Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Blind Item #2

What singer that never releases any records; prefers being an actress and is really good at it got tired of not making any money off her pap photos. Beginning about a week ago she has someone who travels with her and takes photos of her all the time. She then sells the photos to agencies. She says she got the idea when she was at the White House and saw the photographers that follow the President.


  1. Mandy Moore? I like to think that she doesn't care about stuff like that, though. She seems so normal and well-adjusted.

  2. I was going to say JLo but then I finished reading the first sentence.

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    ummm, uh....ahhhh....errr....hmmmm...I got nothing. I am in reader photo 15 yesterday with my twin brother. Love you all!!

  4. Cher?

    Trying to think of someone somewhat inaccessible most of the time, who might actually be able to sell something (and who acts).

    Cher doesn't do much acting either, though. Hmmm.

  5. Easy! Leanne Rimes.

  6. Blohan, perhaps?

  7. Scratch that; I re-read and saw it said really good at being an actress.

  8. Jada Pinkett Smith is in a band and they were just at the White House recently

  9. Jennifer Love Hewitt? She had a single or two back in the 90's, and has sung for movies she's done.


    Plus, you know, she seems more likely to do something like this than Streisand or someone of that stature.

  10. The wording makes me think this was a singer first, actress second.

    I thought of Moore, too, but I don't think it's her. Hmm.

  11. Jennifer Hudson gets my vote.

  12. Jennifer Hudson is an interesting guess, but I honestly don't see her doing something like this. She seems so grounded and sweet. Maybe Barbara Streisand?

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Grounded and sweet. Lovely. Oh she used tto sell crack out of her house before idol. But I'm sure she's still sweet.

  13. Although it would seem out of character for JHud, everything else fits - plus, it makes a little more sense that she would be at the White House than other singers-turned-actresses.

    Plus, she's really the only singer I can think of that could be described as a good actress.

  14. Jessica? Actually a good actress? Good one! ;)

  15. Ab-so-lute-ly Lee Ann Rimes.

  16. A singer that never releases any records. Is that never ever has released anything? or hasn't released anything lately?

  17. Jennifer Love Hewitt is nutty enough to think she is in demand enough to warrant this. She'll be engaged to the guy in no time!

    Then once they're engaged, he'll stop doing that and she'll have to hire another photographer. She'll then break up with her fiancee, get engaged to the new guy. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. It'll be a fiancee factory!

    Fiancees. Made fresh daily.

  18. Me!

    But nobody's buying the photos dammit!

  19. Really good at acting (and has been to the White House) sounds like J-Hud, BUT she released new music just last year.

    Doesn't appear Leann Rimes has been to the White House and I don't think Enty would call her good at acting (unless he considers her acting 'surprised' at being photographed quite good).

    Not sure who fits ALL the clues though.

  20. I thought Babs too, but she's not really papped. This is a hard one.

  21. I'm with @yodelay, Mariah seems likely. She is a good actress.

  22. Scarlett Johansson?

  23. Singer first..ScarJo is not a singer per se. And def not JLove..she's not much of a singer either but bless her heart. She so wanted to be.

  24. @Sherry You are right, but I interpreted the singer bit as Enty just being facetious.

  25. Umm, is Rihanna possible? I never saw her in battleship, but she has three more movies coming out between now and this time next year.

  26. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I was going to say Mandy, she's the only one who I can think of that doesn't produce records and switched completly over to movies, but doesn't sound like her

    Like the Rihanna guess

  27. What about Zooey D? She is a singer, I don't know if she has actually released any records and everyone touts her as a great actress. Plus she was photographed at the White House Correspondents dinner and from her public persona, I could see her being precocious enough to try this. Not in a cocky way, but more of a "if they are gonna make money, I might as well make the money instead...." attitude. But she was also an actress first, no?! I'm not very good at the blinds....

  28. Jessica Simpson prefers being an actress and is good at it. She acts like a dingbat (she's pretty shrewd) and acts like she's going to marry the football player (everyone knows that will never happen.) Oh, and she acts like her dad is normal.

  29. Streisand all the way

  30. I like captivagrl's guess - Queen Latifah.

  31. I thought of Queen Latifah too!

  32. Its not Zooey Deschanel she has released three pretty successful album's with M. Ward under the name She & Him.

  33. I'm such a nerd. I couldn't read anything past "What singer THAT..." Makes me crazy.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Why no one guess Eva Longoria? She fits this perfectly.

  36. This is Jennifer Hudson all the way. She's only had 2 albums that no one can even name, she's won an acting oscar and she has performed at the white house. Not to mention there are more and more pap photos of her.

  37. Anonymous1:14 PM

    ok whoever said that Jessica Simpson is pretty good at asking deserves 10 lashes with a wet noodle. When was Jessica Simpson ever good at anything? Any business venture is all Papa, and she can't sing or act worth a plug nickel.

  38. I thought this was the flawless Jill Scott, but she and Jennifer Hudson *both* released records last year!

  39. Lol I hope it *is* Latifah. Get it, girl!!!

  40. Jennifer Hudson in Random photos... I think we have a winner.

  41. Random photos probably just show people we discuss...not necessarily "the winner,"

  42. Is Queen Latifah a singer or a rapper?

  43. I was thinking Cher. I don't think there's any singer who was a better actress (Diana Ross?) Problem with this being Cher is that she's got a built-in fan base who would eat up her photos.

  44. I was thinking Lee Ann Rimes.

  45. I'm on the JHud train for this one. I don't think it's a bad thing, if she doesn't mind giving up her privacy to get some publicity. She doesn't strike me as an attention whore, but her career is kind of teetering into obscurity.

  46. Mariah, haha, NOT a good actress, rated high on the tomato meter. What has Leann been in? Dont like her but she is a phenomenal singer and needs to put a break on her psychotically codependent relationship and get me another album, it's all about me, Leanne (sp). I LOVE the Cher idea, she is a BRILLIANT actress, from Silkwood, to Mask to Moonstruck. Wow.

  47. Good actress knocks Madonna through a plate glass window even before you get to the part about not releasing records, in case anyone was going to throw her cone bra into the ring. ;)

  48. Cher doesn't need the money from the photos. JHud for the win.

  49. i was thinking Leann too - but think it's a stretch to say she's a good actress tho. who was at the white house recently?

  50. Mandy Moore...all the way. Madonna and JLo just put out albums. Besides, Madonna and JLo are horrible actresses. Horrible.



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