Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Thinks It's Fine

What happens when you have a teen who is the star of her own show but still a few years under the age of consent? A recipe for disaster. This teen is A list in the tween world. If you have a tween they have seen this show. The thing is this tween thinks she is way older than she really is and this has got her into a situation where she needs help, but the parents just love seeing those paychecks. Our actress has gone from a no name doing bit parts to her very own show and it is because she sees nothing wrong with the casting couch. i know. The thing is her parents just turn the other way. Our tweener looks way older than her age, and she knows it. She also knows that men find her attractive and she also knows that she loves being on television and in movies and is afraid it will all go away so to get the role that has made her famous she has been having sex with the producer. It is not an everyday thing. All the same it is illegal. The problem is no one is talking. The parents know, but like I said, they want the checks. Plus, they figure everyone else is doing it so why should their daughter not be allowed to make big bucks. If their daughter does not sleep with the guy then someone else will and their daughter will never get famous. Forget that. It is your daughter. Have some respect. Go kick some producer butt. The tweener thinks it's normal and one of her co-stars also has had sex with the producer, although she is slightly older and just about legal. It is a sick sick world in the world of tween programming. Just because someone is under age 18, does not make them off limits in the tween world.


Cake said...


david91 said...

producer: dan schneider?

Karen said...

Bella Thorne?

MontanaMarriott said...

Selena, Victoria Justice, Miranda Cosgrove are all 19-20, this is someone else. Can't be China Anne McClain from Ant Farm

cheesegrater15 said...

Victoria Justice?

That iCarly chick?

Those are really the only two tween names I know.

MontanaMarriott said...

I like the Bella Thorne guess. Or her co star Zendaya on Shake It Up

MAC said...

I thought of Bella Thorne too...My 8 year old nephew watches it, not sure what her previous acting gigs/movies are though

Karen said...

Bella Thorne definitely has some photos that make her look a lot older than almost-15

hunter said...

I would imagine we might not know enough about tweens to get this one.

That said, from what we've all read here, apparently the parents are correct - par for the course for tween fame and all.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Never heard of her but you guys got it. First sentence on her wiki under career says her first role was uncredited. She's only 14.

She was on big love tho and I watched that. God parents can be awful!

shag said...

Great parenting strikes again! Press charges, and get actual jobs other than the one pimping your child out.

MontanaMarriott said...

The older girl on the show would be her co star Carolyn Sunshine who is 17.

MAC said...

Peyton List on Jessie is 14. And the girl who plays Jessie is 19. I'm not sure if Peyton would be considered the star or not...

timebob said...

I convinced all these shows are set up to create under age sex stables for pedophiles. Like the Sandusky case no one cares as long as the money rolls in. One day a whistle will be blown and real names will be exposed and everyone will be outraged but all the while known it had been going on and with whom. Disgusting.

MAC said...

There were the photos of 14 year old Bella Thorne on vacation with her much older boyfriend a few weeks ago. Whenever I see that show I can't believe she is only 14.

Jcool said...
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Fijigrrl said...

Ugh. These just make me ill.

I have no kids so no clue on tween shows.

OT: thanks to my cdan peeps for suggesting AdBlocker Plus. OMG -- sooo much better, no more popups on CDAN. Uninterrupted gossip reading! yea!

jane3113 said...

I think it's Bella Thorne. Most of the stars of popular tween shows are 19 to 20. Shake it Up appears to be popular with the kids at at the school where I work and features younger stars.

Jcool said...

Looks like Bella Thorne dad passed away a few years ago, so she wouldn't have "parents" like the blind says.

Hendrix said...

Someone should blow the whistle on the producer. Jail time. Seriously. The more people look away, the more this will go on. Child stars have been abused since Hollywood began...but there are more laws in place now. Where is the on-set social worker in this? Paid off? For shame!

MISCH said...

I see it with the teens in my building...they are way beyond their ages. So a kid who's making big bucks must be impossible to control.
But this is wrong..

Karen said...

If Bella Thorne's mom remarried, it could still be "parents" including a stepfather.

But maybe it's her co-star, Zendaya, in that case.

Connie151 said...

I have a hard time understanding why these types of items are blind. Why aren't authorities notified if this is a known thing, Enty? It's no different than people turning a blind eye to Sandusky's activities.

Girlmeetsworld said...

Victoria Justice

Not A Ninny said...

All these BI's about underage actors being sexually abused dial my bull meter into the yellow.

Basil said...

How come the police or the DA's office hasn't done anything about this? If we heard about it, surely they have too.

Unknown said...

This is so sad, kids need to be kids

Red Wolf said...

This BI is 99.99% Bella Thorn. There was a whole bunch of leaked cell phone pics of her where she was quite provacative (well beyond 14 years old), as well as a cell phone video of her talking to some unidentified male, with a bit about her time in the shower "playing". The girl acts beyond 18, and this BI is not much of a surprise considering her "leaked" history. Still doesn't make it acceptable, at all.

Lioness70 said...

My girls watch these Disney shows, and I cringe every time I read about what goes on behind the scenes of these tweener shows.

Bridgit Mendler (Good Luck Charlie) is 19, as is Debby Ryan (Jessie and formerly of Suite Life on Deck).

Those two shows and Shake It Up seem to be tops in tweener world right now, so this sounds like Bella Thorne.

There's nothing live action on Nick that's popular right now except Victorious, and they're all over 18.

My girls hog the TV - that's the only reason I know these shows exist.

crila16 said...

...and what else is new? This seems to be an accepted norm in Hollywood. I'm so glad I'm not part of it.

VIPblonde said...

Did some IMDBing. The leads on both of Dan Schneider's current shows are over 18. So I'm on the Bella Thorne bandwagon. She's very clearly underage, and the other two girls on the show are almost 18; could be either one of them for the co-star

angie said...

If this is Bella Thorne, how come no one associated with the show is calling the police on this producer? 14 isn't the age of consent in any state, so no one can rationalize it away as merely an arbitrary age requirement due to location.

Lauren said...

Shes 19

Lauren said...

How do you press charges without a victim that will admit to abuse? I agree the only big stars in the Tween world are the girls from Shake it Up. The rest are over 18 but Im not sure which it would be. Bella Thorne seems to fit a little better.

Vicky said...

Bella Thorne just screamed sexual abuse to me when I first saw her. She is way too young to be that sexed up without a reason behind it. Breaks my heart, but no doubt it's her, with Caroline Sunshine being the older almost legal girl.

Ice Angel said...

If it's China Anne McClain, some heads are gonna roll! There are a couple of other girls on the show a bit older and I think are still underage. It better not be her!!!

Bella and Zendaya are co-stars and neither is the "star" of the show, so I don't know about that.

I think the rest are all older, i.e., Miranda Cosgrove, Victoria Justice, Debby Ryan and Bridget Mendler.

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

@timebob is right as rain and I am echoing their comment because it is spot the hell on.

Another Josh said...

I would think strong rumors of sexual abuse and statutory rape should be enough to launch an investigation. Why can't one of us call the police? Not that LAPD would do anything about it, but how about the FBI? This is a systemic problem, and I'm sick of the wealthy and entitled getting away with rape and sometimes murder. Why do we as a society allow this to perpetuate?

MadLyb said...

I have no idea who this is, but dear God. The parents and the producer are the ones who need to be outed.

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

To everybody asking why no one is investigating or otherwise stopping it: The answer is MONEY. How long have you been reading this site? This is how it has always worked. It's evil, but it's not changing anytime soon that I can imagine.

SusanB said...

This mother is no better, and perhaps worse, than the mother who dropped off her child in a bar in the above story. All it would take is for one parent to go to the police and the media and be willing to take losing the child's job. Just one parent to break the scab on this sore and let the pus out.

Karen said...

@Ice Angel, I'd consider Bella Thorne and Zendaya to both be the stars of their show. I think that to be a star, no one else's names are above yours. So, all the other kids on Victorious are "co-stars" because Victoria Justice gets top billing, but the two girls on Shake it Up! are both the leads.

NomNom83 said...

This shouldn't be a blind, it should be a tip to the police with real names, real dates and times, etc.

I love the blinds, but when you've got pedophiles preying on their cast members, it's not entertaining to me, it's disgusting. And it gets to go on b/c people who know look the other way.

Maybe you've already done this, Enty, but if you haven't, you're no better than the parents.

El Roy 13 said...

I have no idea, but how about the adults, GO TO JAIL.

hollyweird is penn state a million x's over.

Tru Leigh said...

Is there an underaged Lohan?

Another Josh said...

@Cuckoo I think there will be a sea change, both literally and figuatively, in our lifetime. Societally, politically, economically, you name it, the current state of affairs is unsustainable. Many people who think they are untouchable will have to pay for what they've done in one way or another.

figgy said...

As others have said, why is this blind? Why isn't Enty taking it to the cops? Why aren't other adults on the program taking it to the cops?

THAT'S the only question here.

I know that Enty never, ever answers questions that we pose here in the comments, but for the love of all that is decent, I really wish he'd answer this question: WHY DON'T YOU REPORT HIM?

djphob said...

You guys call the cops. You've got as much as Enty--secondhand gossip. I'm sure the FBI is very interested.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...


Redheat said...

No clue who this could be, I'm a million light years away from anything tweeny.

Regarding the reporting, what evidence are you going to use? hearsay? gossip? Agreed that these people who prey on young actors should be put in a small cell while big bob has their way with them, but if the actress isn't willing, the parents are willing, there would be nothing to report.

Now what someone needs to do is plant a camera, get the proof, and THEN report it to the authorities.

Meagan said...

I google and IMBD searched Bella Thorne and I agree that this blind is likely to be her. Based on the way that her and her siblings' profiles are written, it looks like the mom might be another Dina Lohan-- there is just something about the wording in all of their profiles that reads off-- like they weren't created by a professional publicist but instead an overenthusiastic stage mom who is trying to pimp out all of her kids and see which one sticks. I'm just speculating, but if I am right and this blind is about Bella, the poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

AKM said...

I agree with NomNom83 and figgy. I personally don't even want to read blinds about underage people. True, it may just be unsubstantiated gossip, but it's ugly and wrong either way.

katsm0711 said...

I'm sorry some of you know I am allergic to properly posting a link even with help. Here's a nauseating pic of Bella. Just the fact that she's how old and there's a "" URL I guess it's not run by her people but the fact that there's a collection of so many disgusting sad pics of her...


Frufra said...

Meagan - I agree with you re the IMBD profile. I've noticed that before. I looked her up one day to figure out how old she is. My 10 year old loves Shake It Up, and Bella has the looks and mannerisms of an older girl.

katsm0711 said...

HEY EVERYONE I POSTED A CLICKABLE LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too bad it's for nauseating pics that require a call to DSS

The Straightforward Project™ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MAC said...

That site is disturbing to say the least.

0_0 said...

The only ones with first hand knowledge aren't likely to report it. Someone on the crew might have suspicions, but this would lead to unemployment (LAPD/ sheriffs won't respond to an anonymous tip unless maybe a crime is occurring during the call) and unacknowledged blacklisting.

But parents who sell their child for money while ruining her future should be held to account.

I'm waiting for a child star who can't get work anymore to speak up.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Not for nothing, but the blind talks about the Tweener's "parents," plural, and in the present tense. But Bella Thorne lost her father in a car accident in 2007.

Unknown said...

It wasn't that long ago when we were seeing a lot of fire & brimstone being rained down on those who even had only hearsay knowledge of the Sandusky crimes, for not having done more to stop them. I'm not sure why folks think perpetrators in the entertainment industry should be different.

Yes, its possible Enty and his sources don't have enough on their own for a conviction. Fine, that's what detectives are for. That's what court orders for wiretaps, bugs, surveillance, and whatever else is necessary are for. And even if this particular case is never makeable, the mere fact there was an attempt and people know about it is something. These producers would probably be a lot more careful knowing they were the target of an investigation. Their employers might take notice, if not this first time then at least after the third, fourth, or fifth time.

The whole process has to start with someone alleging a crime. You believed your sources enough to publish them. Now convince them to call the cops themselves, or if they won't, do it for them.

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

@AnotherJosh - I agree wholeheartedly and pray that you are right. xo

detown359 said...

It can't be China Anne since she came from the Tyler Perry show so unfortunately this sounds like Bella Thorne and Caroline Sunshine. Thorne has a variety of pics parents dread looking a lot older. Sunshine wasn't a creditted regular on the show the first season although she was in just about as many scenes as her"twin". Now she's a regular and everywhere else(Roam remake video, individual friends for change ads).

thetruth said...

I googled bella. Wtf is that pic of her dressed as a punk/stripper aged like 7?! Sick sick and so sad :( poor poor child

Anonymous said...

My first thought was Bella Thorne, too! She has total Stage Parents.

Selock said...

Bella Thorne came to mind first for me, too!

I have an 8yo who watches that show pretty regularly and Bella's dress & demeanor have also bothered me from the get go. She's a beautiful girl but she more than pushes the limits of wholesomeness for her channel. I find it disturbing enough that I've discussed it with my kid on several occasions. She clearly knows too much for a 14yo - like *knows* it and isn't just putting on a big girl act for the cameras.

And like others, I googled her and found all the stuff on the family, who are certainly being groomed for...all of this. Again, a bit disturbing.

As for who to turn to, isn't this sort of thing why Paul Petersen started A Minor Consideration? Maybe they'd know what to do with such hunches and rumors...

Enty, if you want to help us redeem ourselves from feasting on gossip affecting minors in the industry, maybe we could do a little fundraiser for them?

HolidayinCambodia said...

I like attractive women, and I like sexy photos sometimes, but there is no way I am going to click on that link or go anywhere near a site that I know is sexualizing a 14-year-old.

NaughtyNurse said...

I agree it must be Bella Thorne. Her co-star is "slightly older" with one little year on her. Disgusting and so so sad.

baan said...

I know this is a gossip site, but if I had evidence on s*** like this, I would call child protective services asap. Think of all the teachers who get nationally shamed for statutory rape. Why doesn't that happen for Hollywood?

Jumpshot said...

Why isn’t this blind REVEALED?! Both the men and the parents should be exposed to the public for the trash they are. Anyone who knows exactly who are involved are as bad as the people who are doing it. Why isn’t this reported to Child Protective Services? They will keep the name of who reports it anonymous.

I enjoy blind items as much as anyone but this is not a smutty entertaining blind item, this is harboring pedophiles and the parents who don’t protect their children. If this type of blind isn’t true, it should never be posted. If it is, you have a responsibility to report it to the authorities. This makes me sick.

To report child abuse in Los Angeles County, California, contact the Child Protection Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Toll-free within California, phone (800) 540-4000. If calling from outside of California, phone
phone (213) 639-4500.

Jumpshot said...

baan, we posted the same thought at the same time! Let's hope someone has the integrity to report them.

Ken Shabby said...

Friend deals with many tween handlers and confirmed that Bella is indeed a very wild child acting way beyond her years.

1Jazzimom said...

How does one investigate this when everyone in the know is w/o concious and in cahoots? Disgusting! It's no wonder these kid stars turnout the way they do.

mooshki said...

katsm0711, I want to be happy for you for the link, but I am still in a state of shock from the picture. Yes, she has the pose and attitude of an older girl, but she is just a tiny child! My god, that's disgusting.

mooshki said...

And yes, she looks very much like a victim of sexual abuse.

Bit dams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Day by Day... said...

Laura Marano from "Austin & Ally". She's been in quite of few movies an tv shows and finally is the star of her how. I believe she's only 17. Cops should be tipped about this. Who cares if it's Hollywood. Still kids tht will be messe up the rest of their lives.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Was gonna say Victoria Justice, she looks older than her age and she is on a lot of 'lets look at naked celebs-sites'like Egotastic.

But she is too old.. -.-

0_0 said...

Please. Serious evidence and a media campaign (NY based, maybe) are needed. Has it not been noticed how LA city and county treat basic celebs? How are actual Hollywood honchos going to fare?

If anyone follows Jumpshot's link, please let us know how it turned out.

If I knew anything, sure I would try. But calling about something based on a gossip blog that doesn't even name the people involved? No.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

That Bella-girl.. Don't know her, but damn.. Read about her and saw the bikini-site, gross! Sure looks like it's her.. Also shows parents aren't really hands on, my parents would kick my ass if i was on a website like that, looked all sexed up. GROSS>

Ingrid Superstar said...

I call BS on Red Wolf(10:44 AM), searches turn up no mentions of any leaked cell phone shenanigans, not even in passing.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Red Wolf is clearly thinking of Chloe Grace Moretz who is a tremendous who-ore.

Just kidding. ;)

NYCGirl said...

I also thought of Bella Thorne, although I really don't know who she is other than "girl who was recently in the random photos on vacation (?!) with her 18-year-old boyfriend."

Sick, all right.

Melissa said...

The guy in this pic is a producer on the show "Shake it Up," Chris Thompson. That pretty much says it all, no? YUCK.

Gelfling said...

Clicked on the link to that bikini pic from my iPad and then it took me to a page promoting a porn app! How disturbing :(

Poisonfawn said...

i am so disgusted by hollywood right now! seriously??? i have been researching hollywood for a while, and its secrets. i just google imaged bella thorne, and if she thinks because she 'looks older' that she can sleep with grown men or whatever, ugh!! this really is disgusting!!! these blinds are all terrible!

Poisonfawn said...

and its pretty sad how this turned into some sort of sick game where we all just 'guess who it could be'...we need this to stop!

Poisonfawn said...

i didnt mean she thinks because she looks older she can do it, but that is how this blind is its her fault! this town is ugly! its all about the sexual abuse and compartmentalization of the mind, fracturing it so these 'entertainers' can be good at being entertainers, actresses, singers etc. yes research! project monarch...

Gary T. Burnaska said...

starting to think after the Vatican and then Penn State, Disney, Nick or both of them will be the next major child sex abuse scandal.

3Down6ToGo said...

Poor Bella. Someone save her from those disgusting wastes of skin masquerading as parents. Poor kid.

Anonymous said...

Fear not, folks.

Law enforcement is well aware of this, which is why it is leaking. They have insiders feeding them all kinds of info. If they are competent (a stretch, I know), busts will occur within a few years, hopefully, or at least the behavior will just stop as the studios fire the offenders.

One way or another, this way of doing business in Hollywood is on its last days. You can also thank the internet for that, as it provides alternative employment.

Please do not ask me for more information. I am only quoting what can already be easily discovered by the public, but I do not wish to tip any of the bad guys off.

The good guys are finally winning this battle.

Anonymous said...

Im about thisclose to calling someone. But will i be brushed off because its a BI on a gossip site

Anonymous said...

All righy typed too late. Thanks for that betteroffsingle

doctressjulia said...


The reality is that most men love to fantasize about raping female children. Porn culture and catering to mens' every sick sadistic power "fantasy" has made this somehow more tolerated. I, for one, will NEVER TOLERATE IT.

And, I will never be friends with, date, or associate in any way with men who use pornography. Anyone who gets off by watching women and girls be raped by men is shit to me.


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