Monday, July 21, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Needs Help

This actor used to be a comedian. He is B list now. He has been on a hit network show for what seems like forever. The past year or so though his life has gone downhill really quickly. Over the weekend our actor was at a hospital in NYC with a high risk wristband. There he was in clothes that were ripped and worn. He was looking as if he had not showered in weeks. He asked a passerby for help using a pay phone and couldn't figure it out and told the person he was having mental episodes and suicidal thoughts which is why he had the wristband. He said that he wanted to go home and to leave the hospital. He had no one with him, but was very kind to the person who helped him with the payphone. It was just a very sad sight to see for a guy whose character has meant so much for so long.


  1. I guess Louie Anderson doesn't fit

  2. I hope he got the right help. Very sad.

  3. I think Montana got it right off the bat.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. But do think it's belzer...his father evidently committed suicide when belzer was 22

  6. I don't know who it is, I don't like to play guess the sick dude, but it hope he gets the help he needs and gets back on track.

  7. I haven't watched L & O in years, but I just googled that Belzer left the show last season.

    I wonder if there were problems.

  8. They've reduced his character to an occasional appearance. Did that push him over the edge or did his behavior cause him to be written off?

  9. Belzer's problems aren't mental. He's been in a physical decline for a while. It's pretty dang amazing he is still alive.

    This isn't him.

  10. It's a comedian. Not Belzer unless there's something I don't know about him.

  11. CoBe, Belzer was a stand-up and known for that before he went into TV drama.

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    scary. SAD and scary...

  13. Belzer is a stand up comedian.

    I like Belzer, if it is him, hope he gets help. I guess whoever it is, I hope they get much needed help.

  14. Thanks Kaye and BlondeB.

    Looks like Montana nailed this one down!

  15. Re: Belzer I hope the very beginning of my career, I worked on the "Homicide" set for a very brief stint and he was one of very few who were very nice to us "little ones" and treated us like we were equals and not just some set PA's. Very nice guy!!!

    1. Wow. My hubby worked SVU here in NYC. He says hands down Belzer is the biggest prick he's ever met. (And let's please keep in mind, he also drove Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin, who, according to hubby were polite to everyone on set. Lol. Go figure!)

    2. @ Soccer mom...i hear ya...maybe he was in a happy phase in his life at the time ('97) or maybe i was a "young cute girl" I don't know...I only worked on a few episodes so I really wasn't around him but a handful of times. I worked with one particular "A" list actor for 3 years and I saw the good times and the bad..90% of the time very nice person but you didn't want to be around him when he was having a bad day.

  16. Oh yeah...Belzer is an excellent guess.

  17. Wasn't there a blind about someone on a long time TV show that was having problems remembering his lines and Belzer was the main guess?

  18. Sad.
    Always liked him. Hope he can turn things around for himself.

  19. I like the guess. I was afraid it was Dan Castellaneta (Homer Simpson), but he'd be A list.

  20. He's very active on Twitter but maybe that's an assistant posting.

  21. he's had testicular cancer in the past, I really hope his health is ok

  22. 40-50 years of cocaine abuse adds up.

    @FSP: I think so. Also a blind about groping broads and getting punched by a costar for hitting on his wife, that Belz was the popular guess for.

  23. I just read he is coming back to SVU next season. Not in a full time capacity, but still he must be ok if he's coming back.

  24. I hope its not richard belzer. Brilliantly smart dude. Whoever it is, I hope they get the help they need.

  25. I don't know if I'm feeling Belzer for this. He did have a nice guest star episode this past season, and he was in good form. My understanding was that he tapered off his appearances on SVU to give the new and younger cast a chance to shine (which is a generous thing for an actor to do with his castmates), and left the show with no drama--he was just ready to retire. I think he lives the good life in his second home in France.

  26. He's also Fonzie's cousin, which was SO obvious once I heard it, as they have the same mouth and other features. I love trivia like Barbra and Neil were in the same high school chorus and all. Small world in NYC, it would seem.

    I'm on the fence, though. Years of coke abuse -- wait, do we know that for a fact, or is it rumoured? -- and MI in the family with his father's suicide, but on the other hand, turtle's points make very good sense as well. Hmm.

  27. Artie Lange, from MAD TV, Elf, Howard Stern Show

  28. Mojo, I'd believe it but Artie would've tweeted that or done a bit if it happened to him. Also he's not used to be a comic, he still performs

  29. Here are some clips from The Groove Tube -- an early Richard Belzer movie. It was an hysterical compilation of skits back in the day -- who knows how it's held up!

  30. Ive read other scuttlebutt that Belzer's mental capacities were declining. It is sad. And this is why it drives me crazy when people are abrupt or rude with the elderly, condused ir MI peeps. Be nice, be kind, be grateful it isnt you- because u dont know how your life is going to go!!!!!!!!

  31. AKM: Yeah, I think the blow use was pretty well documented back in the day on the Stern show and recently w/ the jacked up morning show appearance a couple years ago.

    @Mojo: LOL! Poor fat Artie.

  32. Belzer's probably living at his house in French countryside. My strong inclination is that it is not him.

  33. To be different, David Spade.

  34. Remember Belzer doing stand-up comedy in Scarface?? I think Montana nailed it!

  35. I love Detective Munch!

  36. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I immediately thought of David Spade, too.

  37. Heard this sane Belzer story. He has been a known asshole for many years, but that's sad.

  38. Just going to say Michael Richards to throw someone different into the ring.

  39. Its Richard
    You guys are FUCKING GOOD!

  40. Could it be Cris Kattan?

  41. This was Leonard Belzer. He committed suicide this morning.

  42. Oh. Well I thought of this blind immediately when I heard about Robin Williams and now that I finally found it, I guess he doesn't fit. Now that that's off my mind I can finally go take a shower.



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