Thursday, March 14, 2013

Casey Anthony Is Pregnant

The Enquirer is reporting that Casey Anthony is pregnant. They state that Casey has told numerous friends (wait she has friends?) that she is pregnant and that she is being taken care of by a very rich man who will give her anything she wants. Well, just because you are rich does not make you smart or think with your big brain instead of the little one when it comes to having unprotected sex with a baby killer. I hope The Enquirer is wrong because if they are right and she is one month pregnant, which seems awfully early for her to even know unless she is trying, then I hope someone takes the baby away right away. I can't handle another dead baby from her hands.


Steampunk Jazz said...

Oh Dear God...

SusanB said...

please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong........

I live in Florida - should I notify Family & Children's Services now or wait until the poor child is born?

auntliddy said...

She's a tangle of mental issues, and should not be having any children. In other words, shes crazy and may very well kill this baby too. If its even true.

discoflux said...

I don't really have a hard time believing she's the kind of person who would do toddler sex trafficking. Who knows what the millionaire wants?

I know that I'm jumping to a worst case scenario here, but it's sadly not far fetched for someone like her.

LottaColada said...


FSP said...

Why would a millionaire even bother with this cunt?

mikey said...

If there ever was an argument for forced sterilization....

If she is pregnant she has to know all eyes are on her and that baby forever.

Cathy said...

Not going to get my panties up in a bunch until I actually know if this is true - this girl isn't worth it.

Meanie Rhysie said...

If this is true, I'm not surprised. Oh gahd, please don't be true.

Goodnight said...

I think woman completely deserve autonomy over their own bodies, but people like her are a strong argument in favour of chemical sterilisation.

Agent**It said...

"The devil is dancing tonight."

audrey said...

I hope this is just one of those fabricated stories the Enquirer uses as column filler.

Anonymous said...

I really think that this is just to sell magazine, if only because they're saying she's a month along.

Maximus said...

Said it before, will say it again: Any asshole can have a baby, but you need licenses to drive and an ID to vote?

crila16 said...

Wait...didn't she just have money issues like a week ago? Now all of a sudden she's pregnant and being taken care of by a very rich man? I think if she did say this, she's full of doggie doo doo. She's a compulsive liar.

Mama June said...

@Agent, Ha! I damn near just choked on my apple!

+1 for forced sterilization in this case. I wish Dr.'s could have a low cost tubes tied/vasectomy day kinda like some veterinarians.

Anonymous said...

I hope its not true. I agree if anyone deserves to be sterilized she's at the top of the unfortunately long list.

MadLyb said...

The first comment was my exact reaction.

timebob said...

I think she is just back to spinning her lies. She had also told her mother that a 'very rich man' was going to take care of her and Caylee before she 'accidentaly died'.

She just can't deal with the fact she is broke.

If she is pregnant I wouldn't be surprised if that lawyer is the baby daddy. He seems prety fixated on her still. Even Jose Baez knew to dump her.

AKM said...

I hope this isn't true.

RE: Enty talking about another dead baby...I WAS going to say that the odds are pretty good that she wouldn't be stupid enough to do it twice, but then I thought of Paula Sims.

Mutableblue said...

+1 sterilization

Its just U said...

I really hope this thing isn't having another child. If she actually is pregnant it would only be a prop for her to show people what a 'good person' she pretends to be.
I am 100% pro choice but even I know when forced sterilization is a better option. Unfortunately she never got convicted so that isn't even an option.

La Descarada said...

Spay and neuter these birches is what I always say. I want to throw up after reading this.

Gayeld said...

I'm going to jump on the "please don't be true" bandwagon. I really hope either she or the Enquirer are lying.

Robert said...

I knew it! She should have been spayed.

yawnathon said...

From what I've read, she and her attorney Cheney Mason have more than attorney-client privileges, if you know what I mean...

La Descarada said...

Bitches** gah. Damn you autocorrect.

delete account said...

If God supposedly loves children so much why does he give them to bitches like this? I'm well on my way to turning into an atheist, I am so fed up with not being able to have a child myself while "God" is busy giving them to people he knows is gonna abuse them or kill them.

Serendippity do dah said...

Please let it be untrue.

Lelaina Pierce said...

The thought of this possibly being true makes me nauseous.

Anna V. Xol said...


cricket said...

God I hope this isn't true. Getting sterilized should have been a conditiom of her release.

MissInfo said...

I pray this is not true. If she was to kill another innocent child, I would bring a caravan of folks to Florida that will gladly deliver the pain!!

Anonymous said...

of all the hoes to fuck in florida, you rawdog a baby killer


Sherry said...

She may not be pregnant but she will be one day. The chances of her never having another child is slim. She got away with murder once. Hopefully it won't ever happen again.

erika said...

seriously...i wouldn't be surprised if a murder/kidnap plot came to light if this is true. there is still some major casey hate in florida, wasn't there talk about her safety AFTER the not guilty verdict?

Grace said...

One month pregnant is not really something you'll ever hear anyone say. Your pregnancy technically begins the first day of your last period, so you are technically counted as 1-3 weeks pregnant when you conceive. Most women find out around 5-6 weeks when they miss their period. And no woman says "1 month pregnant". They'll say "7 weeks", "6 weeks", "9 weeks". I call BS

L said...

I just saw an Enquirer headline that implies she's been sterilized.

Li said...

I call b.s. on this as well. Complete column filler. Not hard to write considering she made comments about a rich boyfriend while Caylee was alive, makes it more believable.

Kitty said...

The only NE story I can find on this dates back to July, 2011:

car54 said...

If she has a rich boyfriend why doesn't he pay her legal fees --why is she going to court declaring herself indigent?

I've been afraid she'd want another baby--probably for the attention.

I'd rather see them give that baby to Octomom to raise before I'd give it to Casey or her family. In the end it will end up with her mother who is as crazy as she is.

Hope this isn't true. I saw her the day she went to court on TV and people were screaming at her. I'd be afraid what someone would do to her or the child if she is pregnant--people are very emotional over her case.

1Jazzimom said...

This would be a tragedy waiting to happen if true!


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