight, and found good people up in northern California to take her in.  She went to college, found a nice man, had a family and settled down.  That nice man she married would go on to a nice career in politics.  And with his wife's support, he's become one of the most powerful men in California politics.  Now, all the years later, that scared runaway girl has grown into a confident, fearless, brilliant woman.  She's spent the past few years (urged on by her husband and kids) putting her story and the case meticulously back together. Piece by piece. Legally.

In 2018 she's going to drop a bomb of a "reveal" on the Rocker, the Manager, and the ex-label executive.  She's prepared a criminal charge against them for many of their misdeeds (which include racketeering and collusion and criminal conspiracy), and is also hitting them with civil charges – with any funds being set aside for childhood victims.  Because, you see, those Polaroids she swiped that night? She blew town with them. Years later she found them and put them in a safe deposit box.  She now has many copies, including in her attorney's safe. They too will be revealed in her case, along with hospital records, court records, legal affidavits from old cops and Paramedics.  There's even a video deposition from the original Madam back from before her death. And the former golden boy detective? He was later caught for his many, many misdeeds and arrested.  And he talked too.

So as this Rocker sits down in his palace this Thanksgiving, giving thanks to himself for being so wonderful, he better enjoy it.  His next one will likely be spent eating from a cold, metal tray in jail.  He and his wealthy mogul pals will be the Turkeys, and justice will be served.

#1 - Permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group
#2 - The manager of #1 and many many many others.
#3 - Top 3 entertainment mogul. You don't mess with him
#4 - A+ list singer back in the day. Probably permanent A- list singer.
#5 - Permanent A list celebrity.
#6 - Celebrity madam who has passed.
#7 - Permanent A list actress who was murdered.
#8 - Permanent A+ list celebrity
#9 - Permanent A+ list celebrity and spouse of #8.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    As an aside, let's not forget Stevie Nicks aborted Henly's baby. Her song Sara is about it.

  2. Jimmy Page comes to mind lol. He likes them young. Goes to the Half Moon in Putney for that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's Don Henley, according to this article in the Guardian:

    We don’t discuss his 1979 charge for contributing to the delinquency of a minor after a naked 16-year-old prostitute suffered a drug overdose during a party at his home in LA, where cocaine, marijuana and quaaludes were seized. However, on most subjects, he is candid. He recalls trying to follow up 1976’s Hotel California (total sales: 32m) with 1979’s The Long Run - just as Fleetwood Mac, whose Stevie Nicks he was then dating, were struggling to match Rumours – and failing miserably before splitting, bloodily, in 1980.

  5. #1 - Don Henley
    #2 - Azoff
    #3 - Geffen...

    Working on the others and those are from the previous blind not my own sleuthing.

  6. So this is the real face of Don Henley. He will do the timeeee, very soon hopefully.

  7. #8 and #9 I'm guessing are the Clintons.

  8. It is not a secret if he is Don Henley

  9. Don Henley, ex girlfriend Stevie Nicks, her boyfriend Jerry Brown? Who's not a republican, dammit.

  10. It's Don Henley and #3 is David Geffen.

    I truly hope this is all true and he gets his just desserts. What an unfathomable pig. he can rot in hell with his enablers, pimps and fellow degenerates.

  11. This is totally Don Henley, and song he wrote about it is Dirty Laundry. Eagles started as backing for Linda Rondstadt, so maybe power couple is Linda Rondstadt and Jerry Brown.

    1. That is, first power couple 4 and 5.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think Mike Brambles is the cop.

  14. +1 dave, you beat me!

  15. #7 Natalie Wood

  16. Sorry, I deleted my previous madam guess.

    I know think it's Elizabeth Adams.

  17. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Linda Rondstat could be.....

    1. and Gov Jerry Brown. They dated for a long time.

  18. Irving Azoff is the manager

  19. Please please let 2018 be the year of karma. Victims we are with you. We believe you. Azoff Henley and geffen belong in jail and after jail, in hell. But are they rich enough to evade justice?

  20. Please tell me Linda Ronstadt isn't involved in this shit....

  21. Yup, I see lot of pictures of Henley with Clintons on Google image, must be them.

  22. Don Henley (song=Dirty Laundry): Geffen:'s also posted in Wikipedia so it appears to be common knowledge:

    Henley called paramedics to his home on November 21, 1980, where a 16-year-old girl was found naked and claiming she had overdosed on quaaludes and cocaine. She was arrested for prostitution, while a 15-year-old girl found in the house was arrested for being under the influence of drugs. He was subsequently charged for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, fined and put on probation.[75][76][77] Henley was arrested and pleaded no contest. He was fined $2,500 and put on two years' probation.[78] Chiles, who was no longer in a relationship with Henley at the time of the incident, later said, "I was shocked to hear about it. He didn't have drugs around the house. It was an accident, I'm sure."[74]

  23. It happened 37 years ago. Can he still be charged?

  24. Lyrics to Don Henley's Dirty Laundry:

    I make my living off the evening news
    Just give me something-something I can use
    People love it when you lose,
    They love dirty laundry
    Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
    I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
    Come and whisper in my ear
    Give us dirty laundry

    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em all around

    We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
    Who comes on at five
    She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
    It's interesting when people die
    Give us dirty laundry
    Can we film the operation?
    Is the head dead yet?
    You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
    Get the widow on the set!
    We need dirty laundry
    You don't really need to find out what's going on
    You don't really want to know just how far it's gone
    Just leave well enough alone
    Eat your dirty laundry

    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're stiff
    Kick 'em all around
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're stiff
    Kick 'em all around

    Dirty little secrets
    Dirty little lies
    We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
    We love to cut you down to size
    We love dirty laundry
    We can do "The Innuendo"
    We can dance and sing
    When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing
    We all know that Kraft is king
    Give us dirty laundry!

    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. How does the actress who was murdered (#7) fit in?

    Natalie Woods died about a week after this incident with Henley but I'm not finding any connection to her or the players in this.

    1. Don apparently said the song was about her but really it was about him, that's all

  27. She should expose the dirty cop at LAPD while she's at it.

  28. @aanjheni.. thank you.

  29. Anonymous9:51 AM

    That heavy cross of martyrdom Henly was carrying when he wrote that song won't be so heavy any more with the Polaroids.

  30. @roxy.. I wondered the same. To the best I can determine, she's not mentioned or even referred to in the blind?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @moussemaker posted the best article re this and here's another:

    BTW, this part from the blind, "He was friends with the Madam too, and became head of the LAPD "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" in Vice. Mostly his time was spent taking bribes from executives and covering up cases." is what I fear will become of the new "special task force to investigate allegations of sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry" that the L.A. County D.A.'s office recently created. I'm worried that they're there to lose evidence, not follow up on leads, ignore and/or discredit witnesses, close cases and take lots and lots of bribes.

  33. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Would Sharon Tate be #7? A list famous. Murdered by Manson gang...

  34. Song was Inspired by deaths of John Belushi and Natalie Wood per wiki

  35. #1 Don Henly
    #2 John Boylan
    #3 David Geffen
    #6 Madame Claude

  36. 1. Don Henley - The eagles
    3. Geffen
    4. Stevie Nicks
    5. Lindsay Buckingham
    7. Natalie Wood - Song "Dirty Laundry" also about John Belushi, and his own arrest.
    8. Hilly Clinton
    9. Billy Clinton

    I used to like the eagles until I heard about this a long time ago...
    Click here:Personal life

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. is the politician husband up for reelection next year? midterms etc. call me cynical but why wait till next year?

  39. there's dna and fingerprints on those polaroids, kids.

  40. Don Henley's perversions are in the book "You'll Never Make Love In This Town Again". I was sure this was Rod Stewart (after he left The Faces). I hope its Henley, he's such an a smug insufferable asshole.

  41. 1. Don Henley
    2. Irving Azoff
    3. David Geffen
    4. Stevie Nicks
    5. Jimmy Iovine
    6. Elizabeth Adams
    7. Natalie Woods
    8. Bill Clinton
    9. Hillary Clinton

  42. #8 & #9 are not the Clintons. They are not California Republican politicians.

  43. My guesses:

    #1 - Permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group - Don Henly, Eagles
    #2 - The manager of #1 and many many many others. - Iriving Azoff
    #3 - Top 3 entertainment mogul. You don't mess with him - David Geffen
    #4 - A+ list singer back in the day. Probably permanent A- list singer: Stevie Nicks
    #5 - Permanent A list celebrity. - Jerry Brown
    #6 - Celebrity madam who has passed. - Elizabeth Adams
    #7 - Permanent A list actress who was murdered. - Natalie Woods
    #8 - Permanent A+ list celebrity -Bill Clinton
    #9 - Permanent A+ list celebrity and spouse of #8. -Hillary Clinton

  44. I can't wait for this to be revealed and for the victim to speak her voice!

  45. princess talufa, the California Republicans are the 15 year old girl, now grown up, and her husband the politician.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. My guesses:

    #1 - Permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group - Don Henly, Eagles
    #2 - The manager of #1 and many many many others. - Iriving Azoff
    #3 - Top 3 entertainment mogul. You don't mess with him - David Geffen
    #4 - A+ list singer back in the day. Probably permanent A- list singer.????
    #5 - Permanent A list celebrity. - ?????
    #6 - Celebrity madam who has passed. - Elizabeth Adams
    #7 - Permanent A list actress who was murdered. - ??????
    #8 - Permanent A+ list celebrity - Bill Clinton
    #9 - Permanent A+ list celebrity and spouse of #8. - Hillary Clinton

    I think the cop, although not one of the numbers, is Mike Brambles.

    And am I the only one hunting for the wife of a politician that was born in 1965?

    #DontJudgeMe #ImBored

  48. Who is the female news anchor?

  49. I've always hated the song "Dirty Laundry." It seemed so self righteous and annoying.


    Sorry for the dup, but I found something original newspaper article from 1980 about the Henley incident.

    Most articles mention only the presence of a naked 16 year old girl who had overdosed on cocaine and Quaalude. BUT, the paramedics also found another girl in Henley's house...a 15 year old. Oh gee, a very wealthy and famous Hollywood celebrity busted having sex with underaged kids...Hmmm where have we heard of this before?,3246504&hl=en

    Both girls were also arrested, but only the 16 year old was charged with prostitution. The SECU of the LAPD came to Henley's house and collected evidence. They also found lots of cocaine, weed, and other stuff. Even though Henley denied having sex with the girls the Sexually Exploited Child Unit investigators would certainly have known whether he did or not from questioning and physical examination of the girls. This whole thing kinda got blown over and covered up. Henley got off with just a fine and probation---a slap on the wrist.

    I'm beginning to understand what Himmmmm means by stepping back from this and considering the importance of the context. While investigating this blind I came across numerous stories about Henley's penchant for coke-inspired orgies. What always seems to be missing from pretty much all of these stories is: who are the people who participated in these orgies? Then I recalled something similar about the Bryan Singer stories...only in his case the victims were underaged boys.

    In this case, here's the missing context: Who were these young girls, and how did they end up in Henley's house? Henley himself provides the answer to these questions. In many of the stories on the internet about this incident he said that the 16 year old girl was a prostitute who had been sent over by a Madam.

    Who was this Madam supplying underaged girls to celebrities? Why is there no record of her being investigated or arrested in connection to this incident? This, to me, sounds like yet another child sexploitation ring that was covered up. Quite possibly, still going on even now.

    California had a 'big' Republican politician back in the 80s, but Nancy's cause was drugs, and both Reagans are long dead so this brings me back to the Schwartzneggers. The Erin's Law stuff fits Maria Shriver's profile so I'm thinking it may have something to do with that. The connection with the industry mogul I'm sure is very obvious, but I still don't see it yet. Though I'm pretty sure that if it involves sex and underage people its most likely Geffen.

    Did I say how much I love Himmmmmm's and Enty's blinds? LOL.

  51. Krab, yes, so # 8 would’ve been 15 in 1980 and that’s definitely not Hillary. Am I missing something?

  52. Sorry, #9 would’ve been 15 in 1980

  53. Yes--Henley has played fundraisers for both the celebs in 8 and 9. Has to be the Clintons. Who else are perm A+ list celebs who are married and have had fundraisers.

    princess, yes, you are missing something. The girl who was the victim and her husband are not numbered in the blind. Probably because they're not really famous.

  54. The madam who is treated like effing royalty may they all rot in hell:

  55. #1 Don Henly
    #2 John Boylan or Irving Azoff (more likely Azoff)
    #3 David Geffen
    #4 Stevie Nicks
    #5 Lindsey Buckingham
    #6 Madame Claude
    #7 Natalie Wood
    #8/9 Bill & Hillary Clinton

  56. The golden boy cop connected to the madam:


    This is where I start to get shrill. Sorry.

  58. guessing that the victim is sonia denham or jill lamalfa.

    ca northern districts 1,4,8 and 10 have gop representatives. doug lamalfa (1) and jeff denham(4) and wives could fit the age requirement.

    jeff denham's a bigger name in the news with a more high profile district which includes part of silicon valley. but lamalfa's district covers half of northern ca.

  59. #8 & #9 are not the California Repulican politician and his wife. Per the blind, they are politicians that #1 became pals with from meeting at various events. The Clinton fit.

  60. I looked on the who dated who page for Stevie Nicks. She dated Don Henley from 1976-1978 and Jimmy Iovine from 1980-1983. He produced her Bella Donna album then.

  61. I didn't think Henley and Geffen worked together that long. They seemed to hate each other...but then, business is business.

  62. Oh my god. This will blow the world apart.

  63. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Natalie Wood wasn't murdered, officially.

  64. @roxy i'm doing the same thing! Trying to find a list of current Cali republicans. any luck?

    Himmm says "She's prepared a criminal charge against them for many of their misdeeds " The way he words that makes me think she might be a lawyer.

  65. agree with all of you above who said #8 and 9 are the clintons. these are not the republican couple, they are the couple who henley later met and did numerous fundraisers for.

  66. It's almost as shocking as the rest of the story that there actually ARE any powerful Republican politicians in CA.

  67. I still think 5 has to be Jerry Brown. There's no way Jimmy Iovine and Stevie Nicks were "possibly the most powerful couple on the California or even national scene." Come on.

  68. My goodness, how You even managed to find the cop's name?? I was googling for an hour and barely found some pieces of this story. You hoomans are skilled af.

  69. chip whitley and roxy, i did the republican representative may have missed my comment:

    guessing that the victim is sonia denham or jill lamalfa.

    ca northern districts 1,4,8 and 10 have gop representatives. doug lamalfa (1) and jeff denham(4) and wives could fit the age requirement.

    jeff denham's a bigger name in the news with a more high profile district which includes part of silicon valley. but lamalfa's district covers half of northern ca.

  70. Who gives a shit what party these people belong to? Sexual predators and their facilitators regardless of political affiliation. To argue otherwise is twisted. Do you not see that so many of these people have been hiding behind their political clout/false virtue all along? We should have compassion for the victim. Period. The last thing I care about is whether I agree with her politics.

  71. Nobody cares what party they belong to: it's a clue. That's all.

  72. great work, just sayin'! looking up Sonia Denham now. They have kids in college which fits with the blind...Himmm says her husband and kids are encouraging her to do this, so kids must be older.

    Going to look up Lamalfa now!

  73. lloyd martin for l.a. detective, head of the "sexually exploited child unit".

  74. thanks chip whitley!

  75. krab: i don't think the political parties are relevant in a judgy way, and i don't think himmmm does either, they're just clues to the identities.

  76. aanjheni...yes I have that book and yes he was the ginourmous a-hole. While one call girl can't say enough nice things about Glenn Fry. She just fell in love with him. How those two worked together is beyond me.

  77. 15 yr old girl could be Judy McCarthy, wife of rep. Kevin McCarthy (republican) from Bakersfield. He's high up in current House of Representatives in DC. He was born in 1965. Not seeing birth date of his wife Judy, but in pictures she looks about the same age.

  78. Thanks, @just sayin and @chip whitley.

    I'm in flyover country and know very little about California politicians and y'all seem to have a lot of them unlike my tiny corner of the world.

  79. I know that this is all for fun. And I'm probably a sap for admitting it, but this blind brought tears to me. I am so glad to read that justice is coming for those two girls. Thank you!

  80. jill lamalfa's from oroville, in northern ca. she's a better age than sonia denham for this.

  81. If you have ever read the book, 'You'll Never Make Love In This Town Again',you would know this reeks of Don Henley. The ladies spoke highly of Glenn Frey; Don, not so much.

  82. fantastic blind Himmmm so love that this site has become so intriguing and fun again. dont have anything to add except THANK YOU !!!

  83. Dammit Don Henley! You're killing me on this one, if it is you. But this was NEVER a secret! Let's throw this up against the wall....

    1. Don Henley
    2. Powerful former girlfriend...Linda Rondstadt (although I don't believe they were boyfriend/girlfriend ever, just friends.
    3. Governor Jerry Brown.
    4. Dirty Laundry! Song that trashes Female Reporter who went after him

  84. Wow, a blind of which I actually have first hand knowledge.


    Is the politically powerful person necessarily an elected official?

    New to this site, interesting reading.

  85. once again i'll ask, why is there no official video for "dirty laundry" on the internet? does anyone remember there being one on mtv? it came out the same year mtv came way a big record label would miss that opportunity. there's a youtube video of reporters singing that was part of a 1985's not what i'm looking for.

  86. If she "just" turned 15 when this happened, that means the 15 year old victim has a birthday this month.

  87. How is the fact who ever this is raised funds for the Dems relevant to anything that happened? There is no inference that they A+ couple knew anything about what went on, so why is it relevant except to try & loosely tie the Dems to this shitty event?

    1. It's a hint as to the musicians identity, obviously....but on an important note, you feel inflammatory associations between dems and pervs should be suppressed?!? :/

    2. This is so dumb. Nothing would be prosecutable at this point except a charge of first degree murder.

  88. i have spent the better part of my career working with abused kids. I cannot be prouder of that 15 year old who now has her own family and is coming forward. I cant be more grateful that she found a nice man who is standing beside her and is not minimizing what happened to her for the sake of his career. After reading about all the horrible things lately, this is a story of hope.
    That being said, when you see cases like this you have to determine the motive and then follow the money. Start watching for stories that seem to discredit the politician. Big money will be pouring in as an attempt to bully the family into submission.
    But i have news for you jerks. The spotlight is starting to shine on you now, and you are not going to buy your way out of this. It won't happen overnight. But it is coming.
    I am off to google some more about the financial relationships.
    Yesterday i guessed Henley, Orzoff and Geffen.
    And Enty and Himmmmm. I remember a March Madness time several years ago when you started posting about the Nickelodeon crowd. You have been on this story for years my friends and I am so proud of you. I have to wonder what caused your change of format and what has allowed you to return and return with such a vengeance.
    I love you both!!!! Keep it coming

  89. #1 - Don Henley
    #2 - Irving Azoff
    #3 - David Geffen
    #4 - Linda Ronstadt
    #5 - Jerry Browne
    #6 - Elizabeth "Alex" Adams
    #7 - Natalie Woods
    #8 - Bill Clinton
    #9 - Hilary Clinton
    Cop is Mike Brambles promoted to head of Sexually Exploited Child Unit in 1979
    Background on him : and connection to Adams.

  90. @ krab: I think you might be right about Jerry Brown as the boyfriend of the ex-girlfriend.

  91. Shriver is not involved. Too old to fit the blind.

  92. 1. Don Henley
    2. Irving Azoff
    3. David Geffen
    4. Stevie Nicks
    5. Jimmy iodine
    6. Madame Elizabeth Adams
    7. Natalie Wood
    8. Bill Clinton
    9. Hillary Clinton


  93. 1. don henley
    2. irving azoff
    3. david geffen
    4. linda ronstadt
    5. jerry brown
    6. elizabeth "alex" adams
    7. natalie woods
    8. bill clinton
    9. hillary clinton
    l.a. detective: lloyd martin
    teen victim with polaroids: jill lamalfa
    powerful gop politician husband: doug lamalfa

  94. I have a feeling this will come out,sooner than planned. I do think the party associates are important, remember, Jerry Brown is Governor now,and was also governor then! This may ,be why Henley was,so protected. Are one of the Republican s a potential candidate for Governor?

  95. completely off topic, but when i read "hurt feelings" i hear this, lol:

    Hurt Feelings (with Reprise) - Flight of the Conchords

  96. One of the republicans wives listed above is 51 (don't see dob listed). Per the blind the girl turned 15 in the middle of November which will make her 51 now-52 in a week or so. I'm not sure that I want to list names just on speculation though.

  97. Hi long time lurker first time poster. Is there actually any good people in Hollywood? If so please could you tell me who they are?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      That's what I want to know. And not just a onesie or twosie kindness blind item situation. I want to know who legitimately is not running with this rape/harassment/pedo crowd in general.

  98. Oh,and I always hated that song Dirty Laundry too, talk about making yourself a victim,all royalties should go to the victims. And Himmmm is forgiven for the Pauley Shore blind.

  99. Ok...while you guys were filling in the blanks of 1-9, i️ wanted to find the officer and judge. Fires thought it was Martin but upon further research and the posts about Brambles, convinced it’s him. The judge that sentenced Henley (or fined him) was Edward Rafeedie. The judge that arraigned Henley was Burton Katz. i also found that Adams was also being investigated for money laundering.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Never liked the Eagles and Don Henley needs to pay. Was Anthony Pellicano involved in this or did some other PI gave the poor girl the overdose and dump her on the freeway? LAPD rife with corruption forever. They Better do something about Singer and Schneider NOW. Dont defend him Stevie, the guy is a psychopath. Feel for his wife and kids though...

  102. The reason I think it's Mike Brambles is because the "elite golden boy" comment is tied to the title of the article I found about him.

  103. it probably doesn't matter but i think the anchor is Christine Lund.

  104. Is this the year David Geffen falls from grace? He donated 100 million to Lincoln Center in 2015 and the old Avery Fisher Hall became David Geffen Hall. A few weeks ago he was having a hissy fit because Lincoln Center had decided to cut 500 million on renovations to said building. Could it be the powers-that-be sensed blood in the wind in Hollywood and wanted to distance themselves from certain entities out there? Strange timing. If Geffen is found guilty of any wrongdoing in these pedo scandals, will David Geffen Hall be renamed? Just askin'.

  105. This shit will hit the Hollywood and media establishments like fire and brimstone from heaven! I can just imagine how the lawyers and evil media people are working overtime behind the scenes to figure out how to cover all of this up. The implications are so vast that I can't even begin to wrap my mind around it all. Law enforcement, the courts, the media, big shot entertainment industry executives--- all complicit in covering up major crime, bribery, racketeering, trafficking of children....Jesus, have mercy. This is a ticking bomb!

  106. I don't see how Bill and Hillary can fit into this. In 1980 they were nonentities. When Bill was elected in 92 the cover-up was well under way.

  107. @dsmith....

    IMO, they are just a clue as to the names of the others and showing how Henley tried to "reinvent" himself and seem legit.

    From that article:

    Although this song has been popular since its release, it was brought to the attention of a new generation of music lovers when Henley performed it for President Elect, Bill Clinton at MTV's Rock 'n' Roll Inaugural Ball in Arkansas, on January 20, 1993.

  108. Even if he met Bill and Hillary later on, and fundraised for them or whatever, doesn't mean they know anything about this or were involved at all.

  109. I'm sorry to say I knew it as soon as I read that blind yesterday. I guess I'm down to one music hero now. I hope there isn;t anything to spill on Peter Gabriel or I'll have to go play in traffic.

  110. You can figure this out from Henley's wikipage.

  111. @partygirlemma .... Tom Hanks? Hugh Jackman? Nicole Kidman? Maybe? In earnest, god knows. I do believe Himmmm made a list of good folks here a few years ago that can probably be found knocking about somewhere or other. There's always the 'kindness' blinds on here from time to time that show there are people with some basic humanity there.

    1. Oh good I think I’d cry if Tom Hanks or Hugh Jackman were sick, twisted evil people! Fingers crossed Harrison Ford & Mark Hamill are good guys too?

  112. Some seemed to be suggesting that THIS was going to be the scandal that finally brought the Clintons down. It's embarrassing to find out someone you associated with is a rapist and abuser of children but I don't see how it has any bearing on them. If a powerful politician assisted in the cover-up it would sadden me but let justice be served.

  113. I'm so disappointed by this and the other blind. The Eagles as a group were a bit before my time, but I used to really like Don Henley. The Boys of Summer was one of my all time favorite summer songs growing up in the 80s. I had the cassette tape back in the day. I still have collections of all my favorite songs, videos and movies from back then. But knowing this now, I can't listen to this song or Don Henley anymore.

    I used to think that the 80s was the 80s was the decade that was the most fun, and one of the best ever in the history of entertainment. But now I am seeing more and more that so many of the child stars who I grew up with were victimized by people who raped them and turned them into drug addicts. So many of them are now dead. Given what I've been reading about so many of these celebrities whose music and movies I grew up in awe of, I have this sad feeling that I'll soon be experiencing a LOT more dissonance. It seems most of them are mixed up in this global occult/NWO/pedo shit, or were at least complicit with covering it up. I hope they all go down. This one is for all the voiceless victims.

  114. I'm looking for where anyone said that #8 and #9 were "involved" and can't find it in the blind.

    All it says is that #1 did fundraisers for them.

    And it or not most of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is Democrats. I know it sucks when our sacred cows get slaughtered but it is what it is.

    For me, I'm not longer politically affiliated and have no horse in any political race.

    My dream, my prayer, my wish, my earnest hope is to see ALL child abusers brought to justice regardless of their income bracket, politics, religion, etc.

  115. @Elizabeth Smith. Wrong.

    He raped her. She has evidence. He was never charged with that crime.

  116. @DoTell .... Peter Gabriel ... never met him myself but shared a house with a girl who did back in the early 90s. She spoke very well of him in general. He had a studio in that part of the world (maybe still does) - near Silbury Hill. He didn't have a bad name locally. Generally in that part of the world if someone famous behaves like a prick everyone knows and talks about it.

  117. Kevin McCarthy is House Majority Leader and a Republican, and his wife Judy is 52. He's probably the most powerful Republican politician from California. So that all fits. Bakersfield isn't really "Northern" California, and they seem to have met in high school, but otherwise it works.


  119. @Joe...her birthday is December 1964. She doesn't fit.

  120. All these Clinton syncophants concerned with why these two are being associated with the subject of this blind....first of all, they are included to provide hints as to the perv's identity. Quit getting your undies in a twist.

    Secondly...whether you want to admit this or not, IT is a noteworthy association, in light of Bill's known acquaintances with other pedophiles - JEFFREY EPSTEIN. And don't try and label me a Trumptard, because I'm not (and more importantly, Trump's @ss spent time with Epstein as well, so he's guilty as hell too). Bill Clinton hung and partied hardcore w/Epstein aboard his jet, Lolita Express (flight logs prove this), and spent time at his "orgy island". Politics aside, the Clintons are shady people, and Bill is a known sexual predator...why are people so hell bent on protecting him? Same with Trump. I will never understand. I'd call out and disavow my own family member if they were guilty of these behaviors...why are people so quick to minimize and protect politicians they favor who do this, or are complicit in coverups for their pals who do?? Not're no better than the staff at Penn State who covered for Sandusky if you behave this way and try to suppress these allegations from coming to light...

  121. Looks like this is clearly supposed to be the Don Henley scandal given that it has been reported and also who most of the supposed players. Yesterday the abbreviated blind mentioned that the revealer(the 15 yo victim) is married to a 'big California Republican politician.' Again- who would this 'big' politician be????

  122. And if he's not really a 'big california republican politician' (because there really are none that currently fit this description unless Issa's wife) then why describe him as such?

  123. The part that stood out to me the MOST is this part, as it appears history is repeating itself:
    Since so many people knew about it, the cops had little choice but to do something. So they handed the case over to a Detective who was a friend of theirs, an elite golden boy in LAPD. He was friends with the Madam too, and became head of the LAPD "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" in Vice. Mostly his time was spent taking bribes from executives and covering up cases.

    I believe LAPD is doing the SAME thing right now...setting up a task force w/ an ex golden boy detective. When I first read that last week, I called bullshit as I believe this "task force" is basically to accept bribes and sweep everything they possibly can under the rug. Someone will be thrown to the wolves, but it will be someone very low on the totem pole.

    Anyone else see this as history repeating itself and the public getting snowed again by bullshit fake task forces?!

  124. Agree with most that the super sleuths have posted. Jerry brown and Linda were never married as best I recall. Still can't see just how accepting Henley's support means the political couple knew although I guess we all did because I remember that in real time when it happened reading about it. Different era. Nugent adopted a girl so he could bang her. And many rockers were pretty open about their taste shall we say. Just pray the real justice is if it's Natalie that her husband will finally be charged for her murder before he dies.

  125. Yes #7 is Natalie Wood...Dirty Laundry was inspired by her death but its never been proven she was murdered unless Enty knows something we don't!!!

  126. @AprilinParis, I didn't see your comment before I made my comment. Sorry to duplicate everyone. Glad I'm not the only one extremely skeptical about this new LAPD fake task force.

  127. I definitely think it's Sonia Denham. I really love Joe Walsh, and it sickens me that he probably had to have knowledge of this shit show, and yet, continued a relationship w/ Henley...and Azoff for that matter. Azoff manages his daughter, Lucy. Yuck.

  128. There might be a political angle to holding the reveal until 2018. Next year is huge for mid term elections. A widespread scandal impacting Hollywood and other CA elites might affect one part more than the other.

    Politics certainly doesn't matter in terms of the exposure of this horrid story, which seems long overdue. But holding the story now seems odd, and the 2018 elections may explain that.

  129. @dSmith, The Clintons have already been brought down. There is evidence galore out there to put the two of them in prison forever, but for some reason our Attorney General has decided not to go after them. It is now obvious that the DNC wants to distance itself from Hillary, but she is still bitter about losing to Trump and won't go away.

    @ Elizabeth Smith, you are wrong. This is allegedly going forward as a civil and criminal case. Criminal activity leading to obstruction of justice---including bribes paid to investigators and judges involved in the case are reason for a case to be reopened at any time if evidence is presented to rationalize it. Somebody in Henley's house allegedly took pictures of these naked underaged girls performing sexual acts, and one of the girl's (now woman) has the photos as evidence. This isn't just prostitution, it is also child pornography, and it is a federal offense. A police investigator and a judge covered up evidence of a child prostitution operation and hid other evidence to protect Henley. That has always been and is still illegal under federal law, and is also a criminal act in every state. They might not be able to nail Henley on the rape charge, but it sounds like they have a whole lot of evidence to nail him on other counts.

  130. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I worked in the music industry for 35 years. I would believe all of this. It is just like what I read about the film industry....people fall all over themselves to protect the big ticket guys and gals. Everything is so calculated. There were meetings to talk about the images people put out....the stories, the clothes, weight, hair color, who was going to be what in the group (as in one is the hip one, one is the sweet quiet one, etc). Just bullshit. It is all smoke and mirrors. I had several unpleasant encounters with Henley. Also have to throw in Jackson Browne, who is a true douche, as well as Echo and the Bunnymen. They are the ones that I truly remember as horrid people, taking advantage of their popularity to take advantage of people. Have to throw in weirdness from Jimmy Page (Nazi uniforms anyone?). I am glad this is coming to light.

  131. Pretty sure the reporter is Christine Lund. Her Wiki page cites her as being the possible reference in the song Dirty Laundry. She wasn't hounded out of her position though she was the anchor for many many years and retired in the late 90s


  132. thank you roxy and chip whitley!

    1. don henley
    2. irving azoff
    3. david geffen
    4. linda ronstadt (henley's ex, 1/2 of dem power couple at the time)
    5. jerry brown (boyfriend of ronstadt, then and now gov of ca)
    6. elizabeth "alex" adams (beverly hills madam)
    7. natalie woods (dead star, purported subject of "dirty laundry")
    8. bill clinton (a list celebrity who henley did fundraisers for in
    the 90's.)
    9. hillary clinton (celebrity spouse of #8.)

    - the just turned 15 victim with polaroids who is the accuser who got away and was taken in by a family in northern california: jill lamalfa, 51. she went to high school in oroville, ca.

    - powerful gop politician husband: doug lamalfa, u.s. representative for cal's 1st congressional district, located in northern california

    - the "golden boy" detective: mike brambles

    - the reporter: christine lund

  133. Well, Denham's bday is June 18. So, it's not her.

  134. Whore is lucky the pics were taken in 1980. If they were post 1986, then everyone in possession of them would be guilty of kiddie porn charges.

    If I was him I'd just hang my hat on asking the Madam for 18-25y/o whores and blame everything on the Madam, like LT blamed the pimp for bringing a 16 y/o whore. Whores aint showin ID, so a trick can stalk em, and it aint like you can cut their leg off and count the rings.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. This case is going to seriously rock the LAPD. They've been covering up for Hollywood pedophiles all this time.

  137. Yeah, the underage girls were NOT the bad guys here, no matter what you want to call them, Jerkula.

  138. @Rinky, re: Peter Gabriel, good to know. I have never heard a bad thing about him.

  139. @ Cece, where did you find her DOB? I've been searching for it.

  140. What an idiot you are, jerkula.

  141. What is the title of the blind telling us?

  142. partygirlemma: be safe and don't trust in any hollywood creation. it's all pixie-dust and blue smoke. (except for enty and himmmm of course!) i've read rumors about harrison ford and hugh jackman.

  143. LaMalfa is a stretch. Her facebook story says otherwise.

  144. @Do Tell, who said they were bad? They were just whores trying to make some money. The Madam was bad, employing underage whores.

    And what is the criminal charge? Statutory Rape is past the statute of limitations.

  145. @ Polo. I commented on that in one of my posts in the previous iteration of this blind. He made millions from the rape of young girls. He had a relationship with the Madam. He himself had ordered underaged girls from her before. He wouldn't be making millions from doing this as a customer. But as a partner with the Madam and other people...supplying these girls to other rich pedos in Hollwyood....

    He's likely involved in some sort of child trafficking racket with the Madam, which also has been covered up. Perhaps the politician's wife also has evidence of this.

  146. It's long out of print, but if you can dig up a copy read the novel "Triple Platinum" by Stephen Holden, the NY Times' former music critic. It's allegedly a thinly disguised roman a clef about the Eagles and includes events very similar to these.

  147. Hanks, Pitt and Gibson are food guys so far.

  148. woah polo...that's a great question. are you thinking he sold photos and made millions from that? i can't figure out how else to interpret it. otherwise the blind might have been named "he made millions while raping young girls", or "he made millions but was raping young girls". "from" means a direct correlation.

  149. sorry john doe, your comment went up while i was still writing mine. well this would explain why last night himmmm said "Possibly the original charges/case are just an anchor or toe-hold for something bigger. Because the whole thing is H-U-G-E."

  150. off topic, but i have literally gotten nothing done other than follow the news and comment on this site this week. i need an intervention.

  151. @ Just sayin

    I doubt that it was from selling photos. These Hollywood types seem to enjoy taking photos and videos of themselves while they're doing these things. Maybe Himmmmm is hinting that Henley was involved in the child prostitution racket as a partner himself. Would explain the woman's plan to bring criminal charges for racketeering, collusion, and criminal conspiracy. And she is planning a civil suit---with proceeds to go towards childhood victims. All this suggests to me that the angle is an exposure of an organized child prostitution ring. This is looking for and more as though she will be pursuing this under RICO, in which case, state statute of limitations laws will take a back seat.

  152. @ Just sayin, don't feel bad. Same thing here. I have become obsessed with this blog. I need an intervention too.

  153. He raped those girls.

    He made a song about it.

    That song made millions?

    1. That's what I think it is. The blind says he later admitted that the song was about his situation not Natalie Wood

  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. I think the blinds title is Henly making money from the song "Dirty Laundry."

    "Since he split from the band, his new solo career was taking off. He turned HIS "hurt feelings" into a song, which became a global hit. Sure, he said it was about the media coverage of #7 and others, but he later admitted it was about his "unfair" abuse at the hands of a "mean" reporter A song that was spawned by his abuse, rape, and drugging of two children who nearly died due to his perversions."

  156. After all this comes out, I think Marc Elliot should release an updated version of "To The Limit," with *ALL* the parts Henley made him remove.


  157. that's a good point roxy, but i think john doe is right based on himmmm's comment yesterday:

    "Possibly the original charges/case are just an anchor or toe-hold for something bigger. Because the whole thing is H-U-G-E."

    and john doe, i agree, i was thinking waaaayyyy too small when i replied to polo. i was thinking he was part of a pedo-internet-photo-sharing ring. but to make millions he must have been an owner or investor in something disgusting.

  158. The millions he made is probably a reference to the song he made about the reporter.

  159. And the musician is definitely Henley and Dirty Laundry.

  160. Unless he didnt pay them, it is only statutory rape, not rape rape.

  161. @Jercula, you are right. But if this woman is pursuing this as racketeering, collusion, etc. she must have some seriously good evidence. Henley is probably in a conference call with Geffen et al right now---shitting bricks about what they're going to do to make this go away.

  162. @ John Doe, sorry I misread the info (Facebook). Her bday, per Ancestry dot com, is 18 April 1966.

  163. Henley has four children. I feel very sad for them and his wife, when all this comes out.

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. I don't see anywhere in this long blind where it even mentions Republican or Democrat. Is it just assumed that "Northern Cali" means Republican?

  166. I think the blind title refers to making money off the dirty Laundry song. I also think there may be a small red herring to protect the identity of the woman,and despite a possible guess, I think I will refrain because I don't want something to prevent this from coming out.

  167. please god, reward us for our hard work and let there be dna and fingerprints and cocaine on those photos, and let the girl be clearly identifiable, but please don't let the news print copies of them.

  168. @Cheez Whiz: party ID comes from yesterday's shorter version of the blind. "It is a major criminal and civil action filed by the wife of a big California Republican politician."

  169. @ Guesser, I agree. I believe that Himmmmm threw something in there to throw us off. I have been digging----deep. And I can't find anyone who fits the blind as that 15 year old girl. I'm good with her identity remaining unknown for now. Nothing at all should interfere with this from coming out. Although, I can't imagine that her identity is still unknown to Henley, Geffen, and the rest at this point.

  170. OK, then I am just waiting for the the upcoming news story, in a month or so: "Wife of powerful Northern California Republican killed in fiery car accident". Why would this be hitting the gossip pages so far in advance of the actual cases being brought?

    1. It sounds to me like regardless of what may or may not happen before it’s all public, the evidence has been shared and spread out so it would be pointless. It’s going to come out either way.

  171. I’ve also been following these events closely, like other commenters.

    I had plans with a friend to finally watch season 5 of House of Cards, but neither of us want to see it now. I find myself being very cautious about what movies or tv I watch, not wanting another cent of my money to go to these pedo/predator/procurer/rapist/enablers. It seems to be so far-reaching, and is like a nightmare you can’t wake up from. It feels as though there has been so much innocence lost in the last year, and it’s only getting worse.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. The blind says "and found good people up in northern California to take her in. She went to college, found a nice man, had a family and settled down. That nice man she married would go on to a nice career in politics. And with his wife's support, he's become one of the most powerful men in California politics."

    I don't see where it says Dem or Rep, so I'm thinking this is Gavin Newsom (currently Lieutenant Governor of California) and his wife Jennifer, who happens to be a documentary filmmaker.

  174. @ Cheez Whiz: The woman apparently thought ahead and figured that they might try to kill her to shut down the story. She's prepared for that:

    "...Because, you see, those Polaroids she swiped that night? She blew town with them. Years later she found them and put them in a safe deposit box. She now has many copies, including in her attorney's safe. They too will be revealed in her case, along with hospital records, court records, legal affidavits from old cops and Paramedics. There's even a video deposition from the original Madam back from before her death. And the former golden boy detective? He was later caught for his many, many misdeeds and arrested. And he talked too....

    Killing her won't stop the story from coming out. It seems she spent years planning this.

  175. @Cheez Whiz, this worries me, as well. I think this blind will give Henley/Geffen/et al time to cover their asses. But the blind says that she has multiple copies of the Polaroids, including a set in her lawyer's safe; if something happens to her, it can still come out.
    I hope the husband is a politician of enough status to keep her safe.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. @Elissa,

    They are smart enough to know that killing her will not be a solution for them. They may try to discredit her and her husband with some fake shit. This story hasn't really hit any of the gossip sites yet, but I don't think that they will be able to stop it from coming out anyway.

  178. It doesn't say the politician and wife are still in N. CA so yhat opens the whole state.

  179. Anonymous1:54 PM

    @do tell .... One of my dear friends worked with Peter Gabriel for years. She always spoke highly of him. She was not one to suffer fools gladly and would probably have neutered him if he tried anything with her. She spoke of his unflagging support of musicians from other cultures. She loved him. Hope this makes you feel a bit better.

    As for Entry and himmmm....thank you. This stuff needs to get exposed. Just hope it gets to live outside of gossip sites and things do come tumbling down. Time to put all of the handlers who support all this nonsense get taken down in the process. Let the art stand for itself. Quit manipulating the masses with your coverups and bullshit.

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I should just ignore jerkula, but yes, it is rape rape as there was no consent from the barely 15 year old virgin.

  182. @Doe: unless she got proof of a murder w/ the one whore, i dont think there is anything else here the statute of limitations isnt up on. According to google only death, life, life without parole penalty crimes and embezzlement of public money dont have a statute of limitations. Keepimg quiet a hooker OD, who lived, doesnt seem to fit that criteria.

    Whore can smear his name, rightfully so, but I think that is the most that will come of it. Long past time to sue, also. Cant claim repressed memory when she's held onto the pics all these years.

  183. Why would Henley care? He was already convicted of crimes in this case. They can't retry him for anything. Double jeopardy. Civil suit? Nope, far too late to do that. All this can do is make him look bad. So what? No one seemed to care in 1980. Maybe Geffin could be charged with...something. But billionaires don't get actual charges.
