Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 11, 2013

This A++ list diva and A+ list singer/celebrity was at dinner this week. She ordered dessert. She was informed though that another woman had ordered the last of the desserts right before our diva and sorry, but would our diva like anything else. The diva called over the manager and told him that if he ever wanted the business of our diva again that he would tell the first woman who ordered that she was out of luck. The manager refused. Our diva got up and walked out and said that no one from her family would ever patronize the place again. Two days later her A+ list celebrity husband showed up and dropped $50K at the place while snuggling with someone, most definitely not his wife.



  1. These guys are living by another moral compass. Deeply unpleasant both of them.

  2. Was the lady that ordered dessert the one Jay-Z brought LOLOL

  3. I don't care for either of them especially BeYonCe. Never think kindly of either whether they donate to any charity organization.

  4. Queen Bey indeed.

  5. For the record, Beyoncé and Jay Z are the only two celebrities I recognize as A+.

  6. Well I guess he just didn't realize that when she said "I FORBID it", she was srs.

  7. And then Solange took him back to her place and screwed him for a record contract.

  8. Awwwwww she wanted to quench her inner fat girl, lol. "DON'T NOBODY MESS WITH MY DESSERT"

  9. Gwennie was the other woman.

  10. I'll bet it was the Crème brûlée.

  11. Cee

  12. now this is delicious

  13. You guys are missing a very important point! What the hell all do you order that totals $50000 ?! Or am I totally naive and that's high ballin champagne and stuff that I'll never taste

    1. Caviar, wine, and champagne are 3 things that come to mind.

  14. JayZ had the $45k unicorn steak, the $1k bottle of wine that Ed Sheeran refused to pay for, plus ten extra drinks comped by Matt Bomer before he fell off the barstool. His date had the Adderall Steak Salad and a virgin martini before going off to find someone for a threesome.

    1. Well that clears that up nicely!

    2. Seven, just got out of Walmart..ugh I read your post and am laughing in my car! Unicorn steaks ROCK!!

    3. :D

      After Walmart, you deserve a unicorn steak!

  15. She basically just handed her husband a place he take women in public guaranteeing he won't get caught [by her]

    1. ^5 hall pass.
      I bet the dessert was cream of crow.

  16. so i started outpatient at a detox facility. today was my first methadone treatment and i feel good.

    rescued an injured kitten on my walk home from the clinic, no jokes, its so cute and in my spare bedroom.

    i'll send pics to who ever wants to see it.

    i'll have my first 24 hrs clean by 7pm tonight.

    time for a bikeride so i can try and lose some of the breakup weight i've packed on. not thrilled about the methadone side effect of weight gain. ugh.

    1. Headrot, I will pray for you that you continue on this wonderful path. My Mom was a methadone clinic Nurse. I thought it was wonderful she used to pray for her patients. I will pray you get a nurse like that or someone wonderful in your life to motivate you. Keep up the good work and let us know how your doing. God bless you and your sweet Kitty!

    2. Congratulations headrot! I was wondering how you were doing. You can come here when your having bad days too! No judging :) btw I have a friend that lost weight twice as fast doing the high intensity workout where it only takes 5 minutes. Google it if you need a distraction and take care of kitty :) I've never tried methadone but suboxone saved my life.

    3. Stay strong headrot! And yes to kitty pics pls :)

    4. Take care- kitties make everything better ; )

    5. Good luck headrot!

    6. Good luck! The kitten was a good omen :)

    7. Congratulations!! You're awesome, strong, courageous & kind... and I'm sending tons of healing intentions and Reiki your way. I'm nuts for animals, & I think they save us after we rescue them... the kitty was put in your path for a reason, & needs you, & will give you unconditional love. I was addicted to meth for 3 years in the 80s (was an entertainer, never skinny enough for them, almost died trying to be. That's back when a size 8 was considered fat, as opposed to a zero being fat today.). Anyway, I never touched the stuff again after 1988. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! ♡ ♡ ♡

    8. Wonderful news Headrot! Keep it up, we gotcha back! Xx

    9. That wonderful news headrot!!! You've got this!

    10. Congrats! I'm rooting for you!

  17. Great stuff @Headrot - hope it continues for you x

  18. Good luck @headrot

  19. Good luck headrot!

  20. @headrot just make sure that you stay active and eat right to combat methadone weight gain. I'm a graduate of the program, 7 years clean and have been off of methadone for 6. A couple other side effects are insatiable sugar cravings (I don't usually have a sweet tooth) and constipation. Eat as much fruit as your heart desires to combat both. Good luck on journey!

    1. *Good luck on your journey! It isn't easy but keep your head up and you can do it!

  21. Good luck headrot.

    Was the kitty badly injured? I wouldn't mind seeing the pics if it's not too much trouble.

  22. @aemish - my thought exactly. As for the $50K, you only get there with high priced wine, champagne etc.

  23. This shit is so ridiculous. Who makes this mess up? If they constantly did shit like this as this site claims they do then why does nobody ever have proof? Honestly. I make up better stories than this during my lunch break.

    1. Jack, it's all about the funny. I guess I love it because no one takes themselves or the stories too serious..if you understand that, you can play along too. Have a great day!

  24. Good luck headrot, one day at a time, you can do it, and good luck for the kitty too:-))

  25. @Gatorgirl, that was my first thought. $50K at a restaurant. Gold-flecked steaks? (I know, I know, all the wine /champagne, but it is ridic.) LOLed at the unicorn steaks above though.

    @Headrot, congrats and stay strong. Pulling for you!

  26. This is the feel good story of the day.

  27. So happy to hear from you Headrot! Thinking of you...

  28. Just wanted to add another voice to the chorus: good luck, Headrot, and congratulations!

  29. The kitten is your talisman, headrot. A very good sign. Always remember how good it felt to rescue her, because it's a representation of how you are rescuing yourself, which is a beautiful, wondrous thing.

    God bless and keep you safe, healthy and happy.

    1. ++++++++1million!!! Perfectly said!!!

    2. Agree. Beautifully said.

  30. Stay strong Headrot. You can do this. I wish I could give you a big hug. You're very brave. If you need any kitty advice, I'm a rescuer and would be more than happy to help you.

    1. Hello, fellow rescuer! You rock! ♡♡♡

  31. This is awesome news, just one day at a time, all the best @headrot

  32. The manager should have brought it over and said the other patron was already eating it but here it is bitch!

    I soooo would have done that.

    headrot: I would love to email you..Not sure how to do so. Nonetheless..I hope you're okay that all of us are rooting for you. You kinda gave us some shit in the past so I'm a little gun shy about offering an "attaboy". (And I did not mean that nasty at all so I hope you don't take it that way.)

  33. Obviously no one has ever told Bey no. Show me a hot looking chick and I"ll show you a guy sick of phuking her...

    Was she white?

  34. Maybe he gave Rita 49,500 for her "company" and spent the other 500 on dinner.

  35. That was Sasha Fierce acting like a bitch that day then he came back with Beyoncé

  36. I have not cared about them since the "crazy in love" video. ugh.

  37. Great going Headrot!! Keep up the great work, one day at a time!

  38. Headrot I'm just an occasional comment interloper here. Cograts and good luck and lucky you and adorable kitten. I'm 3 years off methadone. You need to be extra vigilant with oral hygiene (methadone rots teeth)and yeah the sugar cravings are hard to resist but as someone else mentioned eat fruit!

  39. A big congratulations to Headrot. Stay strong and good luck. I wish you all the best on your journey.

  40. my email is cognitivedecay @ gmail

    i'll post pics of the kitty on my blog in a second.

    she actually just has worms and a really bad eye infection.

    i havent had any sugar cravings yet (thank god) but i did go for a bike ride today and did some exercizes while on a walk with a friend.

    @sherry i'm sorry. if i get the chance someday i'll explain why i snapped, though that in no way excuses it.

    some wonderful older lady in town took care of the kittens vet bill. which was amazing. ok. gonna go post pics now.

  41. Man, he is a playa.

  42. http://realityasfiction.blogspot.com/2014/05/recovery-kitten.html

  43. @headrot It won't let me on your blog?

  44. whoops. let me fix that. check now and let me know if it works.

  45. Got it! Such a little sweetie! I'm so glad you two were there for each other.

  46. How dare you talk shit about Beyonce!

    Don't mess with the queen b*tches!

  47. Their relationship is a joke and hollywood-made relationship for status and money. It's not like everyone doesn't knows this. They can't break up, just like Jolie and Pitt can't ever break up. They're a powerhouse together...and a money machine.

  48. It's not like she was gonna actually eat more than maybe a forkful anyway... And what did he spend $50k on anyway except for maybe the hookers?

  49. That's a ridiculously cute kitten. Good luck with your recovery, headrot.

  50. Shocker! I bet she had no idea he would go behind her back the next day smh. Her little Sasha fierce ego would be shattered, I knew ppl were full of it when they kept saying she was so nice, but this is the Bey I know

  51. good luck headrot the kitty is a sign - a sign that recovery is the way for you and to care about another being more than yourself.

    you can do this

  52. good luck headrot the kitty is a sign - a sign that recovery is the way for you and to care about another being more than yourself.

    you can do this

  53. Head rot-Congrats! It takes a strong person to go through that and admit it. You should be proud. Life will only get better from here! I say don't worry about the weight for now. Focus on staying sober first and cut yourself some slack. One step at a time!

  54. That's great Headrot! and that's sweet about the kitty---helping care for it may be very therapeutic for you as you are going through a rough transition

  55. headrot, I am so glad to hear that you are in treatment. Stay strong…your new furbaby needs you!

  56. Way to go, @headrot! That takes a helluva lot of guts. My the sober gods be with you.

  57. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I call bs on the BI sorry

  58. Thanks for this blind Enty. I had no idea Beyonce was so rude and obnoxious. What she's putting up with to pretend she's a queen and has a husband who loves only her. It's crazy. It must be POWER she really loves. That's what her marriage brings her.

  59. Diamonds and dessert, duh? I think it was a couple grand on dinner, ten thousand hush money and the rest to the WH Ora.

    Headrot, you've got this! What's the kitty's name?

    Count: this is a time to talk pussy. I hate that word. I'm southern and just can't say it unless I'm joking. I just give it a cute nickname and such. I read your response to what you prefer and as all like eww. But, I know I'm Sandy and not Roz. I'll just keep scrolling....

  60. headrot- part of maintaining sobriety is service to others. You've just gotten a nice head start! I agree it's a really good sign. You and the kitty will help heal each other.

  61. Best of luck Headrot, take good care of that kitty. My dog helped me through a really hard time, animals have magical love powers.

  62. Best wishes Headrot!! Off to see pictures of your kitty, have you named him/her yet?

  63. All the best headrot,fair play to ya

  64. you got this, Headrot

  65. @headrot, am so happy for you! During 13 yrs on maintenance, never gained weight. Nor did any teeth fall out--or any of the stuff you hear from other patients.

    Living on sweets & soda, not exercising, & an aversion to floss & brushing are common among addicts. It's mainly a matter of adopting a healthy diet & exercise regime you can enjoy. Supplements like ginseng, a tasty green tea blend etc will also help w detox & metabolism. And lots of water!

    Swapping sugary junk for complex carbs like lo-fat yogurts w/a bit of granola or kashi & berries are satisfying, stop the sugar ups-an-downs, &... are good for you (lived on chocolate & pizza slices back when, but was still young & vain enough to find the results of losing the chocolate & soda v pleasing :).

    Srsly, never had weight gain til afterwards, while Drs tried out various anti-depressants (Cymbalta doesn't seem to have that side-effect, but if you're in pain, NB: no ibuprofen, aspirin, aleve--just acetaminophen).

  66. Anonymous1:28 PM

    OT, please bear with me, Headrot, I've been following this for a little while, and I've been a long time lurker on CDAN, I'm at exactly where you are, I relapsed BAD after my Dad croaked, and I've been off the wagon ever since, I've been married to opiates since 1999 and I've had some sobriety, and felt good, but these things are a bitch to kick, I'm working on getting on Sub I wish you nothing but the best and Stay Strong!

  67. All hail Headrot! Stay strong, and know you always have love and support in the world. Congratulations on your sobriety and living (real) life.

    As for the blind, I would like to know the restaurant more than the assh*le, so I can shake their hand and patronage their establishment for having the class not to pandor to moronic narcissistic asswipes.

  68. A couple days late, but congratulations to Headrot for completing your detox and I wish you all the best with your sobriety. You and kitty have a whole new life to build together :) Stay strong

  69. @lux no completion yet. only on day 3.

    i'll be updating my blog regularly now with pics of the kitten and updates since i dont want to monopolize the CDAN forums with such.

  70. @lux thank you all the same though.

    currently taking name suggestions for the kitten.

    blog has pics of one of my other cats too (also a rescue kitty)

  71. all the best headrot

  72. WHAT just some think because they have some money - is unbelievable .........

    Do you know the saying: "They are so poor as all they have is money".

    I am wondering if they would have to work from 9-5 like anybody else .. Where does this world go is un-fn-beliavable and SAD.



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