Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Camille Grammer Says She Was Abused By Boyfriend

Remember how for well over a year Camille Grammer has said nothing but really nice things about her boyfriend Dimitri? You know, things like he has a huge peen and that he is amazing and perfect and the love of her life and how he is everything she ever wanted in a person and if it wouldn't ruin her divorce settlement would marry him. Yeah, she talked about how perfect he was all the time but now that has all changed.

Yesterday on Twitter Camille started Tweeting about how she was abused by Dimitri and hurt by him and feared for her life and had to run away. She says what makes it worse is that she had only been home for two days from getting surgery for her cancer. I think any time is a bad time to get beat by a guy. It was interesting yesterday because on Twitter you had to piece together many many Tweets to get what I wrote in one sentence. It was only because her followers kept asking more questions that Camille said anything at all. It was as if her Twitter followers were playing AMA and 20 Questions and when they asked the right question Camille would answer rather than just spelling it out directly.

Camille says she is going to file a police report because of an incident that happened in Houston when Dimitri hit her in a hotel room.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Lot of love for you Mousy.

  2. Someone forgot to take their meds this morning

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Arsehole meds = beer, bacon + social isolation.

  4. Well if he hurt her, especially while she was going through surgery, I hope she does go to the police. There is no reason for her to have to deal with that.

  5. Yep, no one 'deserves' to be abused.
    You're right Mouse, it's part of denial. The human mind is a tricky thing.
    I hope she gets a restraining order. It must have been pretty bad for her to say stuff on twitter to her fans about it. Odds are it wasn't the first time.

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Women in violent relationships face a plethora of issues which keep them there. Learned helplessness anyone?

    1. 15 yrs. It is a normalization that happens through a Stockholm Syndrome. It takes years and years to even realize or admit massive things, not just to others, but YOURSELF! It is so hard for people who haven't been down rabbit holes to understand, I don't think I would.


  8. The timing is right - new season of RHOBH premiers next week.

  9. I think every 15 year old girl should read Mask of Sanity. Nothing spells out the crazy better than that book. It's long but by the end even a 15 year old will get it. Mothers too often don't, or can't, give daughters enough information at the right time to keep monsters from breeding more monsters.

    1. and EVERYONE should read the Gift of Fear by Gavin deBecker, and go visit outofthefog.net to fill in the rest of the gaps on bpd, narcissism and other fabulous personality disorders.

      If you find yourself all confused and asking 'is it me?' You might be dealing with a sociopath.

      I got a great edumacation on this whole thang from a guy who deliberately preyed on disabled women. I am just grateful I did not get a lifelong STD out of it. I was the snake and he was the charmer. Amazing what he has gotten away with... he is still on the loose, sponging off a woman who ruined her health giving birth to his kid. Three of us attempted to warn her when we all found each other via the Internet.

      He lives in Australia now. I don't think the marriage will last very much longer. I worry for his wife, his kid, and the unsuspecting future victims. He isn't as cute and sexy anymore, but he has a special power to sort of hypnotise women. It is scary...

  10. Sometimes I think people on here are nasty to Enty/ies forgetting what they are- they are talking about what Camille wrote- regardless of the reasons why she wrote it, it is what she wrote.

    Stop being over sensitive- Jesus!!!

  11. How come ANY time something is written, even vaguely, about abuse, those that have been abused lash out hysterically? We get it - you know all about abuse, and no one else does. And it's totally unfair that no one wrote stories on the internet about your abuse and no one understands your suffering.
    It's the same with mental illness.
    It's bullshit, it really is. Does playing the victim help you in any way?

    1. You said it better than me Jodi

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Jodi: the only abuse I cop is on the road (I'm an aggressive driver), and in the moshpit. Having worked w victims/survivors of violence, I still have my bit to say. But I do agree there's a lot of inappropriate self disclosure on this site.

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      And.....Jodi.... I've found there are two groups of people in this context : victims, and survivors. Survivors say hell no! Victims can tend to perpetuate the same patterns over & over because its familiar, and (total contradiction) safe.

  12. @Jodi I think because once they've been a victim, there's a certain level of comfort in always being the victim. I don't get it either. I have been a victim, and I've had enough therapy that I feel no shame from it, but I'm sure not gonna sit and wallow in what happened to me a million years ago either.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Cee Kay: it's learned behaviours, well entrenched learned helplessness.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      And this, Cee Kay, makes you a motherfuckin survivor

  13. Hey - this is a gossip site also- Look at the source- Does anybody think there is a chance that she is just using this to stay in the news, maybe get some sympathy, and maybe even get back on RHOBH. While reality star famewhores may actually get abused sometimes, how much do you trust we are getting the truth. When false accusers lie about it it makes it that much harder for real abuse victims to step forward. None of us know what really happened between ( and please careful with responses like ' I watched her on RHOBH and I don't think she would make a false accusation' ) NONE of us know what happened between them- I'm just throwing out the other possibility because everyone seems to have immediately believed her claim.

    1. In fact - anyone that isn't a little skeptical of her claims is not being objective. I don't blame enty for being a little snarky.

  14. I thought she just said it happened and didnt give names. How do you abuse someone after surgery down under? Raping her? Not giving her her meds? Its pretty vague, but if it was forcing sex, he deserves to go down for it.

    1. My husband regularly freaks out on me when I am ill and in pain. He doesn't hit me, but he gets really angry and resentful, and gives me hell when I can't cook for myself. We always argue. The abuse is not physical, but the stress level gets so high that I do not dare do any cleansing that might heighten my moods as I try to clear the crap out of my hurting liver. He is a very sweet man, my husband, but also very angry and passive aggressive. It is like dealing with a three year old in a 60+ yeal old's body. I am really scared for our future because I can see his cognitive ability dissolving (he has MS) and I am not getting well as fast as I had hoped bc I am being affected by electromagnetic field poisoning, and I think he is too. We have run out of money, and must get out of where we are. I really don't know what we will do if we don't go soon.

      I am saying this bc people see us and we look normal and healthy, and we DO love each other, but abuse can happen on many levels.

      If she is recently more vulnerable bc of surgery, it can trigger deep resentments due to caregiving demands. I can see this happening to Camille, bc she put up with world-class asshat Kelsey, bc she crowed over her new guy, and JUST MIGHT HAVE picked yet another dipshit. It would not be the first time a pattern emerged.

      And. She could very well be the Drama Queen to end all Drama Queens. And maybe? All of the above.

  15. Timing is suspect w/ RHoBH about to premiere, but she's not even on that show anymore so... Anyway, this twat will do anything for publicity. Not saying it didn't happen, but why would you tweet about something like that??? Esp. before you reported it? I find it all suspect. I bet they broke up, she's pissed, alluded to abuse via twitter and said just enough for people to jump to conclusions but not quite enough to get sued. She's a player that one. ALL THAT BEING SAID...if she's being abused, get help, file a report, and get it done! Don't play it out on twitter

  16. A judge just granted her a restraining order --he has to stay 100 yds away from her and her children.

    TMZ has pictures of the her phone that he smashed and the hair he pulled out of her head.

    She isn't on Real Housewives at all this season and she just got out of the hospital--I don't see what it would benefit her to be putting this out there if it wasn't true.

    If anything it is going to cause her problems --she's already had trouble over custody of her kids--Kelsey could use this --the guy was living with her and the kids.

  17. Because of her manipulative and self-serving track record, she has to prove her claim before I'll believe it.

  18. Isn't the show starting up soon? Publicity maybe?

  19. I'm with Elle, Camille is something else. She basically got booted from the show for being boring so here's one way to get back in the news.

  20. What kind of cancer does she have?

  21. It says she had endometrial cancer, so she had a hysterectmy. If it is true he sat on her I don't see how she made it down to the lobby. Also if it lasted 40 minutes, her head would have been swollen. There was a tuft of hair, but her. Face did not look that bad in the pics. She could have still been beaten but if she was two days out of the hospital from a hysterectomy, ummmmm.



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