Monday, June 03, 2013

Animals v Mirrors Super Cut


G said...

I have never EVER had a pet that responded like that to a mirror. Matter of fact, I just put my cat in front of the mirror and she looked up at me like, "What are you doing, you idiot?"

chumsley said...

My cat had a WTH reaction the first time she saw a mirror but she was quick to figure it out...kind of like she now knows that she'll never be able to catch the red dot!

Sweetiebird said...

I know I'm a horrible, horrible person, but as much as I love these kinds of videos, I f*(#%ng can't stand to hear the people laughing behind the camera. It's worse than nails on a blackboard to me.

Tru Leigh said...

Fun fact: A chimp will see himself in the mirror and eventually will realize he is seeing his reflection. A monkey can look himself in a mirror everyday for 20 years and never figure it out.

miss Z said...

My cat doesnt respond to his reflection cute the orange cat at the end

miss Z said...

My cat doesnt respond to his reflection cute the orange cat at the end


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