Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Marriage From Hell

So, tomorrow is reveal day. The event will start at 9:15 a.m and will continue every 15 minutes until I either run out of items to reveal or pass out from boozing. There will be intermittent breaks during the day for all the Reader Photo posts. There were so many this time that I am going to break them up into 5 or 6 different parts throughout the day. Maybe 7 depending on the late flurry of photo arrivals.

If you thought being married to Tom Cruise was bad, there is someone who has survived a marriage that was even more controlling. Hard to believe. Well, this A lister in the world and in her mind suffered through having someone follow her 24 hours a day. Someone seated in front of her bedroom door when she was inside. The only time she was allowed to wear even the slightest bit of revealing clothes was during a performance. Otherwise if she was not with her husband it was chastity and innocence all the way. There was the tracking device in her phone so in case she got separated from her minders that she could be found quickly. If she went out at night she had to call in and check in every two hours. This was even if she was at the movies and it lasted longer than two hours. This was also despite the fact she had someone with her in his employ. He was always worried she would fall for the guy so he rotated them every few weeks. Guy friends? Not a chance. She was only allowed to go out once or twice a month. She could have friends come over, but only one glass of wine per hour and they had to leave by midnight. All purchases had to be approved in advance. All clothing choices had to be approved in advance. Despite all of this she managed to last way longer in the marriage than anyone thought she would.


  1. Hmmmm...J.Lo & Marc Anthony? They were the first to come to mind.

  2. JLo? Rumor was that Marc A was very controlling. I don't know why JLo would have put up with this for so long though

  3. Mariah Carey and Tommy Mottola.

  4. easy, Mariah Carey when she was married to Mottola.

  5. I'm on the Mariah train

  6. Yeah, I dont think it's J.Lo. Revealing dress at the Oscars, for example....

    I like the Mariah & Tommy guess

    1. Jennifer's "revealing dresses" (or, "'look at me, I need attention' dresses") were before and after Skel-, I mean Marc.

      I am not sure whether this blind is about Jennifer or Mariah, or someone else entirely. I did get the Jennifer/Marc vibe while reading this, though. :/

  7. Mariah was my first thought.

  8. I agree with Mariah. J-Lo would've bailed, and besides Skeletor was busy doing banging of his own.

  9. Yup, Mariah Carey. She had a sweeter, more innocent image when she was married to Mottola. Her sexy side came out afterward

  10. I have to say Mariah and Tommy as well. What is it with guys named Tom...???

  11. This sounds like my marriage. When you say “she lasted”, it’s because she could not escape. You feel powerless and beaten down. I was gone 4 months, and one day I was talking to a friend on the phone and remembered, “ I use to be a fun person”. Starting to think this isn’t uncommon. We look down on cultures that oppress women, at least they own it.

    1. I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I just felt your comment needed to be aknowledged, and want to wish you happiness.

    2. I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I just felt your comment needed to be aknowledged, and want to wish you happiness.

  12. Definitely Mariah Carey and Tommy Mottola. I remember reading articles and interviews she gave (YEARS ago) where she talked about how controlling he was. The clothing, the friends, everything mentioned in this blind she has talked about in the past.

  13. Mariah. This is why her clothing became so over the top after she finally "escaped".

  14. Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey??

    what the hell..

    1. But sounds like this one did not have as much fun as those two.

  15. Mariah. This is why her clothing became so over the top after she finally "escaped".

  16. I guess no way Madonna could fit?

  17. Marie Osmond?


    Oh, come on, admit it, you laughed!

  18. I was thinking Mariah, but I don't think cell phones were very common when she was married to Tommy.

  19. mariah carey all the way. i didn't even have to finish reading it

  20. No way this can be Mariah, SHE ruled him with an iron fist. She had that man whupped, to the point at her Birthday party in Rye playland NY, she kept telling him to clean up after the dogs, now if this was for show, then she's a helluva good actress.

  21. Tommy had Mariah on an estate in Westchester, she didn't drive ..she always says she was a prisoner

  22. @deree--EXACTLY what I was going to write.
    She overexposes--to her great detriment--on a constant basis because she wasn't allowed to expose anything during her marriage to Mottola.

  23. I could see J Lo in that the clothes during a performance would include walking the red carpet. That's a performance of sorts. And think about it, you would mostly see her with him at all times. Rarely out and about without Marc. That being said, I totally could also see Mariah.

  24. Definitely Mimi. She's been pretty open about most of the things mentined here.

  25. @ Patty - True, cell/mobile phones were not common amongst the unwashed masses when she was married to Tommy, but the wealthy/famous/important have had access to them commercially since the early-mid 80's, like Gordon Gekko and his DynaTac in Wall Street.

  26. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Celine Dion for the win.

  27. I would be on board with the Mariah/Tommy guess EXCEPT for the fact that the blind mentions her cell phone being tracked. They were married from 93-98. That sort of technology was just not available during their marriage. Basic cellphones were only beginning to enter the marketplace during the latter part of their marriage.

  28. I feel bad, but Christina Aguilera came to my mind first.

  29. Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony

  30. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I got my first cell phone in 1996. So, it could very well fit the time line of Mariah (esp being rich and famous, I had a friend whos loaded father got her a cell phone in the very early 90s) . As for tracking technologies- maybe it wasn't the sophisticated GPS of today, but I am sure he could've bugged her phone or something to that effect.

  31. It sounds like Mariah, but I don't know why Enty would say "A-lister in the world and in her mind." Love her or hate her, Mariah Carey is an A-list celebrity.

  32. Hooray for blind reveals tomorrow!

    Tomorrow is also my one year anniversary as a CDAN reader! I found this place via Dlisted, I got sucked in with the blind reveals and stayed for gossip and entertaining readers. Most everyone is far more respectful of each other than most places, which keeps me coming back. Thanks for a great gossipy, entertaining year!

  33. Dont you guys remember the Zak Morris cell phone? They were around longer than people remember lol. Also, it says tracking device not that he was tracking her using information from the phone, I'm sure tracking devices have been around a long time.

  34. @Amanda 0825- when I was in the Navy in 1991 I saw my first cell phone- dude was on deck when we were pulling out of the harbor talking on it. It was connected by a cord to the battery pack, which was on the ship's deck. Then when we went to Hong Kong in 1992 cell phones were EVERYWHERE. I was amazed- had never seen anything like it. Within a few years they were everywhere in the States. So, they were not widely available, but they were out there. I'm sure the head of a major recording company had the very latest technology available.

  35. LOL @nuna, I totally laughed!

    Mimi FTW. Why do you think she married that boy toy (who I think is absolutely adorable btw)?

  36. Mariah and Mattola

  37. I'm thinking it's someone other than Mariah myself just due to the technology. I think that may be a big part of the clue. Although I have no idea who..

  38. @M, I think that just refers to her "divatude." Anyway, if Mariah has already said all this, then I guess this isn't really a blind.

  39. Mottola's a scary guy. Let's leave it at that. Men in the record industry esp. always had to have the first of any toys that came on the market. I'm on team Mimi for this one.

  40. YES!!! Mariah Carey and Tommy Mottola.

  41. mimi was my 2nd guess and upon rereading i'm shifting to that. i don't think anyone would ever describe jlo as "chastity and innocence all the way" with or without marc antony. but mariah def had a sweet/innocent image in her early years then broke out with the sexy "honey," etc as her marriage was ending.

  42. Mariah for sure. When she left him that is when she became a butterfly. All the butterfly crap, jewelry, tattoos and slutty clothes that still dominates her wardrobe. She was free from his tyranny!

    Since so many people brought up JLo... So JLo is supposed to be downlow Co$. How did her divorce of Skeletor work? Does she have sole custody?

  43. @Steph - me too! Tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary on here - I mostly lurked just now started posting occasionally.

  44. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Voting for j.lo if you believe the Ted stuff... Sounds similar

  45. Anonymous11:57 AM

    My first thought was J-Ho

  46. Not Mariah...she would hit on the landscapers at her upstate estate. She seemed very lonely and ignored. :(. At least back in the day when married to T.M.

  47. I was thinking the cell phone tracker didn't fit Mariah's timeline either.

  48. Jesus, how old are you people who don't think there were cell phones when Mariah and Mottola were married??

  49. How about Heidi Klum and Seal?

  50. Anastasia and Christian hahahah perfect guess.

  51. Mariah and Tommy.

  52. Not an ounce of sympathy for any woman that would allow herself to be treated in this manner. Where is her sense of self worth? She needs serious psychological help. Absolutely no one to blame but herself.

    1. The abuser is to blame, and it's ignorant and offensive to say otherwise... I think it's Mimi and Motolla, personally.

    2. Thanks for the victim blaming, Bob. Much appreciated.

    3. I just finished a domestic violence course and tour victim-blaming is very common and Very sad. Their are a lot of psychological tactics used to keep victims in the relationship. It's not as simple as you make it out to be.

  53. Great comment re July 4th reveals came from a reader named "Altar Boy" over the weekend.

    It cracked me up:

    "All hail the all-powerful Enty and his holiday reveals. May Hollywood run for cover."

  54. I'm on the Mimi & Tommy train. He was extremely possessive and if proof is in the pudding look at his marriage now. Thalia is totally different that what she used to be. Before her marriage to him she was all over the Spanish media. Once she married him it was less and less...she's probably trapped with those bebes.

  55. I'm on the Mimi & Tommy train. He was extremely possessive and if proof is in the pudding look at his marriage now. Thalia is totally different that what she used to be. Before her marriage to him she was all over the Spanish media. Once she married him it was less and less...she's probably trapped with those bebes.

  56. Kim Basinger/Alec Baldwin

  57. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Yes Tommy was apparently a nightmare to live with. Poor Mariah.
    I just got the feeling that this blind was more recent...??

  58. On board with Mariah & Tommy. Poor Mimi. Glad she got out of that mess!

  59. Don't know if it's Mimi or not in the BI, but I had a cell phone in '93, and I'm nobody special. I needed it for work.

  60. @Vikingwench Cool story. I had no idea!

  61. Could it be a country music singer? We haven't thrown any names out yet in that genre...

  62. Mariah Carey and her ex-husband

  63. I love when people blame the victim...

    Regarding the technology, my mother had a cell phone in 95 and we are in Brazil and this kind of technology became available long AFTER it was available in the US.

    With that in mind and having read Mariah interviews in which she states Tommy was a controlling asshole and remembering what kind of attire was her thing back then, I'm totally jumping on this train.

    Mariah and Douche Mottola FTW.

  64. Gordon Gekko had a cell phone in Wall Street, 1987, ok it was the size of a brick but it was still a portable talking device

  65. I don't think Mimi Rogers qualifies as A List, but I like the guess.
    JLo is A List, but I don't think she'd put up with this treatment for as long as she did.
    Mariah fits except for the cell phone tracker.
    I'm thinking maybe this is a more modern break up.
    Maybe the Tom Cruise reference is a diversion to make us think it isn't him when it is?

  66. The video for Mariah's song honey was suposed to mimic her life with him. The album came out right after the divorce

  67. Yeah, for some inane reason I heard female A-lister and thought Julia Roberts, but....no. Mariah. It's open knowledge I thought that TOmmy Motola was controlling bordering on insane.

  68. You guys beat me to it! Mariah Carrey and Tommy M. Rumor has it that he is doing this to his current wife, Thalia, too.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Are either Mariah or J-Lo A listers? Seriously? I thought they were wannabes!

  71. Is it just me or does it seem like anytime you talk about batshit crazy power brokers, record producers seem to top the list?

  72. My grandmother paid for my car phone so she wouldn't worry about my long commute to and from work. This was in 1989 or 90. On the other hand, my grandfather was a salesman and had a ship to shore phone in his car in the 1950s.

    I think I switched to a handset-only model sometime around 93.

    PS: We are/were SO not rich. If I had access to the technology, anyone could get it.

  73. I bought a 1988 Dodge Daytona and had a cell phone installed in it. Had to sell it when I sold the car, as it had a cord that attached it to a gigantic box under the front seat. It was like a brick and for $35 I got 30 minutes a month.... lol

  74. I think this is Mariah. This almost indentical toe all the stories about them that began coming out during and after their marriage. She stayed as long as she did because she was afraid of him. Hopefully this gets revealed, but I'll be shocked if it wasn't Mariah. And for those who think they didn't have the technology then, they certainly did. Not for everyday people, but if you had the money, you could have had this done.

  75. On Charlie's Angels, they had ROTARY princess-style car phones. I don't know if they were ship-to-shore back then, or just fake, because I only saw car phones in the 70's on television.

    But I am chiming in to reinforce that yes, cell phones were available throughout the 90's. Just like VCR's started out, though, they started as a super-luxury, super-expensive items, but they did exist.

  76. I like the Shania/Mutt guess but I think Enty would have mentioned the wife was foreign born.

  77. @Seaward: Some of are are old BUT the use of tracking on cell phones is a software issue on the handset that would require the person to download it. I question whether there was software created at that time to offer this feature. Yes, there were cell phones and not neccesarily the brick but the ability to track where they were without tower triangulation (and not all that accurate to boot) wasn't even created until a little later. Helps being older sometimes.

  78. @Boobs U, well said! been there, done that. @Bob could spend some time at a women's shelter & see it's not about lack of backbone.

    as for the blind, mimi & t.m. sound like just the ticket, altho based on what i read about celebrities, this could apply to a lot of couples.

  79. If he's talking about A list in the past perhaps Robin Givens and Mike Tyson? Dont know if she was ever really A list but she sure thought she was. Performance, eh, had to go with Mariah then. I remember at the time she said he sufficated her.

  80. My mom sold cell phones on the side in '89. They came in a hard leather case half the size of a brief case but wider. Inside was a handset and full size phone cord. It was heavy and cumbersome, but that was an early one. I dont think she ever unloaded one of them.

  81. @Me...I know exactly what you mean. Not what I signed up for. Hold on.

  82. I'm getting a Mariah and Tommy Mattola vibe from this post. He is way cray-cray.

  83. Sorry, gang, but it cannot be Mariah and Mottola. They were married in the 90s before phones had tracking devices. Also, she's spoken about the marriage many times and, although she has complaints about him, she doesn't claim that he was controlling in this way.

  84. Seriously. Sometimes you wonder if people realize they are on the Internet and can Google things.

    a) Mimi & Tommy were married 93-98. Maybe it's just b/c I worked on the transition that I was so aware of the timing, but when AT&T's merger with McCaw Cellular (CellularOne) completed in 1994 (that marriage started in 1993 too!) there were 20 MILLION cellular subscribers in the US. See http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1994/12/12/80051/index.htm for reference.

    b) Enty very specifically says "the tracking device IN her phone" - not software, not tracking the cell phone itself - a tracking device. Those were ridiculously small even back then and certainly affordable to people with the means Mottola had. Yes, the could easily fit into the battery compartment of a standard mobile phone then.

    If its not Mariah? It's someone who went through shockingly similar experiences. Either way - glad she got out.

  85. Didn't anyone watch the X-files? Tracking stuff was all over the place as were cells. The X-files came out the fall of 1993. This is easily Mariah and Tommy. Mariah also got her boobs done after it was over with Tommy.

  86. Mariah Carey and Tommy Mottola.

  87. OT but I just wanted to say how excited I am for my first reveal day! I've been reading since Feb and watched the Himmmm stuff blow up in real time (which was... whoa). Hopefully I will comment a bit more even though I am terrible at guessing the blinds.

    On topic, I think I am on board with Mariah, even though the phone thing doesn't seem quite right (tracking devices in the 90s?).

  88. For those who don't think the technology was around in the 1990s, may I introduce you to Squidgygate:


  89. It is 100%, without a doubt Celine Dion.

  90. Enty is that 1215 Ca time? We are driving out to the Hamptons and want our reveals!!!

  91. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony. He seems like a total control freak.

  92. Not revealed yet, but I think this is Mariah and Tommy

  93. Marc Anthony IS a HUGE control freak. My friend knew him in college and he dated her friend. The friend was miserable and he controled everything she did and what she wore. She finally got rid of the blood sucker, but it wasn't easy.

    I also heard Marc controled JLo on movie sets and he had to ok the color of her nail polish with him. He's a bastard.



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