Monday, December 16, 2013

Blind Item #6

This A+ list mostly movie actress is scheduled to testify in a case where it is expected our actress will admit to cheating on her A+ list mostly movie actor boyfriend and other details of her personal life she doesn't want exposed.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh hai, VIP. I see you got your law degree
      over the weekend.

    2. Yup, saw this on DM this a.m. that she was being called to testify in the News Corp hacking case. I'd love it if it wasn't sealed in some way.

  2. Angie and Brad. Only A+ I can think of.

  3. But what kind of case could that be?

  4. Why does it say 'mostly' movies though... aren't they only movies?

  5. Angie did GIA and Brad Pitt was on Head of the Class and a few episodes of Friends

  6. no Angie did some television…Gia

  7. Angie has done some TV movies in the past. Good luck getting her for one of those now.

  8. I think it's adorable that Enty think actors won't lie on the stand.

    I have been around enough trials to know that anyone will lie on the stand if they know they will get away with it.

    Or just fall back on the tried and true 'I can't recall'

    Enty also said that the Blovinator was going to admit in court he slept with his stalker.

    He denied it.

  9. thanks VIP--you so smart!

  10. Angie might be called to testify in the News Corp phone hacking trial. Pitt has shit for brains. What is he doing with this skank in the 1st place?

  11. Don't think for one minute Pitt doesn't regret the day he took up with her……but he's in too deep now.

  12. Oh... like Brad isn't cheating too... HA!

  13. So I'm taking this to mean she doesn't want the world to know that she and Brad have an open relationship? At least, that's what I've always assumed.

  14. Enty stops to dream ! you won't know nothing on Angelina/Brad

  15. I read somewhere that Angelina might have to testify in the News Corp phone hacking case that's going on right now. It would be interesting if she does testify. That what be a paparazzi/news fest for sure.

  16. I have to take a wicked shit. It's probably going to be a corn shit because I ate corn last night. It could be a peanut shit too because I ate peanuts yesterday afternoon while watching Premier League Soccer. It will probably be green because I had an acid reflux attack last night. It could be black from the Pepto. Could be a yellow India shit too. One never fucking knows about shit.

    What color shit are you, ENL?

  17. Thought angelina immediately when reading thia. I think they have an open relationship though

  18. This one's easy & will make her a hero. Any personal questions she should look straight at the defendants and say "My love life is none of your fucking business". Repeat as necessary.

  19. If I didn't know better her former stunt double is shaking down Angie for some change by threatening to call her as a witness - why else sue News Corp and embarrass your former boss or um perhaps more if you read that DM article. Why not just make a claim under the scheme already set up?

    I don't think the truth or privacy has anything with it.

  20. PS Brad Pitt was on Dallas, he was Charlene's boyfriend for a few episodes.

    1. I remember this! He was so cute back when he looked like he showered daily.

  21. Anonymous10:11 AM

    that lady was her lover for a bit

  22. Brad was also on a couple episodes of Growing Pains. Why do I know this?!

  23. Oh pleeease let this happen. I've had a crappy year and would love some smutty gossip to forget my troubles!

  24. VIP is the best! I hope next year is much better for you, EllenPo. Gossip always helps.

  25. Why would her private life come into question? And I'd do the same. Tell them it's none of their business. I'm sure Pitt is aware of Angie's proclivities to other women.

  26. Why would she have to testify? She's American. She could easily ignore a UK supoena.

  27. Considering the timeframe being covered in the lawsuit is 2004-05, when Brad and Angie "weren't" together yet, it seems like Enty's blind is just wishful thinking here.

  28. Afraid this will be a Tom Cruise buy out. But, for those asking about her privacy, they have tapes! Would you rather the UK press go with what info they get and interpret it, or tell them yourself? Maybe ask Nigella how that went.



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