Monday, June 17, 2013

Charlie Sheen Fires Selma Blair

It is a very strange world where Charlie Sheen gets to fire people. After Selma Blair complained to the executives at Anger Management about Charlie and how he is always late and has a terrible work ethic, Charlie fired Selma. According to TMZ he informed the executives that if Selma showed up to work today, Charlie would not be there and that he feels she is out of line considering Charlie is the star. Charlie supposedly wants to offer Mila Kunis $1M an episode for 10 episodes. I don't think Selma Blair makes a $1M a season. So, yeah, not exactly a wise financial decision which is not surprising considering we are talking about Charlie Sheen here. I know I have at least one blind about these two. Selma has had LOTS of issues in the past which is why it is funny that she is criticizing Charlie. For her to do that, he must be really, really bad.


Linc said...

Am I the only one who finds it interesting that he's going after Ashton's girl?

sandybrook said...

Why would USA pay anyone that kind of money for a show that generates no interest at all? Maybe Charlie is saying he'll pay her himself?

Anonymous said...

enty i know how y feel after a drinking session now..jesus bad hangover

MontanaMarriott said...

I thought the very same thing, hmmm revenge maybe?!?! @linc

Kels said...

I never liked her but men like him are disgusting. How did he get so much power from just having a peen?

a non a miss said...

Reveals or it didn't happen

sandybrook said...

He got ratings and ratings equal power and the network heads are suck up douchebags. In any case Charlie is a complete loser in every way except his bank account.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Does anyone actually watch "Anger Management" any more?

HannahBanana said...

Nope! Lol, first thing that popped into my head! The circle will be complete....from Demi, Charlie, Ashton to Mila! Gotta love it.

Mel said...

I thought the whole thing about Charlie Sheen is that he's always fucked up but his work ethic is impeccable.

Unknown said...

yeah @mel. i guess that is also slipping now.

Anonymous said...

I saw the show the other day and he's got that gravelly two pack a day twenty year smoking habit voice now. He only sounds like himself when he speaks in his higher register. He looks so gaunt, with shadows under his eyes, he's shaky, and the timing and flow of the show just don't work for me. It's all hackneyed, all straight delivery , it doesn't have any of the camaraderie, flow, lighthearted stuff that Two and a half men had.

Just Another HR Lady said...

I've tried a few times to watch Anger Management because I always loved Charlie on Two and a Half and I'm a longtime fan, but it's painful. Actually I stopped watching Two and Half the last season he was on, just because it was painful to see him deteriorating week by week.

Why is Anger Management still on tv? And why hasn't someone forcibly thrown him into rehab?

SueRH said...

I still think he is a brilliant actor.

Shocky said...

I want to know more about Selma's issues! I think she's great.

Katie said...

She was in rehab at the same time as Britney

MadamChef said...

I didn't even know Selma Blair was on that show! She's fantastic.

Anon said...

At least he didn't choke her out in a public restaurant that no one noticed except the cameraman .

Susan said...

Ummm. I so need to know about Selma Blair's skeletons. Spill it, PUHLEASE.

Shocky said...

@katie thank you, I had no idea

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@susan: it prolly has something to do with her being a skeleton, she is so skinny lately.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Oh, and not at all believable as the sex kitten she is supposed to be on this show.

OKay said...

@Sue How exactly is Charlie Sheen a brilliant actor? He shows up, plays himself and goes home to his hookers and blow. He likely had some promise at one time (can't really remember anymore; that was a looooong time ago) but he's just a joke now.

Megley said...

Who better to call someone out on bad behavior than someone who's displayed her own bad behavior? And if she is trying to stay sober, why is she working with that "one-foot-in-the-grave" piss-poor excuse for a father?

auntliddy said...

all I can think is she wanted to be fired. Because it wasnt smartly done.

lazyday603 said...

I love Selma Blair. At least the screen version she presented in her 20's. The pouty rich girl vibe just does it for me.

jensun said...

Every time I have seen an episode (maybe 4) I marvel over how the cast seems to be a collection of second-chance misfits. Like Charlie has gone out and collected all of the people no one wants to hire because of their drinking or drugs or bad habits. I always wondered about Selma, but clearly I may be on to something considering the hints here...

Pip said...

I like Blaire. Sheen is A POS.

Krissie said...

I hate that we live in a society where someone like Charlie Sheen has this kind of money and power. Sickening.

Sherry said...

Spill about Selma...Please!

NaughtyNurse said...

Reveal! Reveal! Reveal!!

car54 said...

I don't know--there would not be a show if there wasn't a Charlie--and he comes with his own baggage. It probably wasn't smart of her to complain.

I have a feeling she is being fairly well paid if not the $1M --to put up with it if he's late. If the producers or a network has a problem that's one thing--but it's really not a cast members place in my opinion. I doubt many people watch just for Selma.

Bit dams said...

Charlie thinks he's Donald trump. jerk. and yeah, going after ashton's girl is a bit obvious. isn't his going after the producers what started his fight with 2 1/2 men?

PS said...

I thought Selma's rep was pretty well known- not very nice, miserably neurotic, eating disorder, bouncing between anorexic and bulimic and a massive coke fiend. And a drunk. She's quietly been to rehab more than a couple times. I think she has slipped again.

PS said...

P.s. not that Charlie is the angel. He is bi-polar and treatment resistant. He has great docs who have him on the right cocktail of drugs, but sometimes he doesn't take meds or needs them tweaked, and that's when we see his crazy. But, throughout, one thing has remained true and consistent- he has an impeccable work ethic. He and Keifer drink that cool aid .... Both are on time, ready and professional, and it's why they still have careers and are still alive.

Bangagong said...

I clearly remember one time that she went to rehab (there was a public statement) but I can't remember if she was still married to Ahmet Zappa when she went. I definitely recall that they married quickly and broke up quickly. If they had already broken up by the time she went to rehab, maybe drugs were the reason. Frank Zappa was adamantly anti-drug and I doubt any of his children would want to disrespect his memory by using drugs or tolerating drug use in others.

evie2345 said...

Funny this is all happening as the ratings are in a free fall and the network is stuck with the show. Trying to create drama and publicity? Or yet another story of Charlie not being great to work with (shocker)?


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