Sunday, July 01, 2012

Tom Cruise Dating Video


Beth said...

Does that man appear to need a training bra?

Einstein DeGeneres said...

Thanks for the video laughs and @Beth for the even better laughs!

Rins said...

If Charlie Sheen and Corey Feldman had a baby, it'd be this guy.

Einstein DeGeneres said...

I'm seeing a bit of Michael J Fox, @Rins

nolachickee said...

@Beth you beat me to it! I was going to suggest he wear a bro. I like when he said his publicist told him he's looking for a girl. Good stuff, Enty.

Lady Luck said...

I love it!! Hilarious Bravo!

Lauren said...


Basil said...

I saw Tom Cruise's propoganda video for CO$ yesterday, and I have no fucking idea what he was talking about. Either you get it or you don't. Get what? If your not in, your out. Huh? It was the oddest creepiest thing I have ever seen in my life. He seemed to have no idea what he was trying to sell. He is a good actor, but I don't think he has much of a brain because he is being completely used by CO$ until he does something stupid, and then they will hang him out to dry like Travolta.

auntliddy said...

B- Thats what I always think! How cld they give over the power over their life to this bizzare cult? Why wld u want skmeone doing the thinking for you? Now Kirstie alley, she exchanged her drug addiction for cos addiction. Travolta i guess was trying to make his bisexuality okay. Cruise was an abused child, so he needed them to make that ok. But dont they see, they have made a faustian deal? I really do not understand the attraction, abd if you need proff it diesnt work, look at cruise's kids. Under educated and ill prepared for life. Dont get it!!!!!

MiVidaCoca said...

ohh my goood! he has the laugh pinned DOWN! hilarious ^^

Unknown said...

Damn that was funny! And yes the guy looks like a cross between Charlie, Feldman and MJ fox.

audrey said...

My room mate and I filled out these applications I found at the place I worked for. I realized by round three of the questions that they were basically asking the same things over and over--just in a different way. I stopped, but my roomie filled them in for me and sent them in. I worked full time graveyard shift back then and wasn't aware of how many phone calls my room mate was getting from the Scientologists until we were actually given an appointment and driven there by someone who seemed to vanish once we were delivered to the office. They really have their own way of interpreting those questionaires, and what saved my butt from their clutches was my 'addiction' to pain medications (sxtra strength Tylenol) that I use frequently because I have arthritis and can't move most days without feeling pain...and our phone getting disconnected. My roomie was rejected because she smoked pot like most people smoke cigarettes and they felt she was too far gone for them to reach. I could honestly see someone who is alone, afraid and searching for answers getting caught up in any sort of religious scam--be it Scientology, Christianity or any other cult that may be recruiting.

RenoBlondee said...

When I first watched that I thought it had to be a joke it was so crazy!

Linnea said...

Unknown- I dont get it, Scios are famous for "helping" drug addicts right? And I thought they pretty much accepted anyone wiho walked through the door...

Brenda L said...

They'll help anyone that walks through the door....that has plenty of money.

Dangerous D said...

I was too distracted by the manboobs to pay much attention to what he was actually saying.

Agent**It said...

Co$ sponsors Narconon drug rehab which is based exclusively on the writing of the head not job Hubbard.

Narconon is a notorious scam.

HannahPalindrome said...


I heart Louis CK

Maja With a J said...

This guy isn't very funny.

audrey said...

They asked me to come back when I had stopped using medication for a week. This is while I was holding something that looked like metal maracas attached to a rope skipping rope. I looked at the guy and said that that wasn't going to happen. I had to work for a living and was in too much pain to go an entire week without taking something for the pain. He looked at me sympathetically and told me that I could do it if I tried. I mumbled something that may have resembled "I sure can" to him but was actually 'get fucked.'. My ex roomie gave them some song and dance about her life and I know that they called her frequently until our phone was cut off a few weeks later (this was before cell phones). About three months after that I decided to move on with my life and the roomie and I split and moved to separate locations. She told me months and months later that one of the reasons she didn't pay the phone bill was to get these people to stop calling. I know that the woman who drove us to the center we went to drove passed our place a couple times...but that could have been a coincidence as she lived not far from us. We only ever talked about that night a few times, and both of us felt like we had been drugged...very hazy memories and both of us felt a little strange afterwards. And not once did they mention us going to a rehab...or a group like Narcon. I think they knew there wasn't a lot of cash in either of our pockets so they weren't pushing. And for the record this happened in Vancouver BC Canada---where I still reside.--just so you all don't think I am a troll. I post on this site frequently and if I knew how to go from unknown to my name I'd be known as Audrey. There are two of us that post under that name...I am number 2.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lutefisk said...

Between John Travolta and Tom Cruise the COS is going to have its hands full spinning good PR. I am waiting for a Will Smith scandal to happen any minute now. Hopefully the COS will be too overwhelmed to deal with it all.

Anonymous said...

well there almost was a Will Smith scandal but somehow and secretively, they are still together. Yes they do not seem to be on the bandwagon to protect Travolta tho..I guess they finally realized he's not such a devoted scientologist after all. That video of Cruise is really scary because it shows how truly insane people can be about religion....and i'm not even sure you could call Scientology a religion can you????

Jeannie said...

@Unknown - it's interesting you mentioned your memories of your visit with Scientologists as hazy and almost like being drugged. When I was in NYC a few years ago with my cousin, wandering around Times Square at night, we were approached by Scientology recruiters several times. We kept refusing to go to their center, until after the third or fourth group approached we finally gave up and agreed to check it out just to shut them up. My memories of the night are also hazy and my cousin and I both commented that we felt drugged or hypnotized afterward. I remember the videos we watched were creepy and feeling almost violated after the interrogations, ahem, e-meter interview. I felt "off" for a couple of days afterward. I am absolutely convinced they are a money-grubbing cult that preys on weak and vulnerable people. They almost wouldn't let me leave without buying a copy of Dianetics. I told them I left my check card at home, and they demanded to see my wallet as proof I didn't have any money or cards on me. I told them I couldn't show them wallet as it was left at home and that's why my check card wasn't with me (of course it was in my jacket pocket all along but they didn't need to know that). They made me promise I would come back to the center first thing the next morning before I was allowed to leave. Creepy, creepy, creepy.

Basil said...

CO$ is only classified as a religion so they get tax breaks. In truth, it sounds more like Weight Watchers. To me it seems both organizations are selling a lifestyle to people to make them happy. At least with WW you know you have to pay upfront and know it is a business much like a gym is.

No organized religion should force you to pay money to them. If you want to give them money to chip in and help out, well and good. The Catholic Church does it at every mass. But they don't kick you out if you don't give them money, or hold out "spiritual enlightenment" cause you can't pay. And reading some of the comments here, I had no idea the Mormons had a tithe system either, which sound awfully similar to what CO$ does.

Never agreed with any form of organized religion, but no religion should be holding expulsion over your head because you didn't pay, or you chose to hang out with your family or friends who are non-believers. When is the last time the Pope has excommunicated anyone? I think the last person a pope excommunicated was the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1054 AD.

Sorry to go off on a bit of a tangent there.

Robert said...

Actually, the Catholic Church has been excommunicating people right up to the very day.

Redheat said...

I applied for a position a few years ago at a holistic chiropractic office. They had everyone who applied attend a group interview. I found it odd, but what the hey. The Chiropractor, did a little spiel about natural healing and his beliefs. As things went along, the realization began to wash over me, he was Co$. I was not chosen, but my demeanor leaves little doubt about my independent thought. It was a very strange experience, but it seems that their recruiting comes in many colors.

shakey said...

Good premise. Bad impersonation.


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