Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ryan Gosling At 12 - "So Neat"


Sunny said...


discoflux said...

Totes adorkable, Sunny!

WednesdayFriday said...

So incredibly cute.

MISCH said...

he was and is still a cutie...please dump Eva she not for you, but I can make a few suggestions

Shocky said...

So hot! What? Nah, seriously he was a little cutie.
Have you guys seen any of the Jimmy Savile thing that's dominated the UK press the last few weeks? Basically Savile was a major tv star in the 70s and 80s and since his recent death loads of people have come forward saying he abused them as children. Apparently it was well known at the time but lots of public agencies covered up for him for fear of upsetting the talent/missing out on his charitable work/not perceiving it as an issue. Massive story back home.

Wee S said...

Yeah Sarah, I'm living in England and each day it gets worse and worse with the revelations coming out about him. Even when he was alive I always thought there was something off about him - he was like the pervy uncle you couldn't wait to get away from, or in my case couldn't wait for him to get off my tv. Makes my skin crawl.

pilly said...

And the Beeb covered IT UP

conflicted said...

achy breaky heart, lol

libby said...

RE: Savile---I had heard of "Jim'll Fix It" (or whatever it was called) through the Ricky Gervais Show. I happened to google it, and the dude made my CREEP-dar SCREAM!!!!

This was about 4 months before those charges came out.
That dude is so typical of the types who always get away with it for SO long. I mean, even that other pedo Sandusky's WORD CHOICE in his book, when discussing the boys in his charity years ago---It's so obvious in retrospect. Those dudes seem always so obvious in retrospect.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Kind of OT but theres a dude on the Ultimate Fighter show who looks exactly like Gosling.

Shocky said...

@wee s and @libby yep, creepy guy. It's been rumoured for years on gossip websites but seems to have come as a surprise to most. It's also long been rumoured that he was a necrophile, so that's fun.

I SO wanted to go on Jim'll Fix It when I was younger

zombiecrush said...

omg he's soooo cute! and so POLITE! just the perfect lil Canadian right there. So proud :) hehe


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