Monday, January 06, 2014

Blind Item #9

This A list mostly movie actress not named Sandra Bullock is causing a lot of drama at an adoption agency. Apparently she was supposed to be in the final stages of adopting a child and only had to sign some forms but is having second thoughts. Maybe the new guy doesn't like kids.


  1. Replies
    1. @Derek Harvey is back! Last I heard you were off to see American Hustle then BOOM. Gone for a week.

      "I told you not to put metal in the science oven!"

  2. Charlize and Penn.

  3. Wow - a triple play!!

  4. RUN CHARLIZE RUN!!!!!!!

  5. What's with the dig at Sandra?

    1. I don't think it's a dig. She'd just be the #1 guess.

  6. Yeah, run Charlize!

  7. I think it was more for clarification, BR. I don't believe this is Charlize, aren't they supposed to be just best buds? Which shows incredibly bad judgement anyway

  8. I just do not want to believe this coupling but I fear I am beginning to..ugh.

  9. Charlize theron !
    i can't believe it because she waited 2/3 years before to be able to have her son and if in USA is like in France,you can change your opinion until the end (in France,you wait 5 years before to be able to adopt :the agreement is complicated to have and the waiting list is very very long)

  10. If this is Charlize and she and Sean are dating, they've been together for like a minute, plus she already has a small child. Why would she let some douche ruin her plans?? I hope she's smarter than that.

    1. Flygirl- the power of Dick is strong with this one.....

  11. Whoever this is, if u arent sure, do the child a favor and do not adopt.

  12. @Bacon Raunch :
    Enty wrote Sandra was adopting a girl for Xmas

    some reports in October talked about this rumor

  13. So are we speculating that Theron/Penn are an item? Wasn't she just with Seth Macfarlane?

  14. ^^^^Speaking of ppl who took a long weekend and show back up on Monday^^^^

  15. Not Tara she reported for duty

  16. lmao---hey Krisitn! it was so good eh!?! be back later

  17. Why are people doubting she and Penn are hooking up??? Trip to Hawaii together, getting coffee in the morning in LA.... He obviously has some serious sex game going on. He looks great for 50 and got Scarlett to stink up a new Ferrari on a test drive- he has got some game going on despite his general douchiness.

  18. If this person if having doubts now, they should not adopt the child and let a loving family/person adopt them.

  19. @Uncle Sandybrook I had shit to do (read: drinking. Mostly drinking). You held down the fort just fine.

    @Derek I looooved it. Made me fall back in love with JLaw.

    1. Kristin/Derek - great acting but 1/2 hour too long no??

    2. @texas rose I can see that. It's still my award season fave.

    3. Kristin - I can see nom for best supporting for JLaw. Could be some strange noms coming out of American Hustle because of number of roles - supporting vs. best actor/actress.

    4. Texas rose Lawrence was amazing. They all were. I wish Amy Adams gets her due. She was also great in Her.

  20. Yeah me and VIP kicked ass @Kristin she was taking no prisoners on obscure blinds.

    1. Blah blah VIP is so great blah blah She is my new internet best friend blah blah We're filing our taxes together blah.

  21. TO be different, Anniston

  22. Hmm@Kristin I see some smoldering resentment there but you will always be my #1(especially since you post when you drink) VIP can never walk in your shoes. :)

  23. Well, it is a matter of what you want and what you consider more important, the new boyfriend or the child. If it is the new boyfriend, heaven help the kids.

    You may want to see how the new boyfriend pans out before adopting but given the way boyfriends and husband often don't pan out in the long haul, esp in Hollyweird, why stop the adoption unless you are using the boyfriend as an excuse and someone is really reconsidering the whole adoption thing. Let's just hope the person isn't regretting the first adoption.

    Most single women I know who adopt children already gave up on the male partner aspect of that so why start now.

    Ptherwise, it should be this is who I am, I have 2 natural kids or I have 2 adopted kid or I have one of of each whatever, take it or leave it.

    No man and I mean no man is worth putting your kids or your plans to the side, if he is the right guy he'd welcome your decision to adopt.

  24. As someone who was adopted by a wonderful family at 4 days old who desperately wanted their own kids
    (Both mom and dad)-this really pisses me off. While it's awful to have a kid biologically if you do not want it, its almost worse if you are adopting since there are so many families who will love and cherish that child. These kids of celebs who are adopted are clearly better off financially, but I wonder about all the other, more important things, emotionally/psychologically etc.

  25. Please tell us "the give back" is not going to be the new "gave her baby to a stranger" while she sobbed.

  26. If she's having second thoughts she should NOT adopt. As others mentioned there are long waiting lists and someone else is desperately wanting a child. Whatever the lame ass reason is, best she doesn't get the child. All children should be wanted.

  27. On Am. Hustle, no, it's not too long. IFF there is one problem, it's the way Russell handles Sydney/Edith. She's in the film so much, makes us care what happens to her, only to have her, in the end, serve as a vehicle for Irving's redemption. It's a shame b/c Amy Adams was great (and hot) in it.

  28. Wait I took a long weekend? What's going on?

  29. @texas rose - I absolutely insist you defend your position that Penn still "looks great". Blech.

    1. Cee Kay - have you seen the pictures of him walking on the beach- he is fit. His face is not bad for a 50 yo man. Didn't say he was a model but could get plenty of tail on his looks alone.

    2. Cee Kay - his douchiness may turn you off but he is a hot 53 yo. Don't know how to hyperlink this but check out very recent pics-

    3. He's an anal wart upholstered in 1960s era Samonsonite Weekenders.

  30. If it's Charlize, maybe she put the brakes on the adoption hoping Penn would impregnate her with his demon seed.

  31. Adoption is serious. Any potential adopter should think long and hard and sort out all of the doubts beforehand. Going from one kid to two -- regardless of how -- is also a big change.

    If she's having second thoughts, better to do so now and maybe call it off BEFORE the kid is delivered.

    Also, no way is this "drama" for an agency. They would have seen this before. Definitely cannot be the first parent to panic at the 11th hour. And if they are truly in it to help kids, versus just the paydays, then THEY would be the ones repeatedly asking, "are you *sure* that you're *sure*?"

    It's not like she got the kid monogrammed and shouldn't have the right to say, "You know what, I actually can't." Or have you all forgotten about the other Adoption Mom Enty likes to write about who got "stuck" with her kid.

    If you want to boo hiss that she might not go through with it, well, no one is stopping you from giving a kid a home.

  32. @trudi wasn't there a blind a while back about charlize that she couldn't have children?? cancer or something?? can anyone link that? thxs. isn't that why askars dumped her twice???

  33. He's in good shape, parties as much (if not more) than she does and he is HUGELY respected by his peers and younger Hollywood stars.

    It doesn't negate his douche factor, I'm just sayin'.

  34. @sugarbread I never heard anything about fertility problems, but you could be right about that.

  35. Maybe there's something about the agency that doesn't seem quite on the up and up?

  36. Run, Charlize, run!

  37. why does enty keep saying sandra bullock is A list ?? she's probably a B+ or C but definetley not an A.

  38. It is Charlize. She's been telling everyone that she wants Jackson to have a sibling close in age to grow up with.

  39. @Zili amazo
    Sandra Bullock won an oscar for best actress and her 3 last movies are succefull



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