Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bobbi Kristina Is Pregnant & Suicidal

Will you look at the cover of The Enquirer above? Tell me a story you don't want to read when you are standing in the checkout line. I'm not saying you would buy it, because then people would look down on you for buying it, but it is pretty amazing. If Bobbi Kristina is pregnant, it has not caused her to stop chain smoking. Is she suicidal? Maybe. Drugs? Absolutely. Did you ever watch any episodes of that show featuring Whitney's family? Al I have to say is that when Bobbi was being filmed I was dying for subtitles because she mumbled and talked so silently you could never understand what she was saying. It was like watching the Anna Nicole Smith reality show.


SusanB said...

When I go to the grocery store this weekend I'll read the Brad Pitt story in the checkout line.

All about Eve said...

Hopefully this isn't true, that girl can barely take care of herself let alone a baby!

greenmountaingal said...

I know this is mean, but poor Bobbi K really got beat with the ugly stick.

evergrey said...

This poor girl is a hot mess. I hate to say that somebody is hopeless, but in her case, it feels that way. She never had a chance.

Discobitch said...

More interested in the Dolly story!! Let me know what happened!!!

skimpymist said...

I'm going to read the pope article

Unknown said...

I wish she would use some of her inheritance to fix her teeth...

NomNom83 said...

More interested in the Dolly and Brad stories...

But, yes, sad about Bobbi's issues. There is no good time to lose a parent and grief is a complicated processing of emotions. I hope she makes it.

hunter said...

Shame she got Bobby's face as well as his name. said...

@greenmountaingal if she's pregnant AND suicidal I feel that her looks should be the least of our concerns. Just my opinion.

I really feel sorry for her.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@S. joy: I co-sign what you said! Kid is rumored to be pregnant and suicidal and one can only think to snark on her looks?! I made my Dolly joke up above because...well, this story makes me sad. I hope Bobbi's able to pull through and be happy. said...

@meaniereese us CDANers are naturally snarky so I took no offense to your comment :-) But its been said over and over again that Bobbi K is unattractive, that's already been established. Looks aren't everything and this kid has had such a tough life! My heart goes out to her :-(

OAN: I try not to ever respond to comments that offend me, I usually ignore them. I'm slightly annoyed with myself for even replying.

Pip said...

Since when was the Enquirer a reliable source for info? It's pure shit. Bobbi has the same thing the Willis girls suffer from. Having a beautiful mother, only to come out looking exactly like the dad.

Unknown said...

I don't think she's unattractive, but teeth are such a focal point on a person's face, I think she would look better and healthier if she got her teeth fixed. She has enough strikes against her with drug addicts for parents.

Dany Girl said...

Right?!? Why didn't they get her braces.

nunaurbiz said...

I watched one of those Houston family shows the other day. OMG talk about being a scripted reality show in which NOBODY can act out their part! And BK is SUCH a brat! The episode had her and her cus/bf/whatever moving into their "own" apartment, which was completely arranged and furnished by her aunt Pat. BK calls her up to thank her and then suggest she needs a dinner party to celebrate ... all of which Auntie Pat has to arrange because BK has NO CLUE how to order dinner, much less cook it!

And she keeps being asked about/talks about her "career." What career?!?!?!?!

Agent**It said...

Probably made up drama to promote themselves. Pat is an evil witch .

cricket said...

I never watched their shit show,but just from the ads for it Bobbi K came across as extremely bratty and unlikable. I would read the stories about Dolly and Brad. Bobbi K is not a celeb as far as I'm concerned. She has famous parents, but she hasn't done anything.

Pip said...

Wasn't the show filmed after Whitney's death? I'm in my mid twenties, older than Bobbi, but from what you described, I had the same attitude after losing my dad. I think it is less about immaturity or being spoiled, and more about mourning. Anger is a huge part of the grieving process, you hate the world.

While I have my own life, house, and family, Bobbi is still young and maturing. To lose the parent that (I assume) was still raising you, has to be devastating. I hate entitled brats, but I do understand why she would act out. I'll give her a pass.

Jazzy said...

That show was 10x worse than Anna Nicole. That Pat is an enabler and money hungry. She's enabling Bobbi Kris like she did Whitney.

Eeekalicious said...

Nobody looks good with their mouth open! I think BK is very pretty. I also don't really agree with putting down kids' and teens' looks. It's something they can't help. I feel sorry for the Willis girls. Imagine having a beautiful mother, and the world calling you ugly! I just think it's being unnecessarily mean.


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