Sunday, December 30, 2012

Time Lapse Video Of A Father With Son While Mom Is At Work

A very fast four minutes and the most amazing thing to me is that the dad never turns on the television. There are no naps. He just entertains his son for the entire day.


  1. Lol I'd like to see what really goes on when the dad doesn't know he's being recorded!

  2. According to the clock in the background, this took place in an hour and a half?

  3. Agreed @katsm
    what's really amazing to me is the cleanup at the end.

  4. Adorable! I know my husband couldn't even manage that for a day knowing he was being recorded!

  5. Damn, is that dude manic? Kids need some down time/ alone time.

  6. Sorry but I'm completely unimpressed. Anyone that has ever babysat a kid or had your own will be wondering when he vacuums, how messy the kitchen is, when does he dust, how many loads of laundry did he get done, and most important, did he have dinner ready for mom when she got home? It's also important to teach the kid to entertain themselves so the chores get done and the kid doesn't turn out completely relying on others for entertainment.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Sorry, but the care of the child is paramount. If the laundry never gets done, if Mom has to swing by McDonald's, no matter. Take care of the baby. The other stuff will wait.

    2. I agree, someone very special once told me to think back to my childhood, and remember if the house was tidy, all of my memories were of great Christmases and playing on bikes.... The house was probably a mess x

  7. Adorable. My husband does this with our baby. Wish a video like this didn't seem unusual and instead was the norm. We'd have a lot more babies growing into we'll-adjusted adults.

  8. This is not a full day - check out the clock. So dad, in 90 minutes, played with, changed, fed, played with, and helped clean up with a toddler. How is this amazing? A lot of dads do this (and some don't bother to clean up).

    Also, if it were a full day - I'm sorry, but KIDS NEED NAPS. They're not a convenience for parents, unless you count not having a very cranky, overly tired toddler a convenience.

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    He seems like a very involved Dad, I'm with Katsm, it would be interesting to see if this is how he is all the time. Hopefully he is. It does seem like alot of overwhelming attention,
    @Renoblondee, but then I don't have a kid so, maybe this is what babies need?

  10. A lot of people do chores when the baby naps and I imagine this baby has lots of down time. I think this is super sweet.

  11. Just wanted to say Happy 2013 to everyone! Such a happy, positive post makes me a mush. I hope this year brings you good fortune, good health, and lots of happiness :)

  12. That is a really cute film, cute family... But

    This must be one of those legendary two-year-old's that I have heard about. The ones that don't cry or need a nap...That eat what they are given....

    I would get into not letting your baby stand on the coffee table, but the folks whose parents let them ride on luges downhill headfirst without helmets will start up...Oh, and don't let them go in the trunk EVER.

    Other than that, the film is adorable!!

  13. Don't believe I've ever seen a man be so attentive to a baby for so long. Kudos to those who have husbands like this.

  14. And happy New Year to YOU Yawn!

    I am with Katsm. While it's sweet this dad is spending time with his child for A WHOLE 90 MINUTES. Washing the clothes and all the other stuff at the same time is the real heroic feat. And plenty of dads do. Studies show, however, that women still do more.

    1. @Sherry - Thanks, babe. Cheers to you & the Opster. Let's catch up soon. Xo

  15. can't we just be happy it isn't a post about a 12 year old tween star being boinked by a 30 year old?

    1. No @time bc that would be unusual. A dad playing with his kid is not unusual.

  16. it's not unusual in Hollywood sadly.

  17. Right. That's the part that bugs me - that it's made out like guys never play with the kids and oh, isn't this so sweet and unusual. It is very sweet, but not unusual.

    I'm a little cranky this morning - had to clean up someone else's giant mess at work this morning before I even had coffee!

    I did love that he made a giant mess and then cleaned up with the little one.

  18. 90 minutes is not an entire day. Good god... talk about underestimating the abilities of dads.

  19. The clean-up IS impressive however; instilling the habit of cleaning up after themselves is something not enough parents teach their children. Guilty. My older two are terrible at this, because I always just did the cleanup as it was faster. My toddler, I am doing things differently with her.

  20. It's cute, but he's not exactly father of the year because he filmed his own 90-minute reality show portraying himself in the best light possible.

  21. I'm with @Katsm. While cute, it's a shame that it's viewed as unusual or some amazing feat that he entertained his kid for 90 minutes.

  22. You never know where a viral video comes from: dollars to donuts the wife posted this on Facebook or whatever for friends and family and it took off from there. I agree that people can be famemongers, but not everyone is that way. I, for one, enjoyed this video. It was creative and cute and it is something my husband would send me to show me what he and the babe spent the morning or afternoon doing.

    A lot of posters seemed to think the dad in the blind a few posts back was a shitty person for choosing his sex life over his kids (and I agree that the father in the blind sucked for not being honest, especially during the holidays), so why can't folks give this dad a few props? Even if he sucks at chores or only spends 90 minutes a day or every other day doing this - it's heartening and positive.

  23. @yawn I don't give props to people who are just doing what they are supposed to be doing.

  24. I hear you, @Kats. I hear too many stories about absent mothers & fathers. Nobody is perfect, but this video me happy. My mom loves to say that babies can never have too much love or attention. The little guy in this is just a toddler. He's lucky to be loved, and we'd be lucky to have more mothers and fathers involved with their children. I guess we can agree to disagree on this.


    1. Yeah let's disagree bc I'm not into smothering kids and making them dependent on others

    2. @Katsm. Ok. It's really not that big of a deal - and I'm a bit surprised that you twisted my comment. Erm, what did I do to make you pick on me? It's a cute video, can I have my opinion?

    3. Kats
      Loving a child is smothering and will make him dependent on others? Smh
      Don't reproduce.

  25. Aren't we all just in precious moods today. There are sadly a ton of absentee dads out there. This video was a nice view of what should be a normal day.

    1. @Smash. I thought I was going crazy thinking I was the only one. I'm going to grab a mimosa and snuggle with my babe, and be grateful that I have a family right now. In light of recent events, I won't let myself be shamed into being positive and counting my lucky stars. Cheers to you!

  26. maybe e should go back to posting about tweens having sex since there's no pleasing some people on here...there are some of us who would be happy just to have their kid's their life...take a fucking chill's a father playing with his baby for...god forbid...90 minutes...

  27. Jesus walks on water. Man watches his own child for an hour and a half and cleans up after him. Next miracle at 11.

  28. Ok I get it Katsm you're not impressed. Did you have to tell us five fucking times!!!!

  29. Katsm, are you a troll doing this for your amusement, or are you really just this miserable a person? Don't you get tired of being a pill day after day after day?

  30. @mooshki...thank you...good to see you posting again...

  31. Sorry, I AM having a horrible day and this video strikes many nerves in me. If I reread my comments once my mood is better ill probably be embarrassed. I still feel the same but I'm aware that I get a little mean sometimes. I'm done, enjoy your conversation.

  32. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Yeah, whenever I see an adult treating a child nicely I go into a rage too. Fuck this guy and his fucking baby. Don't apologize Katsm, you're just being you!

  33. Jerkface, you made more than few peoples day today, TY LOL

  34. Kats is a pill.
    You don't even have kids. You didn't even know a woman bled after childbirth.
    Tell me what a kid needs. Please.
    I am sure you'd love my parenting style.
    Although I do agree with your first comment. :)

  35. That's cute! I agree with someone who says playing in the trunk is not safe, but I thought it was funny, specially in a fast foward version!

  36. There has been much debate about Katsm0711, I was the kindest just so as you know. I see her as that family member who's not quite right in the head but you never expect miracles so are never disappointed (or amazed) by what she contributes. This is what someone else thought. "Katsm is such a complete moron that every time I see her comments, I'm shocked that she even knows how to properly operate any kind of machinery. Let alone use letters to form words to express her albeit transparent thoughts." Yes, sweet thing, this is what people think of you when you aren't looking. Have an awesome day.

  37. Anonymous2:54 PM

    That was a reply to Katsm's remark about nothing getting done. I don't know why the format is like this.

  38. This is exactly the kind of shit I was referring to in another post. Fine, Katsm can be a jerk, she was slapped on the wrist, and now here comes the pile on. I've been bruised by Katsm in the past, but come on people!

    My theory was right, this comments section IS a wormhile directly to junior high. Ugh...that said, it IS fun to read. ;)

  39. You guys are funny today! Arguing about a video of a dad playing with his kid! Maybe he just wanted to show his wife what they did without her that day? Maybe someone showed it to someone else and it took off from there? Either way, it's a cute video. No need to snark on the guy for posting it. Pretty sure he didn't declare himself dad of the year because of a video.
    It's just a video of a dad playing with his kid. Get over yourself.

  40. This thread is awesome. I needed that this afternoon...stupid football season ending, none of my teams making it to the playoffs.

    Sorry for the OT. Please do not attack. ;)

  41. @Audrey, what is your point? You want the wormhile (whatever that is), wormhole maybe? to continue because you find it fun to read or not? If you find something fun why are you complaining about it?
    As far as I am concerned the gloves are off for me and I will express myself as much as anyone else from now on.

  42. @Mama Ray, that is exactly the kind of fascinating comment the gang wants to read, such an enlightening contribution. Perhaps the over sharing is more your forte though.

  43. I just wanted to say that I think it's extremely manly when a dad stays home with the kids.

    Also, this was short video of what looks like the fun part of the day, before there was a poopy diaper and a kid who refused to eat anything green, and it was cute and entertaining. I don't think he's superman or anything. But still.

  44. These boards are way too hostile today... I'll check back tomorrow morning when The Black Cat is sleeping it off instead of looking for a fight with everyone.

  45. I'm not looking to fight with anyone, can I not defend myself or express myself like anyone else? Careful, your hypocrisy is showing.

    1. @The Black Cat,

      How is it defending yourself when you call yourself reprimanding someone for saying "Wow." Don't try to play victim now. GTFOY!

  46. I saw it as a cute little movie a dad made to show the baby's mama what they do when she is at work. It wasnt submitted for a father of the year nomination so why put shit on the poor guy?

  47. "sleeping it off" implies I have a substance abuse issue - you know Mama Ray we do have readers that actually have these issues so throwing that around as an insult to me (which ran right off my back btw) could be rather hurtful to those people that it might apply to so try not to be so insensitive next time.

  48. Silly Girl, I feel silly now, I pretty much just rewrote what you said. Must have resonated. :)

  49. Not referring to substances at all actually... Was referring to the nasty funk you seem to be in today, based on your hostile bullying comments on the several columns.

    At the same time, I too know many who have struggled with substance abuse and mean no offense to anyone else - my apologies for the insensitive phrase.

  50. I hearby declare I am not in a nasty funk at all, I am in a great mood. It's very freeing to express yourself, say what you feel, get things off your chest. Others here do it so why am I excluded? That doesn't seem right. Yet you say MY comments are hostile and bullying? Too funny.
    I don't want to become another that left because I was bullied off the website. I may be a dying breed but I will hang on with my last dying breath. Bye for now.

    1. @ The Black Cat,

      WTF is your problem? You're going off on someone because they said, "Wow"? Oh I get it, you feel you're entitled to share your thoughts and opinions but someone else who doesn't meet your word count minimum isn't allowed to. And you say someone elses hypocrisy is showing? Pot meet kettle.

      If this is your so called great mood then I'd hate to see your misery because they certainly both do look the same.

  51. Aren't we all just shining pots of sunshine this weekend!

    DILF indeed, I would not mind practicing baby making with him. And that baby is absolutely adorable, I am a sucker for babies.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Hi everyone,
    I haven't been commenting for long, but personally I think the community feel here is great. I also read Celebitchy, but not the comments as they seem to be overly bitchy, ( perhaps hence the name ?).
    I just want to say that I especially love the tangents the comments go off on, ie. people's dogs, babies, and even the hardships. I learned so much on one of the threads about meth abuse on here which I probably wouldn't have been exposed to.

  54. @The Black Cat, doesn't look like you're in a good mood... I guess I can understand you acting like this because maybe people did the same to you but I just don't see the point of lowering yourself to that level.
    But, whatever, have at it, I'm not trying to pick a fight with ya.

    @DBZee, Loved the pic and completely agree with ya!

  55. Everyone has an opinion, which is cool, but there seems to be a great deal of attacking certain people sometimes.
    Yes, I'm nearly done....
    We're all people, regardless of religion, colour, sexual orientation, and there's more than enough sh*t in the world without attacking or belittling each other.
    Peace, and happy new year to all x

  56. My son will be 14 in March and has not seen nor heard from his "dad" in almost 13 years. I'm on the fence with this, on one hand I feel like... meh, its what he is supposed to be doing on the other hand I think its fabulous that this child has a dad whose happily involved even if its just 90 minutes a day or whatever,on the third hand it makes me sad for my son who just went thru another Christmas with not a phone call or card let alone a present or god-forbid financial support... I think I'll change my name to Debbie Downer! But yah, its not a nanny cam of someone abusing a child so there is that.

    1. He sounds like an idiot, and you sound like a very loving mum x

    2. Thank you:) He is an idiot. I have always had horrible taste in men!!! My son is a-may-zing though!

  57. (hugs, PortlandJewel)

  58. P.s DBZee that photo is very cute, have you been to 'dog shaming', and 'text from dog', very funny x

  59. White Lily I am in a great mood, I refuse to be bullied by certain people anymore and I will express myself as others here do too.
    I really do not see what the problem is or why me having an opinion and expressing it upsets people, get over it. Especially the asshats, you know who you are.

  60. I have - both are hilarious! I wonder if there's a cat shaming site... the cat is a little twit who causes as much trouble as the dog.

    I showed my boys the dog shaming site and said if they didn't pick up their laundry, I was taking a photo of it with a similar sign and posting it on FB: "My name is (son) and I don't remember how to pick up my underwear." I would never do it, but the threat is a box of awesome sauce.

    1. There is a pet shaming site with lots of cats on, it's a .com so I'm sure you could get it x

  61. (BTW, I have a teen & a tween, I'm not threatening a little kid who doesn't know it's a joke.)

    1. Oh man, my son SO does not know how to pick up his underwear or brush his teeth without being reminded ("nagged") for an hour (gross right???) A teenage shaming site sounds about right. I've heard I'm not the only one!!!!

    2. Wow, kudos to you, I'm DREADING the teenage years, (little girl, not dog), she and my husband already lock horns. How old are your boys?

  62. Expressing an opinion doesn't have to be disrespectful tho Black Cat... The differing opinion isn't the issue, it's that you seem to be going out of your way to target and instigate arguments with specific people in a bullying manner.

  63. DBZee & Vicki E you guys need to check out kid shaming and shit my kid/pet/wife/husband ruined. I will look at that for hours, it is hilarious. Especially the shit my kid ruined, I'll post the link for you guys!

    1. I shall go and check it out now, thanks x

  64. I am a fan of Dog Shaming too DBZee / Vucki E!

    1. oh no... Vicki so sorry for typo! :/

    2. Hee, hee no worries x

  65. Damn. Hijacked again.

    1. JSierra,
      Just had a quick look, that ferret on the pet one is too funny, there's a man round the corner who walks a ferret on a lead... Bizarre.
      Anyhow I shall be spending tomorrow on that website, it's nearly 1 am here, I know if I get into it now I'll be glued to it for hours x

  66. How cute!! I love how he kept putting toys on his son's head.
    Happy New Year to all the CDANers!! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year.

  67. OMG, the first one with the weight in the toilet bowl - they would SO do that and then wail, "We didn't know that would happen!"

  68. Hahaha well I am glad you guys like the sites!

    Happy New Years Eve to all our international friends!!

  69. Omg @JSierra
    That website! My kids have already done many of those thing. They are a never ending source of entertainment.

  70. @unknown --- agree . . . the response after the one word "wow" comment was uncalled for. This is why I don't comment.

    1. @portlandgirl,

      Yes, like someone else said, it came across as bullying behavior. I rarely comment either, but that unbalanced behavior brought be out of lurking because as you stated, it was so totally uncalled for.

    2. Typo: *me (not be).

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. most of the mess was caused by the dad. the kid just plays with the stuff lying around. agree w/ comments about the toy box. ours scares the hell outta me too !

  72. Anonymous6:53 PM

    While I was watching this FLIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE was playing on my head. Lol

  73. Unknown if you cannot come up with a more original name than that I truly feel sorry for you.
    I will share my opinions as much as the next, as they say, if you don't like it, don't read the comments. Or that other classic, go to another blog.
    The latest one that really made me chuckle was that Enty must like our posts because he doesn't delete them, that was just precious.
    I'm still in a good mood btw and I've only started so get used to it.

    1. @The Black Cat,

      My response is "Wow." Oh that doesn't meet your word count minimum? Ok how about this, go fuq yourself you lowlife lonely ingrate. Have fun with your black cat. If you're able to speak bile then Katsm is able to speak whatever opinion she wants & Mama Ray can type "Wow," Aad I can call bs on your victim mentality for "defending" yourself against someone who said "Wow," and I can call you a lonely ignorant ingrate whose so called great mood reveals nothing but misery.

      So the black soul, I mean the black cat is a long time poster, so what, that means the cliquish mob mentality behavior is okay, but other snarky posters or one word posters isn't permitted? It's okay for you guys favoites, but inexcusable for those you don't care fore. Puhlease GTFOHWTBS mob mentality.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Gosh Katsm, I mean "Unknown", calm down. Lessen the acronym abuse while you're at it, ok?

    3. @Anony, I'm not Katsm. I came late after everyone was jumping on her. But that's not what had me perplexed & caused me to comment, it was when I read one commenter attack another for typing one word, and claim they were only defending themselves. They must have really thin skin to be so offended by the word wow, but then claim others need thick skin. No need to try to defen your crony's hypocrisy.

    4. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Mmmmmmmhmmmmmmm. You are spending an awful lot of time going after a poster who had some comments about you, I mean Katsm. Whatever helps you sleep at night....

    5. @Anony, Actually, it's Mama Ray who I was speaking about, not Katsm. Mama Ray is the one who was attacked for saying "wow." I only put Katsm in one of my last posts to make a oint because I find it hypocritical that some of you say some can be snarky but others who aren't your favorites aren't allowed to be. But if you prefer to think of me as Katsm because you think it makes your argument since you can't refute the real, then hey, it's no sweat off my back. It's an age old tactic desperate posters resort to anyway by accusing a poster of bein somone else whenever they don't conform to the mob or collective. I guess it's supposed to be an insult but it's not. And I suppose the black soul needed help so she enlisted you. LOL

      @888, I know your post was letting us all have it, but I have to say I LOVED IT!! Truly! It was great. LOL

    6. Anonymous10:41 PM

      @ unknown (Not Katsm), can you explain it better? This is hilarious. No, you write nothing like Katsm. Not in the least. And your clarity is so unlike that of Katsm's, too. Maybe someone's number is finally up. It's not just me who finds you rude and instigating. Now you're trolling the poster and others who happened to post negatively about you?! A new low, even for you, Not Katsm.

    7. @Anony, I'm trolling posters who posted negatively about me? Confusing. How so? I'm responding to those who are replying to me which is you/black cat, goes in circles, phoenix girl, & just replied to 888 even though he or she wasn't posting to me, & I can't recall if there was anyone else. What do you mean?

    8. Whoops that should say portlandgirl. Sorry for messing your name up!

    9. Anonymous10:57 PM

      @ Not Katsm. BUSTED. The questions were your downfall. It is absolutely you, Katsm! Why don't you drop the pretense and talk under your name? Sometimes people can actually get more out of an issue after the fur flies and then lands. We are all adults here.

    10. @Anony, seriously WTH are you talking about? You've officially confused me. Like I said I'm not Katsm but if you want to believe that or try to convince the masses that then it's no sweat off my back. Not sure what the purpose of that would be. But Katsm I do apologize to you that you're going to get a bad rap either due to a fool's error, or to a fool's attempt to deceive the masses because the have no legitimate point & have to try to make up for their error, not sure which one it is. Whatever works for you Anony.

    11. Anonymous11:39 PM

      Okay, @Not Katsm. You keep selling your story. I, (and others, it seems), will continue to nosh on the popcorn. Have to mention though, that if you were to fess up to all of the fakery tonight and admit this madness was you, Katsm, I would truly respect that shit and you for the first time. I know you're not looking for my respect, but you'd get it.

      You have to realize that YOU started this entire thread derail by being rude, condescending, and snide to any posters thinking the video was cute. I don't know where this urge to ankle bite other posters you have probs with (or not even, maybe you truly just like to troll) comes from or how it fulfills you, but it's sofuckinglame. And then to blame it on your issues with the video - a video which could only be sweeter if it was video bombed by a puppy ambling by with a kitten riding on top sidesaddle - that makes not a lick of sense. So you wanted to argue (and lordy, we all know how you love to argue) with those who found it cute and/or sweet because it hit too many nerves!? Huh? So does no one else get to have a valid post until you've decreed your mood and experience on a subject? The stuff you're posting now smacks the smelliest in terms of accusing others of doing what you've done since you arrived on the CDaN scene.

      Be rude, apologize. Blame work, boyfriend, lack of boyfriend, your period, your dog, you always have a hot one cooking in that Sorry, I was....frying pan of yours. Then you post something offensive, under the guise of not knowing it racist, sexist, just put an -ist on the end as you seem to hit them all. This is where my favorite head desk happens, an important poster (to you - has to have a fairly known name, often a regular past or present) calls you out on your ~ism and you freak out and start going off the rails. After you've calmed down, maybe a few hours later, you start asking questions along the line of, I don't understand how when I said she was a slut whore who should've been wearing a longer skirt- that it means I said she was asking for it? Example. Not a quote. You expect everyone to educate YOU on social graces, sociology, and common sense yet there is no growth apparent. Which means you must be dumber than a box of hair, or a troll. You pick what you want to be, and every day you get a new shot to start fresh and change. Remember that.

    12. @Anony, LOL this chick or dude really can't admit theyre wrong that I'm not Katsm. You must play those silly type scary games of changing your name since you're so convinced & fooled. I'm not scared of none of you on this blog to be trying to be more than 1 person. Only read to the beginning of the 2nd paragraph but you seriously need help. Sorry Katsm, I said I wouldn't reply anymore but I just saw this comment, I'll stop commenting now so that their ignorance & inability to admit when they're wrong that I'm not you doesn't cause them to continue to hurt your feelings. As for me, I dont have 2 fuqs to give about Anony's stupidity, let he/she remain in his/her fog of simplemindedness. LOL dumb as fuq!

  74. Seriously folks, just cos someone is mean to you DOESN'T make it bullying. Holy shit people. The Black Cat is a long time poster and Katsm has been an asshat on this blog for a long time so it needed to be addressed. THIS IS THE INTERNET PEOPLE. For the love of god, get some thicker fucking skin and use some common sense BEFORE posting! THINK about what you are posting BEFORE you hit send!!!! it totally avoids the whole looking like an asshat thing online.
    I am so sick of everyone here throwing the "bullying" label around here cos someone disagrees with them or had a harsh tone. Grow the fuck up y'all.

    Sincerely, another very annoyed longtime reader.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Well that escalated quickly...

  77. Nobody is the Mayor of CDAN comments.


  78. I am with black cat. And I agree about the bullying comment. That word gets thrown around the comments almost as much as rape and pedophile.
    I've been here years. Ever since the himmmm thing there has been a new group of cool chicks here and it seems as tho if anyone dares to express a different opinion than them they go off.
    And yes, I go off topic myself, but hijacking an entire thread to trade recipes gets old. Go visit Martha Stewart or Living Simple or something.
    Sure I can scroll past all 67 comments about your NYE plans...but why should I have to?
    This is a gossip blog...I come here to get and discuss the tea not read about your ugly pugs.
    Perhaps enty needs an open post every day to discuss these topics. Otherwise start your own blog.

    And btw...shaming and humiliating your children is excellent parenting. :/

    1. @goes in circles,

      I agree that the bully word is often misused & overused, & I agree with the other things you stated, but what then do you call a commenter who goes off on someone simply because they said wow? And then claims they're just defending themself (against a commenter who said wow)? That's not bullying? Oh okay, I guess we'll call it mentally unbalanced then. That sounds about right. That's why some people don't like to comment, because of the unnecessary venom & mom mentality.

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Not the dreaded "mom mentality" again! That sounds perfectly awful! Where's the facepalm emoticon?

    3. @Anony, I know! I had to chuckle at my own mistake LOL! Commenting from mobile is a little difficult, the characters & cursor jumps around.

    4. Anonymous10:35 PM

      @Not Katsm - Black Cats wasn't being a bully. She was being a bitch. There is a difference. All of the campaigning you are doing is just having the opposite effect of what you intend, bless your heart.

    5. @Anony, I stand corrected, bitch it is. I think you actually may be right. My apologies for using bully.


    1. ;) my favorite post of the night!

    2. Three Cheers for Mayor TimeBob!!!

  80. I'd be thrilled if my husband spent 90 minute with the kids everyday. Turn off the Xbox and just interact with them.

  81. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Ok, Timebob. Go for it. But learn the would've, should've, could've contractions. :-/

  82. The unoriginal Unknown, keeping it classy. I'm not going anywhere, get used to it. I suggest you grow a thicker skin.

  83. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Go on with your bad self, Black Cat. It sounds like you've needed to vent for some time. And I agree that Katsm has been needing a reality check for too long now. Keep your cool while she gets it twisted.

  84. OT Kim and Kayne have confirmed they're having a baby. The end of the world is upon us.

    1. Sarah, I just read that. Damn, is she divorced yet?

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. ... steps slowly away from the table ...

  87. Oh wonderful, a Katsm clone, the more the merrier. Really, bring it on.

  88. Not Katsm, why are you paraphrasing my previous comments? If you cannot find anything original to say, don't steal my shit.

  89. Haha what does anyone expect from a site full of "progressive" fat catladies? Coming here reminds me why I have little to do with other females, especially the fat old ugly ones. Hateful, spiteful and miserable describes so many of you. Also I cannot understand the need to shame others for literally every fucking word they say. "LOOK AT ME I'M OFFENDED OVER AN INNOCUOUS COMMENT!" WTF is the point of that? Do you need attention that badly? Jesus it's the fucking internet, get a grip! The world does not, and should not, stop to coddle you and soothe your butthurt. How narcissistic! The worst part is that so many of you seem to view yourselves as special, fantastic people instead of the bitchy, self absorbed twats you are. And obviously that won't ever change because, despite your lecturing, shrill cries of outrage and perpetually offended bullshit, you have zero self awareness. I don't give a fuck what any of you think about me, my opinions (racist, homophobic AND sexist..the trifecta, do I win anything?) and the absolute best part of this site is knowing how many of you talk all this bullshit then sit FOREVER ALONE eating yourselves into an early grave surrounded by cats. You can lie on here and even to yourselves for so long but it is what it is. Misery loves company and so here you are. Just look at the reader pics, they don't lie!

    Seriously though get the fuck over yourselves. You'd think such highly educated superior beings would have more important things to do than play the perpetually offended victim on a gossip site!

    1. @888, I loved your post, it was a great read, entertaining.

      I actually like the readers photos though, I can't recall all the names but have you seen JSierra and Sunny? Those are just two readers photos names I can think of off the top of my head and they are GORGEOUS!! And Sunny's personality truly matches her name, she's alway so positive & nice. Seriously, they're beauties.

    2. Wow. Just Wow.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Anonymous10:25 PM

    BetterOffSingle, what brought you in here? Was it one of my many lovely cats??? We're just fine, but thanks for checking in ;)

  92. Unknown
    Yes. Much better than ReesesPeace calling people names and telling them to fuck off.

    Let's focus on more important world issues the KKK baby. Thank God cuz I am sick of talking about the fiscal cliff, gang rapes/murdering of girls in India, and school shootings.

  93. @Agent I don't think so. Looks like it will be finalized in February. She's 12 weeks so another summer baby. Suri has already updated her burn book!

  94. Agent yeah she is still married, I am pretty surprised Kanye knocked her to up to be honest. That is 18 more years of Kimmie because you know she will not let him escape without paying anything.

    1. 18 years, 18 years...she ain't messing with no broke N word.

  95. Yay for Mayor Timebob! we've been needing one of those obviously ;)

  96. Also, Im challenging the whole "cat lady's are lonely" stereotype. So isn't the case! I get laid at least weekly (yay for my bf). I bet I get laid more than betteroffsingle... I mean 888. ;)
    So cat ladies aren't lonely nor fat. Reader pics prove it.

  97. Anonymous10:53 PM

    As for the Kidye (see what I did there?), it's life imitating "Gold Digger". Just swap Fame with Gold. She got one of yr kids got you for eighteen years!

  98. @ Stephanie - Perhaps they can have a competition for the Deputy Mayor position, keep their little minds active and productive at least.
    I DO hope everyone has a good nights rest tonight, tomorrow will be so much fun. Still in a good mood, hate to disappoint some of you. Just for the record I am no ordinary bitch, I am a super bitch.

  99. @Anony, please no, you're ruining my entertainment pleasure by outing Not Katsm, it's more fun to go along with the ruse.

  100. @unknown
    I think your confused.
    It's usually the opposite...if anyone here dares to cross the clique and voice a dissenting opinion we're called trolls, told to fuck off, etc. and jumped all over.
    For instance...RiceGate...when Vicki Cupper made an overtly racist comment about the Chinese. Someone not in the cool kids called her out your beauties were awfully quick to jump to Vicki's defense and not in a very sweet and sunny manner.
    Or when I questioned why Katsm, a woman whom is late 20s, early 30s, and whom i assume took health in middle school had no clue as to why a woman would bleed after shooting a child out of her uterus...I was practically lynched.

    1. Ay ay ay...holy run on sentence and poor sentence structure. Can I blame that on English being my second language?

      In got it backwards. lulu, black cat, et al...we are the outliers, not your precious Sunny and Amber.

      The commenters and commentary have went to shit here since Himmmm came along.
      And speaking of Himmmm...anyone that believes he's RDJ is a fucking idiot.

    2. @goes,

      I typed a response & lost it. Ugh!

      But I basically said that it's the cliquish, mob, conform to the borg collective or get pounced on behavior that I was speaking about; however, I didn't know black cat was one of the outsiders. I guess it kind of puts what she was saying into perspective about taking crap from others so she's dishing it back. I just didn't get why she pounced on Mama Ray for 1 word. But I think if the clique can be snarky then others should be able to be snarky too, & not just the chosen ones.

      I was lurking during the day the racist remark was made about the Chinese & I wasn't pleased. I took mental note of who said it but don't recall what commenters defended it. I thank you Goes for informing me. I still think JSierra & Sunny are really pretty but I have to admit I'm a little surprised & disappointed of this news.

      I wasn't around for the bleeding uterus convo or whomever you said told someone to fuq off, but I'm sorry that you were flamed. It's exactly that type of behavior I don't care for.

    3. The uterus comment was awhile ago...the fuck you was to lulu yesterday. Yesterday was lulu's turn to feel the wrath of the cool kids.

  101. Look, I realized that I was crazy this morning, and I apologized. I am very sorry for everyone who is suspected of being me, especially since everyone hates me. Although I'm wondering just how many different people that is now since @theblackcat made an error a few hours ago.
    It looks like @theblackcat posted under the wrong user name and deleted it seconds after. If anyone else subscribed to comments it will be in your email. For those of you that it's not, here it is preceded by @mamaray (sorry to drag you into this), whom she was responding to:

    "Mama Ray

    11:20 PM (2 hours ago)

    to me
    Mama Ray
    has left a new comment on the post "Time Lapse Video Of A Father With Son While Mom Is...

    Thanks guys - nice to know I wasn't alone in thinking that was unnecessary.. In the long run, I wish I hadn't taken the bait & replied back at all, but I also didn't want to sit & watch poster after poster get torn apart anymore either... The Black Cat wins tonight though because we are still posting about it - Guess they must be really getting their rocks off with all this attention today! (And no, instigator, that's not another insensitive drug reference!)

    a comment.

    to comments on this post.

    Posted by Mama Ray to Crazy Days and Nights
    at 8:20 PM
    The Black Cat

    11:29 PM (2 hours ago)

    to me
    The Black Cat
    has left a new comment on the post "Time Lapse Video Of A Father With Son While Mom Is...

    ^^^ Yet you keep coming back to comment even though you said you wouldn't be back until tomorrow. From The Black Cats tone I don't get the feeling they are doing this for attention. I have read the comments and I suggest you re-read them, poster after poster was not getting torn apart as you put it. I'm not seeing whatever you overly sensitive ones are seeing, not trying to be argumentative but you are making something out of nothing.

    a comment.

    to comments on this post.

    Posted by The Black Cat to Crazy Days and Nights
    at 8:29 PM "

    Also, on another post, I strongly stated that I don't believe adults are bullies, adults are just assholes. Funny how @theblackcat has changed her views. And it's funny how she calls others bullies on other posts, yet here she gets to have the fun.
    I followed every comment as it came. I am so sorry that I started this horrible thing. I really thought that @theblackcat was acting crazy to emulate me (rightly so) and then she was going to say "sorry" like I did and say how it's not ok to keep doing that. But she kept going. I wasn't going to say anything but when she deleted that comment and then tried to distract from herself by accusing me of creating other user names, I had to at least set the record straight. Also, @theblackcat said something up top to me that was so effing horrible. I may be annoying and can be mean without realizing who my target is, but I never ever put people down. I had tears all the way down my face when I read it. Who's the bully? Which one of us says sorry when we get out of our bad mood and actually feel horrible for it? Which keep going?
    Sorry @theblackcat, but you're not kicking me off here. I'm also not going to stoop to your level.

    1. @Katsm, no biggie, it didn't bother me that they suspected I was you. I dont think everyone hates you, at least I hope not. Maybe it'll blow over in a few days. Thanks for posting those comments because I was wondering what Mama Ray had said, but it was deleted before I had got here to read it.

    2. Anonymous12:17 AM

      Really?! Talking to yourself? Reeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyy?!?! Smdh

    3. @Katsm, oh wow I just read the remainder of your comment and didn't realize this was hurting your feelings based on something someone said. It's probably due to me for perpetuating the convo & they assumed I was you or want to make it seem that way & that's probably why someone said something that made you cry. Please don't cry, all of this isn't that serious or worth it. I'll stop commenting so that I dont make it worse & cause them to say bad things about you because they think I'm you. Happy New Year! Try not to bring it in with negatitivity from others.

    4. Anonymous12:33 AM

      You've officially gone off the deep end, Katsm. Nobody is buying this. But, have at your little pity tea party of one. I've said my piece. If you've got anything more to say to me, once you're done talking to yourself, I'll be here. Just watching the show.

  102. And cue the "I am so sorry, poor dear me, I had no idea..." from Katsm. called it.

  103. Anonymous12:02 AM

    @Katsm - the asshat comment? That was so mean it made you cry?! Not buying it. Btw - Black Cat is her deal and I don't care what you're posting that she did. I can see people living with others and reading the same sites and not always signing out, YOU are the one going by Unknown upthread using foul language and unleashing the real Katsm. It's obvious, and I'm the one who has accused you of this. We've commented to each other before, but I've never been ready to really accept that this is you....because *this* can't be real, right? People who act in the real world like you act on CDaN would be friendless, jobless, and loveless. One can't sustain anything when throwing tantrums and then apologizing afterwards, and oh! My mess is all cleaned up! Moving on! It doesn't work that way.

    It's too Groundhog's Day with you, Katsm. I'm trying to let you know that isn't cool.

  104. Would now be an appropriate time for another "WOW"?!? ;)

    (see how I brought it all full circle there?)

    1. Joking of course!

    2. Really, I know it shouldn't... but Mama Ray, that made me literally laugh out loud.

      @Timebob...maybe it's time for me to loose my shit again. People have been testy and shitty as all fuck for days.

    3. Wow indeed. I think this was the first thing I've clicked on all weekend and now I'm kinda sad that I did. This is why I usually like to "come to drop bombs" and then go back to whatever I was doing.

  105. I don't like the idea that anyone is crying over this. It's an internet gossip blog ffs...what do you do in the real world?
    but I don't want to be a mean girl. I just think the unwritten rule of the Mayors of CDaN that only one select group of people are allowed snark is ridiculous and immature. And tiresome. Didn't mean to single anyone out...but the rice comment day really stuck with me.
    Sunny is very sweet and pretty, didn't mean to drag her into it...just remember her as one of many defending Vicki Cupper that day, Vicki who is one of the snarkiest, unfunny bitches here.

    1. that sounds as though I am backtracking...which is not the case. I still stand by everything I've said. No apologies.

  106. @mama ray
    lol I concede...that's funny. And a good way to wrap up this thread.


  107. goes in circles I just reread the whole "riceburner" thread and Sunny did not defend Vicki. I honestly think you may be confusing her with someone else.

    1. Sunny's the awesome...she irrationally loves the Goopster. :P

  108. Kanye impregnates Kim Kardashian...a sign of the coming apocalypse!

  109. A haiku for Mama Ray:

    "Wow" she says, that's all
    And someone criticized? Wow!
    Ignore the mean ones.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Everybody criticize my armpit..................

    (Sorry it wasn't here to derail this bullshit thread yesterday. What is wrong with people? )

  113. While it is probably too late to drag my name out of the mud (thanks Goes in Circles!) my contribution to the Ricegate post was an immature joke about an Old Timey Olympic Event called motorboating.

    Leave me out of this mess!

    1. Sorry.
      I recall you defending her by saying she was one of your favorite posters and means well.

  114. Ha ha Libby! That is awesome!!!!

  115. ...WOW.

    All this fighting is disappointing. :(

  116. Good God. This whole comment thread is from Florida.

  117. Lelaina, no, it's from Canada:)
    You all know that Himmmm has been posting here since at least 2009? Maybe earlier.

  118. I feel like I've entered a timewarp or something.

  119. I don't really care about the "bullying" or "Jr. High" crap or anything, but the comments these days are so boooooooooring! I miss the days when CDaNers were witty instead of petty.

  120. (Except for DBZee's comment - Sad Pug is adorable. :) )

  121. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Himmmm's been around awhile, but it was this year that he came to the forefront by claiming to be RDJ, and with all that attention to this blog, here came the group of people who, in my mind and many others', have absolutely ruined it. We had a good group here. Most of us have quit posting entirely as the blog has been taken over by the "cool girls". I've never seen so much animosity. Agree with them or get called a twat and told to fuck off. But then the person who does that apologizes, using the "bad day" excuse, and it's supposed to be okay now. Because apologizing wipes out all the hatred and name calling. Not.

    It would be a far better thing to think about what you type before you post it, but that's not how it works here any more. Vicious, self-centered people have taken over here, and woe to those who protest, like Black Cat did.

    We all used to get along. Differing opinions, yes. Name calling, no. Fighting, no. It's the junior high mentality brought to us by people who think it's just adorable to type "ph" instead of "f" because their keyboard sticks... you can buy a new keyboard for ten bucks. It's an attention grab, not a sticky keyboard.

    None of you new cool girls have earned your stripes. You don't go to a blog where people have coexisted in harmony for years and start stirring up shit, overposting, grabbing leadership and driving away the old-timers. So many people don't even come here any more because of you. Does that make you happy?
    Your open criticism of some of the older people on here makes everyone uncomfortable.

    Just today I've read criticisms of old people, fat people, cat lovers, Floridians, just to name a few. We never used to bash each other, only the celebrities. Maybe this is what happens when the commenters get too close and personal with each other. All I really know is, I'm sick of it, and my reaction is to withdraw. Black Cat's reaction is to fight. Good for her. Now, go back to standing around staring at each other with wide eyes and wondering why the old timers here hate you so much.

    1. I wish people would stop referring to them as "cool". Just because some overpost to drown others out or drive others away through boredom, does not make them cool. Some people like to be up each others asses, whatevs, just not cool to treat someone's blog as their personal chat room. Snoooze.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      yodelay, I don't think they're cool, I think they're about as far as you can get from cool without bursting into flame. But THEY think they're cool, and they walked right in here and crapped on all of us, and we just took it. Then when Black Cat fights back, we get this kind of uproar.

  122. Jeez this is a mess.

    What is this ricegate post everyone is posting about and I apparently was viciously involved in?

  123. Personally, I think this is a really cute love letter to the wife/mom it was meant for.

    (I'm pretty tired of the instant bitchiness that seems to follow every post these days, too. I love snark, sometimes, but it seems that every post from Enty elicits some sort of bitch-fest to erupt, even when the post was meant as sweet/cute/informational/funny. Just sayin'.)

  124. @Goes in circles
    No, I wasn't involved either except for this highbrow masterpiece
    "While I was running on the treadmill at the gym today, Fox News put up a graphic of events that used to be in the Old Timey Olympics but were phased out. One of them was city planning, another one was Motor Boating. I shit you not. And since my sense of humor never made it past the 3rd grade, I could not stop laughing and kept giving my surrounding gymgoers the eyes to look at the screen and have a laugh with me. NOBODY else thought this was funny and just left me twisting in the wind. And then THAT made me laugh too because I'm the most immature fool on the planet. Still laugh when people say "Well I do do that". Doo doo!

    Tippity tap tippity tap tap tap"
    I have a little saying that has kept me out of trouble most of my adult life. Keep your side of the street clean. That way, if anyone tries to twist my words or make stuff up, I can say with 100% certainty I didn't do what I'm being accused of. (I'm not saying this to you - i promise. I had a good girlfriend who was a shit-stirrer and this helped me survive our friendship as long as I did)

    Anyway, I hope everybody can just move along. The only beef I have had with people since joining this little group is when commenters speak disrespectfully (condescending) to other posters. I used to try to make a joke to diffuse it, but I finally decided to stop wasting my energy and let people's words speak for themselves. I did say one kinda mean-spirited thing to Jax one time (which I regret) when I'd had enough, but she and I both had a go at each other right after and laughed.

    As I close my novel, I can say I still care for everybody here, and maybe we can all try to step it up. Fewer bitchy comments/oversensitivity, posting when we have a little more to say, cutting back on personal talk. I don't know - I hate conflict and am trying to come up with suggestions instead of attacking.

    Happy NYE everybody. I hope we can turn this negativity around. It really is such a waste of energy

  125. @Yodelay, the word cool is being used in a sarcastic tone I believe, that is the way I am reading it anyway. I agree with your sentiments 100%, I had hoped the extra curricular stuff could be taken somewhere else but I guess that's not happening. Probably to spite me LOL

    @Syko, <3 you are a wordsmith, much more articulate that I am, that is why I must use my teeth and claws I suppose. Hoping they read your words and are capable of comprehending them + respect the intent. Fingers crossed.

    BTW, still in a good mood, just for those that continue to speculate.

  126. I think this conversation had to happen. I'm glad that the members with more seniority said something, bc it's impossible to know how people are feeling unless they say so. I hope some of the new people (including myself) listen, pay attention and act accordingly so we don't step on anymore toes than we already have.

    I don't personally mind most of the OT stuff but I could see it being frustrating if you were trying to read on yr phone or on your computer during break or lunch at work.

    The friends I've had, I've had for years, and if you don't even know or care enough to find a way to email them, are they really BFFs? I doubt that the clique will go off the forum, because it takes the fun out of excluding people. It's much less fun to talk to 35 of one's peers than to be bright shiny admired people in front of 800 excluded strangers.

    That being said, there are a couple of posters with the sensibilities of high-strung showdogs, who, while being more than happy to dish out crap to fellow posters day after day, if they are on the receiving end, suddenly develop the memories of 80 year old elephants, remembering even the slightest of slights.

    I'm also bothered when people complain about Enty. I don't have my own blog yet, but anyone I know who has one is chained to it. Most of them don't get to this level of success, and it's not helping Enty when people snerk about his grammar, complain about blinds being lame or repetitive. It's really really disrespectful, and he must feel like just packing up his stuff and going to where he's appreciated.

    I saw on one of the other gossip blogs where the content from CDAN had just been literally cut and pasted!! The site starts with *D* ends with *d* and has 6 letters. Enty's site is one of the only gossip blogs that doesn't use links from other sites as filler.

  127. Anonymous9:17 AM

    It bothers me too, Tuxedo Cat, when someone complains about Enty, or insists he's not Enty any more, or that he's a woman, or that he's not really a lawyer because he knows little about criminal law, etc. etc. etc. I don't believe Enty is a 400 pound man living in his parents' basement, but it's fun to believe he is, and he's had enormous success with this blog despite making typos and having a sensitive side. He gave us a place to play. We shouldn't keep trying to tear it down.

  128. @Tuxedo Cat, very insightful, obviously I agree with most if not all you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to share that.

  129. @Syko

    Yes, I totally agree -- it is an awesome blog.

    @Black Cat

    You are most welcome. I wanted you to know that there are other people who see what is going on.

  130. There's all the balls in the world right here at CDAN! Amazing how brave and outspoken people are when they have a computer to hide behind.



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