Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Did She Know

This actress is A list. I like to call her B+ list just because I don't particularly care for her. One of the reasons is that she is helping in covering up a very large child sex ring that someone very close to her was involved in. It isn't that she is pleading ignorance it is just that she refuses to comment or make herself available to answer any questions about the ring. She has used her money in the past to support him so indirectly at the very least she helped him with his activities. I would love for her to sit down and answer the questions that so many children and children turned adults have about the person close to her. The person who was running from the law and the accusations leveled against him regarding all the children that were abused and molested in the ring he founded. There have always been whispers about his uncommon closeness to our actress and one wonders if she was also a victim of his abuse. Two of his victims have recently come forward. There are so many more out there. Hopefully they will come forward and share their stories. 


Tricia13 said...

Connect ion. Lautner

ladybaus said...

scar jo and woody allen

Unknown said...

How are kstew and singer close though?

Tricia13 said...

Good one..but he calls her A I think

Tricia13 said...

No...she close to Taylor Lautner and he was involved(allegedly)

MontanaMarriott said...

Elizabeth Taylor best friend Michael Jackson, lol.?!?!

Uhm some actress with a priest for a relative?!?!

This is vague enough to be anyone Enty.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Uma & Quentin

sandybrook said...

Diane Keaton and Woody Allen

Unknown said...

It says the actress has an unusual closeness to the bad guy not the victim.

Seven of Eleven said...

I agree, it's supposed to be ScarJo and Woody.

@Tricia S, he did call her A but said he wants to call her B+ because he doesn't like her. Now we know how the ratings game works.

Interesting level of accusation here, E. ScarJo is secretly funding a sex ring b/c Woody molested her?

The Real Dragon said...

nicole kidman and her dad

dont know how to make it clickable


Jordan T said...

So sad and disturbing

MrsF2U said...

If the conspiracy theorists are right - Nicole Kidman and her father

Tricia13 said...

@ seven..thanks...I thought he did...
And yes..no reliability in this system
More holes than Swiss cheeze:(

Seven of Eleven said...

Clickable for @Dragon: Nicole Kidman’s Dad Dies Amid Aussie Paedophile Ring Scandal

Interesting, but why would they comment on her unusual closeness to her father? It's not like we ever saw him before his death, and unlike Thora Birch's dad, he wasn't directing her sex scenes.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Oh my god @Dragon got it. I seriously feel nauseated now. Nicole's dad is a doctor too. Soooo fucked

sandybrook said...

Well Enty sure doesn't like Nicole Kidman and she should be A list.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Seven- there were blinds about Dr Kidman being very into his daughter's new boobies etc

Tina Mallette said...

Well I find it hard at the moment to take the word of one person though I'd want to make sure she was not a card carrying member of CO$.

There have been many cases of people having this repressed memory syndrome thing who have gotten it wrong, they may have been abused but they don't have the facts because dreams and nightmares and suggestions by other health professionals get all mixed up into reality.

Is this woman blaming her parents as well then as being complicit because the brief excerpt of testimony sounds like her parents served her up on a silver platter.

Tricia13 said...

Wow @ Dragon goooood one!!
Holy shiiiite

Brin said...


Seven of Eleven said...

You're not wrong, @sandy. I Don't Like Nicole Kidman

Brin said...


Eros said...

+1 on nicole kidman guess. Very sad. I hope he rots. I hate pedos.

Dena said...

Wow...if the allegations are true, he was a monster. I think you got this one.

Bitters said...

Holy shit!!! If even a fraction of that is true, I cannot wait for each and every perp to rot in hell and face their survivors in court!
Fuck these monsters, each and every one of them- I hope they all die violent deaths

rolotomassi said...
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Kno Won said...

Drat. I was at a lunch hour presentation.
In PA, all questions of this nature can be answered "Dottie Sandusky".

lemkam said...

Can we please NOT start accusing someone of such a serious crime before we know all the evidence? Doesn't anyone remember the huge child sexual abuse scandal back in the 80's? When the group of childcare workers was accused of running a Satanic cult in the basement which involved the children in their care? It was proved to be a hoax and fake by the FBI but it sure didn't help the adults whose lives were ruined by the accusations.

Everyone needs to be a bit more careful before running off at the mouth.

rolotomassi said...
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Kno Won said...

On the other hand, there's Penn State Athletics, where grown men walked in on the rape of a child and walked back out again.
Children first, everything else later.

Mr. T said...

I know nothing about the website the article was published on, but the accuser is a self described "a whistleblower on the mind-controlling Ninth Circle Satanic Cult operated by Nazis and the CIA". If this is an actual story then the accuser is N.U.T.Z.

Discobitch said...

Is that what CoS has on her?

Tina Mallette said...

That is what I was thinking about lemkam.

Maybe there are more people making complaints but all I read was one person making accusations about 1975. If this person is mentally disturbed, she could have fixated on Dr Kidman for a variety of reasons and it is all in her head.

Now if there other people making similar complaints and there is other evidence to corroborate that something was going on or worse there was a coverup at the highest levels, because if this was some elite pedo ring you know a few politicians had to be involved, then well it is going to be very interesting in Sydney.

Tina Mallette said...

Yes Mr. T that also did not make sense

"a whistleblower on the mind-controlling Ninth Circle Satanic Cult operated by Nazis and the CIA". If this is an actual story then the accuser is N.U.T.Z.

I was not aware that the Nazis and CIA were co-operating and I thought most Nazis were dead, neo Nazis now that's different

and I've never heard of that site, sounds like that tabloid that used to have aliens on the front page

just saying

plot said...

Not buying Nicole and her dad did anything like this. $cientology has it out for Nicole and all psychiatrists, which means her father. Putting out rumors on a dubious website is their stock and trade.

I'd be more inclined to believe this BI if it were part of the pedo ring getting exposed right now in Britain.

If enty is pushing this as Nicole, he's sort of disgusting me right now.

Discobitch said...

Why? Because SoVile and his cronies are the only pedo ring these days? Please. Remember that only came out when SoVile died. Hush ups stopped then and don't forget abt Rolf Harris from Oz too

Eros said...

Good point, lemkam. I'll rephrase my statement, if it turns out nicole's dad is a pedo I hope he rots slowly in hell with a skewer up his ass. *dusting off hands* My job is done here. Lol

Bitters said...

What's scary is that is wager in the next decade or so as some of these powerful people die off we will hear some heartbreaking truths re: abuse

Tara said...

I was thinking Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson, mainly because Jodie/Mel have a weird close relationship despite his heinous actions: it is even rumored that he fathered her child(ren). Which may be the reason she covers for him, as a thank you?

Also, what does Enty call Nicole? She's still almost objectively A and most people can name her/recognize her face.

Unknown said...

Leaving my lurker lair to say that What I don't understand is all of the indignation the "Enties" throw out there when they post blinds like these, and yet they do nothing about this information that they supposedly have. It's as sickening to me as the people who are actually the pedophiles. Drop a fucking dime, people! Make a fake Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, whatever, and EXPOSE THEM! It drives me crazy! If you know about this and do nothing then you're as guilty as the pervs who do it!

Seven of Eleven said...

@Barb, welcome from out of the lair!

You're going to get a lecture soon about preponderance of evidence. It will have both bold and italicized words, and possibly a link or two. Brace yourself!

Astra Worthington said...

lemkam, those accusations were true and they were covered up by the FBI and people in power. They always are, like the Franklin cover up scandal. If the perps are rich, famous and powerful enough they will NEVER be brought to justice. Look at the UK pedo scandal, they've barely touched it and won't, Jimmy Savile is the scapegoat even though he was the procurer of children for the royal family. Not saying he wasn't vile but he's dead and beyond earthly punishment, so most of it will be pinned on him, and a few others that the current elites want to remove from power. The real players will never be stopped, it's horrible but it's true. All you can do, if you aren't going to get out the nooses and guillotines is educate yourself and protect your children as best you can. Sucks but that's reality. People are evil.

Astra Worthington said...

Mr T, it sounds crazy but what I've learned is that it really isn't. The shit that goes on in the upper echelons and circles of power is so insane that it protects the perps from any sort of justice because the people making the accusations sound "crazy". Whether or not the perps do this intentionally to discredit the victims who may eventually accuse them, or they really are all of those things, who knows. But the truth is stranger and more evil and depraved than anyone can ever imagine. I honestly don't put ANYTHING past these people, they are so rich and powerful that they can do anything, they can make accusers look crazy, they control everything. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, remember?

Kno Won, if I had walked in on it, I would've shot him, not walked away. One less pedophile scum wasting oxygen on this earth. They ALL need to be dealt with in this manner, no matter how rich or powerful.

Frosty said...

Wow, gutless Enty! You don't even have the balls of other gossip sites today in naming this guy, yet don't hesitate to pretend to righteous indignation while "revealing" the details for our entertainment.
Gotta get those clicks! Gotta get those ads!

Ashly Richards said...

It is incredibly fucked up that something as ridiculous as that article gets any credence whatsoever. It's such an obvious pile of pig shit.

D Brown said...

I read the Kidman article but it certainly wasn't convincing. The main witness was alleging a ring run by Nazis and the CIA! I'm sure there are paedophiles in Aussie but Nazis and CIA are way too fringe conspiracy theory for my taste.

melissa said...

thank you Dragon for the original link. I wanted to find out more.


this article names the second person who has come forward & names those she has accused

It also provides more links to other reporting on this investigation


this one explains the Nazi angle

The key to understanding organised paedophilia in Australia is the thousands of Nazi war criminals to whom our government knowingly offered asylum in this country.

Making no accusations just offering links

Seven of Eleven said...

One thing about that article is that it said he fled Australia to Singapore to avoid charges. What it didn't say was that his other daughter, Antonia Kidman, LIVES in Singapore, and he was there visiting the grandkids on school holidays.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Rotherham, Rotherham everywhere.

Unknown said...

You know.

If this about Nicole Kidman's father turns out to be verifiable truth, maybe it explains the Cruise divorcing her.

Cruise and scientology beliefs / practice - he may have found out just before he filed for divorce. Not letting Papa Kidman's alleged activities taint Cruise's career.


Carol said...

Controversy surrounding Dr. Anthony Kidman's sudden death ... after child abuse allegations were filed, linking him to an elite paedophile ring. Looking more like Nicole Kidman is the actress.

Unknown said...

Globally, when one is verifiable convicted for molesting / sexually assaulting a child, the law should enact castration + Jail time + then death. There should be no allowance for these types of monsters to claim "completion of jail time" - no allowance for these barbaric animals "reintegration into normal society".


1. Castrate

2. Jail - in a remote part of the world (like North or South poles)

3. Death

Unknown said...
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crila16 said...

OMG...the minute I find out who this actress is, is the minute I will never ever see another one of her movies. This is disgusting and unforgivable...victim or not.

crila16 said...

...and Cruise divorced Kidman because their contract was up. Plain and simple.

Why would there be whispers about uncommon closeness to the actress if it were Nicole and her Dad? I've never heard or have seen odd behavior between them. I have see odd closeness behavior with Jolie and her bro.

Michael said...

The allegations against her father are explosive and if they were even covered by mainstream news media the damage to Kidman's career would be huge. While I can believe that such a ring of powerful and evil men exist I would think they are extremely good at covering up their activities. No evidence is going to be uncovered, Just hearsay. Still...

CoBe said...

Horrible thought but I wonder if this might be the reason the Cruise kids don't speak to her?

Unknown said...

This has got to be one of the most disturbing blinds, in recent times.

MoJo said...

Sandybrook, spot on. Keaton and Allen.

MoJo said...

Or...David Geffen and Cher

BeckyMae said...

++1 @Tina one person saying something happened does not mean it did. This is the first I've heard of it too, there's been nothing in the Aussie media about it all, which is find odd...

Einstein DeGeneres said...

Lemkam, the pre-school trial was in truth a miscarriage of justice. My former therapist was the children's court appointed therapist (the agency was appointed) and he said the questions really screwed with the children. Back then not much was known about interviewing kids in sexual abuse cases. Some of the stuff was made up by the kids but they were, in fact, molested repeatedly.

SVixen said...

My first though was Cate Blanchett and her manager's hubby.

SugarTitz said...

Nick knows why! That's what Tom said of divorcing Nicole. .
Maybe Asston Kutcher and his massage parlors he owns all over la??
And Demi for the actress because it probably started when they were married during their DNA charity they had together about children being kidnapped and sold into slavery.. His massage parlors have come into question here before and I don't think enty likes Demi either. .
Just to be different. ..

Jeff Macauley said...

While this blind item probably is about Nicole and her late father, I can not take the allegations seriously after reading this quote, the abuse having taken place in the Kiama Rain Forest:

“They carried rifles and had a pack of starving Doberman dogs. I was told a group of naked children huddled nearby were my responsibility, I was to run and hide them. Every child I failed to hide would be killed and fed to the dogs. They painted something on my back and chest and then released us. The hunting party reached us… shots were fired and children began dropping all around me. With all hope lost of my saving the other children, I took off and ran for my life”.

That just reads as nonsense to me.

Lady Heisenberg said...
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Lady Heisenberg said...

Derp! Welcome @Barb! :)

Tricia13 said...

Woody Allen is a genuis demented little man...but his crippling neuroticism and lifelong paranoia render him an unlikely candidate to run a sophisticated, far reaching child abuse ring...be barely leaves his apt.unless shooting a film...

Also...he kept his molestation pretty vanilla and in his attic.

SugarTitz said...

1st I think enty loves cate Blanchet
2nd. What about drew Barrymore and Steven Spielberg. Going back to ET.. Isn't Steven rumored to get a little handsy with little boys pantsys??? Isn't he rumored to be One of many to have messed with Shia Labueffe??
Maybe that Henry kid from et?? Spielberg did make a lot of movies for/with little boys??
Just throwing that out there..
Drew is in today's photos too...

Trashaddict said...

I suggest you look at the other "news" on that weblink you posted. Not your typical news stories. Makes the Weekly World look like the New York TImes.....

LoMo said...

Emma Stone or ScarJo and Woody Allen

As to the Nikole Kidman stuff: I have always said, if someone can write a movie script about massacres and abuse, there is defiatey at least one powerful man on earth, who has the same mindset AND the money/power to carry that out.

Sprink said...

Geez. Words fail me.

Dexamyl said...

The story @seven linked for us is so bizarre as to beggar description. Children hunted and chased through the woods, shot, and fed to starving dogs!!??

I'm going to reserve judgment until something more credible is published.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, that woman appears to, at the least, be BPD with some psychosis. She is likely to have been abused, and damaged, however the claims just sound ridiculous. Don't all jump on the now dead Antony Kidman is a murderer and paedophile just yet...

MinPinGirl said...

@Tara - all you have to do is take a look at Jodi Foster's boys and look at actor James Woods. Those aren't Mel's kids no way. She's all but said James is the daddy and those boys are the spitting image of him.

I don't know what you're referring to otherwise about Mel & Jodi. I see Mel as an incredibly talented man who was raised by a horribly (racist/homophobic/etc.) parent. Mel and Jodi have been friends a long time even though he definitely has some pretty fucked up ideas about a lot of things.

He's a raging alcoholic and anyone who has been there on either side of the bottle of alcoholism knows how it can completely turn a decent person into a raving lunatic (I speak from experience). I hope he gets some help and pulls what shit he has left together. I was a fan for years from high school and hate seeing the man he's become.

Why he's being dragged into this convo I'm not sure. Sounds like Jodi Foster probably has some experience with alcoholism too and decided to stand by someone she considers a friend. Let's hope her friendship doesn't get betrayed.

As for this story on Kidman, I'd say its a bit early to be judging anything. I lived where that daycare/satanic "Crucible" shit happened and it completely destroyed people's lives and trust. I don't know what is true or not about the Aussie case but Jesus give everyone a chance to investigate before making up your mind on the word of one person. God help us if it is true.

Eros said...

^ 5 Meme! We think alike girly. No mercy for those who mess with babies.

Unknown said...

Fiona Barnett, who is accusing Dr. Kidman, also claims the CIA recruited Nazi mind control experts to help create child spies.

She also claims to have been molested by two Australian prime ministers.

I am a molestation and incest survivor so I hesitate to call her a liar because we should always assume people are being truthful about their claims.

Maybe Antony Kidman and Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Dutch Catholic Cardinal Alfrink and Bilderberger founder Prince Bernhard and other global elites, really were/are members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult as Barnett claims.

Maybe children and teens were kidnapped, stripped naked, raped and hunted down and killed as Barnett claims.

If she's lying though, she's one of the reasons people don't come forward. It's not just that people are less likely to believe survivors because of the liars. It's also that survivors read these stories and convince themselves their suffering wasn't so much, their abuse didn't include this ritualistic barbarism so maybe it really wasn't so bad.

Also: the way this blind is written it sounds like not only does the actress have knowledge of this child sex ring, but so does the blind writer. Why the fuck hasn't the writer come forward with what they know? Also, why is this blind just coming out now? To be completely vapid, this is great gossip and I find it hard to believe it'd stay under wraps.

I'm all for celebrity gossip but this is gross and feels very opportunistic.

To be honest, I'd rather Barnett be a liar than a survivor of this because if her claims are true, there really is no humanity.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Eyes Wide Shut"

Wasn't that the last film Kidman and Cruise made together? And soon after didn't she take a stage role where she was nude?

And the - divorce + kids al but disown her.

Berry berry interesting (as the accordion player on the corner raises his left eyebrow, deep in thought while curls the edge of his mustache)

Unknown said...

I agree with Lemkam. People aren't anywhere near careful enough with their accusation flinging. You don't know these people nor do you know a goddamn thing about this.

The Kidman stories are pure Scieno payback (same thing goes for the adopto-prop-kids who shun her).

Care about kids? Good. Knock off the phony hand-wringing and endless blathering. Get off your fat asses and DO SOMETHING FOR KIDS. Stop typing. Shut the fuck about it on an internet gossip site. Go volunteer at an after school program, a shelter, a teen center or a hotline. No one is interested in your jacked up, self-righteous indignation and half-baked speculation about "evil celebrities" while you actually don't have a fuck to give. It's just another thing to bitch and moan about.

Cyn said...

That "story" about Kidman was crazy. The woman obviously has issues. I read elsewhere that Kidman had visited Nicole in NY about three weeks before he died. He obviously wasn't "fleeing" from anything, just visiting his daughters.


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